// file : bdep/publish.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file include ; "\section=1" "\name=bdep-publish" "\summary=publish project to archive repository" namespace bdep { { " ", "\h|SYNOPSIS| \c{\b{bdep publish} [] [] []} \c{ = (\b{--directory}|\b{-d} )... | \n = \b{--directory}|\b{-d} \n = \b{@} | \b{--config}|\b{-c} } \h|DESCRIPTION| The \cb{publish} command published the project packages to an archive-based repository. If no project or package directory is specified, then the current working directory is assumed. If no configuration is specified, then the default configuration is used to prepare the package distributions. See \l{bdep-projects-configs(1)} for details on specifying projects and configurations. For each specified package the \cb{publish} command prepares a package archive and sends it as part of the package submission request to an archive-based repository. If the repository is not explicitly specified with the \cb{--repository} option, packages are published to \cb{cppget.org} by default. Along with the package archive, the submission request specifies the project the package belongs to, the repository section to publish the package under, the control repository URL to use for authorization, and the publisher's email address for notifications. While the exact usage and interpretation of this information depends on the specific repository, the following semantics apply when submitting to \cb{cppget.org}. The project information is used to group related packages together. For example, \cb{hello} and \cb{libhello} are likely to be part of the same project called \cb{hello}. @@ TODO. The section specifies the desired repository section to publish the project under. If not explicitly specified with the \cb{--section} option, one of the \cb{alpha}, \cb{beta}, or \cb{stable} values are automatically derived from the package version. The control repository URL is a publicly accessible, read-only URL to a version control repository (normally the same as the project's) that is used to authenticate the publisher as someone authorized to publish under this package name (currently only \cb{git(1)} is supported). Prior to sending the submission request, the \cb{publish} command adds the package archive checksum to the \cb{build2-control} branch of the project's version control repository. Upon receiving the submission request, the archive repository either (1) associates the control repository with the package name if this is the first time this package name is published or (2) compares the submitted control repository to the previously associated and, if matching, queries the \cb{build2-control} branch to verify that the submitter is authorized to publish this archive under this package name. Unless the control repository URL is specified with the \cb{--control} option, it will be automatically derived from the version control's \"remote\" URL. In case of \cb{git(1)}, it will be based on the \cb{remote.origin.url} configuration value unless overridden with \cb{remote.origin.build2ControlUrl}. The special \cb{none} value to the \cb{--control} option can be used to disable this functionality. See \l{brep#submit Package Submission} for details on the submission request handling by archive repositories. " } class cmd_publish_options: project_options { "\h|PUBLISH OPTIONS|" bool --yes|-y { "Don't prompt for confirmation before publishing." } string --control { "", "Control repository URL for the packages being published." } url --repository = "https://cppget.org" { "", "Repository to publish the packages to." } string --section { "", "Repository section to publish the packages under." } string --email { "", "Publisher's email address for notifications. If unspecified, one will be obtained from the environment and/or version control system. See the ENVIRONMENT section for details." } }; "\h|ENVIRONMENT| The \cb{BDEP_EMAIL} environment variable can be used to specify the publisher's email address. If not set, the \cb{publish} command will first try to obtain the email from the version control system (if used) and then from the \cb{EMAIL} environment variable. See also the \cb{--email} option. " }