// file : mod/mod-build-result.cxx -*- C++ -*- // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <mod/mod-build-result.hxx> #include <odb/database.hxx> #include <odb/transaction.hxx> #include <libbutl/openssl.mxx> #include <libbutl/sendmail.mxx> #include <libbutl/fdstream.mxx> #include <libbutl/process-io.mxx> #include <libbutl/manifest-parser.mxx> #include <libbutl/manifest-serializer.mxx> #include <libbbot/manifest.hxx> #include <web/module.hxx> #include <libbrep/build.hxx> #include <libbrep/build-odb.hxx> #include <libbrep/package.hxx> #include <libbrep/package-odb.hxx> #include <mod/build.hxx> // *_url() #include <mod/options.hxx> using namespace std; using namespace butl; using namespace bbot; using namespace brep::cli; using namespace odb::core; // While currently the user-defined copy constructor is not required (we don't // need to deep copy nullptr's), it is a good idea to keep the placeholder // ready for less trivial cases. // brep::build_result:: build_result (const build_result& r) : database_module (r), build_config_module (r), options_ (r.initialized_ ? r.options_ : nullptr) { } void brep::build_result:: init (scanner& s) { HANDLER_DIAG; options_ = make_shared<options::build_result> ( s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail); database_module::init (static_cast<options::package_db> (*options_), options_->package_db_retry ()); if (options_->build_config_specified ()) { database_module::init (static_cast<options::build_db> (*options_), options_->build_db_retry ()); build_config_module::init (static_cast<options::build> (*options_)); } if (options_->root ().empty ()) options_->root (dir_path ("/")); } bool brep::build_result:: handle (request& rq, response&) { using brep::version; // Not to confuse with module::version. HANDLER_DIAG; if (build_db_ == nullptr) throw invalid_request (501, "not implemented"); // Make sure no parameters passed. // try { // Note that we expect the result request manifest to be posted and so // consider parameters from the URL only. // name_value_scanner s (rq.parameters (0 /* limit */, true /* url_only */)); params::build_result (s, unknown_mode::fail, unknown_mode::fail); } catch (const cli::exception& e) { throw invalid_request (400, e.what ()); } result_request_manifest rqm; try { // We fully cache the request content to be able to retry the request // handling if odb::recoverable is thrown (see database-module.cxx for // details). // size_t limit (options_->build_result_request_max_size ()); manifest_parser p (rq.content (limit, limit), "result_request_manifest"); rqm = result_request_manifest (p); } catch (const manifest_parsing& e) { throw invalid_request (400, e.what ()); } // Parse the task response session to obtain the build id and the timestamp, // and to make sure the session matches tenant and the result manifest's // package name, and version. // build_id id; timestamp session_timestamp; try { const string& s (rqm.session); size_t p (s.find ('/')); // End of tenant. if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no package name"); if (tenant.compare (0, tenant.size (), s, 0, p) != 0) throw invalid_argument ("tenant mismatch"); size_t b (p + 1); // Start of package name. p = s.find ('/', b); // End of package name. if (p == b) throw invalid_argument ("empty package name"); if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no package version"); package_name& name (rqm.result.name); { const string& n (name.string ()); if (n.compare (0, n.size (), s, b, p - b) != 0) throw invalid_argument ("package name mismatch"); } b = p + 1; // Start of version. p = s.find ('/', b); // End of version. if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no configuration name"); auto parse_version = [&s, &b, &p] (const char* what) -> version { // Intercept exception handling to add the parsing error attribution. // try { return brep::version (string (s, b, p - b)); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid ") + what + ": " + e.what ()); } }; version package_version (parse_version ("package version")); if (package_version != rqm.result.version) throw invalid_argument ("package version mismatch"); b = p + 1; // Start of configuration name. p = s.find ('/', b); // End of configuration name. if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain name"); string config (s, b, p - b); if (config.empty ()) throw invalid_argument ("empty configuration name"); b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain name. p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain name. if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no toolchain version"); string toolchain_name (s, b, p - b); if (toolchain_name.empty ()) throw invalid_argument ("empty toolchain name"); b = p + 1; // Start of toolchain version. p = s.find ('/', b); // End of toolchain version. if (p == string::npos) throw invalid_argument ("no timestamp"); version toolchain_version (parse_version ("toolchain version")); id = build_id (package_id (move (tenant), move (name), package_version), move (config), move (toolchain_name), toolchain_version); try { size_t tsn; string ts (s, p + 1); session_timestamp = timestamp ( chrono::duration_cast<timestamp::duration> ( chrono::nanoseconds (stoull (ts, &tsn)))); if (tsn != ts.size ()) throw invalid_argument ("trailing junk"); } // Handle invalid_argument or out_of_range (both derive from logic_error), // that can be thrown by stoull(). // catch (const logic_error& e) { throw invalid_argument (string ("invalid timestamp: ") + e.what ()); } } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { throw invalid_request (400, string ("invalid session: ") + e.what ()); } // If the session expired (no such configuration, package, etc), then we log // this case with the warning severity and respond with the 200 HTTP code as // if the session is valid. The thinking is that this is a problem with the // controller's setup (expires too fast), not with the agent's. // auto warn_expired = [&rqm, &warn] (const string& d) { warn << "session '" << rqm.session << "' expired: " << d; }; // Make sure the build configuration still exists. // const bbot::build_config* cfg; { auto i (build_conf_map_->find (id.configuration.c_str ())); if (i == build_conf_map_->end ()) { warn_expired ("no build configuration"); return true; } cfg = i->second; } // Load the built package (if present). // // The only way not to deal with 2 databases simultaneously is to pull // another bunch of the package fields into the build_package foreign // object, which is a pain (see build_package.hxx for details). Doesn't seem // worth it here: email members are really secondary and we don't need to // switch transactions back and forth. // shared_ptr<package> pkg; { transaction t (package_db_->begin ()); pkg = package_db_->find<package> (id.package); t.commit (); } if (pkg == nullptr) { warn_expired ("no package"); return true; } auto print_args = [&trace, this] (const char* args[], size_t n) { l2 ([&]{trace << process_args {args, n};}); }; // Load and update the package build configuration (if present). // // NULL if the package build doesn't exist or is not updated for any reason // (authentication failed, etc) or the configuration is excluded by the // package. // shared_ptr<build> bld; optional<result_status> prev_status; bool build_notify (false); bool unforced (true); { transaction t (build_db_->begin ()); package_build pb; shared_ptr<build> b; if (!build_db_->query_one<package_build> ( query<package_build>::build::id == id, pb)) warn_expired ("no package build"); else if ((b = move (pb.build))->state != build_state::building) warn_expired ("package configuration state is " + to_string (b->state)); else if (b->timestamp != session_timestamp) warn_expired ("non-matching timestamp"); else { // Check the challenge. // // If the challenge doesn't match expectations (probably due to the // authentication settings change), then we log this case with the // warning severity and respond with the 200 HTTP code as if the // challenge is valid. The thinking is that we shouldn't alarm a // law-abaiding agent and shouldn't provide any information to a // malicious one. // auto warn_auth = [&rqm, &warn] (const string& d) { warn << "session '" << rqm.session << "' authentication failed: " << d; }; bool auth (false); // Must both be present or absent. // if (!b->agent_challenge != !rqm.challenge) warn_auth (rqm.challenge ? "unexpected challenge" : "challenge is expected"); else if (bot_agent_key_map_ == nullptr) // Authentication is disabled. auth = true; else if (!b->agent_challenge) // Authentication is recently enabled. warn_auth ("challenge is required now"); else { assert (b->agent_fingerprint && rqm.challenge); auto i (bot_agent_key_map_->find (*b->agent_fingerprint)); // The agent's key is recently replaced. // if (i == bot_agent_key_map_->end ()) warn_auth ("agent's public key not found"); else { try { openssl os (print_args, path ("-"), fdstream_mode::text, 2, process_env (options_->openssl (), options_->openssl_envvar ()), "rsautl", options_->openssl_option (), "-verify", "-pubin", "-inkey", i->second); for (const auto& c: *rqm.challenge) os.out.put (c); // Sets badbit on failure. os.out.close (); string s; getline (os.in, s); bool v (os.in.eof ()); os.in.close (); if (os.wait () && v) { auth = s == *b->agent_challenge; if (!auth) warn_auth ("challenge mismatched"); } else // The signature is presumably meaningless. warn_auth ("unable to verify challenge"); } catch (const system_error& e) { fail << "unable to verify challenge: " << e; } } } if (auth) { unforced = b->force == force_state::unforced; // Don't send email to the build-email address for the // success-to-success status change, unless the build was forced. // build_notify = !(rqm.result.status == result_status::success && b->status && *b->status == rqm.result.status && unforced); prev_status = move (b->status); b->state = build_state::built; b->status = rqm.result.status; b->force = force_state::unforced; // Cleanup the authentication data. // b->agent_fingerprint = nullopt; b->agent_challenge = nullopt; // Mark the section as loaded, so results are updated. // b->results_section.load (); b->results = move (rqm.result.results); b->timestamp = system_clock::now (); build_db_->update (b); shared_ptr<build_package> p ( build_db_->load<build_package> (b->id.package)); if (belongs (*cfg, "all") && !exclude (p->builds, p->constraints, *cfg)) bld = move (b); } } t.commit (); } if (bld == nullptr) return true; string subj ((unforced ? "build " : "rebuild ") + to_string (*bld->status) + ": " + bld->package_name.string () + '/' + bld->package_version.string () + '/' + bld->configuration + '/' + bld->toolchain_name + '-' + bld->toolchain_version.string ()); // Send notification emails to the interested parties. // auto send_email = [&bld, &subj, &error, &trace, &print_args, this] (const string& to) { try { l2 ([&]{trace << "email '" << subj << "' to " << to;}); // Redirect the diagnostics to webserver error log. // // Note: if using this somewhere else, then need to factor out all this // exit status handling code. // sendmail sm (print_args, 2, options_->email (), subj, {to}); if (bld->results.empty ()) sm.out << "No operation results available." << endl; else { const string& host (options_->host ()); const dir_path& root (options_->root ()); ostream& os (sm.out); assert (bld->status); os << "combined: " << *bld->status << endl << endl << " " << build_log_url (host, root, *bld) << endl << endl; for (const auto& r: bld->results) os << r.operation << ": " << r.status << endl << endl << " " << build_log_url (host, root, *bld, &r.operation) << endl << endl; os << "Force rebuild (enter the reason, use '+' instead of spaces):" << endl << endl << " " << build_force_url (host, root, *bld) << endl; } sm.out.close (); if (!sm.wait ()) error << "sendmail " << *sm.exit; } // Handle process_error and io_error (both derive from system_error). // catch (const system_error& e) { error << "sendmail error: " << e; } }; // Don't send the build notification email if the empty package build email // is specified. // optional<email>& build_email (pkg->build_email); if (build_notify && (!build_email || !build_email->empty ())) { // If none of the package build-* addresses is specified, then the build // email address is assumed to be the same as the package email address, // if specified, otherwise as the project email address, if specified, // otherwise the notification email is not sent. // optional<email> to; if (build_email) to = move (build_email); else if (!pkg->build_warning_email && !pkg->build_error_email) to = move (pkg->package_email ? pkg->package_email : pkg->email); if (to) send_email (*to); } assert (bld->status); // Send the build warning/error notification emails, if requested. // if (pkg->build_warning_email && *bld->status >= result_status::warning) send_email (*pkg->build_warning_email); if (pkg->build_error_email && *bld->status >= result_status::error) send_email (*pkg->build_error_email); return true; }