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diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 94b73cf..94047c2 100644
@@ -356,8 +356,121 @@ For sample CI request handler implementations see brep/handler/ci/.
6.4 Enabling GitHub CI integration
-@@ TODO
+6.4.1 Background
+This GitHub CI integration only has one user-configurable option:
+warning=<success|failure> (whether or not to fail on warnings).
+In order not to have to support repository configuration files a deployment
+will consist of two registered GitHub apps with the same webhook URL (i.e.,
+the same brep instance) but different query parameters: one with
+warning=success and the other with warning=failure. The app id is passed so
+that we know which private key to use (the key cannot be shared between apps).
+We will call the warning=success app the "default app" and the warning=failure
+app the "strict app".
+6.4.2 Create the GitHub apps
+Note that these instructions assume deployment to stage.build2.org; some
+details would have to be adapted for other deployments.
+To create a GitHub app under the build2 organization, visit
+https://github.com/organizations/build2/settings/apps. Alternatively, starting
+from the build2 organization's page at https://github.com/build2, click on
+Settings, Developer settings (bottom left), and GitHub Apps. Then click on New
+GitHub App.
+App name (note: 34 character limit):
+Default app: "build2 stage CI"
+Strict app: "build2 stage CI|warnings as errors"
+ @@ TMP With " - warnings are errors" the name is rejected as too long.
+Default app: "Trigger build2 CI on branch push and pull request."
+Strict app: "Trigger build2 CI on branch push and pull request. Warnings are
+ treated as errors".
+Homepage: https://ci.stage.build2.org/
+Skip the "Identifying and authorizing users" and "Post installation" sections.
+Leave webhooks active.
+Webhook URL:
+Default app: https://ci.stage.build2.org/?ci-github&app-id=XXX&warning=success
+Strict app: https://ci.stage.build2.org/?ci-github&app-id=XXX&warning=failure
+Note that the app id only becomes available once the app has been registered
+so we will update it later in both URLs.
+Webhook secret: Use the same random 64-character string for both apps.
+GitHub says only that the secret should be "a random string with high
+entropy." However lots of sources say 32 bytes should be secure enough for
+HMAC-SHA256, while other sources recommend 64 bytes for maximal security at an
+insignificant performance cost. (Keys longer than 64 bytes are hashed to match
+the internal block size and are therefore not recommended.)
+ @@ TMP I feel like 64 characters might be a good length?
+Repository permissions:
+ - Checks: RW
+ - Contents: RO (for Push events)
+ - Metadata (mandatory): RO
+ - Pull requests: RO
+Subscribed events:
+ - Check suite
+ - Pull request
+ - Push
+Note that GitHub apps with write access to the "Checks" permission are
+automatically subscribed to check_suite(requested|rerequested) and check_run
+events so no need to subscribe explicitly. However in order to receive
+check_suite(completed) events, which we do, one does have to subscribe to
+Check suite.
+Select "Any account" under "Where can this GitHub App be installed?".
+Click "Create GitHub App".
+When the page reloads (should be the General tab), note the app id and replace
+the XXX in the webhook URL with it.
+Still in the General tab, scroll to Private keys and generate a private
+key. The file will be downloaded by the browser.
+@@ TODO Logo
+@@ TODO Create Marketplace listing
+6.4.3 Configure brep
+Assume the following configuration values:
+- Webhook secret: deadbeef
+- Default app id: 12345
+- Strict app id: 67890
+In brep-module.conf:
+Set the webhook secret from the GitHub app settings:
+ ci-github-app-webhook-secret "deadbeef"
+Associate each GitHub app id with the app's private key:
+ ci-github-app-id-private-key 12345=path/to/default-app-private-key.pem
+ ci-github-app-id-private-key 67890=path/to/strict-app-private-key.pem
+Now brep should be ready to handle the webhook event requests triggered by
+branch pushes and pull requests in repositories into which one of these apps
+has been installed.
7. Optimize CSS