# Paste the following fragment into your section (it is the same # as what you find in the INSTALL file). # # Load the brep module. # LoadModule brep_module /home/brep/install/libexec/brep/mod_brep.so # Repository root. This is the part of the URL between the host name # and the start of the repository. For example, root value /pkg/ means # the repository URL is http://example.org/pkg/. Specify / to use the # web server root (e.g., http://example.org/). If using a different # repository root, don't forget to also change Alias directives below. # brep-root /pkg/ SetHandler brep DirectoryIndex disabled DirectorySlash Off # Brep module configuration. If you prefer, you can paste the contents # of this file here. However, you will need to prefix every option with # 'brep-'. # brep-conf /home/brep/config/brep-module.conf # Static brep content (CSS files). # Error "mod_alias is not enabled" # Note: trailing slashes are important! # Alias /pkg/@/ /home/brep/install/share/brep/www/ Require all granted # You can also serve the repository files from the repository root. # For example: # # http://example.org/pkg/1/... -> /path/to/repo/1/... # #AliasMatch ^/pkg/(\d+)/(.+) /path/to/repo/$1/$2 # # # Require all granted #