// file      : build/cxx/link -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <vector>

#include <butl/optional>

#include <build/types>
#include <build/rule>

#include <build/bin/target>

namespace build
  namespace cxx
    class link: public rule
      virtual match_result
      match (action, target&, const std::string& hint) const;

      virtual recipe
      apply (action, target&, const match_result&) const;

      static target_state
      perform_update (action, target&);

      static link instance;

      enum class type {e, a, so};
      enum class order {a, so, a_so, so_a};

      static type
      link_type (target& t)
        return t.is_a<bin::exe> ()
          ? type::e
          : (t.is_a<bin::liba> () ? type::a : type::so);

      static order
      link_order (target&);

      // Determine the library member (liba or libso) to link.
      static target&
      link_member (bin::lib&, order);

      friend class compile;

      using search_paths = std::vector<dir_path>;
      using search_paths_cache = butl::optional<search_paths>;

      static target*
      search_library (search_paths_cache&, prerequisite&);

      static search_paths
      extract_library_paths (scope&);

#endif // BUILD_CXX_LINK