path: root/libbuild2/dyndep.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/dyndep.cxx')
1 files changed, 1112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/dyndep.cxx b/libbuild2/dyndep.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbeb47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/dyndep.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+// file : libbuild2/dyndep.cxx -*- C++ -*-
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/dyndep.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/search.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/algorithm.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace butl;
+namespace build2
+ bool dyndep_rule::
+ update (tracer& trace, action a, const target& t, timestamp ts)
+ {
+ return update_during_match (trace, a, t, ts);
+ }
+ optional<bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_file (tracer& trace, const char* what,
+ action a, target& t,
+ const file& pt,
+ timestamp mt,
+ bool f,
+ bool adhoc,
+ uintptr_t data)
+ {
+ // Even if failing we still use try_match_sync() in order to issue
+ // consistent (with other places) diagnostics (rather than the generic
+ // "not rule to update ...").
+ //
+ if (!try_match_sync (a, pt).first)
+ {
+ if (!f)
+ return nullopt;
+ diag_record dr;
+ dr << fail << what << ' ' << pt << " not found and no rule to "
+ << "generate it";
+ if (verb < 4)
+ dr << info << "re-run with --verbose=4 for more information";
+ }
+ bool r (update (trace, a, pt, mt));
+ // Add to our prerequisite target list.
+ //
+ t.prerequisite_targets[a].emplace_back (&pt, adhoc, data);
+ return r;
+ }
+ // Check if the specified prerequisite is updated during match by any other
+ // prerequisites of the specified target, recursively.
+ //
+ static bool
+ updated_during_match (action a, const target& t, size_t pts_n,
+ const target& pt)
+ {
+ const auto& pts (t.prerequisite_targets[a]);
+ for (size_t i (0); i != pts_n; ++i)
+ {
+ const prerequisite_target& p (pts[i]);
+ // If include_target flag is specified, then p.data contains the
+ // target pointer.
+ //
+ if (const target* xt =
+ (p.target != nullptr ? p.target :
+ ((p.include & prerequisite_target::include_target) != 0
+ ? reinterpret_cast<target*> (p.data)
+ : nullptr)))
+ {
+ if (xt == &pt && (p.include & prerequisite_target::include_udm) != 0)
+ return true;
+ if (size_t n = xt->prerequisite_targets[a].size ())
+ {
+ if (updated_during_match (a, *xt, n, pt))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ optional<bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_existing_file (tracer& trace, const char* what,
+ action a, target& t, size_t pts_n,
+ const file& pt,
+ timestamp mt,
+ bool f,
+ bool adhoc,
+ uintptr_t data)
+ {
+ if (!try_match_sync (a, pt).first)
+ {
+ if (!f)
+ return nullopt;
+ diag_record dr;
+ dr << fail << what << ' ' << pt << " not found and no rule to "
+ << "generate it";
+ if (verb < 4)
+ dr << info << "re-run with --verbose=4 for more information";
+ }
+ recipe_function* const* rf (pt[a].recipe.target<recipe_function*> ());
+ if (rf == nullptr || *rf != &noop_action)
+ {
+ if (pts_n == 0 || !updated_during_match (a, t, pts_n, pt))
+ {
+ fail << what << ' ' << pt << " has non-noop recipe" <<
+ info << "consider listing it as static prerequisite of " << t;
+ }
+ }
+ bool r (update (trace, a, pt, mt));
+ // Add to our prerequisite target list.
+ //
+ t.prerequisite_targets[a].emplace_back (&pt, adhoc, data);
+ return r;
+ }
+ void dyndep_rule::
+ verify_existing_file (tracer&, const char* what,
+ action a, const target& t, size_t pts_n,
+ const file& pt)
+ {
+ diag_record dr;
+ if (pt.matched (a, memory_order_acquire))
+ {
+ recipe_function* const* rf (pt[a].recipe.target<recipe_function*> ());
+ if (rf == nullptr || *rf != &noop_action)
+ {
+ if (pts_n == 0 || !updated_during_match (a, t, pts_n, pt))
+ {
+ dr << fail << what << ' ' << pt << " has non-noop recipe";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (pt.decl == target_decl::real)
+ {
+ // Note that this target could not possibly be updated during match
+ // since it's not matched.
+ //
+ dr << fail << what << ' ' << pt << " is explicitly declared as "
+ << "target and may have non-noop recipe";
+ }
+ if (!dr.empty ())
+ dr << info << "consider listing it as static prerequisite of " << t;
+ }
+ small_vector<const target_type*, 2> dyndep_rule::
+ map_extension (const scope& bs,
+ const string& n, const string& e,
+ const target_type* const* tts)
+ {
+ // We will just have to try all of the possible ones, in the "most
+ // likely to match" order.
+ //
+ auto test = [&bs, &n, &e] (const target_type& tt) -> bool
+ {
+ if (tt.default_extension != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Call the extension derivation function. Here we know that it will
+ // only use the target type and name from the target key so we can
+ // pass bogus values for the rest.
+ //
+ target_key tk {&tt, nullptr, nullptr, &n, nullopt};
+ // This is like prerequisite search.
+ //
+ optional<string> de (tt.default_extension (tk, bs, nullptr, true));
+ return de && *de == e;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ small_vector<const target_type*, 2> r;
+ if (tts != nullptr)
+ {
+ // @@ What if these types are not known by this project? Maybe this
+ // should just be unified with the below loop? Need to make sure
+ // we don't rely on the order in which they are returned.
+ //
+ for (const target_type* const* p (tts); *p != nullptr; ++p)
+ if (test (**p))
+ r.push_back (*p);
+ }
+ // Next try target types derived from any of the base types (or file if
+ // there are no base types).
+ //
+ const target_type_map& ttm (bs.root_scope ()->root_extra->target_types);
+ for (auto i (ttm.type_begin ()), e (ttm.type_end ()); i != e; ++i)
+ {
+ const target_type& dt (i->second);
+ if (tts != nullptr)
+ {
+ for (const target_type* const* p (tts); *p != nullptr; ++p)
+ {
+ const target_type& bt (**p);
+ if (dt.is_a (bt))
+ {
+ if (dt != bt && test (dt))
+ r.push_back (&dt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Anything file-derived but not the file itself.
+ //
+ if (dt.is_a<file> () && dt != file::static_type && test (dt))
+ r.push_back (&dt);
+ }
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ void dyndep_rule::
+ append_prefix (tracer& trace, prefix_map& m, const target& t, dir_path d)
+ {
+ // If the target directory is a sub-directory of the include directory,
+ // then the prefix is the difference between the two. Otherwise, leave it
+ // empty.
+ //
+ // The idea here is to make this "canonical" setup work auto-magically
+ // (using C/C++ #include's as an example):
+ //
+ // 1. We include all headers with a prefix, e.g., <foo/bar>.
+ //
+ // 2. The library target is in the foo/ sub-directory, e.g., /tmp/foo/.
+ //
+ // 3. The poptions variable contains -I/tmp.
+ //
+ dir_path p (t.dir.sub (d) ? t.dir.leaf (d) : dir_path ());
+ // We use the target's directory as out_base but that doesn't work well
+ // for targets that are stashed in subdirectories. So as a heuristics we
+ // are going to also enter the outer directories of the original prefix.
+ // It is, however, possible, that another directory after this one will
+ // produce one of these outer prefixes as its original prefix in which
+ // case we should override it.
+ //
+ // So we are going to assign the original prefix priority value 0
+ // (highest) and then increment it for each outer prefix.
+ //
+ auto enter = [&trace, &m] (dir_path p, dir_path d, size_t prio)
+ {
+ auto j (m.lower_bound (p)), e (m.end ());
+ if (j != e && j->first != p)
+ j = e;
+ if (j == m.end ())
+ {
+ if (verb >= 4)
+ trace << "new mapping for prefix '" << p << "'\n"
+ << " new mapping to " << d << " priority " << prio;
+ m.emplace (move (p), prefix_value {move (d), prio});
+ }
+ else if (p.empty ())
+ {
+ // For prefixless we keep all the entries since for them we have an
+ // extra check (target must be explicitly spelled out in a buildfile).
+ //
+ if (verb >= 4)
+ trace << "additional mapping for prefix '" << p << "'\n"
+ << " new mapping to " << d << " priority " << prio;
+ // Find the position where to insert according to the priority.
+ // For equal priorities we use the insertion order.
+ //
+ do
+ {
+ if (j->second.priority > prio)
+ break;
+ }
+ while (++j != e && j->first == p);
+ m.emplace_hint (j, move (p), prefix_value {move (d), prio});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prefix_value& v (j->second);
+ // We used to reject duplicates but it seems this can be reasonably
+ // expected to work according to the order of, say, -I options.
+ //
+ // Seeing that we normally have more "specific" -I paths first, (so
+ // that we don't pick up installed headers, etc), we ignore it.
+ //
+ if (v.directory == d)
+ {
+ if (v.priority > prio)
+ v.priority = prio;
+ }
+ else if (v.priority <= prio)
+ {
+ if (verb >= 4)
+ trace << "ignoring mapping for prefix '" << p << "'\n"
+ << " existing mapping to " << v.directory
+ << " priority " << v.priority << '\n'
+ << " another mapping to " << d << " priority " << prio;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (verb >= 4)
+ trace << "overriding mapping for prefix '" << p << "'\n"
+ << " existing mapping to " << v.directory
+ << " priority " << v.priority << '\n'
+ << " new mapping to " << d << " priority " << prio;
+ v.directory = move (d);
+ v.priority = prio;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // Enter all outer prefixes, including prefixless.
+ //
+ // The prefixless part is fuzzy but seems to be doing the right thing
+ // ignoring/overriding-wise, at least in cases where one of the competing
+ // include search paths is a subdirectory of another.
+ //
+ for (size_t prio (0);; ++prio)
+ {
+ bool e (p.empty ());
+ enter ((e ? move (p) : p), (e ? move (d) : d), prio);
+ if (e)
+ break;
+ p = p.directory ();
+ }
+ }
+ bool dyndep_rule::srcout_builder::
+ next (dir_path&& d)
+ {
+ // Ignore any paths containing '.', '..' components. Allow any directory
+ // separators though (think -I$src_root/foo on Windows).
+ //
+ if (d.absolute () && d.normalized (false))
+ {
+ // If we have a candidate out_base, see if this is its src_base.
+ //
+ if (prev_ != nullptr)
+ {
+ const dir_path& bp (prev_->src_path ());
+ if (d.sub (bp))
+ {
+ if (diff_.empty () || d.leaf (bp) == diff_)
+ {
+ // We've got a pair.
+ //
+ map_.emplace (move (d), prev_->out_path () / diff_);
+ prev_ = nullptr; // Taken.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not a pair. Fall through to consider as out_base.
+ //
+ prev_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ // See if this path is inside a project with an out of source build and is
+ // in the out directory tree.
+ //
+ const scope& bs (ctx_.scopes.find_out (d));
+ if (bs.root_scope () != nullptr)
+ {
+ if (!bs.out_eq_src ())
+ {
+ const dir_path& bp (bs.out_path ());
+ bool e;
+ if ((e = (d == bp)) || d.sub (bp))
+ {
+ prev_ = &bs;
+ if (e)
+ diff_.clear ();
+ else
+ diff_ = d.leaf (bp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ prev_ = nullptr;
+ return false;
+ }
+ static pair<const file*, bool>
+ enter_file_impl (
+ tracer& trace, const char* what,
+ action a, const scope& bs, const target& t,
+ path& fp, bool cache, bool norm,
+ bool insert,
+ bool dynamic,
+ const function<dyndep_rule::map_extension_func>& map_extension,
+ const target_type& fallback,
+ const function<dyndep_rule::prefix_map_func>& get_pfx_map,
+ const dyndep_rule::srcout_map& so_map)
+ {
+ // NOTE: see enter_header() caching logic if changing anyting here with
+ // regards to the target and base scope usage.
+ assert (!insert || t.ctx.phase == run_phase::match);
+ // Find or maybe insert the target.
+ //
+ // If insert is false, then don't consider dynamically-created targets
+ // (i.e., those that are not real or implied) unless dynamic is true, in
+ // which case return the target that would have been inserted.
+ //
+ // The directory is only moved from if insert is true. Note that it must
+ // be absolute and normalized.
+ //
+ auto find = [&trace, what, &bs, &t,
+ &map_extension,
+ &fallback] (dir_path&& d,
+ path&& f,
+ bool insert,
+ bool dynamic = false) -> const file*
+ {
+ context& ctx (t.ctx);
+ // Split the file into its name part and extension. Here we can assume
+ // the name part is a valid filesystem name.
+ //
+ // Note that if the file has no extension, we record an empty extension
+ // rather than NULL (which would signify that the default extension
+ // should be added).
+ //
+ string e (f.extension ());
+ string n (move (f).string ());
+ if (!e.empty ())
+ n.resize (n.size () - e.size () - 1); // One for the dot.
+ // See if this directory is part of any project and if so determine
+ // the target type.
+ //
+ // While at it also determine if this target is from the src or out
+ // tree of said project.
+ //
+ dir_path out;
+ // It's possible the extension-to-target type mapping is ambiguous (for
+ // example, because both C and C++-language headers use the same .h
+ // extension). In this case we will first try to find one that matches
+ // an explicit target (similar logic to when insert is false).
+ //
+ small_vector<const target_type*, 2> tts;
+ // Note that the path can be in out or src directory and the latter
+ // can be associated with multiple scopes. So strictly speaking we
+ // need to pick one that is "associated" with us. But that is still a
+ // TODO (see scope_map::find() for details) and so for now we just
+ // pick the first one (it's highly unlikely the source file extension
+ // mapping will differ based on the configuration).
+ //
+ // Note that we also need to remember the base scope for search() below
+ // (failed that, search_existing_file() will refuse to look).
+ //
+ const scope* s (nullptr);
+ {
+ // While we cannot accurately associate in the general case, we can do
+ // so if the path belongs to this project.
+ //
+ const scope& rs (*bs.root_scope ());
+ bool src (false);
+ if (d.sub (rs.out_path ()) ||
+ (src = (!rs.out_eq_src () && d.sub (rs.src_path ()))))
+ {
+ if (map_extension != nullptr)
+ tts = map_extension (bs, n, e);
+ if (src)
+ out = out_src (d, rs);
+ s = &bs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const scope& bs (**ctx.scopes.find (d).first);
+ if (const scope* rs = bs.root_scope ())
+ {
+ if (map_extension != nullptr)
+ tts = map_extension (bs, n, e);
+ if (!rs->out_eq_src () && d.sub (rs->src_path ()))
+ out = out_src (d, *rs);
+ s = &bs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If it is outside any project, or the project doesn't have such an
+ // extension, use the fallback target type.
+ //
+ if (tts.empty ())
+ {
+ // If the project doesn't "know" this extension then we can't possibly
+ // find a real or implied target of this type.
+ //
+ if (!insert && !dynamic)
+ {
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "unknown " << what << ' ' << n << " extension '"
+ << e << "'";});
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ tts.push_back (&fallback);
+ }
+ // Find or insert target.
+ //
+ // Note that in case of the target type ambiguity we first try to find
+ // an explicit target that resolves this ambiguity.
+ //
+ const target* r (nullptr);
+ if (!insert || tts.size () > 1)
+ {
+ // Note that we skip any target type-specific searches (like for an
+ // existing file) and go straight for the target object since we need
+ // to find the target explicitly spelled out.
+ //
+ // Also, it doesn't feel like we should be able to resolve an absolute
+ // path with a spelled-out extension to multiple targets.
+ //
+ const target* f (nullptr);
+ for (size_t i (0), m (tts.size ()); i != m; ++i)
+ {
+ const target_type& tt (*tts[i]);
+ if (const target* x = ctx.targets.find (tt, d, out, n, e, trace))
+ {
+ // What would be the harm in reusing a dynamically-inserted target
+ // if there is no buildfile-mentioned one? Probably none (since it
+ // can't be updated) except that it will be racy: sometimes we
+ // will reuse the dynamic, sometimes we will insert a new one. And
+ // we don't like racy.
+ //
+ // Note that we can't only check for real targets and must include
+ // implied ones because pre-entered members of a target group
+ // (e.g., cli.cxx) are implied.
+ //
+ if (operator>= (x->decl, target_decl::implied)) // @@ VC14
+ {
+ r = x;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Cache the dynamic target corresponding to tts[0] since that's
+ // what we will be inserting (see below).
+ //
+ if ((insert || dynamic) && i == 0)
+ f = x;
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "dynamic target with target type " << tt.name;});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ l6 ([&]{trace << "no target with target type " << tt.name;});
+ }
+ // Note: we can't do this because of the in source builds where there
+ // won't be explicit targets for non-generated files.
+ //
+ // This should be harmless, however, since in our world generated file
+ // are spelled-out as explicit targets. And if not, we will still get
+ // an error, just a bit less specific.
+ //
+#if 0
+ if (r == nullptr && insert)
+ {
+ f = d / n;
+ if (!e.empty ())
+ {
+ f += '.';
+ f += e;
+ }
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << "ambiguous mapping of " << what ' ' << f << " to target type";
+ for (const target_type* tt: tts)
+ dr << info << "could be " << tt->name << "{}";
+ dr << info << "spell-out its target to resolve this ambiguity";
+ }
+ if (r == nullptr && f != nullptr)
+ r = f;
+ }
+ if (r == nullptr && insert)
+ {
+ // Like search(t, pk) but don't fail if the target is in src.
+ //
+ // While it may seem like there is not much difference, the caller may
+ // actually do more than just issue more specific diagnostics. For
+ // example, it may defer the failure to the tool diagnostics.
+ //
+#if 0
+ r = &search (t, *tts[0], d, out, n, &e, s);
+ prerequisite_key pk {nullopt, {tts[0], &d, &out, &n, move (e)}, s};
+ r = pk.tk.type->search (ctx, &t, pk);
+ if (r == nullptr && pk.tk.out->empty ())
+ {
+ auto p (ctx.scopes.find (d, false));
+ if (*p.first != nullptr || ++p.first == p.second)
+ r = &create_new_target (ctx, pk);
+ }
+ }
+ return static_cast<const file*> (r);
+ };
+ // If it's not absolute then it either does not (yet) exist or is a
+ // relative ""-include (see init_args() for details). Reduce the second
+ // case to absolute.
+ //
+ // Note: we now always use absolute path to the translation unit so this
+ // no longer applies. But let's keep it for posterity.
+ //
+ // Also note that we now assume (see cc::compile_rule::enter_header()) a
+ // relative path signifies a generated header.
+ //
+#if 0
+ if (f.relative () && rels.relative ())
+ {
+ // If the relative source path has a directory component, make sure it
+ // matches since ""-include will always start with that (none of the
+ // compilers we support try to normalize this path). Failed that we may
+ // end up searching for a generated header in a random (working)
+ // directory.
+ //
+ const string& fs (f.string ());
+ const string& ss (rels.string ());
+ size_t p (path::traits::rfind_separator (ss));
+ if (p == string::npos || // No directory.
+ (fs.size () > p + 1 &&
+ path::traits::compare (fs.c_str (), p, ss.c_str (), p) == 0))
+ {
+ path t (work / f); // The rels path is relative to work.
+ if (exists (t))
+ f = move (t);
+ }
+ }
+ const file* pt (nullptr);
+ bool remapped (false);
+ // If relative then it does not exist.
+ //
+ if (fp.relative ())
+ {
+ // This is probably as often an error as an auto-generated file, so
+ // trace at level 4.
+ //
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "non-existent " << what << " '" << fp << "'";});
+ if (get_pfx_map != nullptr)
+ {
+ fp.normalize ();
+ // The relative path might still contain '..' (e.g., ../foo.hxx;
+ // presumably ""-include'ed). We don't attempt to support auto-
+ // generated files with such inclusion styles.
+ //
+ if (fp.normalized ())
+ {
+ const dyndep_rule::prefix_map& pfx_map (get_pfx_map (a, bs, t));
+ // First try the whole file. Then just the directory.
+ //
+ // @@ Has to be a separate map since the prefix can be the same as
+ // the file name.
+ //
+ // auto i (pfx_map->find (f));
+ // Find the most qualified prefix of which we are a sub-path.
+ //
+ if (!pfx_map.empty ())
+ {
+ dir_path d (fp.directory ());
+ auto p (pfx_map.sup_range (d));
+ if (p.first != p.second)
+ {
+ // Note that we can only have multiple entries for the
+ // prefixless mapping.
+ //
+ dir_path pd; // Reuse.
+ for (auto i (p.first); i != p.second; ++i)
+ {
+ // Note: value in pfx_map is not necessarily canonical.
+ //
+ pd = i->second.directory;
+ pd.canonicalize ();
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "try prefix '" << d << "' mapped to " << pd;});
+ // If this is a prefixless mapping, then only use it if we can
+ // resolve it to an existing target (i.e., it is explicitly
+ // spelled out in a buildfile). @@ Hm, I wonder why, it's not
+ // like we can generate any file without an explicit target.
+ // Maybe for diagnostics (i.e., we will actually try to build
+ // something there instead of just saying no mapping).
+ //
+ if (i->first.empty ())
+ pt = find (pd / d, fp.leaf (), false);
+ else
+ pt = find (pd / d, fp.leaf (), insert, dynamic);
+ if (pt != nullptr)
+ {
+ fp = pd / fp;
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "mapped as auto-generated " << fp;});
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "no explicit target in " << pd;});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "no prefix map entry for '" << d << "'";});
+ }
+ else
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "prefix map is empty";});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normalize the path unless it is already normalized. This is also
+ // where we handle src-out remap which is not needed if cached.
+ //
+ if (!norm)
+ normalize_external (fp, what);
+ if (!cache)
+ {
+ if (!so_map.empty ())
+ {
+ // Find the most qualified prefix of which we are a sub-path.
+ //
+ auto i (so_map.find_sup (fp));
+ if (i != so_map.end ())
+ {
+ // Ok, there is an out tree for this file. Remap to a path from
+ // the out tree and see if there is a target for it. Note that the
+ // value in so_map is not necessarily canonical.
+ //
+ dir_path d (i->second);
+ d /= fp.leaf (i->first).directory ();
+ d.canonicalize ();
+ pt = find (move (d), fp.leaf (), false); // d is not moved from.
+ if (pt != nullptr)
+ {
+ path p (d / fp.leaf ());
+ l4 ([&]{trace << "remapping " << fp << " to " << p;});
+ fp = move (p);
+ remapped = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pt == nullptr)
+ {
+ l6 ([&]{trace << (insert ? "entering " : "finding ") << fp;});
+ pt = find (fp.directory (), fp.leaf (), insert, dynamic);
+ }
+ }
+ return make_pair (pt, remapped);
+ }
+ pair<const file*, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ enter_file (tracer& trace, const char* what,
+ action a, const scope& bs, target& t,
+ path& fp, bool cache, bool norm,
+ const function<map_extension_func>& map_ext,
+ const target_type& fallback,
+ const function<prefix_map_func>& pfx_map,
+ const srcout_map& so_map)
+ {
+ return enter_file_impl (trace, what,
+ a, bs, t,
+ fp, cache, norm,
+ true /* insert */, false,
+ map_ext, fallback, pfx_map, so_map);
+ }
+ pair<const file*, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ find_file (tracer& trace, const char* what,
+ action a, const scope& bs, const target& t,
+ path& fp, bool cache, bool norm,
+ bool dynamic,
+ const function<map_extension_func>& map_ext,
+ const target_type& fallback,
+ const function<prefix_map_func>& pfx_map,
+ const srcout_map& so_map)
+ {
+ return enter_file_impl (trace, what,
+ a, bs, t,
+ fp, cache, norm,
+ false /* insert */, dynamic,
+ map_ext, fallback, pfx_map, so_map);
+ }
+ static pair<const file&, bool>
+ inject_group_member_impl (action a, const scope& bs, mtime_target& g,
+ path f, string n, string e,
+ const target_type& tt,
+ const function<dyndep_rule::group_filter_func>& fl)
+ {
+ // NOTE: see adhoc_rule_regex_pattern::apply_group_members() for a variant
+ // of the same code.
+ // Note that we used to directly match such a member with group_recipe.
+ // But that messes up our dependency counts since we don't really know
+ // whether someone will execute such a member.
+ //
+ // So instead we now just link the member up to the group and rely on the
+ // special semantics in match_rule_impl() for groups with the dyn_members
+ // flag.
+ //
+ assert ((g.type ().flags & target_type::flag::dyn_members) ==
+ target_type::flag::dyn_members);
+ // We expect that nobody else can insert these members (seems reasonable
+ // seeing that their names are dynamically discovered).
+ //
+ auto l (search_new_locked (
+ bs.ctx,
+ tt,
+ f.directory (),
+ dir_path (), // Always in out.
+ move (n),
+ &e,
+ &bs));
+ const file& t (l.first.as<file> ()); // Note: non-const only if have lock.
+ // We don't need to match the group recipe directy from ad hoc
+ // recipes/rules due to the special semantics for explicit group members
+ // in match_rule_impl(). This is what skip_match is for.
+ //
+ if (l.second)
+ {
+ l.first.group = &g;
+ l.second.unlock ();
+ t.path (move (f));
+ return pair<const file&, bool> (t, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (fl != nullptr && !fl (g, t))
+ return pair<const file&, bool> (t, false);
+ }
+ // Check if we already belong to this group. Note that this not a mere
+ // optimization since we may be in the member->group->member chain and
+ // trying to lock the member the second time would deadlock (this can be
+ // triggered, for example, by dist, which sort of depends on such members
+ // directly... which was not quite correct and is now fixed).
+ //
+ if (t.group == &g) // Note: atomic.
+ t.path (move (f));
+ else
+ {
+ // This shouldn't normally fail since we are the only ones that should
+ // know about this target (otherwise why is it dynamicaly discovered).
+ // However, nothing prevents the user from depending on such a target,
+ // however misguided.
+ //
+ target_lock tl (lock (a, t));
+ if (!tl)
+ fail << "group " << g << " member " << t << " is already matched" <<
+ info << "dynamically extracted group members cannot be used as "
+ << "prerequisites directly, only via group";
+ if (t.group == nullptr)
+ tl.target->group = &g;
+ else if (t.group != &g)
+ fail << "group " << g << " member " << t
+ << " is already member of group " << *t.group;
+ t.path (move (f));
+ }
+ return pair<const file&, bool> (t, true);
+ }
+ pair<const file&, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_group_member (action a, const scope& bs, mtime_target& g,
+ path f,
+ const target_type& tt,
+ const function<group_filter_func>& filter)
+ {
+ path n (f.leaf ());
+ string e (n.extension ());
+ n.make_base ();
+ return inject_group_member_impl (a, bs, g,
+ move (f), move (n).string (), move (e),
+ tt,
+ filter);
+ }
+ static const target_type&
+ map_target_type (const char* what,
+ const scope& bs,
+ const path& f, const string& n, const string& e,
+ const function<dyndep_rule::map_extension_func>& map_ext,
+ const target_type& fallback)
+ {
+ // Map extension to the target type, falling back to the fallback type.
+ //
+ small_vector<const target_type*, 2> tts;
+ if (map_ext != nullptr)
+ tts = map_ext (bs, n, e);
+ // Not sure what else we can do in this case.
+ //
+ if (tts.size () > 1)
+ {
+ diag_record dr (fail);
+ dr << "mapping of " << what << " target path " << f
+ << " to target type is ambiguous";
+ for (const target_type* tt: tts)
+ dr << info << "can be " << tt->name << "{}";
+ }
+ const target_type& tt (tts.empty () ? fallback : *tts.front ());
+ if (!tt.is_a<file> ())
+ {
+ fail << what << " target path " << f << " mapped to non-file-based "
+ << "target type " << tt.name << "{}";
+ }
+ return tt;
+ }
+ pair<const file&, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_group_member (const char* what,
+ action a, const scope& bs, mtime_target& g,
+ path f,
+ const function<map_extension_func>& map_ext,
+ const target_type& fallback,
+ const function<group_filter_func>& filter)
+ {
+ path n (f.leaf ());
+ string e (n.extension ());
+ n.make_base ();
+ // Map extension to the target type, falling back to the fallback type.
+ //
+ const target_type& tt (
+ map_target_type (what, bs, f, n.string (), e, map_ext, fallback));
+ return inject_group_member_impl (a, bs, g,
+ move (f), move (n).string (), move (e),
+ tt,
+ filter);
+ }
+ pair<const file&, bool>
+ inject_adhoc_group_member_impl (action, const scope& bs, target& t,
+ path f, string n, string e,
+ const target_type& tt)
+ {
+ // Assume nobody else can insert these members (seems reasonable seeing
+ // that their names are dynamically discovered).
+ //
+ auto l (search_new_locked (
+ bs.ctx,
+ tt,
+ f.directory (),
+ dir_path (), // Always in out.
+ move (n),
+ &e,
+ &bs));
+ file* ft (&l.first.as<file> ()); // Note: non-const only if locked.
+ // Skip if this is one of the static targets (or a duplicate of the
+ // dynamic target).
+ //
+ // In particular, we expect to skip all the targets that we could not lock
+ // (e.g., in case all of this has already been done for the previous
+ // operation in a batch; make sure to test `update update update` and
+ // `update clean update ...` batches if changing anything here).
+ //
+ // While at it also find the ad hoc members list tail.
+ //
+ const_ptr<target>* tail (&t.adhoc_member);
+ for (target* m (&t); m != nullptr; m = m->adhoc_member)
+ {
+ if (ft == m)
+ {
+ tail = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ tail = &m->adhoc_member;
+ }
+ if (tail == nullptr)
+ return pair<const file&, bool> (*ft, false);
+ if (!l.second)
+ fail << "dynamic target " << *ft << " already exists and cannot be "
+ << "made ad hoc member of group " << t;
+ ft->group = &t;
+ l.second.unlock ();
+ // We need to be able to distinguish static targets from dynamic (see the
+ // static set hashing in adhoc_buildscript_rule::apply() for details).
+ //
+ assert (ft->decl != target_decl::real);
+ *tail = ft;
+ ft->path (move (f));
+ return pair<const file&, bool> (*ft, true);
+ }
+ pair<const file&, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_adhoc_group_member (action a, const scope& bs, target& t,
+ path f,
+ const target_type& tt)
+ {
+ path n (f.leaf ());
+ string e (n.extension ());
+ n.make_base ();
+ return inject_adhoc_group_member_impl (
+ a, bs, t, move (f), move (n).string (), move (e), tt);
+ }
+ pair<const file&, bool> dyndep_rule::
+ inject_adhoc_group_member (const char* what,
+ action a, const scope& bs, target& t,
+ path f,
+ const function<map_extension_func>& map_ext,
+ const target_type& fallback)
+ {
+ path n (f.leaf ());
+ string e (n.extension ());
+ n.make_base ();
+ // Map extension to the target type, falling back to the fallback type.
+ //
+ const target_type& tt (
+ map_target_type (what, bs, f, n.string (), e, map_ext, fallback));
+ return inject_adhoc_group_member_impl (
+ a, bs, t, move (f), move (n).string (), move (e), tt);
+ }