// file      : migrate/migrate.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <strings.h> // strcasecmp()

#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

#include <odb/database.hxx>
#include <odb/transaction.hxx>
#include <odb/schema-catalog.hxx>

#include <odb/pgsql/database.hxx>

#include <libbutl/pager.mxx>

#include <libbrep/database-lock.hxx>

#include <migrate/migrate-options.hxx>

using namespace std;
using namespace odb::core;
using namespace brep;

// Operation failed, diagnostics has already been issued.
struct failed {};

static const char* help_info (
  "  info: run 'brep-migrate --help' for more information");

// Helper class that encapsulates both the ODB-generated schema and the
// extra that comes from a .sql file (via xxd).
class schema
  schema (const char* extra, string name);

  create (database&, bool extra_only = false) const;

  drop (database&, bool extra_only = false) const;

  string name_;
  strings drop_statements_;
  strings create_statements_;

schema (const char* s, string name)
    : name_ (move (name))
  // Remove comments, saving the cleaned SQL code into statements.
  string statements;
  for (istringstream i (s); i; )
    // Skip leading spaces (including consequtive newlines). In case we
    // hit eof, keep c set to '\n'.
    char c;
    static const string spaces (" \t\n\r");
    for (c = '\n'; i.get (c) && spaces.find (c) != string::npos; c = '\n')

    // First non-space character (or '\n' for eof). See if this is a comment.
    bool skip (c == '\n' || (c == '-' && i.peek () == '-'));

    // Read until newline (and don't forget the character we already have).
      if (!skip)
        statements.push_back (c);

    } while (c != '\n' && i.get (c));

  istringstream i (move (statements));

  // Build CREATE and DROP statement lists.
  while (i)
    string op;
    if (i >> op) // Get the first word.
      string statement (op);

      auto read_until = [&i, &statement] (const char stop[2]) -> bool
        for (char prev ('\0'), c; i.get (c); prev = c)
          statement.push_back (c);

          if (stop[0] == prev && stop[1] == c)
            return true;

        return false;

      if (strcasecmp (op.c_str (), "CREATE") == 0)
        bool valid (true);

        string kw;
        i >> kw;
        statement += " " + kw;

        if (strcasecmp (kw.c_str (), "FUNCTION") == 0)
          if (!read_until ("$$") || !read_until ("$$"))
            cerr << "error: function body must be defined using $$-quoted "
              "strings" << endl;
            throw failed ();
        else if (strcasecmp (kw.c_str (), "TYPE") == 0)
          // Fall through.
        else if (strcasecmp (kw.c_str (), "FOREIGN") == 0)
          i >> kw;
          statement += " " + kw;
          valid = strcasecmp (kw.c_str (), "TABLE") == 0;

          // Fall through.
          valid = false;

        if (!valid)
          cerr << "error: unexpected CREATE statement" << endl;
          throw failed ();

        if (!read_until (";\n"))
          cerr << "error: expected ';\\n' at the end of CREATE statement"
               << endl;
          throw failed ();

        assert (!statement.empty ());
        create_statements_.emplace_back (move (statement));
      else if (strcasecmp (op.c_str (), "DROP") == 0)
        if (!read_until (";\n"))
          cerr << "error: expected ';\\n' at the end of DROP statement"
               << endl;
          throw failed ();

        assert (!statement.empty ());
        drop_statements_.emplace_back (move (statement));
        cerr << "error: unexpected statement starting with '" << op << "'"
             << endl;
        throw failed ();

void schema::
drop (database& db, bool extra_only) const
  for (const auto& s: drop_statements_)
    // If the statement execution fails, the corresponding source file line
    // number is not reported. The line number could be usefull for the
    // utility implementer only. The errors seen by the end-user should not be
    // statement-specific.
    db.execute (s);

  if (!extra_only)
    schema_catalog::drop_schema (db, name_);

void schema::
create (database& db, bool extra_only) const
  drop (db, extra_only);

  if (!extra_only)
    schema_catalog::create_schema (db, name_);

  for (const auto& s: create_statements_)
    db.execute (s);

// main() function
main (int argc, char* argv[])
  cli::argv_scanner scan (argc, argv, true);
  options ops (scan);

  // Version.
  if (ops.version ())
    cout << "brep-migrate " << BREP_VERSION_ID << endl
         << "libbrep " << LIBBREP_VERSION_ID << endl
         << "libbbot " << LIBBBOT_VERSION_ID << endl
         << "libbpkg " << LIBBPKG_VERSION_ID << endl
         << "libbutl " << LIBBUTL_VERSION_ID << endl
         << "Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd" << endl
         << "This is free software released under the MIT license." << endl;

    return 0;

  // Help.
  if (ops.help ())
    butl::pager p ("brep-migrate help",
                   ops.pager_specified () ? &ops.pager () : nullptr,
                   &ops.pager_option ());

    print_usage (p.stream ());

    // If the pager failed, assume it has issued some diagnostics.
    return p.wait () ? 0 : 1;

  if (!scan.more ())
    cerr << "error: no database schema specified" << endl
         << help_info << endl;
    return 1;

  const string db_schema (scan.next ());

  if (db_schema != "package" && db_schema != "build")
    throw cli::unknown_argument (db_schema);

  if (scan.more ())
    cerr << "error: unexpected argument encountered" << endl
         << help_info << endl;
    return 1;

  if (ops.recreate () && ops.drop ())
    cerr << "error: inconsistent options specified" << endl
         << help_info << endl;
    return 1;

  odb::pgsql::database db (
    ops.db_user (),
    ops.db_password (),
    !ops.db_name ().empty ()
    ? ops.db_name ()
    : "brep_" + db_schema,
    ops.db_host (),
    ops.db_port (),
    "options='-c default_transaction_isolation=serializable'");

  // Prevent several brep-migrate/load instances from updating DB
  // simultaneously.
  database_lock l (db);

  // Need to obtain schema version out of the transaction. If the
  // schema_version table does not exist, the SQL query fails, which makes the
  // transaction useless as all consequitive queries in that transaction will
  // be ignored by PostgreSQL.
  schema_version schema_version (db.schema_version (db_schema));

  odb::schema_version schema_current_version (
    schema_catalog::current_version (db, db_schema));

  // It is impossible to operate with the database which is out of the
  // [base_version, current_version] range due to the lack of the knowlege
  // required not just for migration, but for the database wiping as well.
  if (schema_version > 0)
    if (schema_version < schema_catalog::base_version (db, db_schema))
      cerr << "error: database schema is too old" << endl;
      throw failed ();

    if (schema_version > schema_current_version)
      cerr << "error: database schema is too new" << endl;
      throw failed ();

  bool drop (ops.drop ());
  bool create (ops.recreate () || (schema_version == 0 && !drop));
  assert (!create || !drop);

  // The database schema recreation requires dropping it initially, which is
  // impossible before the database is migrated to the current schema version.
  // Let the user decide if they want to migrate or just drop the entire
  // database (followed with the database creation for the --recreate option).
  if ((create || drop)    &&
      schema_version != 0 &&
      schema_version != schema_current_version)
    cerr << "error: database schema requires migration" << endl
         << "  info: either migrate the database first or drop the entire "
            "database using, for example, psql" << endl;
    throw failed ();

  static const char package_extras[] = {
#include <libbrep/package-extra.hxx>
    , '\0'};

  static const char build_extras[] = {
#include <libbrep/build-extra.hxx>
    , '\0'};

  schema s (db_schema == "package" ? package_extras : build_extras,

  transaction t (db.begin ());

  if (create || drop)
    if (create)
      s.create (db);
    else if (drop)
      s.drop (db);
  else if (schema_version != schema_current_version)
    // Drop the extras, migrate the database tables and data, and create the
    // extras afterwards.
    // Note that here we assume that the latest extras drop SQL statements can
    // handle entities created by the create statements of the earlier schemas
    // (see libbrep/package-extra.sql for details).
    s.drop (db, true /* extra_only */);

    // Register the data migration functions.
    // static const data_migration_entry<2, LIBBREP_XXX_SCHEMA_VERSION_BASE>
    // migrate_v2_entry (&migrate_v2);
    schema_catalog::migrate (db, 0, db_schema);

    s.create (db, true /* extra_only */);

  t.commit ();
  return 0;
catch (const database_locked&)
  cerr << "brep-migrate or brep-load is running" << endl;
  return 2;
catch (const recoverable& e)
  cerr << "recoverable database error: " << e << endl;
  return 3;
catch (const cli::exception& e)
  cerr << "error: " << e << endl << help_info << endl;
  return 1;
catch (const failed&)
  return 1; // Diagnostics has already been issued.
// Fully qualified to avoid ambiguity with odb exception.
catch (const std::exception& e)
  cerr << "error: " << e << endl;
  return 1;