Version 0.9.0 * New bdep-release command for managing a project's version during release. This command can be used to automatically change the project's version from snapshot to release (or the other way around), commit this change, tag this commit, and push everything to the remote. See the "Versioning and Release Management" in The build2 Toolchain Introduction for usage examples as well as the bdep-release(1) man pages for details. * New 'binless' option for the bdep-new 'c++' language parameter. This option allows creation of a simpler buildfile for header-only (and, in the future, for module-only) libraries. For example: $ bdep new -l c++,binless ... * New --jobs|-j option for specifying the number of jobs to perform in parallel. * CI requests from the staged toolchain are now by default sent to * New --no-progress option for suppressing progress indicators. Version 0.8.0 * New bdep-ci command for submitting package test requests to CI servers. See bdep-ci(1) for details. * New bdep-publish command for publishing packages to archive-based repositories. See bdep-publish(1) for details. * New unit-tests project type option for the bdep-new command. If specified (-t exe,unit-tests or -t lib,unit-tests) then generate build infrastructure for unit testing. * Ability to suppress auto-synchronization via the BDEP_SYNC environment variable. If BDEP_SYNC is set, auto-synchronization will only be performed if its value is true or 1. So to suppress, run: $ BDEP_SYNC=0 b Version 0.7.0 * First public release.