// file : bdep/fetch.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include #include using namespace std; namespace bdep { int cmd_fetch (const cmd_fetch_options& o, cli::scanner&) { tracer trace ("fetch"); dir_path prj ( find_project_packages (o, true /* ignore_packages */).project); database db (open (prj, trace)); transaction t (db.begin ()); configurations cfgs (find_configurations (prj, t, o)); t.commit (); bool first (true); for (const shared_ptr& c: cfgs) { if (c->packages.empty ()) { info << "no packages initialized in configuration " << *c; continue; } // If we are fetching in multiple configurations, separate them with a // blank line and print the configuration name/directory. // if (verb && cfgs.size () > 1) { text << (first ? "" : "\n") << "fetching in configuration " << *c; first = false; } // Let's use the repository name rather than the location as a sanity // check (the repository must have been added as part of init). // run_bpkg (o, "fetch", "-d", c->path, (o.full () ? nullptr : ("dir:" + prj.string ()).c_str ())); } return 0; } }