path: root/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
diff options
authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-10-10 23:13:46 +0300
committerBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2019-10-14 12:57:28 +0200
commit2671496db7c3996a6d8467360979f3085375c6df (patch)
tree281531a27acfdd4a929f19b6b35ce2a94bfc9633 /libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
parent19e1b71a396e6b82c8e8a4602446ada0173579b9 (diff)
Implement MSVC installation discovery for version 15 (2017) and later
In particular, this removes the requirement to build from the Visual Studio command prompt. Note that since MSVC compiler binaries are target-specific (i.e., there are no -m32/-m64 options nor something like /MACHINE), in this case we default to a 64-bit build (a 32-bit build can still be achieved by running from a suitable command prompt). Finally, this mechanism is also used to find Clang bundled with MSVC.
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
index 7b993f0..52c9541 100644
--- a/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/guess.cxx
@@ -4,8 +4,70 @@
#include <libbuild2/cc/guess.hxx>
+// Bootstrap build is always performed in the VC's command prompt and thus
+// doesn't require the VC search functionality.
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(BUILD2_BOOTSTRAP)
+# include <libbutl/win32-utility.hxx>
+# include <unknwn.h> // IUnknown
+# include <stdlib.h> // _MAX_PATH
+# include <oleauto.h> // SysFreeString()
+# include <guiddef.h> // CLSID, IID
+# include <objbase.h> // CoInitializeEx(), CoCreateInstance(), etc.
+// MinGW may lack some macro definitions used in msvc-setup.h (see below), so
+// we provide them if that's the case.
+# ifndef MAXUINT
+# endif
+// MinGW's sal.h (Microsoft's Source Code Annotation Language) may not contain
+// all the in/out annotation macros.
+# ifndef _In_z_
+# define _In_z_
+# endif
+# ifndef _In_opt_z_
+# define _In_opt_z_
+# endif
+# ifndef _Out_opt_
+# define _Out_opt_
+# endif
+# ifndef _Deref_out_opt_
+# define _Deref_out_opt_
+# endif
+# ifndef _Out_writes_to_
+# define _Out_writes_to_(X, Y)
+# endif
+# ifndef _Deref_out_range_
+# define _Deref_out_range_(X, Y)
+# endif
+# ifndef _Outptr_result_maybenull_
+# define _Outptr_result_maybenull_
+# endif
+# ifndef _Reserved_
+# define _Reserved_
+# endif
+// API for enumerating Visual Studio setup instances and querying information
+// about them (see the LICENSE file for details).
+# include <libbuild2/cc/msvc-setup.h>
+# include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
#include <map>
-#include <cstring> // strlen(), strchr()
+#include <cstring> // strlen(), strchr()
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
@@ -352,6 +414,291 @@ namespace build2
return pre_guess_result {invalid_compiler_type, nullopt, string::npos};
+ // Return the latest MSVC and Platform SDK installation information if
+ // both are discovered on the system and nullopt otherwise. In particular,
+ // don't fail on the underlying COM/OS errors returning nullopt instead.
+ // This way a broken VC setup will be silently ignored.
+ //
+ // Note that Visual Studio versions prior to 15.0 are not supported.
+ //
+ struct msvc_info
+ {
+ dir_path msvc_dir; // VC directory (...\Tools\MSVC\<ver>\).
+ string psdk_ver; // Platfor SDK directory (...\Windows Kits\<ver>\).
+ dir_path psdk_dir; // Platfor SDK version (under Include/, Lib/, etc).
+ };
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(BUILD2_BOOTSTRAP)
+ // We more or less follow the logic in the Clang 'simplementation (see
+ // MSVC.cpp for details) but don't use the high level APIs (bstr_t,
+ // com_ptr_t, etc) and the VC extensions (__uuidof(), class uuid
+ // __declspecs, etc) that are poorly supported by MinGW GCC and Clang.
+ //
+ struct com_deleter
+ {
+ void operator() (IUnknown* p) const {if (p != nullptr) p->Release ();}
+ };
+ struct bstr_deleter
+ {
+ void operator() (BSTR p) const {if (p != nullptr) SysFreeString (p);}
+ };
+ // We don't use the __uuidof keyword (see above) and so define the
+ // class/interface ids manually.
+ //
+ static const CLSID msvc_setup_config_clsid {
+ 0x177F0C4A, 0x1CD3, 0x4DE7,
+ {0xA3, 0x2C, 0x71, 0xDB, 0xBB, 0x9F, 0xA3, 0x6D}};
+ static const IID msvc_setup_config_iid {
+ 0x26AAB78C, 0x4A60, 0x49D6,
+ {0xAF, 0x3B, 0x3C, 0x35, 0xBC, 0x93, 0x36, 0x5D}};
+ static const IID msvc_setup_helper_iid {
+ 0x42B21B78, 0x6192, 0x463E,
+ {0x87, 0xBF, 0xD5, 0x77, 0x83, 0x8F, 0x1D, 0x5C}};
+ static optional<msvc_info>
+ find_msvc ()
+ {
+ using namespace butl;
+ msvc_info r;
+ // Try to obtain the latest MSVC directory and version.
+ //
+ {
+ // Initialize the COM library for use by the current thread.
+ //
+ if (CoInitializeEx (nullptr /* pvReserved */,
+ return nullopt;
+ auto uninitializer (make_guard ([] () {CoUninitialize ();}));
+ // Obtain the VS information retrieval interface. Failed that, assume
+ // there is no VS installed.
+ //
+ unique_ptr<ISetupConfiguration2, com_deleter> sc;
+ {
+ ISetupConfiguration2* p;
+ if (CoCreateInstance (msvc_setup_config_clsid,
+ nullptr /* pUnkOuter */,
+ msvc_setup_config_iid,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*> (&p)) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ sc.reset (p);
+ }
+ // Obtain the VS instance enumerator interface.
+ //
+ unique_ptr<IEnumSetupInstances, com_deleter> ei;
+ {
+ IEnumSetupInstances* p;
+ if (sc->EnumAllInstances (&p) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ ei.reset (p);
+ }
+ // Obtain an interface that helps with the VS version parsing.
+ //
+ unique_ptr<ISetupHelper, com_deleter> sh;
+ {
+ ISetupHelper* p;
+ if (sc->QueryInterface (msvc_setup_helper_iid,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*> (&p)) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ sh.reset (p);
+ }
+ // Iterate over the VS instances and pick the latest one. Bail out
+ // if any COM interface function call fails.
+ //
+ unsigned long long vs_ver (0); // VS version numeric representation.
+ unique_ptr<ISetupInstance, com_deleter> vs;
+ for (ISetupInstance* p;
+ (hr = ei->Next (1, &p, nullptr /* pceltFetched */)) == S_OK; )
+ {
+ unique_ptr<ISetupInstance, com_deleter> i (p);
+ // Note: we cannot use bstr_t due to the Clang 9.0 bug #42842.
+ //
+ BSTR iv; // For example, 16.3.29324.140.
+ if (i->GetInstallationVersion (&iv) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ unique_ptr<wchar_t, bstr_deleter> deleter (iv);
+ unsigned long long v;
+ if (sh->ParseVersion (iv, &v) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ if (vs == nullptr || v > vs_ver)
+ {
+ vs = move (i);
+ vs_ver = v;
+ }
+ }
+ // Bail out if no VS instance is found or we didn't manage to iterate
+ // through all of them successfully.
+ //
+ if (vs == nullptr || hr != S_FALSE)
+ return nullopt;
+ // Obtain the VC directory path.
+ //
+ {
+ BSTR p;
+ if (vs->ResolvePath (L"VC", &p) != S_OK)
+ return nullopt;
+ unique_ptr<wchar_t, bstr_deleter> deleter (p);
+ // Convert BSTR to the NULL-terminated character string and then to
+ // a path. Bail out if anything goes wrong.
+ //
+ try
+ {
+ int n (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,
+ 0 /* dwFlags */,
+ p,
+ -1, /*cchWideChar */
+ nullptr /* lpMultiByteStr */,
+ 0 /* cbMultiByte */,
+ 0 /* lpDefaultChar */,
+ 0 /* lpUsedDefaultChar */));
+ if (n != 0) // Note: must include the terminating NULL character.
+ {
+ vector<char> ps (n);
+ if (WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP,
+ 0,
+ p, -1,
+ ps.data (), n,
+ 0, 0) != 0)
+ r.msvc_dir = dir_path (ps.data ());
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&) {}
+ if (r.msvc_dir.relative ()) // Also covers the empty directory case.
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ // Read the VC version from the file and bail out on error.
+ //
+ string vc_ver; // For example, 14.23.28105.
+ path vp (
+ r.msvc_dir /
+ path ("Auxiliary\\Build\\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt"));
+ try
+ {
+ ifdstream is (vp);
+ vc_ver = trim (is.read_text ());
+ }
+ catch (const io_error&) {}
+ // Make sure that the VC version directory exists.
+ //
+ if (!vc_ver.empty ())
+ try
+ {
+ ((r.msvc_dir /= "Tools") /= "MSVC") /= vc_ver;
+ if (!dir_exists (r.msvc_dir))
+ r.msvc_dir.clear ();
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&) {}
+ catch (const system_error&) {}
+ if (r.msvc_dir.empty ())
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ // Try to obtain the latest Platform SDK directory and version.
+ //
+ {
+ // Read the Platform SDK directory path from the registry. Failed
+ // that, assume there is no Platform SDK installed.
+ //
+ HKEY h;
+ if (RegOpenKeyExA (
+ "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Kits\\Installed Roots",
+ 0 /* ulOptions */,
+ return nullopt;
+ DWORD t;
+ // Reserve space for the terminating NULL character.
+ //
+ DWORD n (_MAX_PATH + 1);
+ char buf[_MAX_PATH + 1];
+ LSTATUS st (RegQueryValueExA (h,
+ "KitsRoot10",
+ nullptr,
+ &t,
+ reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE> (buf),
+ &n));
+ // Unlikely to fail, but we can't do much if that's the case.
+ //
+ RegCloseKey (h);
+ // Note that the value length includes the terminating NULL character
+ // and so cannot be zero.
+ //
+ if (st != ERROR_SUCCESS || t != REG_SZ || n == 0)
+ return nullopt;
+ try
+ {
+ r.psdk_dir = dir_path (buf);
+ if (r.psdk_dir.relative ()) // Also covers the empty directory case.
+ return nullopt;
+ // Obtain the latest Platform SDK version as the lexicographically
+ // greatest sub-directory name in the <psdk-dir>/Include directory.
+ //
+ for (const dir_entry& de:
+ dir_iterator (r.psdk_dir / dir_path ("Include"),
+ false /* ignore_dangling */))
+ {
+ if (de.type () == entry_type::directory)
+ {
+ const string& v (de.path ().string ());
+ if (v.compare (0, 3, "10.") == 0 && v > r.psdk_ver)
+ r.psdk_ver = v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&) {return nullopt;}
+ catch (const system_error&) {return nullopt;}
+ if (r.psdk_ver.empty ())
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ return move (r);
+ }
// Guess the compiler type and variant by running it. If the pre argument
// is not empty, then only "confirm" the pre-guess. Return empty result if
// unable to guess.
@@ -363,6 +710,15 @@ namespace build2
string checksum;
process_path path;
+ // Optional additional information (for example, msvc_info).
+ //
+ static void
+ null_info_deleter (void* p) { assert (p == nullptr); }
+ using info_ptr = unique_ptr<void, void (*) (void*)>;
+ info_ptr info = {nullptr, null_info_deleter};
guess_result () = default;
guess_result (compiler_id i, string&& s)
: id (move (i)), signature (move (s)) {}
@@ -388,9 +744,15 @@ namespace build2
using type = compiler_type;
const type invalid = invalid_compiler_type;
+ const type& pt (pre.type);
+ const optional<string>& pv (pre.variant);
+ using info_ptr = guess_result::info_ptr;
guess_result r;
process_path xp;
+ info_ptr search_info (nullptr, guess_result::null_info_deleter);
+ for (;;) // Breakout loop.
auto df = make_diag_frame (
[&xm](const diag_record& dr)
@@ -398,36 +760,93 @@ namespace build2
dr << info << "use config." << xm << " to override";
+ dir_path fb; // Fallback search directory.
+#ifdef _WIN32
// If we are running in the Visual Studio command prompt, add the
// potentially bundled Clang directory as a fallback (for some reason
// the Visual Studio prompts don't add it to PATH themselves).
- dir_path fallback;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- if (pre.type == type::clang ||
- (pre.type == type::msvc && pre.variant && *pre.variant == "clang"))
+ if (xc.simple () &&
+ (pt == type::clang ||
+ (pt == type::msvc && pv && *pv == "clang")))
if (optional<string> v = getenv ("VCINSTALLDIR"))
- fallback = ((dir_path (move (*v)) /= "Tools") /= "Llvm") /= "bin";
+ fb = ((dir_path (move (*v)) /= "Tools") /= "Llvm") /= "bin";
catch (const invalid_path&)
// Ignore it.
+ goto search;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we pre-guessed MSVC or Clang (including clang-cl) try the search
+ // and if not found, try to locate the MSVC installation and fallback
+ // on that.
+ //
+ if (xc.simple () &&
+ (pt == type::clang ||
+ (pt == type::msvc && (!pv || *pv == "clang"))))
+ {
+ if (!(xp = try_run_search (xc, false, dir_path (), true)).empty ())
+ break;
+ if (optional<msvc_info> mi = find_msvc ())
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (pt == type::msvc && !pv)
+ {
+ // With MSVC you get a compiler binary per target (i.e., there
+ // is nothing like -m32/-m64 or /MACHINE). Targeting 64-bit
+ // seems like as good of a default as any.
+ //
+ fb = ((dir_path (mi->msvc_dir) /= "bin") /= "Hostx64") /= "x64";
+ search_info = info_ptr (new msvc_info (move (*mi)),
+ [] (void* p)
+ {
+ delete static_cast<msvc_info*> (p);
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Get to ...\VC\Tools\ from ...\VC\Tools\MSVC\<ver>\.
+ //
+ fb = (dir_path (mi->msvc_dir) /= "..") /= "..";
+ fb.normalize ();
+ (fb /= "Llvm") /= "bin";
+ // Note that in this case we drop msvc_info and extract it
+ // directly from Clang later.
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_path&)
+ {
+ fb.clear (); // Ignore it.
+ }
+ goto search;
+ search:
// Only search in PATH (specifically, omitting the current
// executable's directory on Windows).
xp = run_search (xc,
- false /* init (note: result is cached) */,
- fallback,
- true /* path_only */);
+ false /* init (note: result is cached) */,
+ fb,
+ true /* path_only */);
+ break;
// Start with -v. This will cover gcc and clang (including clang-cl).
@@ -445,13 +864,12 @@ namespace build2
// In fact, if someone renames icpc to g++, there will be no way for
// us to detect this. Oh, well, their problem.
- if (r.empty () && ( pre.type == invalid ||
- pre.type == type::gcc ||
- pre.type == type::clang ||
- (pre.type == type::msvc &&
- pre.variant && *pre.variant == "clang")))
+ if (r.empty () && (pt == invalid ||
+ pt == type::gcc ||
+ pt == type::clang ||
+ (pt == type::msvc && pv && *pv == "clang")))
- auto f = [&xi, &pre] (string& l, bool last) -> guess_result
+ auto f = [&xi, &pt] (string& l, bool last) -> guess_result
if (xi)
@@ -525,7 +943,7 @@ namespace build2
if (l.find ("clang ") != string::npos)
- return guess_result (pre.type == type::msvc
+ return guess_result (pt == type::msvc
? compiler_id {type::msvc, "clang"}
: compiler_id {type::clang, ""},
move (l));
@@ -567,7 +985,7 @@ namespace build2
if (r.id.type == type::clang &&
r.id.variant == "apple" &&
- pre.type == type::gcc)
+ pt == type::gcc)
pre.type = type::clang;
pre.variant = "apple";
@@ -578,10 +996,10 @@ namespace build2
// Next try --version to detect icc. As well as obtain signature for
// GCC/Clang-like compilers in case -v above didn't work.
- if (r.empty () && (pre.type == invalid ||
- pre.type == type::icc ||
- pre.type == type::gcc ||
- pre.type == type::clang))
+ if (r.empty () && (pt == invalid ||
+ pt == type::icc ||
+ pt == type::gcc ||
+ pt == type::clang))
auto f = [&xi] (string& l, bool) -> guess_result
@@ -617,7 +1035,8 @@ namespace build2
// Finally try to run it without any options to detect msvc.
- if (r.empty () && (pre.type == invalid || pre.type == type::msvc))
+ if (r.empty () && (pt == invalid ||
+ pt == type::msvc))
auto f = [&xi] (string& l, bool) -> guess_result
@@ -669,9 +1088,8 @@ namespace build2
if (!r.empty ())
- if (pre.type != invalid &&
- (pre.type != r.id.type ||
- (pre.variant && *pre.variant != r.id.variant)))
+ if (pt != invalid &&
+ (pt != r.id.type || (pv && *pv != r.id.variant)))
l4 ([&]{trace << "compiler type guess mismatch"
<< ", pre-guessed " << pre
@@ -685,6 +1103,9 @@ namespace build2
<< r.signature << "'";});
r.path = move (xp);
+ if (search_info != nullptr && r.info == nullptr)
+ r.info = move (search_info);
@@ -823,6 +1244,82 @@ namespace build2
<< "' to runtime version" << endf;
+ // Return the MSVC system header search paths (i.e., what the Visual
+ // Studio command prompt puts into INCLUDE).
+ //
+ // Note that currently we don't add any ATL/MFC or WinRT paths (but could
+ // do that probably first checking if they exist/empty).
+ //
+ static dir_paths
+ msvc_include (const msvc_info& mi)
+ {
+ dir_paths r;
+ r.push_back (dir_path (mi.msvc_dir) /= "include");
+ // This path structure only appeared in Platform SDK 10 (if anyone wants
+ // to use anything older, they will just have to use the MSVC command
+ // prompt).
+ //
+ if (!mi.psdk_ver.empty ())
+ {
+ dir_path d ((dir_path (mi.psdk_dir) /= "Include") /= mi.psdk_ver);
+ r.push_back (dir_path (d) /= "ucrt" );
+ r.push_back (dir_path (d) /= "shared");
+ r.push_back (dir_path (d) /= "um" );
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Return the MSVC system library search paths (i.e., what the Visual
+ // Studio command prompt puts into LIB).
+ //
+ static dir_paths
+ msvc_lib (const msvc_info& mi, const char* cpu)
+ {
+ dir_paths r;
+ r.push_back ((dir_path (mi.msvc_dir) /= "lib") /= cpu);
+ // This path structure only appeared in Platform SDK 10 (if anyone wants
+ // to use anything older, they will just have to use the MSVC command
+ // prompt).
+ //
+ if (!mi.psdk_ver.empty ())
+ {
+ dir_path d ((dir_path (mi.psdk_dir) /= "Lib") /= mi.psdk_ver);
+ r.push_back ((dir_path (d) /= "ucrt") /= cpu);
+ r.push_back ((dir_path (d) /= "um" ) /= cpu);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Return the MSVC binutils search paths (i.e., what the Visual Studio
+ // command prompt puts into PATH).
+ //
+ static string
+ msvc_bin (const msvc_info& mi, const char* cpu)
+ {
+ string r;
+ // Seeing that we only do 64-bit on Windows, let's always use 64-bit
+ // MSVC tools (link.exe, etc). In case of the Platform SDK, it's unclear
+ // what the CPU signifies (host, target, both).
+ //
+ r = (((dir_path (mi.msvc_dir) /= "bin") /= "Hostx64") /= cpu).
+ representation ();
+ r += path::traits_type::path_separator;
+ r += (((dir_path (mi.psdk_dir) /= "bin") /= mi.psdk_ver) /= cpu).
+ representation ();
+ return r;
+ }
static compiler_info
guess_msvc (const char* xm,
@@ -990,6 +1487,21 @@ namespace build2
ot = t = *xt;
+ // If we have the MSVC installation information, then this means we are
+ // running out of the Visual Studio command prompt and will have to
+ // supply PATH/INCLUDE/LIB equivalents ourselves.
+ //
+ optional<dir_paths> lib_dirs;
+ optional<dir_paths> inc_dirs;
+ string bpat;
+ if (const msvc_info* mi = static_cast<msvc_info*> (gr.info.get ()))
+ {
+ lib_dirs = msvc_lib (*mi, "x64");
+ lib_dirs = msvc_include (*mi);
+ bpat = msvc_bin (*mi, "x64");
+ }
// Derive the toolchain pattern.
// If the compiler name is/starts with 'cl' (e.g., cl.exe, cl-14),
@@ -997,7 +1509,9 @@ namespace build2
// etc.
string cpat (pattern (xc, "cl", nullptr, ".-"));
- string bpat (cpat); // Binutils pattern is the same as toolchain.
+ if (bpat.empty ())
+ bpat = cpat; // Binutils pattern is the same as toolchain.
// Runtime and standard library.
@@ -1025,8 +1539,8 @@ namespace build2
move (rt),
move (csl),
move (xsl),
- nullopt,
- nullopt};
+ move (lib_dirs),
+ move (inc_dirs)};
static compiler_info
@@ -1223,14 +1737,11 @@ namespace build2
- struct clang_msvc_info
+ struct clang_msvc_info: msvc_info
string triple; // cc1 -triple value
- string msvc_ver; // system version from triple
+ string msvc_ver; // Compiler version from triple.
string msvc_comp_ver; // cc1 -fms-compatibility-version value
- dir_path msvc_dir;
- string psdk_ver;
- dir_path psdk_dir;
static clang_msvc_info
@@ -1645,7 +2156,7 @@ namespace build2
// MSVC's.
optional<dir_paths> lib_dirs;
- string bin_pat;
+ string bpat;
if (tt.system == "windows-msvc")
@@ -1686,25 +2197,7 @@ namespace build2
// to extract this from Clang and -print-search-paths would have been
// the natural way for Clang to report it. But no luck.
- {
- dir_paths ds;
- ds.push_back ((dir_path (mi.msvc_dir) /= "lib") /= cpu);
- // This path structure only appeared in Platform SDK 10 (if anyone
- // wants to use anything older, they will just have to use the MSVC
- // command prompt).
- //
- if (!mi.psdk_ver.empty ())
- {
- dir_path d ((dir_path (mi.psdk_dir) /= "Lib") /= mi.psdk_ver);
- ds.push_back ((dir_path (d) /= "ucrt") /= cpu);
- ds.push_back ((dir_path (d) /= "um" ) /= cpu);
- }
- lib_dirs = move (ds);
- }
+ lib_dirs = msvc_lib (mi, cpu);
// Binutils search paths.
@@ -1713,17 +2206,7 @@ namespace build2
// lines. However, reliably detecting this and making sure the result
// matches Clang's is complex. So let's keep it simple for now.
- // Seeing that we only do 64-bit on Windows, let's always use 64-bit
- // MSVC tools (link.exe, etc). In case of the Platform SDK, it's
- // unclear what the CPU signifies (host, target, both).
- //
- bin_pat = (((dir_path (mi.msvc_dir) /= "bin") /= "Hostx64") /= cpu).
- representation ();
- bin_pat += path::traits_type::path_separator;
- bin_pat += (((dir_path (mi.psdk_dir) /= "bin") /= mi.psdk_ver) /= cpu).
- representation ();
+ bpat = msvc_bin (mi, cpu);
// If this is clang-cl, then use the MSVC compatibility version as its
// primary version.
@@ -1735,20 +2218,20 @@ namespace build2
- // Derive the toolchain pattern. Try clang/clang++, the gcc/g++ alias,
- // as well as cc/c++.
+ // Derive the compiler toolchain pattern. Try clang/clang++, the gcc/g++
+ // alias, as well as cc/c++.
- string pat;
+ string cpat;
if (!cl)
- pat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "clang" : "clang++");
+ cpat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "clang" : "clang++");
- if (pat.empty ())
- pat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "gcc" : "g++");
+ if (cpat.empty ())
+ cpat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "gcc" : "g++");
- if (pat.empty ())
- pat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "cc" : "c++");
+ if (cpat.empty ())
+ cpat = pattern (xc, xl == lang::c ? "cc" : "c++");
// Runtime and standard library.
@@ -1829,8 +2312,8 @@ namespace build2
move (gr.checksum), // Calculated on whole -v output.
move (t),
move (ot),
- move (pat),
- move (bin_pat),
+ move (cpat),
+ move (bpat),
move (rt),
move (csl),
move (xsl),
@@ -2154,12 +2637,12 @@ namespace build2
cs.append (static_cast<size_t> (xl));
cs.append (xc.string ());
if (xis != nullptr) cs.append (*xis);
- if (c_po != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *c_po);
- if (x_po != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *x_po);
- if (c_co != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *c_co);
- if (x_co != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *x_co);
- if (c_lo != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *c_lo);
- if (x_lo != nullptr) hash_options (cs, *x_lo);
+ if (c_po != nullptr) append_options (cs, *c_po);
+ if (x_po != nullptr) append_options (cs, *x_po);
+ if (c_co != nullptr) append_options (cs, *c_co);
+ if (x_co != nullptr) append_options (cs, *x_co);
+ if (c_lo != nullptr) append_options (cs, *c_lo);
+ if (x_lo != nullptr) append_options (cs, *x_lo);
key = cs.string ();
auto i (cache.find (key));