[Unit] Description=brep repository loader timer RefuseManualStart=no RefuseManualStop=no # Note that due to brep-startup service's oneshot type, this unit won't be # started until the brep-startup process exits successfully. # # Also note that if brep-startup fails and is restarted manually, similar to # services, the timer is not started automatically. Instead, it has to be # started manually with `systemctl start brep-load.timer`. # Requires=brep-startup.service After=brep-startup.service [Timer] Unit=brep-load.service # Don't keep track of the timer across reboots. # Persistent=false # Start the timer for the first time. # OnBootSec=1 # Then wait 4-5 seconds until the next run. # OnUnitInactiveSec=4 AccuracySec=1 [Install] WantedBy=timers.target