// file      : libbuild2/functions-builtin.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <sstream>

#include <libbuild2/scope.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/function.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>

using namespace std;

namespace build2
  // Note: not static since used by type-specific sort() implementations.
  functions_sort_flags (optional<names> fs)
    bool r (false);
    if (fs)
      for (name& f: *fs)
        string s (convert<string> (move (f)));

        if (s == "dedup")
          r = true;
          throw invalid_argument ("invalid flag '" + s + '\'');
    return r;

  builtin_functions (function_map& m)
    function_family f (m, "builtin");

    // $defined(<variable>)
    // Return true if the specified variable is defined in the calling scope or
    // any outer scopes.
    // Note that this function is not pure.

    // Note that we may want to extend the scope argument to a more general
    // notion of "lookup context" (scope, target, prerequisite).
    f.insert ("defined", false) += [](const scope* s, names name)
      if (s == nullptr)
        fail << "defined() called out of scope" << endf;

      return (*s)[convert<string> (move (name))].defined ();

    // $visibility(<variable>)
    // Return variable visibility if it is known and `null` otherwise.
    // Possible visibility value are:
    //     global  -- all outer scopes
    //     project -- this project (no outer projects)
    //     scope   -- this scope (no outer scopes)
    //     target  -- target and target type/pattern-specific
    //     prereq  -- prerequisite-specific
    // Note that this function is not pure.
    f.insert ("visibility", false) += [](const scope* s, names name)
      if (s == nullptr)
        fail << "visibility() called out of scope" << endf;

      const variable* var (
        s->var_pool ().find (convert<string> (move (name))));

      return (var != nullptr
              ? optional<string> (to_string (var->visibility))
              : nullopt);

    // $type(<value>)
    // Return the type name of the value or empty string if untyped.
    f["type"] += [](value* v) {return v->type != nullptr ? v->type->name : "";};

    // $null(<value>)
    // Return true if the value is `null`.
    f["null"] += [](value* v) {return v->null;};

    // $empty(<value>)
    // Return true if the value is empty.
    f["empty"] += [](value* v)  {return v->null || v->empty ();};

    // Leave this one undocumented for now since it's unclear why would anyone
    // want to use it currently (we don't yet have any function composition
    // facilities).
    f["identity"] += [](value* v) {return move (*v);};

    // $quote(<value>[, <escape>])
    // Quote the value returning its string representation. If <escape> is
    // true, then also escape (with a backslash) the quote characters being
    // added (this is useful if the result will be re-parsed, for example as a
    // script command line).
    f["quote"] += [](value* v, optional<value> escape)
      if (v->null)
        return string ();

      untypify (*v, true /* reduce */); // Reverse to names.

      ostringstream os;
      to_stream (os,
                 v->as<names> (),
                 '@'  /* pair */,
                 escape && convert<bool> (move (*escape)));
      return os.str ();

    // $getenv(<name>)
    // Get the value of the environment variable. Return `null` if the
    // environment variable is not set.
    // Note that if the build result can be affected by the variable being
    // queried, then it should be reported with the `config.environment`
    // directive.
    // Note that this function is not pure.
    f.insert ("getenv", false) += [](names name)
      optional<string> v (getenv (convert<string> (move (name))));

      if (!v)
        return value ();

      names r;
      r.emplace_back (to_name (move (*v)));
      return value (move (r));