// file      : libbuild2/cc/windows-manifest.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/target.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/context.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/filesystem.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/cc/link-rule.hxx>

using namespace std;
using namespace butl;

namespace build2
  namespace cc
    // Translate the compiler target CPU value to the processorArchitecture
    // attribute value.
    const char*
    windows_manifest_arch (const string& tcpu)
      const char* pa (tcpu == "i386" || tcpu == "i686"  ? "x86"   :
                      tcpu == "x86_64"                  ? "amd64" :

      if (pa == nullptr)
        fail << "unable to translate CPU " << tcpu << " to manifest "
             << "processor architecture";

      return pa;

    // Generate a Windows manifest and if necessary create/update the manifest
    // file corresponding to the exe{} target. Return the manifest file path
    // and its timestamp if unchanged or timestamp_nonexistent otherwise.
    pair<path, timestamp> link_rule::
    windows_manifest (const file& t, bool rpath_assembly) const
      tracer trace (x, "link_rule::windows_manifest");

      const scope& rs (t.root_scope ());

      const char* pa (windows_manifest_arch (cast<string> (rs[x_target_cpu])));

      string m;

      m += "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>\n";
      m += "<assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1'\n";
      m += "          manifestVersion='1.0'>\n";

      // Program name, version, etc.
      string name (t.path ().leaf ().string ());

      m += "  <assemblyIdentity name='"; m += name; m += "'\n";
      m += "                    type='win32'\n";
      m += "                    processorArchitecture='"; m += pa; m += "'\n";
      m += "                    version=''/>\n";

      // Our rpath-emulating assembly.
      if (rpath_assembly)
        m += "  <dependency>\n";
        m += "    <dependentAssembly>\n";
        m += "      <assemblyIdentity name='"; m += name; m += ".dlls'\n";
        m += "                        type='win32'\n";
        m += "                        processorArchitecture='"; m += pa; m += "'\n";
        m += "                        language='*'\n";
        m += "                        version=''/>\n";
        m += "    </dependentAssembly>\n";
        m += "  </dependency>\n";

      // UAC information. Without it Windows will try to guess, which, as you
      // can imagine, doesn't end well.
      m += "  <trustInfo xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3'>\n";
      m += "    <security>\n";
      m += "      <requestedPrivileges>\n";
      m += "        <requestedExecutionLevel level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'/>\n";
      m += "      </requestedPrivileges>\n";
      m += "    </security>\n";
      m += "  </trustInfo>\n";

      m += "</assembly>\n";

      // If the manifest file exists, compare to its content. If nothing
      // changed (common case), then we can avoid any further updates.
      // The potentially faster alternative would be to hash it and store an
      // entry in depdb. This, however, gets a bit complicated since we will
      // need to avoid a race between the depdb and .manifest updates.
      path mf (t.path () + ".manifest");

      timestamp mt (mtime (mf));

      if (mt != timestamp_nonexistent)
          ifdstream is (mf);
          if (is.read_text () == m)
            return make_pair (move (mf), mt);
        catch (const io_error&)
          // Whatever the reason we failed for, let's rewrite the file.

      if (verb >= 3)
        text << "cat >" << mf;

      if (!t.ctx.dry_run)
        auto_rmfile rm (mf);

          ofdstream os (mf);
          os << m;
          os.close ();
          rm.cancel ();

        catch (const io_error& e)
          fail << "unable to write to " << mf << ": " << e;

      return make_pair (move (mf), timestamp_nonexistent);