path: root/libbuild2/target.ixx
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authorBoris Kolpackov <boris@codesynthesis.com>2019-06-24 12:01:19 +0200
committerKaren Arutyunov <karen@codesynthesis.com>2019-07-01 18:13:55 +0300
commit977d07a3ae47ef204665d1eda2d642e5064724f3 (patch)
tree525a3d6421f61ce789b690191d3c30fc09be3517 /libbuild2/target.ixx
parent7161b24963dd9da4d218f92c736b77c35c328a2d (diff)
Split build system into library and driver
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/target.ixx')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/target.ixx b/libbuild2/target.ixx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4570558
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/target.ixx
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+// file : libbuild2/target.ixx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <cstring> // memcpy()
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx> // mtime()
+namespace build2
+ // target
+ //
+ inline const string* target::
+ ext () const
+ {
+ slock l (targets.mutex_);
+ return *ext_ ? &**ext_ : nullptr;
+ }
+ inline target_key target::
+ key () const
+ {
+ const string* e (ext ());
+ return target_key {
+ &type (),
+ &dir,
+ &out,
+ &name,
+ e != nullptr ? optional<string> (*e) : nullopt};
+ }
+ inline auto target::
+ prerequisites () const -> const prerequisites_type&
+ {
+ return prerequisites_state_.load (memory_order_acquire) == 2
+ ? prerequisites_
+ : empty_prerequisites_;
+ }
+ inline bool target::
+ prerequisites (prerequisites_type&& p) const
+ {
+ target& x (const_cast<target&> (*this)); // MT-aware.
+ uint8_t e (0);
+ if (x.prerequisites_state_.compare_exchange_strong (
+ e,
+ 1,
+ memory_order_acq_rel,
+ memory_order_acquire))
+ {
+ x.prerequisites_ = move (p);
+ x.prerequisites_state_.fetch_add (1, memory_order_release);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Spin the transition out so that prerequisites() doesn't return empty.
+ //
+ for (; e == 1; e = prerequisites_state_.load (memory_order_acquire))
+ /*this_thread::yield ()*/ ;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool target::
+ group_state (action a) const
+ {
+ // We go an extra step and short-circuit to the target state even if the
+ // raw state is not group provided the recipe is group_recipe and the
+ // state is unknown (see mtime() for a discussion on why we do it).
+ //
+ const opstate& s (state[a]);
+ if (s.state == target_state::group)
+ return true;
+ if (s.state == target_state::unknown && group != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (recipe_function* const* f = s.recipe.target<recipe_function*> ())
+ return *f == &group_action;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline pair<bool, target_state> target::
+ matched_state_impl (action a) const
+ {
+ assert (phase == run_phase::match);
+ // Note that the "tried" state is "final".
+ //
+ const opstate& s (state[a]);
+ size_t o (s.task_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) - // Synchronized.
+ target::count_base ());
+ if (o == target::offset_tried)
+ return make_pair (false, target_state::unknown);
+ else
+ {
+ // Normally applied but can also be already executed.
+ //
+ assert (o == target::offset_applied || o == target::offset_executed);
+ return make_pair (true, (group_state (a) ? group->state[a] : s).state);
+ }
+ }
+ inline target_state target::
+ executed_state_impl (action a) const
+ {
+ assert (phase == run_phase::execute);
+ return (group_state (a) ? group->state : state)[a].state;
+ }
+ inline target_state target::
+ matched_state (action a, bool fail) const
+ {
+ // Note that the target could be being asynchronously re-matched.
+ //
+ pair<bool, target_state> r (matched_state_impl (a));
+ if (fail && (!r.first || r.second == target_state::failed))
+ throw failed ();
+ return r.second;
+ }
+ inline pair<bool, target_state> target::
+ try_matched_state (action a, bool fail) const
+ {
+ pair<bool, target_state> r (matched_state_impl (a));
+ if (fail && r.first && r.second == target_state::failed)
+ throw failed ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ inline target_state target::
+ executed_state (action a, bool fail) const
+ {
+ target_state r (executed_state_impl (a));
+ if (fail && r == target_state::failed)
+ throw failed ();
+ return r;
+ }
+ inline bool target::
+ has_prerequisites () const
+ {
+ return !prerequisites ().empty ();
+ }
+ inline bool target::
+ has_group_prerequisites () const
+ {
+ return has_prerequisites () ||
+ (group != nullptr && !group->has_prerequisites ());
+ }
+ inline bool target::
+ unchanged (action a) const
+ {
+ return matched_state_impl (a).second == target_state::unchanged;
+ }
+ inline ostream&
+ operator<< (ostream& os, const target& t)
+ {
+ return os << t.key ();
+ }
+ // mark()/unmark()
+ //
+ // VC15 doesn't like if we use (abstract) target here.
+ //
+ static_assert (alignof (file) % 4 == 0, "unexpected target alignment");
+ inline void
+ mark (const target*& p, uint8_t m)
+ {
+ uintptr_t i (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (p));
+ i |= m & 0x03;
+ p = reinterpret_cast<const target*> (i);
+ }
+ inline uint8_t
+ marked (const target* p)
+ {
+ uintptr_t i (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (p));
+ return uint8_t (i & 0x03);
+ }
+ inline uint8_t
+ unmark (const target*& p)
+ {
+ uintptr_t i (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t> (p));
+ uint8_t m (i & 0x03);
+ if (m != 0)
+ {
+ i &= ~uintptr_t (0x03);
+ p = reinterpret_cast<const target*> (i);
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ // group_prerequisites
+ //
+ inline group_prerequisites::
+ group_prerequisites (const target& t)
+ : t_ (t),
+ g_ (t_.group == nullptr ||
+ t_.group->member != nullptr || // Ad hoc group member.
+ t_.group->prerequisites ().empty ()
+ ? nullptr : t_.group)
+ {
+ }
+ inline group_prerequisites::
+ group_prerequisites (const target& t, const target* g)
+ : t_ (t),
+ g_ (g == nullptr ||
+ g->prerequisites ().empty ()
+ ? nullptr : g)
+ {
+ }
+ inline auto group_prerequisites::
+ begin () const -> iterator
+ {
+ auto& c ((g_ != nullptr ? *g_ : t_).prerequisites ());
+ return iterator (&t_, g_, &c, c.begin ());
+ }
+ inline auto group_prerequisites::
+ end () const -> iterator
+ {
+ auto& c (t_.prerequisites ());
+ return iterator (&t_, g_, &c, c.end ());
+ }
+ inline size_t group_prerequisites::
+ size () const
+ {
+ return t_.prerequisites ().size () +
+ (g_ != nullptr ? g_->prerequisites ().size () : 0);
+ }
+ // group_prerequisites::iterator
+ //
+ inline auto group_prerequisites::iterator::
+ operator++ () -> iterator&
+ {
+ if (++i_ == c_->end () && c_ != &t_->prerequisites ())
+ {
+ c_ = &t_->prerequisites ();
+ i_ = c_->begin ();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline auto group_prerequisites::iterator::
+ operator-- () -> iterator&
+ {
+ if (i_ == c_->begin () && c_ == &t_->prerequisites ())
+ {
+ c_ = &g_->prerequisites ();
+ i_ = c_->end ();
+ }
+ --i_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // prerequisite_member
+ //
+ inline prerequisite prerequisite_member::
+ as_prerequisite () const
+ {
+ if (member == nullptr)
+ return prerequisite;
+ // An ad hoc group member cannot be used as a prerequisite (use the whole
+ // group instead).
+ //
+ assert (!member->adhoc_member ());
+ return prerequisite_type (*member);
+ }
+ inline prerequisite_key prerequisite_member::
+ key () const
+ {
+ return member != nullptr
+ ? prerequisite_key {prerequisite.proj, member->key (), nullptr}
+ : prerequisite.key ();
+ }
+ // prerequisite_members
+ //
+ group_view
+ resolve_members (action, const target&); // algorithm.hxx
+ template <typename T>
+ inline auto prerequisite_members_range<T>::iterator::
+ operator++ () -> iterator&
+ {
+ if (k_ != nullptr) // Iterating over an ad hoc group.
+ k_ = k_->member;
+ if (k_ == nullptr && g_.count != 0) // Iterating over a normal group.
+ {
+ if (g_.members == nullptr || // Special case, see leave_group().
+ ++j_ > g_.count)
+ g_.count = 0;
+ }
+ if (k_ == nullptr && g_.count == 0) // Iterating over the range.
+ {
+ ++i_;
+ if (r_->mode_ != members_mode::never &&
+ i_ != r_->e_ &&
+ i_->type.see_through)
+ switch_mode ();
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline bool prerequisite_members_range<T>::iterator::
+ enter_group ()
+ {
+ assert (k_ == nullptr); // No nested ad hoc group entering.
+ // First see if we are about to enter an ad hoc group.
+ //
+ const target* t (g_.count != 0
+ ? j_ != 0 ? g_.members[j_ - 1] : nullptr
+ : i_->target.load (memory_order_consume));
+ if (t != nullptr && t->member != nullptr)
+ k_ = t; // Increment that follows will make it t->member.
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise assume it is a normal group.
+ //
+ g_ = resolve_members (r_->a_, search (r_->t_, *i_));
+ if (g_.members == nullptr) // Members are not know.
+ {
+ g_.count = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (g_.count != 0) // Group is not empty.
+ j_ = 0; // Account for the increment that will follow.
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline void prerequisite_members_range<T>::iterator::
+ leave_group ()
+ {
+ if (k_ != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Skip until the last element (next increment will reach the end).
+ //
+ for (; k_->member != nullptr; k_ = k_->member) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Pretend we are on the last member of a normal group.
+ //
+ j_ = 0;
+ g_.count = 1;
+ g_.members = nullptr; // Ugly "special case signal" for operator++.
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ inline bool prerequisite_members_range<T>::iterator::
+ group () const
+ {
+ return
+ k_ != nullptr ? k_->member != nullptr : /* ad hoc */
+ g_.count != 0 ? g_.members != nullptr && j_ < g_.count : /* explicit */
+ false;
+ }
+ inline auto
+ prerequisite_members (action a, const target& t, members_mode m)
+ {
+ return prerequisite_members (a, t, t.prerequisites (), m);
+ }
+ inline auto
+ reverse_prerequisite_members (action a, const target& t, members_mode m)
+ {
+ return prerequisite_members (a, t, reverse_iterate (t.prerequisites ()), m);
+ }
+ // mtime_target
+ //
+ inline void mtime_target::
+ mtime (timestamp mt) const
+ {
+ mtime_.store (mt.time_since_epoch ().count (), memory_order_release);
+ }
+ inline timestamp mtime_target::
+ load_mtime (const path& p) const
+ {
+ assert (phase == run_phase::execute &&
+ !group_state (action () /* inner */));
+ duration::rep r (mtime_.load (memory_order_consume));
+ if (r == timestamp_unknown_rep)
+ {
+ assert (!p.empty ());
+ r = build2::mtime (p).time_since_epoch ().count ();
+ mtime_.store (r, memory_order_release);
+ }
+ return timestamp (duration (r));
+ }
+ inline bool mtime_target::
+ newer (timestamp mt) const
+ {
+ assert (phase == run_phase::execute);
+ timestamp mp (mtime ());
+ // What do we do if timestamps are equal? This can happen, for example,
+ // on filesystems that don't have subsecond resolution. There is not
+ // much we can do here except detect the case where the target was
+ // changed on this run.
+ //
+ return mt < mp || (mt == mp &&
+ executed_state_impl (action () /* inner */) ==
+ target_state::changed);
+ }
+ // path_target
+ //
+ inline const path& path_target::
+ path () const
+ {
+ return path_state_.load (memory_order_acquire) == 2 ? path_ : empty_path;
+ }
+ inline const path& path_target::
+ path (path_type p) const
+ {
+ uint8_t e (0);
+ if (path_state_.compare_exchange_strong (
+ e,
+ 1,
+ memory_order_acq_rel,
+ memory_order_acquire))
+ {
+ path_ = move (p);
+ path_state_.fetch_add (1, memory_order_release);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Spin the transition out.
+ //
+ for (; e == 1; e = path_state_.load (memory_order_acquire))
+ /*this_thread::yield ()*/ ;
+ assert (path_ == p);
+ }
+ return path_;
+ }
+ inline timestamp path_target::
+ load_mtime () const
+ {
+ return mtime_target::load_mtime (path ());
+ }