path: root/mod/mod-package-search.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'mod/mod-package-search.cxx')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/mod-package-search.cxx b/mod/mod-package-search.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5654427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/mod-package-search.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// file : mod/mod-package-search.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <mod/mod-package-search>
+#include <xml/serializer>
+#include <odb/session.hxx>
+#include <odb/database.hxx>
+#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
+#include <odb/schema-catalog.hxx>
+#include <web/xhtml>
+#include <web/module>
+#include <web/xhtml-fragment>
+#include <web/mime-url-encoding>
+#include <brep/version>
+#include <brep/package>
+#include <brep/package-odb>
+#include <mod/page>
+#include <mod/options>
+using namespace odb::core;
+using namespace brep::cli;
+// While currently the user-defined copy constructor is not required (we don't
+// need to deep copy nullptr's), it is a good idea to keep the placeholder
+// ready for less trivial cases.
+package_search (const package_search& r)
+ : database_module (r),
+ options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr)
+void brep::package_search::
+init (scanner& s)
+ options_ = make_shared<options::package_search> (
+ s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail);
+ database_module::init (*options_);
+ if (options_->root ().empty ())
+ options_->root (dir_path ("/"));
+ // Check that the database schema matches the current one. It's enough to
+ // perform the check in just a single module implementation (and we don't
+ // do in the dispatcher because it doesn't use the database).
+ //
+ // Note that the failure can be reported by each web server worker process.
+ // While it could be tempting to move the check to the
+ // repository_root::version() function, it would be wrong. The function can
+ // be called by a different process (usually the web server root one) not
+ // having the proper permissions to access the database.
+ //
+ if (schema_catalog::current_version (*db_) != db_->schema_version ())
+ fail << "database schema differs from the current one (module "
+ << BREP_VERSION_STR << ")";
+template <typename T>
+static inline query<T>
+search_param (const brep::string& q)
+ using query = query<T>;
+ return "(" +
+ (q.empty ()
+ ? query ("NULL")
+ : "plainto_tsquery (" + query::_val (q) + ")") +
+ ")";
+bool brep::package_search::
+handle (request& rq, response& rs)
+ using namespace web::xhtml;
+ const size_t res_page (options_->search_results ());
+ const dir_path& root (options_->root ());
+ params::package_search params;
+ try
+ {
+ name_value_scanner s (rq.parameters ());
+ params = params::package_search (
+ s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail);
+ }
+ catch (const unknown_argument& e)
+ {
+ throw invalid_request (400, e.what ());
+ }
+ size_t page (params.page ());
+ const string& squery (params.query ());
+ string squery_param (squery.empty ()
+ ? ""
+ : "?q=" + web::mime_url_encode (squery));
+ static const string title ("Packages");
+ xml::serializer s (rs.content (), title);
+ s << HTML
+ << HEAD
+ << TITLE
+ << title;
+ if (!squery.empty ())
+ s << " " << squery;
+ s << ~TITLE
+ << CSS_LINKS (path ("package-search.css"), root)
+ //
+ // This hack is required to avoid the "flash of unstyled content", which
+ // happens due to the presence of the autofocus attribute in the input
+ // element of the search form. The problem appears in Firefox and has a
+ // (4-year old, at the time of this writing) bug report:
+ //
+ // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=712130.
+ //
+ << SCRIPT << " " << ~SCRIPT
+ << ~HEAD
+ << BODY
+ << DIV_HEADER (root, options_->logo (), options_->menu ())
+ << DIV(ID="content");
+ session sn;
+ transaction t (db_->begin ());
+ auto pkg_count (
+ db_->query_value<latest_package_count> (
+ search_param<latest_package_count> (squery)));
+ s << FORM_SEARCH (squery)
+ << DIV_COUNTER (pkg_count, "Package", "Packages");
+ // Enclose the subsequent tables to be able to use nth-child CSS selector.
+ //
+ s << DIV;
+ for (const auto& pr:
+ db_->query<latest_package_search_rank> (
+ search_param<latest_package_search_rank> (squery) +
+ "ORDER BY rank DESC, name" +
+ "OFFSET" + to_string (page * res_page) +
+ "LIMIT" + to_string (res_page)))
+ {
+ shared_ptr<package> p (db_->load<package> (pr.id));
+ s << TABLE(CLASS="proplist package")
+ << TBODY
+ << TR_NAME (p->id.name, squery_param, root)
+ << TR_SUMMARY (p->summary)
+ << TR_LICENSE (p->license_alternatives)
+ << TR_TAGS (p->tags, root)
+ << TR_DEPENDS (p->dependencies, root)
+ << TR_REQUIRES (p->requirements)
+ << ~TBODY
+ << ~TABLE;
+ }
+ s << ~DIV;
+ t.commit ();
+ s << DIV_PAGER (page, pkg_count, res_page, options_->search_pages (),
+ root.string () + squery_param)
+ << ~DIV
+ << ~BODY
+ << ~HTML;
+ return true;