1. Local repositories.

To modify the repositories that are used for git repository tests run

$ ./init --unpack

before modification, and

$ ./pack


Also note that config files under .git/ subdirectory refer to the submodule
repositories using absolute paths. So prior to pulling in subproject directory
(say in state0/libfoo.git/doc/style) you need to run the following commands,
to make sure that the repository references match their current locations:

$ git -C style.git  submodule sync --recursive
$ git -C libfoo.git submodule sync --recursive

2. Remote repositories.

To bootstrap the remote repositories run the following commands on build2.org

$ cd /var/scm

Create repositories, providing proper project descriptions:

# bpkg test repository with doc basic style library (initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state0/style-basic.git

# bpkg test repository with doc style library (initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state0/style.git

# bpkg test repository with libbar library (initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state0/libbar.git

# bpkg test repository with libfoo library (initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state0/libfoo.git

# bpkg test repository with doc basic style library (final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state1/style-basic.git

# bpkg test repository with doc style library (final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state1/style.git

# bpkg test repository with libbaz library (final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state1/libbaz.git

# bpkg test repository with libfoo library (final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/unadv/rep-fetch/state1/libfoo.git

# bpkg test repository with doc basic style library (advonly, initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/style-basic.git

# bpkg test repository with doc style library (advonly, initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/style.git

# bpkg test repository with libbar library (advonly, initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/libbar.git

# bpkg test repository with libfoo library (advonly, initial state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state0/libfoo.git

# bpkg test repository with doc basic style library (advonly, final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state1/style-basic.git

# bpkg test repository with doc style library (advonly, final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state1/style.git

# bpkg test repository with libbaz library (advonly, final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state1/libbaz.git

# bpkg test repository with libfoo library (advonly, final state)
$ ./mkrepo testing/bpkg/advonly/rep-fetch/state1/libfoo.git

Add configuration options:

$ for d in $(find . -type d -regex '\./testing/bpkg/.*/[^/]+\.git'); do \
  git -C $d config receive.denyDeleteCurrent ignore \

$ for d in $(find . -type d -regex '\./testing/bpkg/advonly/.*/[^/]+\.git'); do \
  git -C $d config uploadpack.allowAnySHA1InWant false \

To publish changed local repositories run the following commands in the tests/

$ b test config.test.output=keep
$ b ./publish

Test the published repositories:

$ b test config.bpkg.test.remote=true