path: root/build2/scheduler.hxx
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authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2017-05-01 18:24:31 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2017-05-01 19:30:26 +0300
commit70317569c6dcd9809ed4a8c425777e653ec6ca08 (patch)
tree07a538b296933e9e2a1f81088f8fcc8da3f749ad /build2/scheduler.hxx
parentcbec9ea8841c8a58b2d50bb628b28aea7a6fe179 (diff)
Add hxx extension for headers
Diffstat (limited to 'build2/scheduler.hxx')
1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build2/scheduler.hxx b/build2/scheduler.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad14c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build2/scheduler.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+// file : build2/scheduler.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <list>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <type_traits> // aligned_storage, etc
+#include <condition_variable>
+#include <build2/types.hxx>
+#include <build2/utility.hxx>
+namespace build2
+ // Scheduler of tasks and threads. Works best for "substantial" tasks (e.g.,
+ // running a process), where in comparison thread synchronization overhead
+ // is negligible.
+ //
+ // A thread (called "master") may need to perform several tasks which can be
+ // done in parallel (e.g., update all the prerequisites or run all the
+ // tests). To acomplish this, the master, via a call to async(), can ask the
+ // scheduler to run a task in another thread (called "helper"). If a helper
+ // is available, then the task is executed asynchronously by such helper.
+ // Otherwise, the task is (normally) executed synchronously as part of the
+ // wait() call below. However, in certain cases (serial execution or full
+ // queue), the task may be executed synchronously as part of the async()
+ // call itself. Once the master thread has scheduled all the tasks, it calls
+ // wait() to await for their completion.
+ //
+ // The scheduler makes sure that only a certain number of threads (for
+ // example, the number of available hardware threads) are "active" at any
+ // given time. When a master thread calls wait(), it is "suspended" until
+ // all its asynchronous tasks are completed (at which point it becomes
+ // "ready"). A suspension of a master results in either another ready master
+ // being "resumed" or another helper thread becoming available.
+ //
+ // On completion of a task a helper thread returns to the scheduler which
+ // can again lead either to a ready master being resumed (in which case the
+ // helper is suspended) or the helper becoming available to perform another
+ // task.
+ //
+ // Note that suspended threads are not reused as helpers. Rather, a new
+ // helper thread is always created if none is available. This is done to
+ // allow a ready master to continue as soon as possible. If it were reused
+ // as a helper, then it could be blocked on a nested wait() further down the
+ // stack. All this means that the number of threads created by the scheduler
+ // will normally exceed the maximum active allowed.
+ //
+ class scheduler
+ {
+ public:
+ using atomic_count = std::atomic<size_t>;
+ // F should return void and not throw any exceptions. The way the result
+ // of a task is communicated back to the master thread is ad hoc, usually
+ // via "out" arguments. Such result(s) can only be retrieved by the master
+ // once its task count reaches the start count.
+ //
+ // The argument passing semantics is the same as for std::thread. In
+ // particular, lvalue-references are passed as copies (use ref()/cref()
+ // for the by-reference semantics), except the case where the task is
+ // executed synchronously and as part of the async() call itself (this
+ // subtlety can become important when passing shared locks; you would
+ // only want it to be copied if the task is queued).
+ //
+ // Return true if the task was queued and false if it was executed
+ // synchronously.
+ //
+ // If the scheduler is shutdown, throw system_error(ECANCELED).
+ //
+ template <typename F, typename... A>
+ bool
+ async (size_t start_count, atomic_count& task_count, F&&, A&&...);
+ template <typename F, typename... A>
+ bool
+ async (atomic_count& task_count, F&& f, A&&... a)
+ {
+ return async (0, task_count, forward<F> (f), forward<A> (a)...);
+ }
+ // Wait until the task count reaches the start count or less. If the
+ // scheduler is shutdown while waiting, throw system_error(ECANCELED).
+ // Return the value of task count. Note that this is a synchronizaiton
+ // point (i.e., the task count is checked with memory_order_acquire).
+ //
+ // Note that it is valid to wait on another thread's task count (that is,
+ // without making any async() calls in this thread). However, if the start
+ // count differs from the one passed to async(), then whomever sets the
+ // start count to this alternative value must also call resume() below
+ // in order to signal waiting threads.
+ //
+ // Note also that in this case (waiting on someone else's start count),
+ // the async() call could execute the tasks synchronously without ever
+ // incrementing the task count. Thus if waiting on another thread's start
+ // count starts before/during async() calls, then it must be "gated" with
+ // an alternative (lower) start count.
+ //
+ // Finally, if waiting on someone else's start count, it may be unsafe
+ // (from the deadlock's point of view) to continue working through our own
+ // queue (i.e., we may block waiting on a task that has been queued before
+ // us which in turn may end up waiting on "us").
+ //
+ enum work_queue
+ {
+ work_none, // Don't work own queue.
+ work_one, // Work own queue rechecking the task count after every task.
+ work_all // Work own queue before rechecking the task count.
+ };
+ size_t
+ wait (size_t start_count,
+ const atomic_count& task_count,
+ work_queue = work_all);
+ size_t
+ wait (const atomic_count& task_count, work_queue wq = work_all)
+ {
+ return wait (0, task_count, wq);
+ }
+ // Resume threads waiting on this task count.
+ //
+ void
+ resume (const atomic_count& task_count);
+ // An active thread that is about to wait for potentially significant time
+ // on something other than task_count (e.g., mutex, condition variable)
+ // should deactivate itself with the scheduler and then reactivate once
+ // done waiting.
+ //
+ void
+ deactivate ();
+ void
+ activate (bool collision = false);
+ // Startup and shutdown.
+ //
+ public:
+ // Unless already shut down, call shutdown() but ignore errors.
+ //
+ ~scheduler ();
+ // Create a shut down scheduler.
+ //
+ scheduler () = default;
+ // Create a started up scheduler.
+ //
+ // The initial active argument is the number of threads to assume are
+ // already active (e.g., the calling thread). It must not be 0 (since
+ // someone has to schedule the first task).
+ //
+ // If the maximum threads or task queue depth arguments are unspecified,
+ // then appropriate defaults are used.
+ //
+ scheduler (size_t max_active,
+ size_t init_active = 1,
+ size_t max_threads = 0,
+ size_t queue_depth = 0)
+ {
+ startup (max_active, init_active, max_threads, queue_depth);
+ }
+ // Start the scheduler.
+ //
+ void
+ startup (size_t max_active,
+ size_t init_active = 1,
+ size_t max_threads = 0,
+ size_t queue_depth = 0);
+ // Return true if the scheduler was started up.
+ //
+ // Note: can only be called from threads that have observed creation,
+ // startup, or shutdown.
+ //
+ bool
+ started () const {return !shutdown_;}
+ // Tune a started up scheduler.
+ //
+ // Currently one cannot increase the number of max_active. Pass 0 to
+ // restore the initial value.
+ //
+ // Note that tuning can only be done while the scheduler is inactive, that
+ // is, no threads are executing a task or are suspended. For example, in a
+ // setup with a single initial active thread that would be after a return
+ // from the top-level wait() call.
+ //
+ void
+ tune (size_t max_active);
+ // Return true if the scheduler is running serial.
+ //
+ // Note: can only be called from threads that have observed startup.
+ //
+ bool
+ serial () const {return max_active_ == 1;}
+ // Wait for all the helper threads to terminate. Throw system_error on
+ // failure. Note that the initially active threads are not waited for.
+ // Return scheduling statistics.
+ //
+ struct stat
+ {
+ size_t thread_max_active = 0; // max # of active threads allowed.
+ size_t thread_max_total = 0; // max # of total threads allowed.
+ size_t thread_helpers = 0; // # of helper threads created.
+ size_t thread_max_waiting = 0; // max # of waiters at any time.
+ size_t task_queue_depth = 0; // # of entries in a queue (capacity).
+ size_t task_queue_full = 0; // # of times task queue was full.
+ size_t task_queue_remain = 0; // # of tasks remaining in queue.
+ size_t wait_queue_slots = 0; // # of wait slots (buckets).
+ size_t wait_queue_collisions = 0; // # of times slot had been occupied.
+ };
+ stat
+ shutdown ();
+ // If initially active thread(s) (besides the one that calls startup())
+ // exist before the call to startup(), then they must call join() before
+ // executing any tasks. The two common cases where you don't have to call
+ // join are a single active thread that calls startup()/shutdown() or
+ // active thread(s) that are created after startup().
+ //
+ void
+ join ()
+ {
+ assert (task_queue_ = nullptr);
+ // Lock the mutex to make sure the values set in startup() are visible
+ // in this thread.
+ //
+ lock l (mutex_);
+ }
+ // If initially active thread(s) participate in multiple schedulers and/or
+ // sessions (intervals between startup() and shutdown()), then they must
+ // call leave() before joining another scheduler/session. Note that this
+ // applies to the active thread that calls shutdown(). Note that a thread
+ // can only participate in one scheduler at a time.
+ //
+ void
+ leave ()
+ {
+ task_queue_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Return the number of hardware threads or 0 if unable to determine.
+ //
+ static size_t
+ hardware_concurrency ()
+ {
+ return std::thread::hardware_concurrency ();
+ }
+ // Return a prime number that can be used as a lock shard size that's
+ // appropriate for the scheduler's concurrency. Use power of two values
+ // for mul for higher-contention shards and for div for lower-contention
+ // ones. Always return 1 for serial execution.
+ //
+ // Note: can only be called from threads that have observed startup.
+ //
+ size_t
+ shard_size (size_t mul = 1, size_t div = 1) const;
+ private:
+ using lock = std::unique_lock<std::mutex>;
+ void
+ activate_helper (lock&);
+ void
+ create_helper (lock&);
+ // We restrict ourselves to a single pointer as an argument in hope of
+ // a small object optimization.
+ //
+ static void
+ helper (void*);
+ size_t
+ suspend (size_t start_count, const atomic_count& task_count);
+ // Task encapsulation.
+ //
+ template <typename F, typename... A>
+ struct task_type
+ {
+ using func_type = std::decay_t<F>;
+ using args_type = std::tuple<std::decay_t<A>...>;
+ atomic_count* task_count;
+ size_t start_count;
+ func_type func;
+ args_type args;
+ template <size_t... i>
+ void
+ thunk (std::index_sequence<i...>) noexcept
+ {
+ move (func) (std::get<i> (move (args))...);
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename F, typename... A>
+ static void
+ task_thunk (scheduler&, lock&, void*);
+ template <typename T>
+ static std::decay_t<T>
+ decay_copy (T&& x) {return forward<T> (x);}
+ private:
+ std::mutex mutex_;
+ bool shutdown_ = true; // Shutdown flag.
+ // The constraints that we must maintain:
+ //
+ // active <= max_active
+ // (init_active + helpers) <= max_threads (soft; see activate_helper())
+ //
+ // Note that the first three are immutable between startup() and
+ // shutdown() so can be accessed without a lock (but see join()).
+ //
+ size_t init_active_ = 0; // Initially active threads.
+ size_t max_active_ = 0; // Maximum number of active threads.
+ size_t max_threads_ = 0; // Maximum number of total threads.
+ size_t helpers_ = 0; // Number of helper threads created so far.
+ // Every thread that we manage must be accounted for in one of these
+ // counters. And their sum should equal (init_active + helpers).
+ //
+ size_t active_ = 0; // Active master threads executing a task.
+ size_t idle_ = 0; // Idle helper threads waiting for a task.
+ size_t waiting_ = 0; // Suspended master threads waiting for their tasks.
+ size_t ready_ = 0; // Ready master thread waiting to become active.
+ size_t starting_ = 0; // Helper threads starting up.
+ // Original values (as specified during startup) that can be altered via
+ // tuning.
+ //
+ size_t orig_max_active_ = 0;
+ std::condition_variable idle_condv_; // Idle helpers queue.
+ std::condition_variable ready_condv_; // Ready masters queue.
+ // Statistics counters.
+ //
+ size_t stat_max_waiters_;
+ size_t stat_wait_collisions_;
+ // Wait queue.
+ //
+ // A wait slot blocks a bunch of threads. When they are (all) unblocked,
+ // they re-examine their respective conditions and either carry on or
+ // block again.
+ //
+ // The wait queue is a shard of slots. A thread picks a slot based on the
+ // address of its task count variable. How many slots do we need? This
+ // depends on the number of waiters that we can have which cannot be
+ // greater than the total number of threads.
+ //
+ // The pointer to the task count is used to identify the already waiting
+ // group of threads for collision statistics.
+ //
+ struct wait_slot
+ {
+ std::mutex mutex;
+ std::condition_variable condv;
+ size_t waiters = 0;
+ const atomic_count* task_count;
+ bool shutdown = true;
+ };
+ size_t wait_queue_size_; // Proportional to max_threads.
+ unique_ptr<wait_slot[]> wait_queue_;
+ // Task queue.
+ //
+ // Each queue has its own mutex plus we have an atomic total count of the
+ // queued tasks. Note that it should only be modified while holding one
+ // of the queue lock.
+ //
+ atomic_count queued_task_count_;
+ // For now we only support trivially-destructible tasks.
+ //
+ struct task_data
+ {
+ std::aligned_storage<sizeof (void*) * 8>::type data;
+ void (*thunk) (scheduler&, lock&, void*);
+ };
+ // We have two requirements: Firstly, we want to keep the master thread
+ // (the one that called wait()) busy working though its own queue for as
+ // long as possible before (if at all) it "reincarnates" as a helper. The
+ // main reason for this is the limited number of helpers we can create.
+ //
+ // Secondly, we don't want to block wait() longer than necessary since the
+ // master thread can do some work with the result. Plus, overall, we want
+ // to "unwind" task hierarchies as soon as possible since they hold up
+ // resources such as thread's stack. All this means that the master thread
+ // can only work through tasks that it has queued at this "level" of the
+ // async()/wait() calls since we know that wait() cannot return until
+ // they are done.
+ //
+ // To satisfy the first requirement, the master and helper threads get the
+ // tasks from different ends of the queue: master from the back while
+ // helpers from the front. And the master always adds new tasks to the
+ // back.
+ //
+ // To satisfy the second requirement, the master thread stores the index
+ // of the first task it has queued at this "level" and makes sure it
+ // doesn't try to deque any task beyond that.
+ //
+ size_t task_queue_depth_; // Multiple of max_active.
+ struct task_queue
+ {
+ std::mutex mutex;
+ bool shutdown = false;
+ size_t stat_full = 0; // Number of times push() returned NULL.
+ // Our task queue is circular with head being the index of the first
+ // element and tail -- of the last. Since this makes the empty and one
+ // element cases indistinguishable, we also keep the size.
+ //
+ // The mark is an index somewhere between (figuratively speaking) head
+ // and tail, if enabled. If the mark is hit, then it is disabled until
+ // the queue becomes empty or it is reset by a push.
+ //
+ size_t head = 0;
+ size_t mark = 0;
+ size_t tail = 0;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ unique_ptr<task_data[]> data;
+ task_queue (size_t depth): data (new task_data[depth]) {}
+ };
+ // Task queue API. Expects the queue mutex to be locked.
+ //
+ // Push a new task to the queue returning a pointer to the task data to be
+ // filled or NULL if the queue is full.
+ //
+ task_data*
+ push (task_queue& tq)
+ {
+ size_t& s (tq.size);
+ size_t& t (tq.tail);
+ size_t& m (tq.mark);
+ if (s != task_queue_depth_)
+ {
+ // normal wrap empty
+ // | | |
+ t = s != 0 ? (t != task_queue_depth_ - 1 ? t + 1 : 0) : t;
+ s++;
+ if (m == task_queue_depth_) // Enable the mark if first push.
+ m = t;
+ queued_task_count_.fetch_add (1, std::memory_order_release);
+ return &tq.data[t];
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ bool
+ empty_front (task_queue& tq) const {return tq.size == 0;}
+ void
+ pop_front (task_queue& tq, lock& ql)
+ {
+ size_t& s (tq.size);
+ size_t& h (tq.head);
+ size_t& m (tq.mark);
+ bool a (h == m); // Adjust mark?
+ task_data& td (tq.data[h]);
+ // normal wrap empty
+ // | | |
+ h = s != 1 ? (h != task_queue_depth_ - 1 ? h + 1 : 0) : h;
+ if (--s == 0 || a)
+ m = h; // Reset or adjust the mark.
+ queued_task_count_.fetch_sub (1, std::memory_order_release);
+ // The thunk moves the task data to its stack, releases the lock,
+ // and continues to execute the task.
+ //
+ td.thunk (*this, ql, &td.data);
+ ql.lock ();
+ }
+ bool
+ empty_back (task_queue& tq) const
+ {
+ return tq.size == 0 || tq.mark == task_queue_depth_;
+ }
+ void
+ pop_back (task_queue& tq, lock& ql)
+ {
+ size_t& s (tq.size);
+ size_t& t (tq.tail);
+ size_t& m (tq.mark);
+ bool a (t == m); // Adjust mark?
+ task_data& td (tq.data[t]);
+ // Save the old queue mark and disable it in case the task we are about
+ // to run adds sub-tasks. The first push(), if any, will reset it.
+ //
+ size_t om (m);
+ m = task_queue_depth_;
+ // normal wrap empty
+ // | | |
+ t = s != 1 ? (t != 0 ? t - 1 : task_queue_depth_ - 1) : t;
+ --s;
+ queued_task_count_.fetch_sub (1, std::memory_order_release);
+ td.thunk (*this, ql, &td.data);
+ ql.lock ();
+ // Restore the old mark (which we might have to adjust).
+ //
+ if (s == 0)
+ m = t; // Reset the mark.
+ else if (a)
+ m = task_queue_depth_; // Disable the mark.
+ else
+ // What happens if head goes past the old mark? In this case we will
+ // get into the empty queue state before we end up making any (wrong)
+ // decisions based on this value. Unfortunately there is no way to
+ // detect this (and do some sanity asserts) since things can wrap
+ // around.
+ //
+ // To put it another way, the understanding here is that after the
+ // task returns we will either have an empty queue or there will still
+ // be tasks between the old mark and the current tail, something along
+ // these lines:
+ //
+ // | | |
+ // m h t
+ //
+ m = om;
+ }
+ // Each thread has its own queue which are stored in this list.
+ //
+ std::list<task_queue> task_queues_;
+ // TLS cache of thread's task queue.
+ //
+ static
+#ifdef __cpp_thread_local
+ thread_local
+ __thread
+ task_queue* task_queue_;
+ task_queue&
+ create_queue ();
+ };
+#include <build2/scheduler.txx>