// file : mod/mod-build-log.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <mod/mod-build-log.hxx> #include <algorithm> // find_if() #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include <libbutl/timestamp.mxx> // to_stream() #include <web/module.hxx> #include <libbrep/build.hxx> #include <libbrep/build-odb.hxx> #include <mod/options.hxx> using namespace std; using namespace bbot; using namespace brep::cli; using namespace odb::core; // While currently the user-defined copy constructor is not required (we don't // need to deep copy nullptr's), it is a good idea to keep the placeholder // ready for less trivial cases. // brep::build_log:: build_log (const build_log& r) : database_module (r), options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr) { } void brep::build_log:: init (scanner& s) { HANDLER_DIAG; options_ = make_shared<options::build_log> ( s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail); if (options_->build_config_specified ()) database_module::init (static_cast<options::build> (*options_), static_cast<options::build_db> (*options_), options_->build_db_retry ()); if (options_->root ().empty ()) options_->root (dir_path ("/")); } bool brep::build_log:: handle (request& rq, response& rs) { using brep::version; // Not to confuse with module::version. HANDLER_DIAG; if (build_db_ == nullptr) throw invalid_request (501, "not implemented"); // Parse the HTTP request URL path (without the root directory) to obtain // the build package name/version, the configuration name and the optional // operation name. If the operation is not specified then print logs for all // the operations. // // Note that the URL path must be in the following form: // // <pkg-name>/<pkg-version>/log/<cfg-name>/<toolchain-version>[/<operation>] // // Also note that the presence of the first 3 components is guaranteed by // the repository_root module. // build_id id; string op; path lpath (rq.path ().leaf (options_->root ())); try { auto i (lpath.begin ()); assert (i != lpath.end ()); package_name name; try { name = package_name (*i++); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid package name: ") + e.what ()); } assert (i != lpath.end ()); auto parse_version = [] (const string& v, const char* what) -> version { // Intercept exception handling to add the parsing error attribution. // try { return brep::version (v); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid ") + what + ": " + e.what ()); } }; version package_version (parse_version (*i++, "package version")); assert (i != lpath.end () && *i == "log"); if (++i == lpath.end ()) throw invalid_argument ("no configuration name"); string config (*i++); if (config.empty ()) throw invalid_argument ("empty configuration name"); if (i == lpath.end ()) throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain version"); version toolchain_version (parse_version (*i++, "toolchain version")); id = build_id (package_id (move (name), package_version), move (config), toolchain_version); if (i != lpath.end ()) op = *i++; if (i != lpath.end ()) throw invalid_argument ("unexpected path component"); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { throw invalid_request (400, e.what ()); } // Make sure no parameters passed. // try { name_value_scanner s (rq.parameters (1024)); params::build_log (s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail); } catch (const cli::exception& e) { throw invalid_request (400, e.what ()); } // If the package build configuration expired (no such configuration, // package, etc), then we log this case with the trace severity and respond // with the 404 HTTP code (not found but may be available in the future). // The thinking is that this may be or may not be a problem with the // controller's setup (expires too fast or the link from some ancient email // is opened). // auto config_expired = [&trace, &lpath, this] (const string& d) { l2 ([&]{trace << "package build configuration for " << lpath << " expired: " << d;}); throw invalid_request (404, "package build configuration expired: " + d); }; // Make sure the build configuration still exists. // if (build_conf_map_->find (id.configuration.c_str ()) == build_conf_map_->end ()) config_expired ("no configuration"); // Load the package build configuration (if present). // shared_ptr<build> b; { transaction t (build_db_->begin ()); package_build pb; if (!build_db_->query_one<package_build> ( query<package_build>::build::id == id, pb)) config_expired ("no package build"); b = pb.build; if (b->state != build_state::built) config_expired ("state is " + to_string (b->state)); else build_db_->load (*b, b->results_section); t.commit (); } // We have all the data so don't buffer the response content. // // Note that after we started to write the response content we need to be // accurate not throwing any exceptions, that would mess up the response. // ostream& os (rs.content (200, "text/plain;charset=utf-8", false)); auto print_header = [&os, &b] () { os << "package: " << b->package_name << endl << "version: " << b->package_version << endl << "toolchain: " << b->toolchain_name << '-' << b->toolchain_version << endl << "config: " << b->configuration << endl << "machine: " << b->machine << " (" << b->machine_summary << ")" << endl << "target: " << b->target.string () << endl << "timestamp: "; butl::to_stream (os, b->timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%[.N] %Z", true /* special */, true /* local */); os << endl << endl; }; if (op.empty ()) { print_header (); for (const auto& r: b->results) os << r.operation << ": " << r.status << endl; os << endl; for (const auto& r: b->results) os << r.log; } else { const operation_results& r (b->results); auto i ( find_if (r.begin (), r.end (), [&op] (const operation_result& v) {return v.operation == op;})); if (i == r.end ()) config_expired ("no operation"); print_header (); os << op << ": " << i->status << endl << endl << i->log; } return true; }