bbotbuild2 build bot 7 dayssummarylogtree
bdepbuild2 project dependency manager 2 weekssummarylogtree
bdep-utilextra build2 project management utilities 6 monthssummarylogtree
bpkgbuild2 package dependency manager 3 dayssummarylogtree
bpkg-utilextra build2 package management utilities 6 monthssummarylogtree
brepbuild2 package repository web interface 2 weekssummarylogtree
build2build2 build system 6 dayssummarylogtree
build2-toolchainbuild2 toolchain amalgamation 47 hourssummarylogtree
buildosbuild2 build os 5 weekssummarylogtree
changebuild2 change development (bug/feature/etc tracker) 7 yearssummarylogtree
etcbuild2 extra development files (helper scripts, checklists, etc) 3 weekssummarylogtree
libbbotbuild2 build bot library 4 weekssummarylogtree
libbpkgbuild2 package manager library 5 weekssummarylogtree
libbutlbuild2 utility library 4 weekssummarylogtree
libbutl.bashbuild2 utility library for bash 9 monthssummarylogtree
libstd-modulesstandard library modules (std.*) 2 yearssummarylogtree
msvc-linuxmsvc as from-linux cross-compiler 9 monthssummarylogtree
openssl-agentOpenSSL key agent 9 monthssummarylogtree
stylebuild2 shared documentation styles (used as submodule) 4 yearssummarylogtree
hellobuild2 toolchain "hello world" example program 10 monthssummarylogtree
hello0build2 toolchain zero-dependency "hello world" example program 3 yearssummarylogtree
libformatbuild2 toolchain "hello world" example formatter library 10 monthssummarylogtree
libhellobuild2 toolchain "hello world" example library 10 monthssummarylogtree
libprintbuild2 toolchain "hello world" example printer library 10 monthssummarylogtree
repositorygit repository of "hello world" example package repository 6 yearssummarylogtree
cmark-gfm/cmark-gfmbuild2 packages for GitHub Flavored Markdown parser 10 monthssummarylogtree
curl/ca-certificates-curlbuild2 packages for cURL CA certificates 6 monthssummarylogtree
curl/curlbuild2 packages for cURL toolkit 6 monthssummarylogtree
expat/expatbuild2 packages for Expat library 7 monthssummarylogtree
icu/icubuild2 packages for ICU library 7 monthssummarylogtree
libapr/libapr1build2 package for APR library 10 monthssummarylogtree
libapreq/libapreq2build2 package for apreq library 4 yearssummarylogtree
mariadb/libmariadbbuild2 package for MariaDB C client library 4 yearssummarylogtree
mysql/libmysqlclientbuild2 package for MySQL C client library 5 yearssummarylogtree
mysql/mysqlbuild2 packages for MySQL database management system 3 weekssummarylogtree
openssl/opensslbuild2 packages for OpenSSL toolkit 9 monthssummarylogtree
pkgconf/libpkgconfbuild2 package for pkgconf library 5 yearssummarylogtree
pkgconf/pkgconfbuild2 packages for pkgconf toolkit 22 monthssummarylogtree
postgresql/libpqbuild2 package for PostgreSQL C client library 5 yearssummarylogtree
postgresql/postgresqlbuild2 packages for PostgreSQL database management system 5 monthssummarylogtree
sqlite/sqlitebuild2 packages for SQLite database engine 15 monthssummarylogtree
vcpkg/vcpkgbuild2 package for vcpkg library manager 5 yearssummarylogtree
xerces-c/xerces-cbuild2 packages for Xerces-C++ library 2 weekssummarylogtree
zlib/zlibbuild2 packages for zlib library 10 monthssummarylogtree
advonlytest repository with advertised commits only 6 yearssummarylogtree
bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/libbarbpkg test repository with libbar library (advonly, initial state) 12 monthssummarylogtree
bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/libfoobpkg test repository with libfoo library (advonly, initial state) 12 monthssummarylogtree
bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/stylebpkg test repository with doc style library (advonly, initial state) 12 monthssummarylogtree
bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/style-basicbpkg test repository with doc basic style library (advonly, initial state) 12 monthssummarylogtree
bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state1/libbazbpkg test repository with libbaz library (advonly, final state) 12 monthssummarylogtree