path: root/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx')
1 files changed, 1550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx b/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0669b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1550 @@
+// file : libbuild2/cc/pkgconfig.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+// In order not to complicate the bootstrap procedure with libpkgconf building
+// exclude functionality that involves reading of .pc files.
+# include <libpkgconf/libpkgconf.h>
+#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/install/utility.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/bin/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/types.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/target.hxx> // pc
+#include <libbuild2/cc/utility.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/common.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/compile-rule.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/cc/link-rule.hxx>
+// Note that the libpkgconf library doesn't provide the version macro that we
+// could use to compile the code conditionally against different API versions.
+// Thus, we need to sense the pkgconf_client_new() function signature
+// ourselves to call it properly.
+namespace details
+ void*
+ pkgconf_cross_personality_default (); // Never called.
+using namespace details;
+template <typename H>
+static inline pkgconf_client_t*
+call_pkgconf_client_new (pkgconf_client_t* (*f) (H, void*),
+ H error_handler,
+ void* error_handler_data)
+ return f (error_handler, error_handler_data);
+template <typename H, typename P>
+static inline pkgconf_client_t*
+call_pkgconf_client_new (pkgconf_client_t* (*f) (H, void*, P),
+ H error_handler,
+ void* error_handler_data)
+ return f (error_handler,
+ error_handler_data,
+ ::pkgconf_cross_personality_default ());
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace build2
+ // Load package information from a .pc file. Filter out the -I/-L options
+ // that refer to system directories.
+ //
+ // Note that the prerequisite package .pc files search order is as follows:
+ //
+ // - in directory of the specified file
+ // - in pc_dirs directories (in the natural order)
+ //
+ class pkgconf
+ {
+ public:
+ using path_type = build2::path;
+ path_type path;
+ public:
+ explicit
+ pkgconf (path_type,
+ const dir_paths& pc_dirs,
+ const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs,
+ const dir_paths& sys_lib_dirs);
+ // Create a special empty object. Querying package information on such
+ // an object is illegal.
+ //
+ pkgconf () = default;
+ ~pkgconf ();
+ // Movable-only type.
+ //
+ pkgconf (pkgconf&& p)
+ : path (move (p.path)),
+ client_ (p.client_),
+ pkg_ (p.pkg_)
+ {
+ p.client_ = nullptr;
+ p.pkg_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ pkgconf&
+ operator= (pkgconf&& p)
+ {
+ if (this != &p)
+ {
+ this->~pkgconf ();
+ new (this) pkgconf (move (p)); // Assume noexcept move-construction.
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ pkgconf (const pkgconf&) = delete;
+ pkgconf& operator= (const pkgconf&) = delete;
+ strings
+ cflags (bool stat) const;
+ strings
+ libs (bool stat) const;
+ string
+ variable (const char*) const;
+ string
+ variable (const string& s) const {return variable (s.c_str ());}
+ private:
+ // Keep them as raw pointers not to deal with API thread-unsafety in
+ // deleters and introducing additional mutex locks.
+ //
+ pkgconf_client_t* client_ = nullptr;
+ pkgconf_pkg_t* pkg_ = nullptr;
+ };
+ // Currently the library is not thread-safe, even on the pkgconf_client_t
+ // level (see issue #128 for details).
+ //
+ // @@ An update: seems that the obvious thread-safety issues are fixed.
+ // However, let's keep mutex locking for now not to introduce potential
+ // issues before we make sure that there are no other ones.
+ //
+ static mutex pkgconf_mutex;
+ // The package dependency traversal depth limit.
+ //
+ static const int pkgconf_max_depth = 100;
+ // Normally the error_handler() callback can be called multiple times to
+ // report a single error (once per message line), to produce a multi-line
+ // message like this:
+ //
+ // Package foo was not found in the pkg-config search path.\n
+ // Perhaps you should add the directory containing `foo.pc'\n
+ // to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable\n
+ // Package 'foo', required by 'bar', not found\n
+ //
+ // For the above example callback will be called 4 times. To suppress all the
+ // junk we will use PKGCONF_PKG_PKGF_SIMPLIFY_ERRORS to get just:
+ //
+ // Package 'foo', required by 'bar', not found\n
+ //
+ static const int pkgconf_flags = PKGCONF_PKG_PKGF_SIMPLIFY_ERRORS;
+ static bool
+ pkgconf_error_handler (const char* msg, const pkgconf_client_t*, const void*)
+ {
+ error << runtime_error (msg); // Sanitize the message.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Deleters. Note that they are thread-safe.
+ //
+ struct fragments_deleter
+ {
+ void operator() (pkgconf_list_t* f) const {pkgconf_fragment_free (f);}
+ };
+ // Convert fragments to strings. Skip the -I/-L options that refer to system
+ // directories.
+ //
+ static strings
+ to_strings (const pkgconf_list_t& frags,
+ char type,
+ const pkgconf_list_t& sysdirs)
+ {
+ assert (type == 'I' || type == 'L');
+ strings r;
+ auto add = [&r] (const pkgconf_fragment_t* frag)
+ {
+ string s;
+ if (frag->type != '\0')
+ {
+ s += '-';
+ s += frag->type;
+ }
+ s += frag->data;
+ r.push_back (move (s));
+ };
+ // Option that is separated from its value, for example:
+ //
+ // -I /usr/lib
+ //
+ const pkgconf_fragment_t* opt (nullptr);
+ pkgconf_node_t *node;
+ PKGCONF_FOREACH_LIST_ENTRY(frags.head, node)
+ {
+ auto frag (static_cast<const pkgconf_fragment_t*> (node->data));
+ // Add the separated option and directory, unless the latest is a system
+ // one.
+ //
+ if (opt != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Note that we should restore the directory path that was
+ // (mis)interpreted as an option, for example:
+ //
+ // -I -Ifoo
+ //
+ // In the above example option '-I' is followed by directory '-Ifoo',
+ // which is represented by libpkgconf library as fragment 'foo' with
+ // type 'I'.
+ //
+ if (!pkgconf_path_match_list (
+ frag->type == '\0'
+ ? frag->data
+ : (string ({'-', frag->type}) + frag->data).c_str (),
+ &sysdirs))
+ {
+ add (opt);
+ add (frag);
+ }
+ opt = nullptr;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Skip the -I/-L option if it refers to a system directory.
+ //
+ if (frag->type == type)
+ {
+ // The option is separated from a value, that will (presumably) follow.
+ //
+ if (*frag->data == '\0')
+ {
+ opt = frag;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pkgconf_path_match_list (frag->data, &sysdirs))
+ continue;
+ }
+ add (frag);
+ }
+ if (opt != nullptr) // Add the dangling option.
+ add (opt);
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Note that some libpkgconf functions can potentially return NULL, failing
+ // to allocate the required memory block. However, we will not check the
+ // returned value for NULL as the library doesn't do so, prior to filling the
+ // allocated structures. So such a code complication on our side would be
+ // useless. Also, for some functions the NULL result has a special semantics,
+ // for example "not found".
+ //
+ pkgconf::
+ pkgconf (path_type p,
+ const dir_paths& pc_dirs,
+ const dir_paths& sys_lib_dirs,
+ const dir_paths& sys_inc_dirs)
+ : path (move (p))
+ {
+ auto add_dirs = [] (pkgconf_list_t& dir_list,
+ const dir_paths& dirs,
+ bool suppress_dups,
+ bool cleanup = false)
+ {
+ if (cleanup)
+ {
+ pkgconf_path_free (&dir_list);
+ }
+ for (const auto& d: dirs)
+ pkgconf_path_add (d.string ().c_str (), &dir_list, suppress_dups);
+ };
+ mlock l (pkgconf_mutex);
+ // Initialize the client handle.
+ //
+ unique_ptr<pkgconf_client_t, void (*) (pkgconf_client_t*)> c (
+ call_pkgconf_client_new (&pkgconf_client_new,
+ pkgconf_error_handler,
+ nullptr /* handler_data */),
+ [] (pkgconf_client_t* c) {pkgconf_client_free (c);});
+ pkgconf_client_set_flags (c.get (), pkgconf_flags);
+ // Note that the system header and library directory lists are
+ // automatically pre-filled by the pkgconf_client_new() call (see above).
+ // We will re-create these lists from scratch.
+ //
+ add_dirs (c->filter_libdirs,
+ sys_lib_dirs,
+ false /* suppress_dups */,
+ true /* cleanup */);
+ add_dirs (c->filter_includedirs,
+ sys_inc_dirs,
+ false /* suppress_dups */,
+ true /* cleanup */);
+ // Note that the loaded file directory is added to the (yet empty) search
+ // list. Also note that loading of the prerequisite packages is delayed
+ // until flags retrieval, and their file directories are not added to the
+ // search list.
+ //
+ pkg_ = pkgconf_pkg_find (c.get (), path.string ().c_str ());
+ if (pkg_ == nullptr)
+ fail << "package '" << path << "' not found or invalid";
+ // Add the .pc file search directories.
+ //
+ assert (c->dir_list.length == 1); // Package file directory (see above).
+ add_dirs (c->dir_list, pc_dirs, true /* suppress_dups */);
+ client_ = c.release ();
+ }
+ pkgconf::
+ ~pkgconf ()
+ {
+ if (client_ != nullptr) // Not empty.
+ {
+ assert (pkg_ != nullptr);
+ mlock l (pkgconf_mutex);
+ pkgconf_pkg_unref (client_, pkg_);
+ pkgconf_client_free (client_);
+ }
+ }
+ strings pkgconf::
+ cflags (bool stat) const
+ {
+ assert (client_ != nullptr); // Must not be empty.
+ mlock l (pkgconf_mutex);
+ pkgconf_client_set_flags (
+ client_,
+ pkgconf_flags |
+ // Walk through the private package dependencies (Requires.private)
+ // besides the public ones while collecting the flags. Note that we do
+ // this for both static and shared linking.
+ //
+ // Collect flags from Cflags.private besides those from Cflags for the
+ // static linking.
+ //
+ (stat
+ : 0));
+ pkgconf_list_t f = PKGCONF_LIST_INITIALIZER; // Aggregate initialization.
+ int e (pkgconf_pkg_cflags (client_, pkg_, &f, pkgconf_max_depth));
+ throw failed (); // Assume the diagnostics is issued.
+ unique_ptr<pkgconf_list_t, fragments_deleter> fd (&f); // Auto-deleter.
+ return to_strings (f, 'I', client_->filter_includedirs);
+ }
+ strings pkgconf::
+ libs (bool stat) const
+ {
+ assert (client_ != nullptr); // Must not be empty.
+ mlock l (pkgconf_mutex);
+ pkgconf_client_set_flags (
+ client_,
+ pkgconf_flags |
+ // Additionally collect flags from the private dependency packages
+ // (see above) and from the Libs.private value for the static linking.
+ //
+ (stat
+ : 0));
+ pkgconf_list_t f = PKGCONF_LIST_INITIALIZER; // Aggregate initialization.
+ int e (pkgconf_pkg_libs (client_, pkg_, &f, pkgconf_max_depth));
+ throw failed (); // Assume the diagnostics is issued.
+ unique_ptr<pkgconf_list_t, fragments_deleter> fd (&f); // Auto-deleter.
+ return to_strings (f, 'L', client_->filter_libdirs);
+ }
+ string pkgconf::
+ variable (const char* name) const
+ {
+ assert (client_ != nullptr); // Must not be empty.
+ mlock l (pkgconf_mutex);
+ const char* r (pkgconf_tuple_find (client_, &pkg_->vars, name));
+ return r != nullptr ? string (r) : string ();
+ }
+ namespace cc
+ {
+ using namespace bin;
+ // In pkg-config backslashes, spaces, etc are escaped with a backslash.
+ //
+ static string
+ escape (const string& s)
+ {
+ string r;
+ for (size_t p (0);;)
+ {
+ size_t sp (s.find_first_of ("\\ ", p));
+ if (sp != string::npos)
+ {
+ r.append (s, p, sp - p);
+ r += '\\';
+ r += s[sp];
+ p = sp + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r.append (s, p, sp);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Try to find a .pc file in the pkgconfig/ subdirectory of libd, trying
+ // several names derived from stem. If not found, return false. If found,
+ // load poptions, loptions, libs, and modules, set the corresponding
+ // *.export.* variables and add prerequisites on targets, and return true.
+ // Note that we assume the targets are locked so that all of this is
+ // MT-safe.
+ //
+ // System library search paths (those extracted from the compiler) are
+ // passed in top_sysd while the user-provided (via -L) in top_usrd.
+ //
+ // Note that scope and link order should be "top-level" from the
+ // search_library() POV.
+ //
+ // Also note that the bootstrapped version of build2 will not search for
+ // .pc files, always returning false (see above for the reasoning).
+ //
+ // Iterate over pkgconf directories that correspond to the specified
+ // library directory, passing them to the callback function for as long as
+ // it returns false (not found). Return true if the callback returned
+ // true.
+ //
+ bool common::
+ pkgconfig_search (const dir_path& d, const pkgconfig_callback& f) const
+ {
+ dir_path pd (d);
+ // First always check the pkgconfig/ subdirectory in this library
+ // directory. Even on platforms where this is not the canonical place,
+ // .pc files of autotools-based packages installed by the user often
+ // still end up there.
+ //
+ if (exists (pd /= "pkgconfig") && f (move (pd)))
+ return true;
+ // Platform-specific locations.
+ //
+ if (tsys == "freebsd")
+ {
+ // On FreeBSD .pc files go to libdata/pkgconfig/, not lib/pkgconfig/.
+ //
+ (((pd = d) /= "..") /= "libdata") /= "pkgconfig";
+ if (exists (pd) && f (move (pd)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Search for the .pc files in the pkgconf directories that correspond to
+ // the specified library directory. If found, return static (first) and
+ // shared (second) library .pc files. If common is false, then only
+ // consider our .static/.shared files.
+ //
+ pair<path, path> common::
+ pkgconfig_search (const dir_path& libd,
+ const optional<project_name>& proj,
+ const string& stem,
+ bool common) const
+ {
+ // When it comes to looking for .pc files we have to decide where to
+ // search (which directory(ies)) as well as what to search for (which
+ // names). Suffix is our ".shared" or ".static" extension.
+ //
+ auto search_dir = [&proj, &stem] (const dir_path& dir,
+ const string& sfx) -> path
+ {
+ path f;
+ // See if there is a corresponding .pc file. About half of them are
+ // called foo.pc and half libfoo.pc (and one of the pkg-config's
+ // authors suggests that some of you should call yours foolib.pc, just
+ // to keep things interesting, you know).
+ //
+ // Given the (general) import in the form <proj>%lib{<stem>}, we will
+ // first try lib<stem>.pc, then <stem>.pc. Maybe it also makes sense
+ // to try <proj>.pc, just in case. Though, according to pkg-config
+ // docs, the .pc file should correspond to a library, not project. But
+ // then you get something like zlib which calls it zlib.pc. So let's
+ // just do it.
+ //
+ f = dir;
+ f /= "lib";
+ f += stem;
+ f += sfx;
+ f += ".pc";
+ if (exists (f))
+ return f;
+ f = dir;
+ f /= stem;
+ f += sfx;
+ f += ".pc";
+ if (exists (f))
+ return f;
+ if (proj)
+ {
+ f = dir;
+ f /= proj->string ();
+ f += sfx;
+ f += ".pc";
+ if (exists (f))
+ return f;
+ }
+ return path ();
+ };
+ // Return false (and so stop the iteration) if a .pc file is found.
+ //
+ // Note that we rely on the "small function object" optimization here.
+ //
+ struct data
+ {
+ path a;
+ path s;
+ bool common;
+ } d {path (), path (), common};
+ auto check = [&d, &search_dir] (dir_path&& p) -> bool
+ {
+ // First look for static/shared-specific files.
+ //
+ d.a = search_dir (p, ".static");
+ d.s = search_dir (p, ".shared");
+ if (!d.a.empty () || !d.s.empty ())
+ return true;
+ // Then the common.
+ //
+ if (d.common)
+ d.a = d.s = search_dir (p, "");
+ return !d.a.empty ();
+ };
+ pair<path, path> r;
+ if (pkgconfig_search (libd, check))
+ {
+ r.first = move (d.a);
+ r.second = move (d.s);
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ bool common::
+ pkgconfig_load (action a,
+ const scope& s,
+ lib& lt,
+ liba* at,
+ libs* st,
+ const optional<project_name>& proj,
+ const string& stem,
+ const dir_path& libd,
+ const dir_paths& top_sysd,
+ const dir_paths& top_usrd) const
+ {
+ assert (at != nullptr || st != nullptr);
+ pair<path, path> p (
+ pkgconfig_search (libd, proj, stem, true /* common */));
+ if (p.first.empty () && p.second.empty ())
+ return false;
+ pkgconfig_load (a, s, lt, at, st, p, libd, top_sysd, top_usrd);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void common::
+ pkgconfig_load (action a,
+ const scope& s,
+ lib& lt,
+ liba* at,
+ libs* st,
+ const pair<path, path>& paths,
+ const dir_path& libd,
+ const dir_paths& top_sysd,
+ const dir_paths& top_usrd) const
+ {
+ tracer trace (x, "pkgconfig_load");
+ assert (at != nullptr || st != nullptr);
+ const path& ap (paths.first);
+ const path& sp (paths.second);
+ assert (!ap.empty () || !sp.empty ());
+ // Extract --cflags and set them as lib?{}:export.poptions. Note that we
+ // still pass --static in case this is pkgconf which has Cflags.private.
+ //
+ auto parse_cflags = [&trace, this] (target& t,
+ const pkgconf& pc,
+ bool la)
+ {
+ strings pops;
+ bool arg (false);
+ for (auto& o: pc.cflags (la))
+ {
+ if (arg)
+ {
+ // Can only be an argument for -I, -D, -U options.
+ //
+ pops.push_back (move (o));
+ arg = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t n (o.size ());
+ // We only keep -I, -D and -U.
+ //
+ if (n >= 2 &&
+ o[0] == '-' &&
+ (o[1] == 'I' || o[1] == 'D' || o[1] == 'U'))
+ {
+ pops.push_back (move (o));
+ arg = (n == 2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "ignoring " << pc.path << " --cflags option "
+ << o;});
+ }
+ if (arg)
+ fail << "argument expected after " << pops.back () <<
+ info << "while parsing pkg-config --cflags " << pc.path;
+ if (!pops.empty ())
+ {
+ auto p (t.vars.insert (c_export_poptions));
+ // The only way we could already have this value is if this same
+ // library was also imported as a project (as opposed to installed).
+ // Unlikely but possible. In this case the values were set by the
+ // export stub and we shouldn't touch them.
+ //
+ if (p.second)
+ p.first.get () = move (pops);
+ }
+ };
+ // Parse --libs into loptions/libs (interface and implementation). If
+ // ps is not NULL, add each resolves library target as a prerequisite.
+ //
+ auto parse_libs = [a, &s, top_sysd, this] (target& t,
+ bool binless,
+ const pkgconf& pc,
+ bool la,
+ prerequisites* ps)
+ {
+ strings lops;
+ vector<name> libs;
+ // Normally we will have zero or more -L's followed by one or more
+ // -l's, with the first one being the library itself, unless the
+ // library is binless. But sometimes we may have other linker options,
+ // for example, -Wl,... or -pthread. It's probably a bad idea to
+ // ignore them. Also, theoretically, we could have just the library
+ // name/path.
+ //
+ // The tricky part, of course, is to know whether what follows after
+ // an option we don't recognize is its argument or another option or
+ // library. What we do at the moment is stop recognizing just library
+ // names (without -l) after seeing an unknown option.
+ //
+ bool arg (false), first (true), known (true), have_L;
+ for (auto& o: pc.libs (la))
+ {
+ if (arg)
+ {
+ // Can only be an argument for an loption.
+ //
+ lops.push_back (move (o));
+ arg = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t n (o.size ());
+ // See if this is -L.
+ //
+ if (n >= 2 && o[0] == '-' && o[1] == 'L')
+ {
+ have_L = true;
+ lops.push_back (move (o));
+ arg = (n == 2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // See if that's -l or just the library name/path.
+ //
+ if ((known && o[0] != '-') ||
+ (n > 2 && o[0] == '-' && o[1] == 'l'))
+ {
+ // Unless binless, the first one is the library itself, which we
+ // skip. Note that we don't verify this and theoretically it could
+ // be some other library, but we haven't encountered such a beast
+ // yet.
+ //
+ if (first)
+ {
+ first = false;
+ if (!binless)
+ continue;
+ }
+ // @@ If by some reason this is the library itself (doesn't go
+ // first or libpkgconf parsed libs in some bizarre way) we will
+ // hang trying to lock it's target inside search_library() (or
+ // fail an assertion if run serially) as by now it is already
+ // locked. To be safe we probably shouldn't rely on the position
+ // and filter out all occurrences of the library itself (by
+ // name?) and complain if none were encountered.
+ //
+ libs.push_back (name (move (o)));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Otherwise we assume it is some other loption.
+ //
+ known = false;
+ lops.push_back (move (o));
+ }
+ if (arg)
+ fail << "argument expected after " << lops.back () <<
+ info << "while parsing pkg-config --libs " << pc.path;
+ // Space-separated list of escaped library flags.
+ //
+ auto lflags = [&pc, la] () -> string
+ {
+ string r;
+ for (const auto& o: pc.libs (la))
+ {
+ if (!r.empty ())
+ r += ' ';
+ r += escape (o);
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ if (first && !binless)
+ fail << "library expected in '" << lflags () << "'" <<
+ info << "while parsing pkg-config --libs " << pc.path;
+ // Resolve -lfoo into the library file path using our import installed
+ // machinery (i.e., we are going to call search_library() that will
+ // probably call us again, and so on).
+ //
+ // The reason we do it is the link order. For general libraries it
+ // shouldn't matter if we imported them via an export stub, direct
+ // import installed, or via a .pc file (which we could have generated
+ // from the export stub). The exception is "runtime libraries" (which
+ // are really the extension of libc) such as -lm, -ldl, -lpthread,
+ // etc. Those we will detect and leave as -l*.
+ //
+ // If we managed to resolve all the -l's (sans runtime), then we can
+ // omit -L's for nice and tidy command line.
+ //
+ bool all (true);
+ optional<dir_paths> usrd; // Populate lazily.
+ for (name& n: libs)
+ {
+ string& l (n.value);
+ // These ones are common/standard/POSIX.
+ //
+ if (l[0] != '-' || // e.g., shell32.lib
+ l == "-lm" ||
+ l == "-ldl" ||
+ l == "-lrt" ||
+ l == "-lpthread")
+ continue;
+ // Note: these list are most likely incomplete.
+ //
+ if (tclass == "linux")
+ {
+ // Some extras from libc (see libc6-dev) and other places.
+ //
+ if (l == "-lanl" ||
+ l == "-lcrypt" ||
+ l == "-lnsl" ||
+ l == "-lresolv" ||
+ l == "-lgcc")
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (tclass == "macos")
+ {
+ if (l == "-lSystem")
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Prepare user search paths by entering the -L paths from the .pc
+ // file.
+ //
+ if (have_L && !usrd)
+ {
+ usrd = dir_paths ();
+ for (auto i (lops.begin ()); i != lops.end (); ++i)
+ {
+ const string& o (*i);
+ if (o.size () >= 2 && o[0] == '-' && o[1] == 'L')
+ {
+ string p;
+ if (o.size () == 2)
+ p = *++i; // We've verified it's there.
+ else
+ p = string (o, 2);
+ dir_path d (move (p));
+ if (d.relative ())
+ fail << "relative -L directory in '" << lflags () << "'" <<
+ info << "while parsing pkg-config --libs " << pc.path;
+ usrd->push_back (move (d));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // @@ OUT: for now we assume out is undetermined, just like in
+ // resolve_library().
+ //
+ dir_path out;
+ string name (l, 2); // Sans -l.
+ prerequisite_key pk {
+ nullopt, {&lib::static_type, &out, &out, &name, nullopt}, &s};
+ if (const target* lt = search_library (a, top_sysd, usrd, pk))
+ {
+ // We used to pick a member but that doesn't seem right since the
+ // same target could be used with different link orders.
+ //
+ n.dir = lt->dir;
+ n.type = lib::static_type.name;
+ n.value = lt->name;
+ if (ps != nullptr)
+ ps->push_back (prerequisite (*lt));
+ }
+ else
+ // If we couldn't find the library, then leave it as -l.
+ //
+ all = false;
+ }
+ // If all the -l's resolved and there were no other options, then drop
+ // all the -L's. If we have unknown options, then leave them in to be
+ // safe.
+ //
+ if (all && known)
+ lops.clear ();
+ if (!lops.empty ())
+ {
+ if (cclass == compiler_class::msvc)
+ {
+ // Translate -L to /LIBPATH.
+ //
+ for (auto i (lops.begin ()); i != lops.end (); )
+ {
+ string& o (*i);
+ size_t n (o.size ());
+ if (n >= 2 && o[0] == '-' && o[1] == 'L')
+ {
+ o.replace (0, 2, "/LIBPATH:");
+ if (n == 2)
+ {
+ o += *++i; // We've verified it's there.
+ i = lops.erase (i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ auto p (t.vars.insert (c_export_loptions));
+ if (p.second)
+ p.first.get () = move (lops);
+ }
+ // Set even if empty (export override).
+ //
+ {
+ auto p (t.vars.insert (c_export_libs));
+ if (p.second)
+ p.first.get () = move (libs);
+ }
+ };
+ // On Windows pkg-config will escape backslahses in paths. In fact, it
+ // may escape things even on non-Windows platforms, for example,
+ // spaces. So we use a slightly modified version of next_word().
+ //
+ auto next = [] (const string& s, size_t& b, size_t& e) -> string
+ {
+ string r;
+ size_t n (s.size ());
+ if (b != e)
+ b = e;
+ // Skip leading delimiters.
+ //
+ for (; b != n && s[b] == ' '; ++b) ;
+ if (b == n)
+ {
+ e = n;
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Find first trailing delimiter while taking care of escapes.
+ //
+ r = s[b];
+ for (e = b + 1; e != n && s[e] != ' '; ++e)
+ {
+ if (s[e] == '\\')
+ {
+ if (++e == n)
+ fail << "dangling escape in pkg-config output '" << s << "'";
+ }
+ r += s[e];
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ // Parse modules and add them to the prerequisites.
+ //
+ auto parse_modules = [&trace, &next, &s, this]
+ (const pkgconf& pc, prerequisites& ps)
+ {
+ string mstr (pc.variable ("cxx_modules"));
+ string m;
+ for (size_t b (0), e (0); !(m = next (mstr, b, e)).empty (); )
+ {
+ // The format is <name>=<path>.
+ //
+ size_t p (m.find ('='));
+ if (p == string::npos ||
+ p == 0 || // Empty name.
+ p == m.size () - 1) // Empty path.
+ fail << "invalid module information in '" << mstr << "'" <<
+ info << "while parsing pkg-config --variable=cxx_modules "
+ << pc.path;
+ string mn (m, 0, p);
+ path mp (m, p + 1, string::npos);
+ path mf (mp.leaf ());
+ // Extract module properties, if any.
+ //
+ string pp (pc.variable ("cxx_module_preprocessed." + mn));
+ string se (pc.variable ("cxx_module_symexport." + mn));
+ // For now there are only C++ modules.
+ //
+ auto tl (
+ s.ctx.targets.insert_locked (
+ *x_mod,
+ mp.directory (),
+ dir_path (),
+ mf.base ().string (),
+ mf.extension (),
+ true, // Implied.
+ trace));
+ target& mt (tl.first);
+ // If the target already exists, then setting its variables is not
+ // MT-safe. So currently we only do it if we have the lock (and thus
+ // nobody can see this target yet) assuming that this has already
+ // been done otherwise.
+ //
+ // @@ This is not quite correct, though: this target could already
+ // exist but for a "different purpose" (e.g., it could be used as
+ // a header).
+ //
+ // @@ Could setting it in the rule-specific vars help? (But we
+ // are not matching a rule for it.) Note that we are setting
+ // it on the module source, not bmi*{}! So rule-specific vars
+ // don't seem to the answer here.
+ //
+ if (tl.second.owns_lock ())
+ {
+ mt.vars.assign (c_module_name) = move (mn);
+ // Set module properties. Note that if unspecified we should still
+ // set them to their default values since the hosting project may
+ // have them set to incompatible value.
+ //
+ {
+ value& v (mt.vars.assign (x_preprocessed)); // NULL
+ if (!pp.empty ()) v = move (pp);
+ }
+ {
+ mt.vars.assign (x_symexport) = (se == "true");
+ }
+ tl.second.unlock ();
+ }
+ ps.push_back (prerequisite (mt));
+ }
+ };
+ // For now we only populate prerequisites for lib{}. To do it for
+ // liba{} would require weeding out duplicates that are already in
+ // lib{}.
+ //
+ prerequisites prs;
+ pkgconf apc;
+ pkgconf spc;
+ // Create the .pc files search directory list.
+ //
+ dir_paths pc_dirs;
+ // Note that we rely on the "small function object" optimization here.
+ //
+ auto add_pc_dir = [&pc_dirs] (dir_path&& d) -> bool
+ {
+ pc_dirs.emplace_back (move (d));
+ return false;
+ };
+ pkgconfig_search (libd, add_pc_dir);
+ for (const dir_path& d: top_usrd) pkgconfig_search (d, add_pc_dir);
+ for (const dir_path& d: top_sysd) pkgconfig_search (d, add_pc_dir);
+ bool pa (at != nullptr && !ap.empty ());
+ if (pa || sp.empty ())
+ apc = pkgconf (ap, pc_dirs, sys_lib_dirs, sys_inc_dirs);
+ bool ps (st != nullptr && !sp.empty ());
+ if (ps || ap.empty ())
+ spc = pkgconf (sp, pc_dirs, sys_lib_dirs, sys_inc_dirs);
+ // Sort out the interface dependencies (which we are setting on lib{}).
+ // If we have the shared .pc variant, then we use that. Otherwise --
+ // static but extract without the --static option (see also the saving
+ // logic).
+ //
+ pkgconf& ipc (ps ? spc : apc); // Interface package info.
+ parse_libs (
+ lt,
+ (ps ? st->mtime () : at->mtime ()) == timestamp_unreal /* binless */,
+ ipc,
+ false,
+ &prs);
+ if (pa)
+ {
+ parse_cflags (*at, apc, true);
+ parse_libs (*at, at->path ().empty (), apc, true, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (ps)
+ parse_cflags (*st, spc, false);
+ // For now we assume static and shared variants export the same set of
+ // modules. While technically possible, having a different set will
+ // most likely lead to all sorts of trouble (at least for installed
+ // libraries) and life is short.
+ //
+ if (modules)
+ parse_modules (ipc, prs);
+ assert (!lt.has_prerequisites ());
+ if (!prs.empty ())
+ lt.prerequisites (move (prs));
+ // Bless the library group with a "trust me it exists" timestamp. Failed
+ // that, if we add it as a prerequisite (like we do above), the fallback
+ // file rule won't match.
+ //
+ lt.mtime (mtime (ipc.path));
+ }
+ pair<path, path> common::
+ pkgconfig_search (const dir_path&,
+ const optional<project_name>&,
+ const string&,
+ bool) const
+ {
+ return pair<path, path> ();
+ }
+ bool common::
+ pkgconfig_load (action,
+ const scope&,
+ lib&,
+ liba*,
+ libs*,
+ const optional<project_name>&,
+ const string&,
+ const dir_path&,
+ const dir_paths&,
+ const dir_paths&) const
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ void common::
+ pkgconfig_load (action,
+ const scope&,
+ lib&,
+ liba*,
+ libs*,
+ const pair<path, path>&,
+ const dir_path&,
+ const dir_paths&,
+ const dir_paths&) const
+ {
+ assert (false); // Should never be called.
+ }
+ void link_rule::
+ pkgconfig_save (action a, const file& l, bool la, bool binless) const
+ {
+ tracer trace (x, "pkgconfig_save");
+ context& ctx (l.ctx);
+ const scope& bs (l.base_scope ());
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ auto* t (find_adhoc_member<pc> (l));
+ assert (t != nullptr);
+ // By default we assume things go into install.{include, lib}.
+ //
+ using install::resolve_dir;
+ dir_path idir (resolve_dir (l, cast<dir_path> (l["install.include"])));
+ dir_path ldir (resolve_dir (l, cast<dir_path> (l["install.lib"])));
+ const path& p (t->path ());
+ if (verb >= 2)
+ text << "cat >" << p;
+ if (ctx.dry_run)
+ return;
+ auto_rmfile arm (p);
+ try
+ {
+ ofdstream os (p);
+ {
+ const project_name& n (project (rs));
+ if (n.empty ())
+ fail << "no project name in " << rs;
+ lookup vl (rs.vars[ctx.var_version]);
+ if (!vl)
+ fail << "no version variable in project " << n <<
+ info << "while generating " << p;
+ const string& v (cast<string> (vl));
+ os << "Name: " << n << endl;
+ os << "Version: " << v << endl;
+ // This one is required so make something up if unspecified.
+ //
+ os << "Description: ";
+ if (const string* s = cast_null<string> (rs[ctx.var_project_summary]))
+ os << *s << endl;
+ else
+ os << n << ' ' << v << endl;
+ if (const string* u = cast_null<string> (rs[ctx.var_project_url]))
+ os << "URL: " << *u << endl;
+ }
+ auto save_poptions = [&l, &os] (const variable& var)
+ {
+ if (const strings* v = cast_null<strings> (l[var]))
+ {
+ for (auto i (v->begin ()); i != v->end (); ++i)
+ {
+ const string& o (*i);
+ size_t n (o.size ());
+ // Filter out -I (both -I<dir> and -I <dir> forms).
+ //
+ if (n >= 2 && o[0] == '-' && o[1] == 'I')
+ {
+ if (n == 2)
+ ++i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ os << ' ' << escape (o);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Given a library save its -l-style library name.
+ //
+ auto save_library = [&os, this] (const file& l)
+ {
+ // If available (it may not, in case of import-installed libraris),
+ // use the .pc file name to derive the -l library name (in case of
+ // the shared library, l.path() may contain version).
+ //
+ string n;
+ auto strip_lib = [&n] ()
+ {
+ if (n.size () > 3 &&
+ path::traits_type::compare (n.c_str (), 3, "lib", 3) == 0)
+ n.erase (0, 3);
+ };
+ if (auto* t = find_adhoc_member<pc> (l))
+ {
+ // We also want to strip the lib prefix unless it is part of the
+ // target name while keeping custom library prefix/suffix, if any.
+ //
+ n = t->path ().leaf ().base ().base ().string ();
+ if (path::traits_type::compare (n.c_str (), n.size (),
+ l.name.c_str (), l.name.size ()) != 0)
+ strip_lib ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Derive -l-name from the file name in a fuzzy, platform-specific
+ // manner.
+ //
+ n = l.path ().leaf ().base ().string ();
+ if (cclass != compiler_class::msvc)
+ strip_lib ();
+ }
+ os << " -l" << n;
+ };
+ // @@ TODO: support whole archive?
+ //
+ // Cflags.
+ //
+ os << "Cflags:";
+ os << " -I" << escape (idir.string ());
+ save_poptions (c_export_poptions);
+ save_poptions (x_export_poptions);
+ os << endl;
+ // Libs.
+ //
+ // While we generate split shared/static .pc files, in case of static
+ // we still want to sort things out into Libs/Libs.private. This is
+ // necessary to distinguish between interface and implementation
+ // dependencies if we don't have the shared variant (see the load
+ // logic for details).
+ //
+ //@@ TODO: would be nice to weed out duplicates. But is it always
+ // safe? Think linking archives: will have to keep duplicates in
+ // the second position, not first. Gets even trickier with
+ // Libs.private split.
+ //
+ {
+ os << "Libs:";
+ // While we don't need it for a binless library itselt, it may be
+ // necessary to resolve its binfull dependencies.
+ //
+ os << " -L" << escape (ldir.string ());
+ // Now process ourselves as if we were being linked to something (so
+ // pretty similar to link_rule::append_libraries()).
+ //
+ bool priv (false);
+ auto imp = [&priv] (const file&, bool la) {return priv && la;};
+ auto lib = [&os, &save_library] (const file* const* c,
+ const string& p,
+ lflags,
+ bool)
+ {
+ const file* l (c != nullptr ? *c : nullptr);
+ if (l != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (l->is_a<libs> () || l->is_a<liba> ()) // See through libux.
+ save_library (*l);
+ }
+ else
+ os << ' ' << p; // Something "system'y", pass as is.
+ };
+ auto opt = [] (const file&,
+ const string&,
+ bool, bool)
+ {
+ //@@ TODO: should we filter -L similar to -I?
+ //@@ TODO: how will the Libs/Libs.private work?
+ //@@ TODO: remember to use escape()
+ /*
+ // If we need an interface value, then use the group (lib{}).
+ //
+ if (const target* g = exp && l.is_a<libs> () ? l.group : &l)
+ {
+ const variable& var (
+ com
+ ? (exp ? c_export_loptions : c_loptions)
+ : (t == x
+ ? (exp ? x_export_loptions : x_loptions)
+ : var_pool[t + (exp ? ".export.loptions" : ".loptions")]));
+ append_options (args, *g, var);
+ }
+ */
+ };
+ // Pretend we are linking an executable using what would be normal,
+ // system-default link order.
+ //
+ linfo li {otype::e, la ? lorder::a_s : lorder::s_a};
+ process_libraries (a, bs, li, sys_lib_dirs,
+ l, la, 0, // Link flags.
+ imp, lib, opt, !binless);
+ os << endl;
+ if (la)
+ {
+ os << "Libs.private:";
+ priv = true;
+ process_libraries (a, bs, li, sys_lib_dirs,
+ l, la, 0, // Link flags.
+ imp, lib, opt, false);
+ os << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have modules, list them in the modules variable. We also save
+ // some extra info about them (yes, the rabbit hole runs deep). This
+ // code is pretty similar to compiler::search_modules().
+ //
+ if (modules)
+ {
+ struct module
+ {
+ string name;
+ path file;
+ string pp;
+ bool symexport;
+ };
+ vector<module> modules;
+ for (const target* pt: l.prerequisite_targets[a])
+ {
+ // @@ UTL: we need to (recursively) see through libu*{} (and
+ // also in search_modules()).
+ //
+ if (pt != nullptr && pt->is_a<bmix> ())
+ {
+ // What we have is a binary module interface. What we need is
+ // a module interface source it was built from. We assume it's
+ // the first mxx{} target that we see.
+ //
+ const target* mt (nullptr);
+ for (const target* t: pt->prerequisite_targets[a])
+ {
+ if ((mt = t->is_a (*x_mod)))
+ break;
+ }
+ // Can/should there be a bmi{} without mxx{}? Can't think of a
+ // reason.
+ //
+ assert (mt != nullptr);
+ path p (install::resolve_file (mt->as<file> ()));
+ if (p.empty ()) // Not installed.
+ continue;
+ string pp;
+ if (const string* v = cast_null<string> ((*mt)[x_preprocessed]))
+ pp = *v;
+ modules.push_back (
+ module {
+ cast<string> (pt->state[a].vars[c_module_name]),
+ move (p),
+ move (pp),
+ symexport
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (!modules.empty ())
+ {
+ os << endl
+ << "cxx_modules =";
+ // Module names shouldn't require escaping.
+ //
+ for (const module& m: modules)
+ os << ' ' << m.name << '=' << escape (m.file.string ());
+ os << endl;
+ // Module-specific properties. The format is:
+ //
+ // <lang>_module_<property>.<module> = <value>
+ //
+ for (const module& m: modules)
+ {
+ if (!m.pp.empty ())
+ os << "cxx_module_preprocessed." << m.name << " = " << m.pp
+ << endl;
+ if (m.symexport)
+ os << "cxx_module_symexport." << m.name << " = true" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ os.close ();
+ arm.cancel ();
+ }
+ catch (const io_error& e)
+ {
+ fail << "unable to write " << p << ": " << e;
+ }
+ }
+ }