// file      : libbuild2/adhoc-rule-cxx.hxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/rule.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/export.hxx>

namespace build2
  // Ad hoc C++ rule.
  // Note: exported but should not be used directly (i.e., registered).
  class LIBBUILD2_SYMEXPORT cxx_rule: public simple_rule
    // For now this class is provided purely as an alias for rule in case the
    // implementation (which is also called rule) needs to refer to something
    // in its base.

  // Note that when used as part of a pattern, the implementation cannot use
  // the match_extra::data() facility nor the target auxiliary data storage.
  class LIBBUILD2_SYMEXPORT cxx_rule_v1: public cxx_rule
    // A robust recipe may want to incorporate the recipe_state into its
    // up-to-date decision as if the recipe library was a prerequisite (it
    // cannot be injected as a real prerequisite since it's from a different
    // build context).
    // If pattern is not NULL then this recipe belongs to an ad hoc pattern
    // rule and apply() may need to call the pattern's apply_*() functions if
    // the pattern has any ad hoc group member substitutions or prerequisite
    // substitutions/non-patterns, respectively.
    const location     recipe_loc;     // Buildfile location of the recipe.
    const target_state recipe_state;   // State of recipe library target.
    const adhoc_rule_pattern* pattern; // Ad hoc pattern rule of recipe.

    cxx_rule_v1 (const location& l,
                 target_state s,
                 const adhoc_rule_pattern* p)
      : recipe_loc (l), recipe_state (s), pattern (p) {}

    // Return true by default.
    virtual bool
    match (action, target&) const override;

  // Note: not exported.
  class adhoc_cxx_rule: public adhoc_rule
    virtual bool
    match (action, target&, const string&, match_extra&) const override;

    virtual recipe
    apply (action, target&, match_extra&) const override;

    adhoc_cxx_rule (string, const location&, size_t,
                    uint64_t ver,
                    optional<string> sep);

    virtual bool
    recipe_text (const scope&,
                 const target_type&,
                 attributes&) override;

    ~adhoc_cxx_rule () override;

    virtual void
    dump_text (ostream&, string&) const override;

    // Note that this recipe (rule instance) can be shared between multiple
    // targets which could all be matched in parallel.
    uint64_t                  version;
    optional<string>          separator;
    string                    code;
    mutable atomic<cxx_rule*> impl;