// file : mod/mod-ci-github-gh.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include namespace brep { // Return the GitHub check run status corresponding to a build_state. Throw // invalid_argument if the build_state value was invalid. // string gh_to_status (build_state st) { // Just return by value (small string optimization). // switch (st) { case build_state::queued: return "QUEUED"; case build_state::building: return "IN_PROGRESS"; case build_state::built: return "COMPLETED"; } return ""; // Should never reach. } // Return the build_state corresponding to a GitHub check run status // string. Throw invalid_argument if the passed status was invalid. // build_state gh_from_status (const string& s) { if (s == "QUEUED") return build_state::queued; else if (s == "IN_PROGRESS") return build_state::building; else if (s == "COMPLETED") return build_state::built; else throw invalid_argument ("unexpected GitHub check run status: '" + s + '\''); } string gh_to_conclusion (result_status rs, bool warning_success) { switch (rs) { case result_status::success: return "SUCCESS"; case result_status::warning: return warning_success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"; case result_status::error: case result_status::abort: case result_status::abnormal: return "FAILURE"; // Valid values we should never encounter. // case result_status::skip: case result_status::interrupt: throw invalid_argument ("unexpected result_status value: " + to_string (rs)); } return ""; // Should never reach. } string gh_check_run_name (const build& b, const build_queued_hints* bh) { string r; if (bh == nullptr || !bh->single_package_version) { r += b.package_name.string (); r += '/'; r += b.package_version.string (); r += '/'; } r += b.target_config_name; r += '/'; r += b.target.string (); r += '/'; if (bh == nullptr || !bh->single_package_config) { r += b.package_config_name; r += '/'; } r += b.toolchain_name; r += '-'; r += b.toolchain_version.string (); return r; } // Throw invalid_json_input when a required member `m` is missing from a // JSON object `o`. // [[noreturn]] static void missing_member (const json::parser& p, const char* o, const char* m) { throw json::invalid_json_input ( p.input_name, p.line (), p.column (), p.position (), o + string (" object is missing member '") + m + '\''); } using event = json::event; // gh_check_suite // gh_check_suite:: gh_check_suite (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); bool ni (false), hb (false), hs (false), bf (false), at (false); // Skip unknown/uninteresting members. // while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object)) { auto c = [&p] (bool& v, const char* s) { return p.name () == s ? (v = true) : false; }; if (c (ni, "node_id")) node_id = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (hb, "head_branch")) head_branch = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (hs, "head_sha")) head_sha = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (bf, "before")) before = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (at, "after")) after = p.next_expect_string (); else p.next_expect_value_skip (); } if (!ni) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite", "node_id"); if (!hb) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite", "head_branch"); if (!hs) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite", "head_sha"); if (!bf) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite", "before"); if (!at) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite", "after"); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_check_suite& cs) { os << "node_id: " << cs.node_id << ", head_branch: " << cs.head_branch << ", head_sha: " << cs.head_sha << ", before: " << cs.before << ", after: " << cs.after; return os; } // gh_check_run // gh_check_run:: gh_check_run (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); // We always ask for this exact set of fields to be returned in GraphQL // requests. // node_id = p.next_expect_member_string ("id"); name = p.next_expect_member_string ("name"); status = p.next_expect_member_string ("status"); p.next_expect (event::end_object); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_check_run& cr) { os << "node_id: " << cr.node_id << ", name: " << cr.name << ", status: " << cr.status; return os; } // gh_repository // gh_repository:: gh_repository (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); bool ni (false), nm (false), fn (false), db (false), cu (false); // Skip unknown/uninteresting members. // while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object)) { auto c = [&p] (bool& v, const char* s) { return p.name () == s ? (v = true) : false; }; if (c (ni, "node_id")) node_id = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (nm, "name")) name = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (fn, "full_name")) full_name = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (db, "default_branch")) default_branch = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (cu, "clone_url")) clone_url = p.next_expect_string (); else p.next_expect_value_skip (); } if (!ni) missing_member (p, "gh_repository", "node_id"); if (!nm) missing_member (p, "gh_repository", "name"); if (!fn) missing_member (p, "gh_repository", "full_name"); if (!db) missing_member (p, "gh_repository", "default_branch"); if (!cu) missing_member (p, "gh_repository", "clone_url"); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_repository& rep) { os << "node_id: " << rep.node_id << ", name: " << rep.name << ", full_name: " << rep.full_name << ", default_branch: " << rep.default_branch << ", clone_url: " << rep.clone_url; return os; } // gh_installation // gh_installation:: gh_installation (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); bool i (false); // Skip unknown/uninteresting members. // while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object)) { auto c = [&p] (bool& v, const char* s) { return p.name () == s ? (v = true) : false; }; if (c (i, "id")) id = p.next_expect_number (); else p.next_expect_value_skip (); } if (!i) missing_member (p, "gh_installation", "id"); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_installation& i) { os << "id: " << i.id; return os; } // gh_check_suite_event // gh_check_suite_event:: gh_check_suite_event (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); bool ac (false), cs (false), rp (false), in (false); // Skip unknown/uninteresting members. // while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object)) { auto c = [&p] (bool& v, const char* s) { return p.name () == s ? (v = true) : false; }; if (c (ac, "action")) action = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (cs, "check_suite")) check_suite = gh_check_suite (p); else if (c (rp, "repository")) repository = gh_repository (p); else if (c (in, "installation")) installation = gh_installation (p); else p.next_expect_value_skip (); } if (!ac) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite_event", "action"); if (!cs) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite_event", "check_suite"); if (!rp) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite_event", "repository"); if (!in) missing_member (p, "gh_check_suite_event", "installation"); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_check_suite_event& cs) { os << "action: " << cs.action; os << ", check_suite { " << cs.check_suite << " }"; os << ", repository { " << cs.repository << " }"; os << ", installation { " << cs.installation << " }"; return os; } // gh_installation_access_token // // Example JSON: // // { // "token": "ghs_Py7TPcsmsITeVCAWeVtD8RQs8eSos71O5Nzp", // "expires_at": "2024-02-15T16:16:38Z", // ... // } // gh_installation_access_token:: gh_installation_access_token (json::parser& p) { p.next_expect (event::begin_object); bool tk (false), ea (false); // Skip unknown/uninteresting members. // while (p.next_expect (event::name, event::end_object)) { auto c = [&p] (bool& v, const char* s) { return p.name () == s ? (v = true) : false; }; if (c (tk, "token")) token = p.next_expect_string (); else if (c (ea, "expires_at")) expires_at = gh_from_iso8601 (p.next_expect_string ()); else p.next_expect_value_skip (); } if (!tk) missing_member (p, "gh_installation_access_token", "token"); if (!ea) missing_member (p, "gh_installation_access_token", "expires_at"); } gh_installation_access_token:: gh_installation_access_token (string tk, timestamp ea) : token (move (tk)), expires_at (ea) { } ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const gh_installation_access_token& t) { os << "token: " << t.token << ", expires_at: "; butl::operator<< (os, t.expires_at); return os; } string gh_to_iso8601 (timestamp t) { return butl::to_string (t, "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ", false /* special */, false /* local */); } timestamp gh_from_iso8601 (const string& s) { return butl::from_string (s.c_str (), "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ", false /* local */); } }