path: root/libbuild2/config/operation.cxx
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authorKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-07-04 19:12:15 +0300
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-07-05 14:24:43 +0300
commit57b10c06925d0bdf6ffb38488ee908f085109e95 (patch)
treef2103684d319650c3302aef9d7a70dd64ff2a347 /libbuild2/config/operation.cxx
parent30b4eda196e090aa820d312e6a9435a4ae84c303 (diff)
Move config, dist, test, and install modules into library
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/config/operation.cxx')
1 files changed, 997 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/config/operation.cxx b/libbuild2/config/operation.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ce4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/config/operation.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+// file : libbuild2/config/operation.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/config/operation.hxx>
+#include <set>
+#include <libbuild2/file.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/spec.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/config/module.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/config/utility.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace build2
+ namespace config
+ {
+ // configure
+ //
+ static void
+ save_src_root (const scope& root)
+ {
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ path f (out_root / root.root_extra->src_root_file);
+ if (verb >= 2)
+ text << "cat >" << f;
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream ofs (f);
+ ofs << "# Created automatically by the config module." << endl
+ << "#" << endl
+ << "src_root = ";
+ to_stream (ofs, name (src_root), true, '@'); // Quote.
+ ofs << endl;
+ ofs.close ();
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to write " << f << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ save_out_root (const scope& root)
+ {
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ path f (src_root / root.root_extra->out_root_file);
+ if (verb)
+ text << (verb >= 2 ? "cat >" : "save ") << f;
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream ofs (f);
+ ofs << "# Created automatically by the config module." << endl
+ << "#" << endl
+ << "out_root = ";
+ to_stream (ofs, name (out_root), true, '@'); // Quote.
+ ofs << endl;
+ ofs.close ();
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to write " << f << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ using project_set = set<const scope*>; // Use pointers to get comparison.
+ static void
+ save_config (const scope& root, const project_set& projects)
+ {
+ path f (config_file (root));
+ if (verb)
+ text << (verb >= 2 ? "cat >" : "save ") << f;
+ const module& mod (*root.lookup_module<const module> (module::name));
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream ofs (f);
+ ofs << "# Created automatically by the config module, but feel " <<
+ "free to edit." << endl
+ << "#" << endl;
+ ofs << "config.version = " << module::version << endl;
+ if (auto l = root.vars[var_amalgamation])
+ {
+ const dir_path& d (cast<dir_path> (l));
+ ofs << endl
+ << "# Base configuration inherited from " << d << endl
+ << "#" << endl;
+ }
+ // Save config variables.
+ //
+ names storage;
+ for (auto p: mod.saved_modules.order)
+ {
+ const string& sname (p.second->first);
+ const saved_variables& svars (p.second->second);
+ bool first (true); // Separate modules with a blank line.
+ for (const saved_variable& sv: svars)
+ {
+ const variable& var (sv.var);
+ pair<lookup, size_t> org (root.find_original (var));
+ pair<lookup, size_t> ovr (var.overrides == nullptr
+ ? org
+ : root.find_override (var, org));
+ const lookup& l (ovr.first);
+ // We definitely write values that are set on our root scope or
+ // are global overrides. Anything in-between is presumably
+ // inherited. We might also not have any value at all (see
+ // unconfigured()).
+ //
+ if (!l.defined ())
+ continue;
+ if (!(l.belongs (root) || l.belongs (*global_scope)))
+ {
+ // This is presumably an inherited value. But it could also be
+ // some left-over garbage. For example, an amalgamation could
+ // have used a module but then dropped it while its config
+ // values are still lingering in config.build. They are probably
+ // still valid and we should probably continue using them but we
+ // definitely want to move them to our config.build since they
+ // will be dropped from the amalgamation's config.build. Let's
+ // also warn the user just in case.
+ //
+ // There is also another case that falls under this now that
+ // overrides are by default amalgamation-wide rather than just
+ // "project and subprojects": we may be (re-)configuring a
+ // subproject but the override is now set on the outer project's
+ // root.
+ //
+ bool found (false);
+ const scope* r (&root);
+ while ((r = r->parent_scope ()->root_scope ()) != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (l.belongs (*r))
+ {
+ // Find the config module.
+ //
+ if (auto* m = r->lookup_module<const module> (module::name))
+ {
+ // Find the corresponding saved module.
+ //
+ auto i (m->saved_modules.find (sname));
+ if (i != m->saved_modules.end ())
+ {
+ // Find the variable.
+ //
+ const saved_variables& sv (i->second);
+ found = sv.find (var) != sv.end ();
+ // Handle that other case: if this is an override but
+ // the outer project itself is not being configured,
+ // then we need to save this override.
+ //
+ // One problem with using the already configured project
+ // set is that the outer project may be configured only
+ // after us in which case both projects will save the
+ // value. But perhaps this is a feature, not a bug since
+ // this is how project-local (%) override behaves.
+ //
+ if (found &&
+ org.first != ovr.first &&
+ projects.find (r) == projects.end ())
+ found = false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) // Inherited.
+ continue;
+ location loc (&f);
+ // If this value is not defined in a project's root scope, then
+ // something is broken.
+ //
+ if (r == nullptr)
+ fail (loc) << "inherited variable " << var << " value "
+ << "is not from a root scope";
+ // If none of the outer project's configurations use this value,
+ // then we warn and save as our own. One special case where we
+ // don't want to warn the user is if the variable is overriden.
+ //
+ if (org.first == ovr.first)
+ {
+ diag_record dr;
+ dr << warn (loc) << "saving previously inherited variable "
+ << var;
+ dr << info (loc) << "because project " << *r
+ << " no longer uses it in its configuration";
+ if (verb >= 2)
+ {
+ dr << info (loc) << "variable value: ";
+ if (*l)
+ {
+ storage.clear ();
+ dr << "'" << reverse (*l, storage) << "'";
+ }
+ else
+ dr << "[null]";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const string& n (var.name);
+ const value& v (*l);
+ // We will only write config.*.configured if it is false (true is
+ // implied by its absence). We will also ignore false values if
+ // there is any other value for this module (see unconfigured()).
+ //
+ if (n.size () > 11 &&
+ n.compare (n.size () - 11, 11, ".configured") == 0)
+ {
+ if (cast<bool> (v) || svars.size () != 1)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we got here then we are saving this variable. Handle the
+ // blank line.
+ //
+ if (first)
+ {
+ ofs << endl;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ // Handle the save_commented flag.
+ //
+ if ((org.first.defined () && org.first->extra) && // Default value.
+ org.first == ovr.first && // Not overriden.
+ (sv.flags & save_commented) == save_commented)
+ {
+ ofs << '#' << n << " =" << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (v)
+ {
+ storage.clear ();
+ names_view ns (reverse (v, storage));
+ ofs << n;
+ if (ns.empty ())
+ ofs << " =";
+ else
+ {
+ ofs << " = ";
+ to_stream (ofs, ns, true, '@'); // Quote.
+ }
+ ofs << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ ofs << n << " = [null]" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ ofs.close ();
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to write " << f << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_project (action a, const scope& root, project_set& projects)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("configure_project");
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ if (!projects.insert (&root).second)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skipping already configured " << out_root;});
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make sure the directories exist.
+ //
+ if (out_root != src_root)
+ {
+ mkdir_p (out_root / root.root_extra->build_dir);
+ mkdir (out_root / root.root_extra->bootstrap_dir, 2);
+ }
+ // We distinguish between a complete configure and operation-
+ // specific.
+ //
+ if (a.operation () == default_id)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "completely configuring " << out_root;});
+ // Save src-root.build unless out_root is the same as src.
+ //
+ if (out_root != src_root)
+ save_src_root (root);
+ // Save config.build.
+ //
+ save_config (root, projects);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ // Configure subprojects that have been loaded.
+ //
+ if (auto l = root.vars[var_subprojects])
+ {
+ for (auto p: cast<subprojects> (l))
+ {
+ const dir_path& pd (p.second);
+ dir_path out_nroot (out_root / pd);
+ const scope& nroot (scopes.find (out_nroot));
+ // @@ Strictly speaking we need to check whether the config
+ // module was loaded for this subproject.
+ //
+ if (nroot.out_path () != out_nroot) // This subproject not loaded.
+ continue;
+ configure_project (a, nroot, projects);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_forward (const scope& root, project_set& projects)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("configure_forward");
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ if (!projects.insert (&root).second)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skipping already configured " << src_root;});
+ return;
+ }
+ mkdir (src_root / root.root_extra->bootstrap_dir, 2); // Make sure exists.
+ save_out_root (root);
+ // Configure subprojects. Since we don't load buildfiles if configuring
+ // a forward, we do it for all known subprojects.
+ //
+ if (auto l = root.vars[var_subprojects])
+ {
+ for (auto p: cast<subprojects> (l))
+ {
+ dir_path out_nroot (out_root / p.second);
+ const scope& nroot (scopes.find (out_nroot));
+ assert (nroot.out_path () == out_nroot);
+ configure_forward (nroot, projects);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ operation_id (*pre) (const values&, meta_operation_id, const location&);
+ static operation_id
+ configure_operation_pre (const values&, operation_id o)
+ {
+ // Don't translate default to update. In our case unspecified
+ // means configure everything.
+ //
+ return o;
+ }
+ // The (vague) idea is that in the future we may turn this into to some
+ // sort of key-value sequence (similar to the config initializer idea),
+ // for example:
+ //
+ // configure(out/@src/, forward foo bar@123)
+ //
+ // Though using commas instead spaces and '=' instead of '@' would have
+ // been nicer.
+ //
+ static bool
+ forward (const values& params,
+ const char* mo = nullptr,
+ const location& l = location ())
+ {
+ if (params.size () == 1)
+ {
+ const names& ns (cast<names> (params[0]));
+ if (ns.size () == 1 && ns[0].simple () && ns[0].value == "forward")
+ return true;
+ else if (!ns.empty ())
+ fail (l) << "unexpected parameter '" << ns << "' for "
+ << "meta-operation " << mo;
+ }
+ else if (!params.empty ())
+ fail (l) << "unexpected parameters for meta-operation " << mo;
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_pre (const values& params, const location& l)
+ {
+ forward (params, "configure", l); // Validate.
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_load (const values& params,
+ scope& root,
+ const path& buildfile,
+ const dir_path& out_base,
+ const dir_path& src_base,
+ const location& l)
+ {
+ if (forward (params))
+ {
+ // We don't need to load the buildfiles in order to configure
+ // forwarding but in order to configure subprojects we have to
+ // bootstrap them (similar to disfigure).
+ //
+ create_bootstrap_inner (root);
+ if (root.out_path () == root.src_path ())
+ fail (l) << "forwarding to source directory " << root.src_path ();
+ }
+ else
+ load (params, root, buildfile, out_base, src_base, l); // Normal load.
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_search (const values& params,
+ const scope& root,
+ const scope& base,
+ const path& bf,
+ const target_key& tk,
+ const location& l,
+ action_targets& ts)
+ {
+ if (forward (params))
+ {
+ // For forwarding we only collect the projects (again, similar to
+ // disfigure).
+ //
+ ts.push_back (&root);
+ }
+ else
+ search (params, root, base, bf, tk, l, ts); // Normal search.
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_match (const values&, action, action_targets&, uint16_t, bool)
+ {
+ // Don't match anything -- see execute ().
+ }
+ static void
+ configure_execute (const values& params,
+ action a,
+ action_targets& ts,
+ uint16_t,
+ bool)
+ {
+ bool fwd (forward (params));
+ project_set projects;
+ for (const action_target& at: ts)
+ {
+ if (fwd)
+ {
+ // Forward configuration.
+ //
+ const scope& root (*static_cast<const scope*> (at.target));
+ configure_forward (root, projects);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Normal configuration.
+ //
+ // Match rules to configure every operation supported by each project.
+ // Note that we are not calling operation_pre/post() callbacks here
+ // since the meta operation is configure and we know what we are
+ // doing.
+ //
+ // Note that we cannot do this in parallel. We cannot parallelize the
+ // outer loop because we should match for a single action at a time.
+ // And we cannot swap the loops because the list of operations is
+ // target-specific. However, inside match(), things can proceed in
+ // parallel.
+ //
+ const target& t (at.as_target ());
+ const scope* rs (t.base_scope ().root_scope ());
+ if (rs == nullptr)
+ fail << "out of project target " << t;
+ const operations& ops (rs->root_extra->operations);
+ for (operation_id id (default_id + 1); // Skip default_id.
+ id < ops.size ();
+ ++id)
+ {
+ if (const operation_info* oif = ops[id])
+ {
+ // Skip aliases (e.g., update-for-install).
+ //
+ if (oif->id != id)
+ continue;
+ set_current_oif (*oif);
+ phase_lock pl (run_phase::match);
+ match (action (configure_id, id), t);
+ }
+ }
+ configure_project (a, *rs, projects);
+ }
+ }
+ const meta_operation_info mo_configure {
+ configure_id,
+ "configure",
+ "configure",
+ "configuring",
+ "configured",
+ "is configured",
+ true, // bootstrap_outer
+ &configure_pre, // meta-operation pre
+ &configure_operation_pre,
+ &configure_load, // normal load unless configuring forward
+ &configure_search, // normal search unless configuring forward
+ &configure_match,
+ &configure_execute,
+ nullptr, // operation post
+ nullptr, // meta-operation post
+ nullptr // include
+ };
+ // disfigure
+ //
+ static bool
+ disfigure_project (action a, const scope& root, project_set& projects)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("disfigure_project");
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ if (!projects.insert (&root).second)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skipping already disfigured " << out_root;});
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool r (false); // Keep track of whether we actually did anything.
+ // Disfigure subprojects. Since we don't load buildfiles during
+ // disfigure, we do it for all known subprojects.
+ //
+ if (auto l = root.vars[var_subprojects])
+ {
+ for (auto p: cast<subprojects> (l))
+ {
+ const dir_path& pd (p.second);
+ dir_path out_nroot (out_root / pd);
+ const scope& nroot (scopes.find (out_nroot));
+ assert (nroot.out_path () == out_nroot); // See disfigure_load().
+ r = disfigure_project (a, nroot, projects) || r;
+ // We use mkdir_p() to create the out_root of a subproject
+ // which means there could be empty parent directories left
+ // behind. Clean them up.
+ //
+ if (!pd.simple () && out_root != src_root)
+ {
+ for (dir_path d (pd.directory ());
+ !d.empty ();
+ d = d.directory ())
+ {
+ rmdir_status s (rmdir (out_root / d, 2));
+ if (s == rmdir_status::not_empty)
+ break; // No use trying do remove parent ones.
+ r = (s == rmdir_status::success) || r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // We distinguish between a complete disfigure and operation-
+ // specific.
+ //
+ if (a.operation () == default_id)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "completely disfiguring " << out_root;});
+ r = rmfile (config_file (root)) || r;
+ if (out_root != src_root)
+ {
+ r = rmfile (out_root / root.root_extra->src_root_file, 2) || r;
+ // Clean up the directories.
+ //
+ // Note: try to remove the root/ hooks directory if it is empty.
+ //
+ r = rmdir (out_root / root.root_extra->root_dir, 2) || r;
+ r = rmdir (out_root / root.root_extra->bootstrap_dir, 2) || r;
+ r = rmdir (out_root / root.root_extra->build_dir, 2) || r;
+ switch (rmdir (out_root))
+ {
+ case rmdir_status::not_empty:
+ {
+ // We used to issue a warning but it is actually a valid usecase
+ // to leave the build output around in case, for example, of a
+ // reconfigure.
+ //
+ if (verb)
+ info << "directory " << out_root << " is "
+ << (out_root == work
+ ? "current working directory"
+ : "not empty") << ", not removing";
+ break;
+ }
+ case rmdir_status::success:
+ r = true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ static bool
+ disfigure_forward (const scope& root, project_set& projects)
+ {
+ // Pretty similar logic to disfigure_project().
+ //
+ tracer trace ("disfigure_forward");
+ const dir_path& out_root (root.out_path ());
+ const dir_path& src_root (root.src_path ());
+ if (!projects.insert (&root).second)
+ {
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "skipping already disfigured " << src_root;});
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool r (false);
+ if (auto l = root.vars[var_subprojects])
+ {
+ for (auto p: cast<subprojects> (l))
+ {
+ dir_path out_nroot (out_root / p.second);
+ const scope& nroot (scopes.find (out_nroot));
+ assert (nroot.out_path () == out_nroot);
+ r = disfigure_forward (nroot, projects) || r;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the out-root.build file and try to remove the bootstrap/
+ // directory if it is empty.
+ //
+ r = rmfile (src_root / root.root_extra->out_root_file) || r;
+ r = rmdir (src_root / root.root_extra->bootstrap_dir, 2) || r;
+ return r;
+ }
+ static void
+ disfigure_pre (const values& params, const location& l)
+ {
+ forward (params, "disfigure", l); // Validate.
+ }
+ static operation_id
+ disfigure_operation_pre (const values&, operation_id o)
+ {
+ // Don't translate default to update. In our case unspecified
+ // means disfigure everything.
+ //
+ return o;
+ }
+ static void
+ disfigure_load (const values&,
+ scope& root,
+ const path&,
+ const dir_path&,
+ const dir_path&,
+ const location&)
+ {
+ // Since we don't load buildfiles during disfigure but still want to
+ // disfigure all the subprojects (see disfigure_project() below), we
+ // bootstrap all the known subprojects.
+ //
+ create_bootstrap_inner (root);
+ }
+ static void
+ disfigure_search (const values&,
+ const scope& root,
+ const scope&,
+ const path&,
+ const target_key&,
+ const location&,
+ action_targets& ts)
+ {
+ ts.push_back (&root);
+ }
+ static void
+ disfigure_match (const values&, action, action_targets&, uint16_t, bool)
+ {
+ }
+ static void
+ disfigure_execute (const values& params,
+ action a,
+ action_targets& ts,
+ uint16_t diag,
+ bool)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("disfigure_execute");
+ bool fwd (forward (params));
+ project_set projects;
+ // Note: doing everything in the load phase (disfigure_project () does
+ // modify the build state).
+ //
+ for (const action_target& at: ts)
+ {
+ const scope& root (*static_cast<const scope*> (at.target));
+ if (!(fwd
+ ? disfigure_forward ( root, projects)
+ : disfigure_project (a, root, projects)))
+ {
+ // Create a dir{$out_root/} target to signify the project's root in
+ // diagnostics. Not very clean but seems harmless.
+ //
+ target& t (
+ targets.insert (dir::static_type,
+ fwd ? root.src_path () : root.out_path (),
+ dir_path (), // Out tree.
+ "",
+ nullopt,
+ true, // Implied.
+ trace).first);
+ if (verb != 0 && diag >= 2)
+ info << diag_done (a, t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const meta_operation_info mo_disfigure {
+ disfigure_id,
+ "disfigure",
+ "disfigure",
+ "disfiguring",
+ "disfigured",
+ "is disfigured",
+ false, // bootstrap_outer
+ disfigure_pre, // meta-operation pre
+ &disfigure_operation_pre,
+ &disfigure_load,
+ &disfigure_search,
+ &disfigure_match,
+ &disfigure_execute,
+ nullptr, // operation post
+ nullptr, // meta-operation post
+ nullptr // include
+ };
+ // create
+ //
+ static void
+ save_config (const dir_path& d, const variable_overrides& var_ovs)
+ {
+ // Since there aren't any sub-projects yet, any config.import.* values
+ // that the user may want to specify won't be saved in config.build. So
+ // let's go ahead and mark them all to be saved. To do this, however, we
+ // need the config module (which is where this information is stored).
+ // And the module is created by init() during bootstrap. So what we are
+ // going to do is bootstrap the newly created project, similar to the
+ // way main() does it.
+ //
+ scope& gs (*scope::global_);
+ scope& rs (load_project (gs, d, d, false /* fwd */, false /* load */));
+ module& m (*rs.lookup_module<module> (module::name));
+ // Save all the global config.import.* variables.
+ //
+ variable_pool& vp (var_pool.rw (rs));
+ for (auto p (gs.vars.find_namespace (vp.insert ("config.import")));
+ p.first != p.second;
+ ++p.first)
+ {
+ const variable& var (p.first->first);
+ // Annoyingly, this can be (always is?) one of the overrides
+ // (__override, __prefix, etc).
+ //
+ size_t n (var.override ());
+ m.save_variable (n != 0 ? *vp.find (string (var.name, 0, n)) : var);
+ }
+ // Now project-specific. For now we just save all of them and let
+ // save_config() above weed out the ones that don't apply.
+ //
+ for (const variable_override& vo: var_ovs)
+ {
+ const variable& var (vo.var);
+ if (var.name.compare (0, 14, "config.import.") == 0)
+ m.save_variable (var);
+ }
+ }
+ const string&
+ preprocess_create (const variable_overrides& var_ovs,
+ values& params,
+ vector_view<opspec>& spec,
+ bool lifted,
+ const location& l)
+ {
+ tracer trace ("preprocess_create");
+ // The overall plan is to create the project(s), update the buildspec,
+ // clear the parameters, and then continue as if we were the configure
+ // meta-operation.
+ // Start with process parameters. The first parameter, if any, is a list
+ // of root.build modules. The second parameter, if any, is a list of
+ // bootstrap.build modules. If the second is not specified, then the
+ // default is test, dist, and install (config is mandatory).
+ //
+ strings bmod {"test", "dist", "install"};
+ strings rmod;
+ try
+ {
+ size_t n (params.size ());
+ if (n > 0)
+ rmod = convert<strings> (move (params[0]));
+ if (n > 1)
+ bmod = convert<strings> (move (params[1]));
+ if (n > 2)
+ fail (l) << "unexpected parameters for meta-operation create";
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ fail (l) << "invalid module name: " << e.what ();
+ }
+ current_oname = empty_string; // Make sure valid.
+ // Now handle each target in each operation spec.
+ //
+ for (const opspec& os: spec)
+ {
+ // First do some sanity checks: there should be no explicit operation
+ // and our targets should all be directories.
+ //
+ if (!lifted && !os.name.empty ())
+ fail (l) << "explicit operation specified for meta-operation create";
+ for (const targetspec& ts: os)
+ {
+ const name& tn (ts.name);
+ // Figure out the project directory. This logic must be consistent
+ // with find_target_type() and other places (grep for "..").
+ //
+ dir_path d;
+ if (tn.simple () &&
+ (tn.empty () || tn.value == "." || tn.value == ".."))
+ d = dir_path (tn.value);
+ else if (tn.directory ())
+ d = tn.dir;
+ else if (tn.typed () && tn.type == "dir")
+ d = tn.dir / dir_path (tn.value);
+ else
+ fail(l) << "non-directory target '" << ts << "' in "
+ << "meta-operation create";
+ if (d.relative ())
+ d = work / d;
+ d.normalize (true);
+ // If src_base was explicitly specified, make sure it is the same as
+ // the project directory.
+ //
+ if (!ts.src_base.empty ())
+ {
+ dir_path s (ts.src_base);
+ if (s.relative ())
+ s = work / s;
+ s.normalize (true);
+ if (s != d)
+ fail(l) << "different src/out directories for target '" << ts
+ << "' in meta-operation create";
+ }
+ l5 ([&]{trace << "creating project in " << d;});
+ // For now we disable amalgamating this project. Sooner or later
+ // someone will probably want to do this, though (i.e., nested
+ // configurations).
+ //
+ create_project (d,
+ dir_path (), /* amalgamation */
+ bmod,
+ "", /* root_pre */
+ rmod,
+ "", /* root_post */
+ true, /* config */
+ true, /* buildfile */
+ "the create meta-operation");
+ save_config (d, var_ovs);
+ }
+ }
+ params.clear ();
+ return mo_configure.name;
+ }
+ }