This guide shows how to install and configure the bpkg-rep-publish script to update and publish an archive-based bpkg repository that is stored in a git repository. Normally the bpkg repository is signed and synchronized to a remote host. Both of these operations usually requires authentication so here we assume that you have arranged for the password-less repository signing and ssh authentication (for example, using unlocked private keys, ssh-agent and openssl-agent, etc). See also the documentation at the beginning of bpkg-rep-publish for details on the script's operation. 1. Create 'bpub' User This user will be used to run the bpkg-rep-publish script. We will also use its home directory to build and install bpkg-rep package, clone the git repository, create the logs directory, etc. We create this user with a disabled password so only root will be able to operate as bpub. Because of this restriction we will allow bpub to run sudo without a password: # adduser --disabled-password bpub # echo "bpub ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/bpub # chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/bpub In the rest of this guide commands that start with the $ shell prompt are expected to be executed as the bpub user and in its home directory (those that start with # as above are run as root). To change to the bpub user from root, do: # su -l bpub 2. Install Prerequisites a) Install a C++ compiler and git using your distribution's packages. b) Unless you already have the build2 toolchain, install it by following instructions on 3. Build and Install bpkg-rep. $ mkdir bpkg-rep $ cd bpkg-rep $ bpkg create \ cc \ config.bin.rpath=$HOME/install/lib \ config.install.root=$HOME/install $ bpkg build bpkg-rep,bpkg@ $ bpkg install -a $ cd .. # Back to bpub home. 4. Configure the repository update and synchronization. Pre-clone the git repository containing the bpkg repository and create the log directory: $ git clone $ mkdir foo.log Note that the bpkg repository contents are expected to be in the foo/1/ subdirectory (see bpkg-rep-publish for details). Perform the initial publication to test the setup and make the subsequent synchronizations incremental. Here you may need to pass additionall bpkg-rep-create(1) and rsync(1) options to the bpkg-rep-publish script. $ install/bin/bpkg-rep-publish -d foo ... Setup publishing as a cron job (every 5 minutes in this example): $ crontab -l PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin 0/5 * * * * $HOME/install/bin/bpkg-rep-publish -d --log-dir $HOME/queue.log --lock-timeout 600 $HOME/foo ...