diff options
3 files changed, 1295 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.cxx b/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.cxx
index b3b50aa..4db5e7d 100644
--- a/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.cxx
+++ b/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.cxx
@@ -1681,9 +1681,12 @@ namespace bpkg
// given that the deviated dependents are not very common, we just
// postpone their re-collection.
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "schedule re-collection of deviated "
+ << "existing dependent " << *ed.selected
+ << ed.db;});
recollect_existing_dependent (options,
- true /* reconfigure */,
@@ -3652,6 +3655,87 @@ namespace bpkg
throw merge_configuration {cfg.depth};
+ // Note that there can be some non-negotiated clusters which
+ // have been merged based on the shadow cluster into the
+ // resulting (being) negotiated cluster. If we had negotiated
+ // such non-negotiated clusters normally, we would query
+ // existing dependents for the dependencies they contain and
+ // consider them in the negotiation process by re-evaluating
+ // them (see collect_build_postponed() for details). But if we
+ // force-merge a non-negotiated cluster into the (being)
+ // negotiated cluster then the existing dependents of its
+ // dependencies won't participate in the negotiation, unless we
+ // take care of that now. We will recognize such dependencies as
+ // not yet (being) recursively collected and re-collect their
+ // existing dependents, if any.
+ //
+ vector<existing_dependent> depts;
+ string deps_trace;
+ for (const package_key& d: cfg.dependencies)
+ {
+ build_package* p (entered_build (d));
+ // Must be collected at least non-recursively.
+ //
+ assert (p != nullptr);
+ if (p->recursive_collection)
+ continue;
+ bool add_deps_trace (verb >= 5);
+ for (existing_dependent& ed:
+ query_existing_dependents (trace,
+ options,
+ d.db,
+ d.name,
+ fdb,
+ rpt_depts,
+ replaced_vers))
+ {
+ if (add_deps_trace)
+ {
+ deps_trace += p->available_name_version_db () + ' ';
+ // Make sure the dependency is only listed once in the
+ // trace record.
+ //
+ add_deps_trace = false;
+ }
+ // Add the existing dependent to the list, suppressing
+ // duplicates.
+ //
+ if (find_if (depts.begin (), depts.end (),
+ [&ed] (const existing_dependent& d)
+ {
+ return d.selected->name == ed.selected->name &&
+ d.db == ed.db;
+ }) == depts.end ())
+ {
+ depts.push_back (move (ed));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!depts.empty ())
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "cfg-postponing dependent "
+ << pkg.available_name_version_db ()
+ << " adds not (being) collected dependencies "
+ << deps_trace << "with not (being) collected "
+ << "existing dependents to (being) negotiated "
+ << "cluster and results in " << cfg
+ << ", throwing recollect_existing_dependents";});
+ // Don't print the "while satisfying..." chain.
+ //
+ dep_chain.clear ();
+ throw recollect_existing_dependents {cfg.depth, move (depts)};
+ }
// Up-negotiate the configuration and if it has changed, throw
// retry_configuration to the try/catch frame corresponding to
// the negotiation of the outermost merged cluster in order to
@@ -4809,12 +4893,6 @@ namespace bpkg
postponed_configurations postponed_cfgs_;
- struct recollect_dependent
- {
- size_t depth;
- existing_dependent dependent;
- };
size_t depth (pcfg != nullptr ? pcfg->depth : 0);
string t ("collect_build_postponed (" + to_string (depth) + ')');
@@ -4976,9 +5054,12 @@ namespace bpkg
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "schedule re-collection of deviated "
+ << "existing dependent " << *ed.selected
+ << ed.db;});
recollect_existing_dependent (o,
- true /* reconfigure */,
@@ -5049,9 +5130,10 @@ namespace bpkg
l5 ([&]{trace << "re-evaluation of existing dependent "
<< b->available_name_version_db () << " failed "
<< "due to merge configuration cycle for "
- << *pcfg << ", throwing recollect_dependent";});
+ << *pcfg << ", throwing "
+ << "recollect_existing_dependents";});
- throw recollect_dependent {e.depth, move (ed)};
+ throw recollect_existing_dependents {e.depth, {move (ed)}};
ed.reevaluated = true;
@@ -5470,6 +5552,35 @@ namespace bpkg
if (!p->recursive_collection)
+ package_key pk (p->db, p->name ());
+ auto pi (postponed_deps.find (pk));
+ if (pi != postponed_deps.end ())
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skip re-collection of dep-postponed package "
+ << pk;});
+ // Note that here we would re-collect the package without
+ // specifying any configuration for it.
+ //
+ pi->second.wout_config = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const postponed_configuration* pcfg (
+ postponed_cfgs.find_dependency (pk));
+ if (pcfg != nullptr)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skip re-collection of dep-postponed package "
+ << pk << " since already in cluster " << *pcfg;});
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
build_package_refs dep_chain;
collect_build_prerequisites (o,
@@ -5750,7 +5861,7 @@ namespace bpkg
pc->set_shadow_cluster (move (shadow));
- catch (const recollect_dependent& e)
+ catch (const recollect_existing_dependents& e)
// If this is not "our problem", then keep looking.
@@ -5784,18 +5895,23 @@ namespace bpkg
pc->shadow_cluster.clear ();
- l5 ([&]{trace << "cfg-negotiation of " << *pc << " failed due "
- << "to merge configuration cycle while "
- << "re-evaluating existing dependent "
- << *e.dependent.selected << e.dependent.db
- << ", scheduling its re-collection";});
- recollect_existing_dependent (o,
- e.dependent,
- false /* reconfigure */,
- replaced_vers,
- postponed_recs,
- postponed_cfgs);
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "cfg-negotiation of " << *pc << " failed due to "
+ << "some existing dependents related problem, "
+ << "scheduling their re-collection";});
+ for (const existing_dependent& ed: e.dependents)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "schedule re-collection of "
+ << (!ed.dependency ? "deviated " : "")
+ << "existing dependent " << *ed.selected
+ << ed.db;});
+ recollect_existing_dependent (o,
+ ed,
+ replaced_vers,
+ postponed_recs,
+ postponed_cfgs);
+ }
@@ -6732,8 +6848,9 @@ namespace bpkg
catch (const reeval_deviated&)
r.push_back (
- existing_dependent {
- ddb, move (dsp), nullopt, {}, package_key {db, name}, nullopt});
+ existing_dependent {ddb, move (dsp),
+ nullopt, {},
+ package_key {db, name}, nullopt});
@@ -6856,7 +6973,6 @@ namespace bpkg
void build_packages::
recollect_existing_dependent (const pkg_build_options& o,
const existing_dependent& ed,
- bool reconfigure,
replaced_versions& replaced_vers,
postponed_packages& postponed_recs,
postponed_configurations& postponed_cfgs)
@@ -6867,7 +6983,9 @@ namespace bpkg
uint16_t flags (build_package::build_recollect);
- if (reconfigure)
+ // Reconfigure the deviated dependents.
+ //
+ if (!ed.dependency)
flags |= build_package::adjust_reconfigure;
build_package p {
diff --git a/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.hxx b/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.hxx
index 5b4db84..1c3bc09 100644
--- a/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.hxx
+++ b/bpkg/pkg-build-collect.hxx
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
#include <forward_list>
#include <bpkg/types.hxx>
-#include <bpkg/forward.hxx> // database, linked_databases
#include <bpkg/utility.hxx>
#include <bpkg/package.hxx>
@@ -19,6 +18,7 @@
#include <bpkg/common-options.hxx>
#include <bpkg/pkg-build-options.hxx>
+#include <bpkg/database.hxx>
#include <bpkg/pkg-configure.hxx> // find_database_function()
#include <bpkg/package-skeleton.hxx>
#include <bpkg/system-package-manager.hxx>
@@ -441,7 +441,28 @@ namespace bpkg
// This, in particular, may end up in resolving different dependency
// packages and affect the dependent and dependency configurations.
- using postponed_packages = std::set<build_package*>;
+ // - Postponed recollection of configured dependents for resolving merge
+ // configuration cycles and as a fallback for missed re-evaluations due to
+ // the shadow-based configuration clusters merge (see
+ // collect_build_prerequisites() for details).
+ //
+ // For the sake of testing, make sure the order in the set is stable.
+ //
+ struct compare_build_package
+ {
+ bool
+ operator() (const build_package* x, const build_package* y) const
+ {
+ const package_name& nx (x->name ());
+ const package_name& ny (y->name ());
+ if (int d = nx.compare (ny))
+ return d < 0;
+ return x->db.get () < y->db.get ();
+ }
+ };
+ using postponed_packages = std::set<build_package*, compare_build_package>;
// Base for exception types that indicate an inability to collect a package
// build because it was collected prematurely (version needs to be replaced,
@@ -1173,20 +1194,20 @@ namespace bpkg
// is {0,0}).
// - For an existing dependent being re-collected due to the selected
- // dependency alternatives deviation, which may be caused by its
- // dependency up/downgrade (see postponed prerequisites collection for
- // details).
+ // dependency alternatives deviation, etc which may be caused by its
+ // dependency up/downgrade (see postponed_packages and
+ // build_package::build_recollect flag for details).
// Note that for these cases, as it was said above, we can potentially
// fail if the dependent is an orphan, but this is exactly what we need to
// do in that case, since we won't be able to re-collect its dependencies.
// Only a single true dependency alternative can be selected per function
- // call. Such an alternative can only be selected if its index in the
- // postponed alternatives list is less than the specified maximum (used by
- // the heuristics that determines in which order to process packages with
- // alternatives; if 0 is passed, then no true alternative will be
- // selected).
+ // call, unless we are (pre-)re-evaluating. Such an alternative can only
+ // be selected if its index in the postponed alternatives list is less
+ // than the specified maximum (used by the heuristics that determines in
+ // which order to process packages with alternatives; if 0 is passed, then
+ // no true alternative will be selected).
// The idea here is to postpone the true alternatives selection till the
// end of the packages collection and then try to optimize the overall
@@ -1203,8 +1224,11 @@ namespace bpkg
// exception. This exception is handled via re-collecting packages from
// scratch, but now with the knowledge about premature dependency
// collection. If some dependency already belongs to some non or being
- // negotiated cluster then throw merge_configuration. If some dependency
- // configuration has already been negotiated between some other
+ // negotiated cluster then throw merge_configuration. If some dependencies
+ // have existing dependents with config clauses which have not been
+ // considered for the configuration negotiation yet, then throw
+ // recollect_existing_dependents exception to re-collect these dependents.
+ // If configuration has already been negotiated between some other
// dependents, then up-negotiate the configuration and throw
// retry_configuration exception so that the configuration refinement can
// be performed. See the collect lambda implementation for details on the
@@ -1476,6 +1500,17 @@ namespace bpkg
optional<pair<size_t, size_t>> orig_dependency_position;
+ // This exception is thrown by collect_build_prerequisites() and
+ // collect_build_postponed() to resolve different kinds of existing
+ // dependent re-evaluation related cycles by re-collecting the problematic
+ // dependents from scratch.
+ //
+ struct recollect_existing_dependents
+ {
+ size_t depth;
+ vector<existing_dependent> dependents;
+ };
query_existing_dependents (
@@ -1509,14 +1544,19 @@ namespace bpkg
- // Non-recursively collect the deviated existing dependent previously
- // returned by the query_existing_dependents() function call and add it to
- // the postponed package recollections list.
+ // Non-recursively collect an existing dependent previously returned by
+ // the query_existing_dependents() function call with the
+ // build_package::build_recollect flag and add it to the postponed package
+ // recollections list. Also add the build_package::adjust_reconfigure flag
+ // for the deviated dependents (existing_dependent::dependency is absent).
+ //
+ // Note that after this function call the existing dependent may not be
+ // returned as a result by the query_existing_dependents() function
+ // anymore (due to the build_package::build_recollect flag presence).
recollect_existing_dependent (const pkg_build_options&,
const existing_dependent&,
- bool reconfigure,
postponed_packages& postponed_recs,
diff --git a/tests/pkg-build.testscript b/tests/pkg-build.testscript
index 442349f..d8e6a94 100644
--- a/tests/pkg-build.testscript
+++ b/tests/pkg-build.testscript
@@ -223,9 +223,10 @@
# | |-- bas-1.0.0.tar.gz -> libbar {require {config.libbar.extras=true}},
# | | bus {require {config.bus.extras=true}}
# | |-- bus-0.1.0.tar.gz -> foo {require {config.foo.extras=true}}
-# | |-- bus-1.0.0.tar.gz -> libaz {require {config.libbox.extras=true}},
+# | |-- bus-1.0.0.tar.gz -> libaz {require {config.libbaz.extras=true}},
# | | foo {require {config.foo.extras=true}}
-# | |-- box-0.1.0.tar.gz -> libbox {require {config.libbox.extras=true}}
+# | |-- box-0.1.0.tar.gz -> libbox == 0.1.0 {require {config.libbox.extras=true}}
+# | |-- box-0.2.0.tar.gz -> libbox {require {config.libbox.extras=true}}
# | |-- box-1.0.0.tar.gz -> {libbar libfoo} {require {config.libbar.extras=true config.libfoo.extras=true}} |
# | | libbox
# | |-- bax-0.1.0.tar.gz -> {libbox libbar} {require {config.libbox.extras=true}}
@@ -7304,6 +7305,8 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{baz/1,1}}?
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbox
+ %.*
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 involves (being) negotiated configurations and results in {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 baz/1,1} libbox->{bax/2,1}}?, throwing retry_configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}} failed due to dependent bax, refining configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
@@ -7342,6 +7345,8 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/0.1.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{baz/1,1}}?
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbox
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent bax/1.0.0 is negotiated
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbox/0.1.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin libbox/0.1.0
@@ -7623,6 +7628,8 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{baz/1,1}}?
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbox
+ %.*
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 involves (being) negotiated configurations and results in {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 baz/1,1} libbox->{bax/2,1}}?, throwing retry_configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}} failed due to dependent bax, refining configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
@@ -7660,6 +7667,8 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/0.1.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {bax^ baz^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1 baz/1,1} libbar->{baz/1,1}}?
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbox
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent bax/1.0.0 is negotiated
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbox/0.1.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin libbox/0.1.0
@@ -8364,6 +8373,7 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {bar bas bix | libbar->{bar/1,1 bas/1,1 bix/1,1} bar->{bix/1,1}}!
+ %.*
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent bax/1.0.0 is negotiated
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin libbox/1.0.0
@@ -15685,8 +15695,9 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex^ 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: merge configuration cycle detected for being re-evaluated dependent tex/1.0.0 since {box tex^ | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}! is a shadow of itself, throwing merge_configuration_cycle
- trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluation of existing dependent tex/1.0.0 failed due to merge configuration cycle for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}, throwing recollect_dependent
- trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to merge configuration cycle while re-evaluating existing dependent tex/1.0.0, scheduling its re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluation of existing dependent tex/1.0.0 failed due to merge configuration cycle for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tex/1.0.0
trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
@@ -15759,6 +15770,9 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ %.*
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent tex/1.0.0 involves (being) negotiated configurations and results in {box tex | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!, throwing retry_configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to dependent tex, refining configuration
trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
@@ -15787,6 +15801,9 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tex/1.0.0 is shadow-negotiated
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbar/1.0.0
@@ -15842,6 +15859,1079 @@ test.arguments += --sys-no-query
$pkg_drop bax tex box
+ : up-negotiate-not-collected-existing-dependents
+ :
+ {
+ $clone_cfg;
+ # Dependencies:
+ #
+ # bax: depends: libfoo(c)
+ # depends: {libbox libbar} (c)
+ #
+ # tiz: depends: tex(c)
+ # depends: libbar(c)
+ #
+ # tex: depends: libbar(c)
+ # depends: libfoo(c)
+ #
+ # box/0.1.0: depends: libbox(c)
+ #
+ $* bax tiz 2>!;
+ $pkg_status -r >>EOO;
+ !bax configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !tiz configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ tex configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ $* box/0.2.0 2>>~%EOE%;
+ %.*
+ trace: pkg_build: refine package collection/plan execution from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin box/0.2.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): begin
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent tex/1.0.0 results in {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: merge {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}} into {bax box | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 merges non-negotiated and/or being negotiated configurations in and results in {bax box tex^ | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {bax box tex^ | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex^ 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent tex/1.0.0 involves negotiated configurations and results in {box tex^ | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {box tex^ | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex^ 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: merge configuration cycle detected for being re-evaluated dependent tex/1.0.0 since {box tex^ | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}! is a shadow of itself, throwing merge_configuration_cycle
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluation of existing dependent tex/1.0.0 failed due to merge configuration cycle for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: merge {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}} into {bax box | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 merges non-negotiated and/or being negotiated configurations in and results in {bax box tex | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {bax box tex | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tiz/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent tex/1.0.0 adds not (being) collected dependencies libbar/1.0.0 with not (being) collected existing dependents to (being) negotiated cluster and results in {box tex | libbox->{box/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cannot cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0 (collected prematurely), throwing postpone_dependency
+ trace: pkg_build: collection failed due to prematurely collected dependency (tex), retry from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: pkg_build: refine package collection/plan execution from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin box/0.2.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): begin
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip dep-postponed existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tiz/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 adds not (being) collected dependencies libbar/1.0.0 with not (being) collected existing dependents to (being) negotiated cluster and results in {bax box | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency libbar
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 involves (being) negotiated configurations and results in {bax box | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!, throwing retry_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {box | libbox->{box/1,1}} failed due to dependent bax, refining configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end box/0.2.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent bax/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate end {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): begin {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): cfg-negotiate begin {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {bax box | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tex/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libfoo/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 2,1: libfoo} to {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tex/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libfoo/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tiz 2,1: libbar} to {bax box tex | libbox->{bax/2,1 box/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tiz/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): cfg-negotiate end {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): end {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): end {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): end {box | libbox->{box/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): end
+ trace: execute_plan: simulate: yes
+ %.*
+ build plan:
+ new box/0.2.0
+ trace: execute_plan: simulate: no
+ %.*
+ $pkg_status -r >>EOO;
+ !bax configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !tiz configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ tex configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !box configured !0.2.0 available 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ $pkg_drop bax tiz box
+ }
+ : up-negotiate-not-collected-existing-dependents2
+ :
+ : Similar to the above but more complicated.
+ :
+ {
+ $clone_cfg;
+ # Dependencies:
+ #
+ # bax: depends: libfoo(c)
+ # depends: {libbox libbar} (c)
+ #
+ # tiz: depends: tex(c)
+ # depends: libbar(c)
+ #
+ # tex: depends: libbar(c)
+ # depends: libfoo(c)
+ #
+ # tez: depends: libbox(c)
+ # depends: toz == 0.1.0 (c)
+ # depends: libbar(c)
+ #
+ # toz/0.1.0:
+ #
+ $* bax tiz 2>!;
+ $pkg_status -r >>EOO;
+ !bax configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !tiz configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ tex configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ $* tez 2>>~%EOE%;
+ %.*
+ trace: pkg_build: refine package collection/plan execution from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): begin
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent tex/1.0.0 results in {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: merge {tex^ | libbar->{tex/1,1}} into {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 merges non-negotiated and/or being negotiated configurations in and results in {bax tex^ tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {bax tex^ tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex^ 1,1: libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent tex/1.0.0 involves negotiated configurations and results in {tex^ tez | libbox->{tez/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {tex^ tez | libbox->{tez/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluate existing dependents for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex^ 1,1: libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: merge configuration cycle detected for being re-evaluated dependent tex/1.0.0 since {tex^ tez | libbox->{tez/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}! is a shadow of itself, throwing merge_configuration_cycle
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): re-evaluation of existing dependent tex/1.0.0 failed due to merge configuration cycle for {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: merge {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}} into {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 merges non-negotiated and/or being negotiated configurations in and results in {bax tex tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!, throwing merge_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to non-negotiated clusters, force-merging based on shadow cluster {bax tex tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}! (shadow cluster-based)
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tiz/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent tex/1.0.0 adds not (being) collected dependencies libbar/1.0.0 with not (being) collected existing dependents to (being) negotiated cluster and results in {tex tez | libbox->{tez/1,1} libbar->{tex/1,1}}!, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tex | libbar->{tex/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cannot cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0 (collected prematurely), throwing postpone_dependency
+ trace: pkg_build: collection failed due to prematurely collected dependency (tex), retry from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: pkg_build: refine package collection/plan execution from scratch
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): begin
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip dep-postponed existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tex/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated tiz/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 adds not (being) collected dependencies libbar/1.0.0 with not (being) collected existing dependents to (being) negotiated cluster and results in {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!, throwing recollect_existing_dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to some existing dependents related problem, scheduling their re-collection
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): schedule re-collection of existing dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency libbar
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postponing dependent bax/1.0.0 involves (being) negotiated configurations and results in {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!, throwing retry_configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): cfg-negotiation of {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}} failed due to dependent bax, refining configuration
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: pre-reevaluated bax/1.0.0: 1,1
+ trace: collect_build: add libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): re-evaluate existing dependents for {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build: add bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: reeval bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluating dependent bax/1.0.0 results in {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: re-evaluated bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbox/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build: add toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency toz/0.1.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): cfg-negotiate end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency tex/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: create {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: postpone tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libfoo
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate begin {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libfoo/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume bax/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build: add libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {bax 2,1: libbox libbar} to {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}!
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tex of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent bax of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency libbar
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent bax/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbox/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: collecting cfg-postponed dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: skip configured libbar/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end bax/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): cfg-negotiate end {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): begin {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): cfg-negotiate begin {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end toz/0.1.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tez/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tez 3,1: libbar} to {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tez/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tez/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end tez/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): cfg-negotiate end {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): skip re-collection of dep-postponed package tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): begin {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): skip being built existing dependent tiz of dependency tex
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): cfg-negotiate begin {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependencies
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: begin tex/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 1,1: libbar} to {bax tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tez/3,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tex/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libfoo/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tex 2,1: libfoo} to {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tex/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libfoo/1.0.0 of dependent tex/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end tex/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): recursively collect cfg-negotiated dependents
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): select cfg-negotiated dependency alternative for dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: resume tiz/1.0.0
+ %.*
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: cfg-postpone dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: postponed_configurations::add: add {tiz 2,1: libbar} to {bax tex tez | libbox->{bax/2,1 tez/1,1} libbar->{bax/2,1 tex/1,1 tez/3,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: configuration for cfg-postponed dependencies of dependent tiz/1.0.0 is negotiated
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: dependency libbar/1.0.0 of dependent tiz/1.0.0 is already (being) recursively collected, skipping
+ trace: collect_build_prerequisites: end tiz/1.0.0
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): cfg-negotiate end {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}!
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (4): end {tiz | tex->{tiz/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (3): end {tez | toz->{tez/2,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (2): end {bax^ | libfoo->{bax/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (1): end {tez | libbox->{tez/1,1}}
+ trace: collect_build_postponed (0): end
+ trace: execute_plan: simulate: yes
+ %.*
+ build plan:
+ new toz/0.1.0 (required by tez)
+ config.toz.extras=true (set by tez)
+ new tez/1.0.0
+ trace: execute_plan: simulate: no
+ %.*
+ $pkg_status -r >>EOO;
+ !bax configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !tiz configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ tex configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libfoo configured 1.0.0
+ !tez configured 1.0.0
+ libbar configured 1.0.0
+ libbox configured 1.0.0
+ toz configured 0.1.0 available 1.0.0 0.2.0
+ $pkg_drop bax tiz tez
+ }
: all-repo-packages
: Don't match the tracing but just make sure that pkg-build doesn't crash