// file : doc/manual.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file "\name=build2-build-system-manual" "\subject=build system" "\title=Build System" // NOTES // // - Maximum
 line is 70 characters.


This is the preface.

\h1#name-patterns|Name Patterns|

For convenience, in certain contexts, names can be generated with shell-like
wildcard patterns. A name is a \i{name pattern} if its value contains one or
more unquoted wildcard characters or character sequences. For example:

./: */                     # All (immediate) subdirectories
exe{hello}: {hxx cxx}{**}  # All C++ header/source files.
pattern = '*.txt'          # Literal '*.txt'.

Pattern-based name generation is not performed in certain contexts.
Specifically, it is not performed in target names where it is interpreted
as a pattern for target type/pattern-specific variable assignments. For

s = *.txt             # Variable assignment (performed).
./: cxx{*}            # Prerequisite names (performed).
cxx{*}: dist = false  # Target pattern (not performed).

In contexts where it is performed, it can be inhibited with quoting, for

pat = 'foo*bar'
./: cxx{'foo*bar'}

The following characters are wildcards:

*  - match any number of characters (including zero)
?  - match any single character

If a pattern ends with a directory separator, then it only matches
directories. Otherwise, it only matches files. Matches that start with a dot
(\c{.}) are automatically ignored unless the pattern itself also starts with
this character.

In addition to the above wildcard characters, \c{**} and \c{***} are
recognized as wildcard character sequences. If a pattern contains \c{**}, then
it is matched just like \c{*} but in all the subdirectories, recursively. The
\c{***} wildcard behaves like \c{**} but also matches the start directory
itself. For example:

exe{hello}: cxx{**}  # All C++ source files recursively.

A group-enclosed (\c{{\}}) pattern value may be followed by
inclusion/exclusion patterns/matches. A subsequent value is treated as an
inclusion if it starts with a plus sign (\c{+}) and as an exclusion if it
starts with a minus (\c{-}). A subsequent value that does not start with
either of these signs is illegal. For example:

exe{hello}: cxx{f* -foo}           # Exclude foo if present.
exe{hello}: cxx{f* +foo}           # Include foo if not present.
exe{hello}: cxx{f* -fo?}           # Exclude foo and fox if present.
exe{hello}: cxx{f* +b* -foo -bar}  # Exclude foo and bar if present.

Inclusions and exclusions are applied in the order specified and only to the
result produced up to that point. The order of names in the result is
unspecified. However, it is guaranteed not to contain duplicates. The
pattern and the following inclusions/exclusions must be consistent with
regards to the type of filesystem entry they match. That is, they should
all match either files or directories. For example:

exe{hello}: cxx{f* -foo +*oo}  # Exclusion has no effect.
exe{hello}: cxx{f* +*oo}       # Ok, no duplicates.
./: {*/ -build}                # Error: exclusion not a directory.

As a more realistic example, let's say we want to exclude source files that
reside in the \c{test/} directories (and their subdirectories) anywhere in
the tree. This can be achieved with the following pattern:

exe{hello}: cxx{** -***/test/**}

If many inclusions or exclusions need to be specified, then an
inclusion/exclusion group can be used. For example:

exe{hello}: cxx{f* -{foo bar}}  # Exclude foo and bar if present.

This is particularly useful if you would like to list the names to exclude
in a variable. For example, this is how we can exclude certain files from
compilation but still include them as ordinary file prerequisites (so that
they are still included into the distribution):

exc = foo.cxx bar.cxx
exe{hello}: cxx{f* -{$exc}} file{$exc}

One common situation that calls for exclusions is auto-generated source
code. Let's say we have auto-generated command line parser in \c{options.hxx}
and \c{options.cxx}. Because of the in-tree builds, our name pattern may or
may not find these files. Note, however, that we cannot just include them as
non-pattern prerequisites. We also have to exclude them from the pattern match
since otherwise we may end up with duplicate prerequisites. As a result, this
is how we have to handle this case provided we want to continue using patterns
to find other, non-generated source files:

exe{hello}: {hxx cxx}{* -options} {hxx cxx}{options}

If the name pattern includes an absolute directory, then the pattern match is
performed in that directory and the generated names include absolute
directories as well. Otherwise, the pattern match is performed in the
\i{pattern base} directory. In buildfiles this is \c{src_base} while on the
command line \- the current working directory. In this case the generated
names are relative to the base directory. For example, assuming we have the
\c{foo.cxx} and \c{b/bar.cxx} source files:

exe{hello}: $src_base/cxx{**}  # $src_base/cxx{foo} $src_base/b/cxx{bar}
exe{hello}:           cxx{**}  #           cxx{foo}           b/cxx{bar}

Pattern matching as well as inclusion/exclusion logic is target
type-specific. If the name pattern does not contain a type, then the
\c{dir{\}} type is assumed if the pattern ends with a directory separator and
\c{file{\}} otherwise.

For the \c{dir{\}} target type the trailing directory separator is added to
the pattern and all the inclusion/exclusion patterns/matches that do not
already end with one. Then the filesystem search is performed for matching
directories. For example:

./: dir{* -build}  # Search for */, exclude build/.

For the \c{file{\}} and \c{file{\}}-based target types the default extension
(if any) is added to the pattern and all the inclusion/exclusion
patterns/matches that do not already contain an extension. Then the filesystem
search is performed for matching files.

For example, the \c{cxx{\}} target type obtains the default extension from the
\c{extension} variable. Assuming we have the following line in our

cxx{*}: extension = cxx

And the following in our \c{buildfile}:

exe{hello}: {cxx}{* -foo -bar.cxx}

The pattern match will first search for all the files matching the \c{*.cxx}
pattern in \c{src_base} and then exclude \c{foo.cxx} and \c{bar.cxx} from the
result. Note also that target type-specific decorations are removed from the
result. So in the above example if the pattern match produces \c{baz.cxx},
then the prerequisite name is \c{cxx{baz\}}, not \c{cxx{baz.cxx\}}.

If the name generation cannot be performed because the base directory is
unknown, target type is unknown, or the target type is not directory or
file-based, then the name pattern is returned as is (that is, as an ordinary
name). Project-qualified names are never considered to be patterns.


eval:         '(' (eval-comma | eval-qual)? ')'
eval-comma:   eval-ternary (',' eval-ternary)*
eval-ternary: eval-or ('?' eval-ternary ':' eval-ternary)?
eval-or:      eval-and ('||' eval-and)*
eval-and:     eval-comp ('&&' eval-comp)*
eval-comp:    eval-value (('=='|'!='|'<'|'>'|'<='|'>=') eval-value)*
eval-value:   value-attributes? ( | eval | '!' eval-value)
eval-qual:     ':' 

value-attributes: '['  ']'

Note that \c{?:} (ternary operator) and \c{!} (logical not) are
right-associative. Unlike C++, all the comparison operators have the same
precedence. A qualified name cannot be combined with any other operator
(including ternary) unless enclosed in parentheses. The \c{eval} option
in the \c{eval-value} production shall contain single value only (no

\h1#module-test|Test Module|

The targets to be tested as well as the tests/groups from testscripts to be
run can be narrowed down using the \c{config.test} variable. While this
value is normally specified as a command line override (for example, to
quickly re-run a previously failed test), it can also be persisted in
\c{config.build} in order to create a configuration that will only run a
subset of tests by default. For example:

b test config.test=foo/exe{driver} # Only test foo/exe{driver} target.
b test config.test=bar/baz         # Only run bar/baz testscript test.

The \c{config.test} variable contains a list of \c{@}-separated pairs with the
left hand side being the target and the right hand side being the testscript
id path. Either can be omitted (along with \c{@}). If the value contains a
target type or ends with a directory separator, then it is treated as a target
name. Otherwise \- an id path. The targets are resolved relative to the root
scope where the \c{config.test} value is set. For example:

b test config.test=foo/exe{driver}@bar

To specify multiple id paths for the same target we can use the pair
generation syntax:

b test config.test=foo/exe{driver}@{bar baz}

If no targets are specified (only id paths), then all the targets are tested
(with the testscript tests to be run limited to the specified id paths). If no
id paths are specified (only targets), then all the testscript tests are run
(with the targets to be tested limited to the specified targets). An id path
without a target applies to all the targets being considered.

A directory target without an explicit target type (for example, \c{foo/}) is
treated specially. It enables all the tests at and under its directory. This
special treatment can be inhibited by specifying the target type explicitly
(for example, \c{dir{foo/\}}).

\h1#module-version|Version Module|

A project can use any version format as long as it meets the package version
requirements. The toolchain also provides additional functionality for
managing projects that conform to the \c{build2} \i{standard version}
format. If you are starting a new project that uses \c{build2}, you are
strongly encouraged to use this versioning scheme. It is based on much thought
and, often painful, experience. If you decide not to follow this advice, you
are essentially on your own when version management is concerned.

The standard \c{build2} project version conforms to \l{http://semver.org
Semantic Versioning} and has the following form:


For example:


The \c{build2} package version that uses the standard project version will
then have the following form (\i{epoch} is the versioning scheme version
and \i{revision} is the package revision):


For example:


The \i{major}, \i{minor}, and \i{patch} should be numeric values between 0 and
999 and all three cannot be zero at the same time. For initial development it
is recommended to use 0 for \i{major}, start with version \c{0.1.0}, and change
to \c{1.0.0} once things stabilize.

In the context of C and C++ (or other compiled languages), you should
increment \i{patch} when making binary-compatible changes, \i{minor} when
making source-compatible changes, and \i{major} when making breaking changes.
While the binary compatibility must be set in stone, the source compatibility
rules can sometimes be bent. For example, you may decide to make a breaking
change in a rarely used interface as part of a minor release. Note also that
in the context of C++ deciding whether a change is binary-compatible is a
non-trivial task. There are resources that list the rules but no automated
tooling yet. If unsure, increment \i{minor}.

If present, the \i{prerel} component signifies a pre-release. Two types of
pre-releases are supported by the standard versioning scheme: \i{final} and
\i{snapshot} (non-pre-release versions are naturally always final). For final
pre-releases the \i{prerel} component has the following form:


For example:


The letter '\c{a}' signifies an alpha release and '\c{b}' \- beta. The
alpha/beta numbers (\i{num}) should be between 1 and 499.

Note that there is no support for release candidates. Instead, it is
recommended that you use later-stage beta releases for this purpose (and, if
you wish, call them \"release candidates\" in announcements, etc).

What version should be used during development? The common approach is to
increment to the next version and use that until the release. This has one
major drawback: if we publish intermediate snapshots (for example, for
testing) they will all be indistinguishable both between each other and, even
worse, from the final release. One way to remedy this is to increment the
pre-release number before each publication. However, unless automated, this
will be burdensome and error-prone. Also, there is a real possibility of
running out of version numbers if, for example, we do continuous integration
by testing (and therefore publishing) each commit.

To address this, the standard versioning scheme supports \i{snapshot
pre-releases} with the \i{prerel} component having the following form:


For example:


In essence, a snapshot pre-release is after the previous final release but
before the next (\c{a.1} and, perhaps, \c{a.2} in the above example) and
is uniquely identified by the snapshot sequence number (\i{snapsn}) and
snapshot id (\i{snapid}).

The \i{num} component has the same semantics as in the final pre-releases
except that it can be 0. The \i{snapsn} component should be either the special
value '\c{z}' or a numeric, non-zero value that increases for each subsequent
snapshot. It must fit into an unsigned 64-bit integer. The \i{snapid}
component, if present, should be an alpha-numeric value that uniquely
identifies the snapshot. It is not required for version comparison (\i{snapsn}
should be sufficient) and is included for reference. It must not be longer
than 16 characters.

Where do the snapshot sn and id come from? Normally from the version control
system. For example, for \c{git}, \i{snapsn} is the commit date (as UNIX
timestamp in the UTC timezone) and \i{snapid} is a 16-character abbreviated
commit id. As discussed below, the \c{build2} \c{version} module extracts
and manages all this information automatically (the use of \c{git} commit
dates is not without limitations; see below for details).

The special '\c{z}' \i{snapsn} value identifies the \i{latest} or
\i{uncommitted} snapshot. It is chosen to be greater than any other possible
\i{snapsn} value and its use is discussed further below.

As an illustration of this approach, let's examine how versions change
during the lifetime of a project:

0.1.0-a.0.z     # development after a.0
0.1.0-a.1       # pre-release
0.1.0-a.1.z     # development after a.1
0.1.0-a.2       # pre-release
0.1.0-a.2.z     # development after a.2
0.1.0-b.1       # pre-release
0.1.0-b.1.z     # development after b.1
0.1.0           # release
0.1.1-b.0.z     # development after b.0 (bugfix)
0.2.0-a.0.z     # development after a.0
0.1.1           # release (bugfix)
1.0.0           # release (jumped straight to 1.0.0)

As shown in the above example, there is nothing wrong with \"jumping\" to a
further version (for example, from alpha to beta, or from beta to release, or
even from alpha to release). We cannot, however, jump backwards (for example,
from beta back to alpha). As a result, a sensible strategy is to start with
\c{a.0} since it can always be upgraded (but not downgrade) at a later stage.

When it comes to the version control systems, the recommended workflow is as
follows: The change to the final version should be the last commit in the
(pre-)release. It is also a good idea to tag this commit with the project
version. A commit immediately after that should change the version to a
snapshot essentially \"opening\" the repository for development.

The project version without the snapshot part can be represented as a 64-bit
decimal value comparable as integers (for example, in preprocessor
directives). The integer representation has the following form:


AAA - major
BBB - minor
CCC - patch
DDD - alpha / beta (DDD + 500)
E   - final (0) / snapshot (1)

If the \i{DDDE} value is not zero, then it signifies a pre-release. In this
case one is subtracted from the \i{AAABBBCCC} value. An alpha number is stored
in \i{DDD} as is while beta \- incremented by 500. If \i{E} is 1, then this is
a snapshot after \i{DDD}.

For example:

0.1.0        0000010000000
0.1.2        0000010010000
1.2.3        0010020030000
2.2.0-a.1    0020019990010
3.0.0-b.2    0029999995020
2.2.0-a.1.z  0020019990011

A project that uses standard versioning can rely on the \c{build2} \c{version}
module to simplify and automate version managements. The \c{version} module
has two primary functions: eliminate the need to change the version anywhere
except in the project's manifest file and automatically extract and propagate
the snapshot information (serial number and id).

The \c{version} module must be loaded in the project's \c{bootstrap.build}.
While being loaded, it reads the project's manifest and extracts its version
(which must be in the standard form). The version is then parsed and presented
as the following build system variables (which can be used in the buildfiles):

[string] version                     # 2~1.2.3-b.4.1234567.deadbeef+3

[string] version.project             # 1.2.3-b.4.1234567.deadbeef
[uint64] version.project_number      # 0010020025041
[string] version.project_id          # 1.2.3-b.4.deadbeef

[bool]   version.stub                # false (true for 0[+])

[uint64] version.epoch               # 2

[uint64] version.major               # 1
[uint64] version.minor               # 2
[uint64] version.patch               # 3

[bool]   version.alpha               # false
[bool]   version.beta                # true
[bool]   version.pre_release         # true
[string] version.pre_release_string  # b.4
[uint64] version.pre_release_number  # 4

[bool]   version.snapshot            # true
[uint64] version.snapshot_sn         # 1234567
[string] version.snapshot_id         # deadbeef
[string] version.snapshot_string     # 1234567.deadbeef

[uint64] version.revision            # 3

If the version is the latest snapshot (that is, it's in the \c{.z} form), then
the \c{version} module extracts the snapshot information from the version
control system used by the project. Currently only \c{git} is supported with
the following semantics.

If the project's source directory (\c{src_root}) is clean (that is, it does
not have any changed or untracked files), then the \c{HEAD} commit date and
id are used as the snapshot sn and id, respectively. Otherwise, the snapshot
is left in the \c{.z} form (which signals the latest/uncommitted
snapshot). While we can work with such a \c{.z} snapshot locally, preparing a
distribution of such an uncommitted snapshot is an error.

The use of \c{git} commit dates for snapshot ordering has its limitations:
they have one second resolution which means it is possible to create two
commits with the same date (but not the same commit id and thus snapshot
id). We also need all the committers to have a reasonably accurate
clock. Note, however, that in case of a commit date clash/ordering issue, we
still end up with distinct versions (because of the commit id) \- they are
just not ordered correctly. As a result, we feel that the risks are justified
when the only alternative is manual version management (which is always an
option, nevertheless).

When we prepare a distribution of a snapshot, the \c{version} module
automatically adjusts the package name to include the snapshot information as
well as patches the manifest file in the distribution with the snapshot sn and
id (that is, replacing \c{.z} in the version value with the actual snapshot
information). The result is a package that is specific to this commit.

Besides extracting the version information and making it available as
individual components, the \c{version} module also provide rules for
automatically generating the \c{version} (or \c{Version}/\c{VERSION}) file
that is customarily found in the root of a project as well as the version
headers (or other similar version-based files).

The \c{version} file rule matches a \c{doc} target that contains the
\c{version} substring in its name (comparison is case-insensitive) and that
depends on the project's \c{manifest} file. To utilize this rule you would
normally have something along these lines to your project's root \c{buildfile}:

./: ... doc{version}

doc{version}: file{manifest} # Generated by the version module.
doc{version}: dist = true    # Include into the distribution.

The \c{version} header rule pre-processes a template file (which means it can
be used to generate any kinds of files, not just C/C++ headers). It matches a
\c{file}-based target that has a corresponding \c{in} prerequisite and also
depends on the project's \c{manifest} file. As an example, let's assume we
want to auto-generate a header called \c{version.hxx} for our \c{libhello}
library. To acomplish this we add the \c{version.hxx.in} template as well as
something along these lines to our \c{buildfile}:

lib{hello}: ... hxx{version}

hxx{version}: in{version} $src_root/file{manifest}
hxx{version}: dist = true

The header rule is a line-based pre-processor that substitutes fragments
enclosed between (and including) a pair of dollar signs (\c{$}) with \c{$$}
being the escape sequence. As an example, let's assume our \c{version.hxx.in}
contains the following lines:


#define LIBHELLO_VERSION     $libhello.version.project_number$ULL
#define LIBHELLO_VERSION_STR \"$libhello.version.project$\"


If our \c{libhello} is at version \c{1.2.3}, then the generated
\c{version.hxx} will look like this:


#define LIBHELLO_VERSION     10020030000ULL
#define LIBHELLO_VERSION_STR \"1.2.3\"


The first component after the opening \c{$} should be either the name of the
project itself (like \c{libhello} above) or a name of one of its dependencies
as listed in the manifest. If it is the project itself, then the rest can
refer to one of the \c{version.*} variables that we discussed earlier (in
reality it can be any variable visible from the project's root scope).

If the name refers to one of the dependecies (that is, projects listed with
\c{depends:} in the manifest), then the following special substitutions are

$.version$                           - textual version constraint
$.condition([,])$ - numeric satisfaction condition
$.check([,])$     - numeric satisfaction check

Here \i{VERSION} is the version number macro and the optional \i{SNAPSHOT} is
the snapshot number macro. The snapshot is only required if you plan to
include snapshot information in your dependency constraints.

As an example, let's assume our \c{libhello} depends on \c{libprint} which
is reflected with the following line in our manifest:

depends: libprint >= 2.3.4

We also assume that \c{libprint} provides its version information in the
\c{libprint/version.hxx} header and uses analogous-named macros. Here
is how we can add a version check to our \c{version.hxx.in}:


#define LIBHELLO_VERSION     $libhello.version.project_number$ULL
#define LIBHELLO_VERSION_STR \"$libhello.version.project$\"




After the substitution our \c{version.hxx} header will look like this:


#define LIBHELLO_VERSION     10020030000ULL
#define LIBHELLO_VERSION_STR \"1.2.3\"


#  if !(LIBPRINT_VERSION >= 20030040000ULL)
#    error incompatible libprint version, libprint >= 2.3.4 is required
#  endif


The \c{version} and \c{condition} substitutions are the building blocks of the
\c{check} substitution. For example, here is how we can implement a check with
a customized error message:

#if !($libprint.condition(LIBPRINT_VERSION)$)
#  error bad libprint, need libprint $libprint.version$

The \c{version} module also treats one dependency in a special way: if you
specify the required version of the build system in your manifest, then the
module will automatically check it for you. For example, if we have the
following line in our manifest:

depends: * build2 >= 0.5.0

And someone tries to build our project with \c{build2} \c{0.4.0}, then they
will see an error like this:

build/bootstrap.build:3:1: error: incompatible build2 version
  info: running 0.4.0
  info: required 0.5.0

What version constraints should be use when depending on other project. We
start with a simple case where we depend on a release. Let's say \c{libprint}
\c{2.3.0} added a feature that we need in our \c{libhello}. If \c{libprint}
follows the source/binary compatibility guidelines discussed above, then
any \c{2.X.Y} version should work provided \c{X >= 3}. And this how we can
specify it in the manifest:

depends: libprint [2.3.0 3.0.0-)

Let's say we are now working on \c{libhello} \c{2.0.0} and would like to start
using features from \c{libprint} \c{3.0.0}. However, currently, only
pre-releases of \c{3.0.0} are available. If you would like to add a dependency
on a pre-release (most likely from your own pre-release), then the
recommendation is to only allow a specific version, essentially \"expiring\"
the combination as soon as newer versions become available. For example:

version: 2.0.0-b.1
depends: libprint == 3.0.0-b.2

Finally, let's assume we are feeling adventerous and would like to test
development snapshots of \c{libprint} (most likey from our own snapshots). In
this case the recommendation is to only allow a snapshot range for a specific
pre-release with the understanding and a warning that no compatibility between
snapshot versions is guaranteed. For example:

version: 2.0.0-b.1.z
depends: libprint [3.0.0-b.2.1 3.0.0-b.3)