// file      : build/file.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <build/file>

#include <fstream>

#include <butl/filesystem>

#include <build/scope>
#include <build/context>
#include <build/parser>
#include <build/diagnostics>

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

namespace build
  is_src_root (const dir_path& d)
    return file_exists (d / path ("build/bootstrap.build")) ||
      file_exists (d / path ("build/root.build"));

  is_out_root (const dir_path& d)
    return file_exists (d / path ("build/bootstrap/src-root.build"));

  source (const path& bf, scope& root, scope& base)
    tracer trace ("source");

    ifstream ifs (bf.string ());
    if (!ifs.is_open ())
      fail << "unable to open " << bf;

    level4 ([&]{trace << "sourcing " << bf;});

    ifs.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
    parser p;

      p.parse_buildfile (ifs, bf, root, base);
    catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)
      fail << "failed to read from " << bf;

  source_once (const path& bf, scope& root, scope& base, scope& once)
    tracer trace ("source_once");

    if (!once.buildfiles.insert (bf).second)
      level4 ([&]{trace << "skipping already sourced " << bf;});

    source (bf, root, base);

  create_root (const dir_path& out_root, const dir_path& src_root)
    scope& rs (scopes.insert (out_root, true).first);

    // Enter built-in meta-operation and operation names. Note that
    // the order of registration should match the id constants; see
    // <operation> for details. Loading of modules (via the src
    // bootstrap; see below) can result in additional names being
    // added.
    if (rs.meta_operations.empty ())
      assert (rs.meta_operations.insert (perform) == perform_id);

      assert (rs.operations.insert (default_) == default_id);
      assert (rs.operations.insert (update) == update_id);
      assert (rs.operations.insert (clean) == clean_id);

    // If this is already a root scope, verify that things are
    // consistent.
      auto v (rs.assign ("out_root"));

      if (!v)
        v = out_root;
        const dir_path& p (v.as<const dir_path&> ());

        if (p != out_root)
          fail << "new out_root " << out_root << " does not match "
               << "existing " << p;

    if (!src_root.empty ())
      auto v (rs.assign ("src_root"));

      if (!v)
        v = src_root;
        const dir_path& p (v.as<const dir_path&> ());

        if (p != src_root)
          fail << "new src_root " << src_root << " does not match "
               << "existing " << p;

    return rs;

  bootstrap_out (scope& root)
    path bf (root.path () / path ("build/bootstrap/src-root.build"));

    if (!file_exists (bf))

    //@@ TODO: if bootstrap files can source other bootstrap files
    //   (the way to express dependecies), then we need a way to
    //   prevent multiple sourcing. We handle it here but we still
    //   need something like source_once (once [scope] source).
    source_once (bf, root, root);

  bootstrap_src (scope& root)
    tracer trace ("bootstrap_src");

    path bf (root.src_path () / path ("build/bootstrap.build"));

    if (!file_exists (bf))
      return false;

    // We assume that bootstrap out cannot load this file explicitly. It
    // feels wrong to allow this since that makes the whole bootstrap
    // process hard to reason about. But we may try to bootstrap the
    // same root scope multiple time.
    source_once (bf, root, root);
    return true;

  create_bootstrap_outer (scope& root)
    auto v (root.vars["amalgamation"]);

    if (!v)

    const dir_path& d (v.as<const dir_path&> ());
    dir_path out_root (root.path () / d);
    dir_path src_root (root.src_path () / d);
    out_root.normalize ();
    src_root.normalize ();

    scope& rs (create_root (out_root, src_root));

    bootstrap_out (rs);

    // Check if the bootstrap process changed src_root.
    const dir_path& p (rs.vars["src_root"].as<const dir_path&> ());

    if (src_root != p)
      fail << "bootstrapped src_root " << p << " does not match "
           << "amalgamated " << src_root;

    rs.src_path_ = &p;

    bootstrap_src (rs);
    create_bootstrap_outer (rs);

  create_bootstrap_inner (scope& root, const dir_path& out_base)
    if (auto v = root.vars["subprojects"])
      for (const name& n: v.as<const list_value&> ())
        // Should be a list of directories.
        if (!n.type.empty () || !n.value.empty () || n.dir.empty ())
          fail << "expected directory in subprojects variable "
               << "instead of " << n;

        dir_path out_root (root.path () / n.dir);

        if (!out_base.sub (out_root))

        dir_path src_root (root.src_path () / n.dir);
        scope& rs (create_root (out_root, src_root));

        bootstrap_out (rs);

        // Check if the bootstrap process changed src_root.
        const dir_path& p (rs.vars["src_root"].as<const dir_path&> ());

        if (src_root != p)
          fail << "bootstrapped src_root " << p << " does not match "
               << "subproject " << src_root;

        rs.src_path_ = &p;

        bootstrap_src (rs);

        // See if there are more inner roots.
        return create_bootstrap_inner (rs, out_base);

    return root;

  load_root_pre (scope& root)
    tracer trace ("root_pre");

    // First load outer roots, if any.
    if (scope* rs = root.parent_scope ()->root_scope ())
      load_root_pre (*rs);

    path bf (root.src_path () / path ("build/root.build"));

    if (file_exists (bf))
      source_once (bf, root, root);

  import (scope& ibase, const name& n, const location& l)
    tracer trace ("import");

    // Split the name into the project and target.
    string project;
    name target;

    if (n.dir.empty ())
      if (!n.simple ())
        fail << "project name expected before imported target " << n;

      // Note that value can be foo/bar/baz; in this case probably
      // means sub-projects? Or only to a certain point, then
      // (untyped) target? Looks like I will need to scan anything
      // that looks like a directory checking if this is a subproject.
      // If not, then that's part of the target.
      project = n.value;
      //@@ This can be a path inside a sub-project. So, eventually,
      //   we should find the innermost sub-project and load the
      //   export stub from there (will probably still have to
      //   resolve root from the top-level project). For now we
      //   assume the project is always top-level.
      project = *n.dir.begin ();

      target.dir = n.dir.leaf (dir_path (project));
      target.type = n.type;
      target.value = n.value;

    scope& iroot (*ibase.root_scope ());

    // Figure out this project's out_root.
    dir_path out_root;
    string var ("config.import." + project);

    if (auto v = iroot[var])
      if (!v.belongs (*global_scope)) // A value from (some) config.build.
        out_root = v.as<const dir_path&> ();
        // Process the path by making it absolute and normalized. Also,
        // for usability's sake, treat a simple name that doesn't end
        // with '/' as a directory.
        list_value& lv (v.as<list_value&> ());

        if (lv.size () != 1 || lv[0].empty () || !lv[0].type.empty ())
          fail (l) << "invalid " << var << " value " << lv;

        name& n (lv[0]);

        if (n.directory ())
          out_root = n.dir;
          out_root = dir_path (n.value);

        if (out_root.relative ())
          out_root = work / out_root;

        out_root.normalize ();
        iroot.assign (var) = out_root;

        // Also update the command-line value. This is necessary to avoid
        // a warning issued by the config module about global/root scope
        // value mismatch.
        if (n.dir != out_root)
          n = name (out_root);
      fail (l) << "unable to find out_root for imported " << project <<
        info << "consider explicitly configuring its out_root via the "
               << var << " command line variable";

    // Bootstrap the imported root scope. This is pretty similar to
    // what we do in main() except that here we don't try to guess
    // src_root.
    dir_path src_root (is_src_root (out_root) ? out_root : dir_path ());
    scope& root (create_root (out_root, src_root));

    bootstrap_out (root);

    // Check that the bootstrap process set src_root.
    if (auto v = root.vars["src_root"])
      const dir_path& p (v.as<const dir_path&> ());

      if (!src_root.empty () && p != src_root)
        fail << "bootstrapped src_root " << p << " does not match "
             << "discovered " << src_root;

      root.src_path_ = &p;
      fail (l) << "unable to determine src_root for imported " << project <<
        info << "consider configuring " << out_root;

    bootstrap_src (root);

    // Bootstrap outer roots if any. Loading will be done by
    // load_root_pre() below.
    create_bootstrap_outer (root);

    // Load the imported root scope.
    load_root_pre (root);

    // Create a temporary scope so that the export stub does not mess
    // up any of our variables.
    temp_scope ts (ibase);

    // "Pass" the imported project's roots to the stub.
    ts.assign ("out_root") = move (out_root);
    ts.assign ("src_root") = move (src_root);

    // Also pass the target being imported.
      auto v (ts.assign ("target"));

      if (!target.empty ()) // Otherwise leave NULL.
        v = list_value {move (target)};

    // Load the export stub. Note that it is loaded in the context
    // of the importing project, not the imported one. The export
    // stub will normally switch to the imported root scope at some
    // point.
    path es (root.src_path () / path ("build/export.build"));
    ifstream ifs (es.string ());
    if (!ifs.is_open ())
      fail << "unable to open " << es;

    level4 ([&]{trace << "importing " << es;});

    ifs.exceptions (ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit);
    parser p;

      p.parse_buildfile (ifs, es, iroot, ts);
    catch (const std::ios_base::failure&)
      fail << "failed to read from " << es;

    return p.export_value ();