# The brep.conf file can be included once into Apache configuration file in # the section or in the main server context. # LoadModule brep_module modules/mod_brep.so LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so # Alternatively, if loading the modules in another place, make sure they # are loaded. # Error "mod_brep is not loaded" Error "mod_alias is not loaded" # To use a repository root other than /pkg/, replace all occurrences of # /pkg/ with the desired alternative root (use '/' for webserver root). # brep-root /pkg/ brep-db-host localhost brep-db-port 5432 brep-search-results 10 brep-pager-pages 5 brep-description-len 500 brep-changes-len 5000 brep-log-verbosity 0 # To override brep module options place them into the separate configuration # file, suppressing the "brep-" prefix. # #brep-conf /path/to/brep-site.conf SetHandler brep # Location of the brep static content (CSS files). # Alias /pkg/@/ /usr/share/brep/static/ Require all granted # Serve repository files from the repository root path. For example: # # http://example.org/pkg/1/... -> /path/to/repo/1/... # #AliasMatch ^/pkg/(\d+)/(.+) /path/to/repo/$1/$2