path: root/mod/page.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/page.cxx')
1 files changed, 693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod/page.cxx b/mod/page.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc2e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod/page.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+// file : mod/page.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <mod/page>
+#include <set>
+#include <ios> // hex, uppercase, right
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip> // setw(), setfill()
+#include <algorithm> // min()
+#include <xml/serializer>
+#include <web/xhtml>
+#include <web/mime-url-encoding>
+#include <brep/package>
+#include <brep/package-odb>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace xml;
+using namespace web;
+using namespace web::xhtml;
+namespace brep
+ //
+ void CSS_LINKS::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ static const path css ("@");
+ s << *LINK(REL="stylesheet", TYPE="text/css", HREF=root_ / css / path_);
+ }
+ //
+ void DIV_HEADER::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (!logo_.empty () || !menu_.empty ())
+ {
+ s << DIV(ID="header-bar")
+ << DIV(ID="header");
+ if (!logo_.empty ())
+ s << DIV(ID="header-logo") << logo_ << ~DIV;
+ if (!menu_.empty ())
+ {
+ s << DIV(ID="header-menu")
+ << DIV(ID="header-menu-body");
+ for (const auto& m: menu_)
+ {
+ const string& l (m.link[0] == '/' || m.link.find (':') != string::npos
+ ? m.link
+ : root_.string () + m.link);
+ s << A(HREF=l) << m.label << ~A;
+ }
+ s << ~DIV
+ << ~DIV;
+ }
+ s << ~DIV
+ << ~DIV;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ void FORM_SEARCH::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ // The 'action' attribute is optional in HTML5. While the standard doesn't
+ // specify browser behavior explicitly for the case the attribute is
+ // ommited, the only reasonable behavior is to default it to the current
+ // document URL.
+ //
+ s << FORM(ID="search")
+ << TABLE(CLASS="form-table")
+ << TBODY
+ << TR
+ << TD(ID="search-txt")
+ << *INPUT(TYPE="search", NAME="q", VALUE=query_,
+ AUTOFOCUS="autofocus")
+ << ~TD
+ << TD(ID="search-btn")
+ << *INPUT(TYPE="submit", VALUE="Search")
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << ~TBODY
+ << ~TABLE
+ << ~FORM;
+ }
+ //
+ void DIV_COUNTER::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << DIV(ID="count")
+ << count_ << " "
+ << (count_ % 10 == 1 && count_ % 100 != 11 ? singular_ : plural_)
+ << ~DIV;
+ }
+ // TR_NAME
+ //
+ void TR_NAME::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="name")
+ << TH << "name" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << A
+ << HREF
+ // Propagate search criteria to the package details page.
+ //
+ << root_ / path (mime_url_encode (name_)) << query_param_
+ << ~HREF
+ << name_
+ << ~A
+ << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ void TR_VERSION::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="version")
+ << TH << "version" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value");
+ if (package_ == nullptr)
+ s << version_;
+ else
+ {
+ assert (root_ != nullptr);
+ s << A(HREF=*root_ / path (mime_url_encode (*package_)) / path (version_))
+ << version_
+ << ~A;
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_SUMMARY::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="summary")
+ << TH << "summary" << ~TH
+ << TD << SPAN(CLASS="value") << summary_ << ~SPAN << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_LICENSE::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="license")
+ << TH << "license" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value");
+ for (const auto& la: licenses_)
+ {
+ if (&la != &licenses_[0])
+ s << " " << EM << "or" << ~EM << " ";
+ bool m (la.size () > 1);
+ if (m)
+ s << "(";
+ for (const auto& l: la)
+ {
+ if (&l != &la[0])
+ s << " " << EM << "and" << ~EM << " ";
+ s << l;
+ }
+ if (m)
+ s << ")";
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_LICENSES::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ for (const auto& la: licenses_)
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="license")
+ << TH << "license" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value");
+ for (const auto& l: la)
+ {
+ if (&l != &la[0])
+ s << " " << EM << "and" << ~EM << " ";
+ s << l;
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << SPAN_COMMENT (la.comment)
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ }
+ // TR_TAGS
+ //
+ void TR_TAGS::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (!tags_.empty ())
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="tags")
+ << TH << "tags" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value");
+ for (const auto& t: tags_)
+ {
+ if (&t != &tags_[0])
+ s << " ";
+ s << A << HREF << root_ << "?q=" << mime_url_encode (t) << ~HREF
+ << t
+ << ~A;
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_DEPENDS::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="depends")
+ << TH << "depends" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << dependencies_.size ();
+ if (!dependencies_.empty ())
+ s << "; ";
+ for (const auto& d: dependencies_)
+ {
+ if (&d != &dependencies_[0])
+ s << ", ";
+ if (d.conditional)
+ s << "?";
+ // Suppress package name duplicates.
+ //
+ set<string> names;
+ for (const auto& da: d)
+ names.emplace (da.name ());
+ bool mult (names.size () > 1);
+ if (mult)
+ s << "(";
+ bool first (true);
+ for (const auto& da: d)
+ {
+ string n (da.name ());
+ if (names.find (n) != names.end ())
+ {
+ names.erase (n);
+ if (first)
+ first = false;
+ else
+ s << " | ";
+ shared_ptr<package> p (da.package.load ());
+ assert (p->internal () || !p->other_repositories.empty ());
+ shared_ptr<repository> r (
+ p->internal ()
+ ? p->internal_repository.load ()
+ : p->other_repositories[0].load ());
+ auto en (mime_url_encode (n));
+ if (r->url)
+ s << A(HREF=*r->url + en) << n << ~A;
+ else if (p->internal ())
+ s << A(HREF=root_ / path (en)) << n << ~A;
+ else
+ // Display the dependency as a plain text if no repository URL
+ // available.
+ //
+ s << n;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mult)
+ s << ")";
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_REQUIRES::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ // If there are no requirements, then we omit it, unlike depends, where we
+ // show 0 explicitly.
+ //
+ if (requirements_.empty ())
+ return;
+ s << TR(CLASS="requires")
+ << TH << "requires" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << requirements_.size () << "; ";
+ for (const auto& r: requirements_)
+ {
+ if (&r != &requirements_[0])
+ s << ", ";
+ if (r.conditional)
+ s << "?";
+ if (r.empty ())
+ {
+ // If there is no requirement alternatives specified, then
+ // print the comment first word.
+ //
+ const auto& c (r.comment);
+ if (!c.empty ())
+ {
+ auto n (c.find (' '));
+ s << string (c, 0, n);
+ if (n != string::npos)
+ s << "...";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bool mult (r.size () > 1);
+ if (mult)
+ s << "(";
+ for (const auto& ra: r)
+ {
+ if (&ra != &r[0])
+ s << " | ";
+ s << ra;
+ }
+ if (mult)
+ s << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ s << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ // TR_URL
+ //
+ void TR_URL::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS=label_)
+ << TH << label_ << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value") << A(HREF=url_) << url_ << ~A << ~SPAN
+ << SPAN_COMMENT (url_.comment)
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_EMAIL::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS=label_)
+ << TH << label_ << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << A(HREF="mailto:" + email_) << email_ << ~A
+ << ~SPAN
+ << SPAN_COMMENT (email_.comment)
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_PRIORITY::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ static const strings priority_names ({"low", "medium", "high", "security"});
+ assert (priority_ < priority_names.size ());
+ s << TR(CLASS="priority")
+ << TH << "priority" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value") << priority_names[priority_] << ~SPAN
+ << SPAN_COMMENT (priority_.comment)
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_LOCATION::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="location")
+ << TH << "location" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value")
+ << A
+ << HREF
+ << root_ << "?about#" << mime_url_encode (html_id (name_))
+ << ~HREF
+ << name_
+ << ~A
+ << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ void TR_DOWNLOAD::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="download")
+ << TH << "download" << ~TH
+ << TD
+ << SPAN(CLASS="value") << A(HREF=url_) << url_ << ~A << ~SPAN
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ // TR_SHA256SUM
+ //
+ void TR_SHA256SUM::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ s << TR(CLASS="sha256")
+ << TH << "sha256" << ~TH
+ << TD << SPAN(CLASS="value") << sha256sum_ << ~SPAN << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ }
+ //
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (size_t l = comment_.size ())
+ s << SPAN(CLASS="comment")
+ << (comment_.back () == '.' ? string (comment_, 0, l - 1) : comment_)
+ << ~SPAN;
+ }
+ //
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (description_.empty ())
+ return;
+ auto n (description_.find_first_of (" \t\n", length_));
+ bool full (n == string::npos); // Description length is below the limit.
+ // Truncate description if length exceed the limit.
+ //
+ const string& d (full ? description_ : string (description_, 0, n));
+ // Format the description into paragraphs, recognizing a blank line as
+ // paragraph separator, and replacing single newlines with a space.
+ //
+ s << P;
+ if (!id_.empty ())
+ s << ID(id_);
+ bool nl (false); // The previous character is '\n'.
+ for (const auto& c: d)
+ {
+ if (c == '\n')
+ {
+ if (nl)
+ {
+ s << ~P << P;
+ nl = false;
+ }
+ else
+ nl = true; // Delay printing until the next character.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (nl)
+ {
+ s << ' '; // Replace the previous newline with a space.
+ nl = false;
+ }
+ s << c;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!full)
+ {
+ assert (url_ != nullptr);
+ s << "... " << A(HREF=*url_) << "More" << ~A;
+ }
+ s << ~P;
+ }
+ //
+ void PRE_CHANGES::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (changes_.empty ())
+ return;
+ auto n (changes_.find_first_of (" \t\n", length_));
+ bool full (n == string::npos); // Changes length is below the limit.
+ // Truncate changes if length exceed the limit.
+ //
+ const string& c (full ? changes_ : string (changes_, 0, n));
+ s << PRE(ID="changes") << c;
+ if (!full)
+ {
+ assert (url_ != nullptr);
+ s << "... " << A(HREF=*url_) << "More" << ~A;
+ }
+ s << ~PRE;
+ }
+ //
+ DIV_PAGER (size_t current_page,
+ size_t item_count,
+ size_t item_per_page,
+ size_t page_number_count,
+ const string& url)
+ : current_page_ (current_page),
+ item_count_ (item_count),
+ item_per_page_ (item_per_page),
+ page_number_count_ (page_number_count),
+ url_ (url)
+ {
+ }
+ void DIV_PAGER::
+ operator() (serializer& s) const
+ {
+ if (item_count_ == 0 || item_per_page_ == 0)
+ return;
+ size_t pcount (item_count_ / item_per_page_); // Page count.
+ if (item_count_ % item_per_page_)
+ ++pcount;
+ if (pcount > 1)
+ {
+ auto url (
+ [this](size_t page) -> string
+ {
+ return page == 0
+ ? url_
+ : url_ + (url_.find ('?') == string::npos ? "?p=" : "&p=") +
+ to_string (page);
+ });
+ s << DIV(ID="pager");
+ if (current_page_ > 0)
+ s << A(ID="prev", HREF=url (current_page_ - 1)) << "Prev" << ~A;
+ if (page_number_count_)
+ {
+ size_t offset (page_number_count_ / 2);
+ size_t from (current_page_ > offset ? current_page_ - offset : 0);
+ size_t to (min (from + page_number_count_, pcount));
+ for (size_t p (from); p < to; ++p)
+ {
+ s << A(HREF=url (p));
+ if (p == current_page_)
+ s << ID("curr");
+ s << p + 1
+ << ~A;
+ }
+ }
+ if (current_page_ < pcount - 1)
+ s << A(ID="next", HREF=url (current_page_ + 1)) << "Next" << ~A;
+ s << ~DIV;
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert the argument to a string conformant to the section
+ // " The id attribute" of the HTML 5 specification at
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/dom.html#the-id-attribute.
+ //
+ string
+ html_id (const string& v)
+ {
+ ostringstream o;
+ o << hex << uppercase << right << setfill ('0');
+ // Replace space characters (as specified at
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#space-character) with
+ // the respective escape sequences.
+ //
+ for (auto c: v)
+ {
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\r':
+ case '\f':
+ case '~':
+ {
+ // We use '~' as an escape character because it doesn't require
+ // escaping in URLs.
+ //
+ o << "~" << setw (2) << static_cast<unsigned short> (c);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: o << c; break;
+ }
+ }
+ return o.str ();
+ }