path: root/libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx b/libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1beee49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+// file : libbuild2/test/script/parser.hxx -*- C++ -*-
+// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Code Synthesis Ltd
+// license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
+#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/parser.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/test/script/token.hxx>
+#include <libbuild2/test/script/script.hxx>
+namespace build2
+ namespace test
+ {
+ namespace script
+ {
+ class lexer;
+ class runner;
+ class parser: protected build2::parser
+ {
+ // Pre-parse. Issue diagnostics and throw failed in case of an error.
+ //
+ public:
+ void
+ pre_parse (script&);
+ void
+ pre_parse (istream&, script&);
+ // Helpers.
+ //
+ // Parse attribute string and perform attribute-guided assignment.
+ // Issue diagnostics and throw failed in case of an error.
+ //
+ void
+ apply_value_attributes (const variable*, // Optional.
+ value& lhs,
+ value&& rhs,
+ const string& attributes,
+ token_type assign_kind,
+ const path& name); // For diagnostics.
+ // Recursive descent parser.
+ //
+ // Usually (but not always) parse functions receive the token/type
+ // from which it should start consuming and in return the token/type
+ // should contain the first token that has not been consumed.
+ //
+ // Functions that are called parse_*() rather than pre_parse_*() are
+ // used for both stages.
+ //
+ protected:
+ bool
+ pre_parse_demote_group_scope (unique_ptr<scope>&);
+ token
+ pre_parse_scope_body ();
+ unique_ptr<group>
+ pre_parse_scope_block (token&, token_type&, const string&);
+ bool
+ pre_parse_line (token&, token_type&,
+ optional<description>&,
+ lines* = nullptr,
+ bool one = false);
+ bool
+ pre_parse_if_else (token&, token_type&,
+ optional<description>&,
+ lines&);
+ bool
+ pre_parse_if_else_scope (token&, token_type&,
+ optional<description>&,
+ lines&);
+ bool
+ pre_parse_if_else_command (token&, token_type&,
+ optional<description>&,
+ lines&);
+ void
+ pre_parse_directive (token&, token_type&);
+ void
+ pre_parse_include_line (names, location);
+ description
+ pre_parse_leading_description (token&, token_type&);
+ description
+ parse_trailing_description (token&, token_type&);
+ value
+ parse_variable_line (token&, token_type&);
+ command_expr
+ parse_command_line (token&, token_type&);
+ // Ordered sequence of here-document redirects that we can expect to
+ // see after the command line.
+ //
+ struct here_redirect
+ {
+ size_t expr; // Index in command_expr.
+ size_t pipe; // Index in command_pipe.
+ int fd; // Redirect fd (0 - in, 1 - out, 2 - err).
+ };
+ struct here_doc
+ {
+ // Redirects that share here_doc. Most of the time we will have no
+ // more than 2 (2 - for the roundtrip test cases).
+ //
+ small_vector<here_redirect, 2> redirects;
+ string end;
+ bool literal; // Literal (single-quote).
+ string modifiers;
+ // Regex introducer ('\0' if not a regex, so can be used as bool).
+ //
+ char regex;
+ // Regex global flags. Meaningful if regex != '\0'.
+ //
+ string regex_flags;
+ };
+ using here_docs = vector<here_doc>;
+ pair<command_expr, here_docs>
+ parse_command_expr (token&, token_type&);
+ command_exit
+ parse_command_exit (token&, token_type&);
+ void
+ parse_here_documents (token&, token_type&,
+ pair<command_expr, here_docs>&);
+ struct parsed_doc
+ {
+ union
+ {
+ string str; // Here-document literal.
+ regex_lines regex; // Here-document regex.
+ };
+ bool re; // True if regex.
+ uint64_t end_line; // Here-document end marker location.
+ uint64_t end_column;
+ parsed_doc (string, uint64_t line, uint64_t column);
+ parsed_doc (regex_lines&&, uint64_t line, uint64_t column);
+ parsed_doc (parsed_doc&&); // Note: move constuctible-only type.
+ ~parsed_doc ();
+ };
+ parsed_doc
+ parse_here_document (token&, token_type&,
+ const string&,
+ const string& mode,
+ char re_intro); // '\0' if not a regex.
+ // Execute. Issue diagnostics and throw failed in case of an error.
+ //
+ public:
+ void
+ execute (script& s, runner& r);
+ void
+ execute (scope&, script&, runner&);
+ protected:
+ void
+ exec_scope_body ();
+ // Return false if the execution of the scope should be terminated
+ // with the success status (e.g., as a result of encountering the exit
+ // builtin). For unsuccessful termination the failed exception should
+ // be thrown.
+ //
+ bool
+ exec_lines (lines::iterator, lines::iterator, size_t&, command_type);
+ // Customization hooks.
+ //
+ protected:
+ virtual lookup
+ lookup_variable (name&&, string&&, const location&) override;
+ // Number of quoted tokens since last reset. Note that this includes
+ // the peeked token, if any.
+ //
+ protected:
+ size_t
+ quoted () const;
+ void
+ reset_quoted (token& current);
+ size_t replay_quoted_;
+ // Insert id into the id map checking for duplicates.
+ //
+ protected:
+ const string&
+ insert_id (string, location);
+ // Set lexer pointers for both the current and the base classes.
+ //
+ protected:
+ void
+ set_lexer (lexer* l);
+ protected:
+ using base_parser = build2::parser;
+ script* script_;
+ // Pre-parse state.
+ //
+ using id_map = std::unordered_map<string, location>;
+ using include_set = std::set<path>;
+ group* group_;
+ id_map* id_map_;
+ include_set* include_set_; // Testscripts already included in this
+ // scope. Must be absolute and normalized.
+ lexer* lexer_;
+ string id_prefix_; // Auto-derived id prefix.
+ // Execute state.
+ //
+ runner* runner_;
+ scope* scope_;
+ };
+ }
+ }