// file : libbuild2/operation.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include // cout #include #ifndef BUILD2_BOOTSTRAP # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 0 #include // @@ For a hack below. #endif using namespace std; using namespace butl; namespace build2 { // action // ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, action a) { uint16_t m (a.meta_operation ()), i (a.operation ()), o (a.outer_operation ()); os << '(' << m << ','; if (o != 0) os << o << '('; os << i; if (o != 0) os << ')'; os << ')'; return os; } // noop // const meta_operation_info mo_noop { noop_id, "noop", "", // Presumably we will never need these since we are not going "", // to do anything. "", "", true, // bootstrap_outer nullptr, // meta-operation pre nullptr, // operation pre &perform_load, nullptr, // search nullptr, // match nullptr, // execute nullptr, // operation post nullptr, // meta-operation post nullptr // include }; // perform // void perform_load (const values&, scope& root, const path& bf, const dir_path& out_base, const dir_path& src_base, const location&) { // Load project's root.build. // if (!root.root_extra->loaded) load_root (root); // Create the base scope. Note that its existence doesn't mean it was // already setup as a base scope; it can be the same as root. // auto i (root.ctx.scopes.rw (root).insert_out (out_base)); scope& base (setup_base (i, out_base, src_base)); // Load the buildfile unless it is implied. // if (!bf.empty ()) source_once (root, base, bf); } void perform_search (const values&, const scope&, const scope& bs, const path& bf, const target_key& tk, const location& l, action_targets& ts) { tracer trace ("perform_search"); context& ctx (bs.ctx); phase_lock pl (ctx, run_phase::match); const target* t (ctx.targets.find (tk, trace)); // Only do the implied buildfile if we haven't loaded one. Failed that we // may try go this route even though we've concluded the implied buildfile // is implausible and have loaded an outer buildfile (see main() for // details). // if (t == nullptr && tk.is_a () && bf.empty ()) t = dir::search_implied (bs, tk, trace); if (t == nullptr) { diag_record dr (fail (l)); dr << "unknown target " << tk; if (!bf.empty ()) dr << " in " << bf; } ts.push_back (t); } // Verify that no two targets share a path unless they both are "read-only" // (have noop recipes). // // Note: somewhat similar logic in dyndep::verify_existing_file(). // static void verify_targets (context& ctx, action a) { // On the first pass we collect all the targets that have non-noop // recipes. On the second pass we check if there are any other targets // that have the same path. Note that we must also deal with two non-noop // targets that have the same path. // // Strictly speaking we may need to produce some sort of progress if this // takes long. However, currently we are looking at verification speed of // ~1ms per 2K targets, which means it will only becomes noticeable with // over 1M targets. // unordered_map, const target*, hash, equal_to> map; // Half of the total appears to be a reasonable heuristics. // map.reserve (ctx.targets.size () / 2); size_t count_matched (ctx.count_matched ()); bool e (false); for (size_t pass (1); pass != 3; ++pass) { for (const auto& pt: ctx.targets) { // We are only interested in path-based targets. // const path_target* t (pt->is_a ()); if (t == nullptr) continue; // We are only interested in the matched targets. // const target::opstate& s (t->state[a]); if (s.task_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) < count_matched) continue; // Skip if for some reason the path is not assigned. // const path& p (t->path (memory_order_relaxed)); if (p.empty ()) continue; recipe_function* const* rf (s.recipe.target ()); bool noop (rf != nullptr && *rf == &noop_action); if ((noop ? 2 : 1) != pass) continue; const target* t1; if (pass == 1) { auto r (map.emplace (p, t)); if (r.second) continue; t1 = r.first->second; } else { auto i (map.find (p)); if (i == map.end ()) continue; t1 = i->second; } e = true; diag_record dr (error); dr << "multiple targets share path " << p << info << "first target: " << *t1 << info << "second target: " << *t << info << "target " << *t1 << " has non-noop recipe"; if (pass == 1) { dr << info << "target " << *t << " has non-noop recipe"; } else if (t->decl != target_decl::real) { if (t->decl == target_decl::implied) { dr << info << "target " << *t << " is implied by a buildfile"; } else { dr << info << "target " << *t << " is not declared in a buildfile"; if (t->decl == target_decl::prereq_file) dr << " but has corresponding existing file"; dr << info << "perhaps it is a dynamic dependency?"; } } } } if (e) throw failed (); } void perform_match (const values&, action a, action_targets& ts, uint16_t diag, bool prog) { tracer trace ("perform_match"); if (ts.empty ()) return; context& ctx (ts[0].as ().ctx); { phase_lock l (ctx, run_phase::match); // Setup progress reporting if requested. // struct monitor_data { size_t incr; string what1; string what2; size_t exec = 0; // Number of targets executed during match. timestamp time = timestamp_nonexistent; } md; // Note: must outlive monitor_guard. scheduler::monitor_guard mg; if (prog && show_progress (2 /* max_verb */)) { // Note that showing progress is not free and it can take up to 10% of // the up-to-date check on some projects (e.g., Boost). So we jump // through a few hoops to make sure we don't overindulge. // // Note also that the higher the increment, the less accurate our // executed during match number will be. // md.incr = stderr_term // Scale depending on output type. ? (ctx.sched->serial () ? 1 : 5) : 100; md.what1 = " targets to " + diag_do (ctx, a); md.what2 = ' ' + diag_did (ctx, a) + " during match)"; mg = ctx.sched->monitor ( ctx.target_count, md.incr, [&md, &ctx] (size_t p, size_t c) -> size_t { if (p > c) md.exec += p - c; if (stderr_term) { timestamp n (system_clock::now ()); if (n - md.time < chrono::milliseconds (80)) return md.incr; md.time = n; } diag_progress_lock pl; diag_progress = ' '; diag_progress += to_string (c); diag_progress += md.what1; if (md.exec != 0) { // Offset by the number of targets skipped. // size_t s (ctx.skip_count.load (memory_order_relaxed)); if (md.exec > s) { diag_progress += " ("; diag_progress += to_string (md.exec - s); diag_progress += md.what2; } } return md.incr; }); } // Start asynchronous matching of prerequisites keeping track of how // many we have started. Wait with unlocked phase to allow phase // switching. // bool fail (false); size_t i (0), n (ts.size ()); { atomic_count task_count (0); wait_guard wg (ctx, task_count, true); for (; i != n; ++i) { const target& t (ts[i].as ()); l5 ([&]{trace << diag_doing (a, t);}); target_state s (match_async (a, t, 0, task_count, match_extra::all_options, false /* fail */)); // Bail out if the target has failed and we weren't instructed to // keep going. // if (s == target_state::failed) { fail = true; if (!ctx.keep_going) { ++i; break; } } } wg.wait (); } // If we have any targets with post hoc prerequisites, match those. // // See match_posthoc() for the overall approach description. // bool posthoc_fail (false); if (!ctx.current_posthoc_targets.empty () && (!fail || ctx.keep_going)) { using posthoc_target = context::posthoc_target; using posthoc_prerequisite_target = posthoc_target::prerequisite_target; // Note that on each iteration we may end up with new entries at the // back. Since we start and end each iteration in serial execution, we // don't need to mess with the mutex. // for (const posthoc_target& p: ctx.current_posthoc_targets) { action a (p.action); // May not be the same as argument action. const target& t (p.target); auto df = make_diag_frame ( [a, &t](const diag_record& dr) { if (verb != 0) dr << info << "while matching to " << diag_do (t.ctx, a) << " post hoc prerequisites of " << t; }); // Cannot use normal match because incrementing dependency counts in // the face of cycles does not work well (we will deadlock for the // reverse execution mode). // // @@ PERF: match in parallel (need match_direct_async(), etc). // for (const posthoc_prerequisite_target& pt: p.prerequisite_targets) { if (pt.target != nullptr) { target_state s (match_direct_sync (a, *pt.target, pt.match_options, false /* fail */)); if (s == target_state::failed) { posthoc_fail = true; if (!ctx.keep_going) break; } } } if (posthoc_fail && !ctx.keep_going) break; } } // Clear the progress if present. // if (mg) { diag_progress_lock pl; diag_progress.clear (); } // We are now running serially. Re-examine targets that we have matched. // for (size_t j (0); j != n; ++j) { action_target& at (ts[j]); const target& t (at.as ()); // We cannot attribute post hoc failures to specific targets so it // seems the best we can do is just fail them all. // target_state s; if (j < i) { s = match_complete (a, t, match_extra::all_options, false /* fail */); if (posthoc_fail) s = /*t.state[a].state =*/ target_state::failed; } else s = target_state::postponed; switch (s) { case target_state::postponed: { // We bailed before matching it (leave state in action_target as // unknown). // if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1) info << "not " << diag_did (a, t); break; } case target_state::unknown: case target_state::unchanged: case target_state::changed: // Can happend for ad hoc group member. { break; // Matched successfully. } case target_state::failed: { // Things didn't go well for this target. // if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1) info << "failed to " << diag_do (a, t); at.state = s; fail = true; break; } default: assert (false); } } if (fail) throw failed (); // @@ This feels a bit ad hoc. Maybe we should invent operation hooks // for this (e.g., post-search, post-match, post-execute)? // if (a == perform_update_id) verify_targets (ctx, a); } // Phase restored to load. // assert (ctx.phase == run_phase::load); } void perform_execute (const values&, action a, action_targets& ts, uint16_t diag, bool prog) { tracer trace ("perform_execute"); if (ts.empty ()) return; context& ctx (ts[0].as ().ctx); bool posthoc_fail (false); auto execute_posthoc = [&ctx, &posthoc_fail] () { using posthoc_target = context::posthoc_target; using posthoc_prerequisite_target = posthoc_target::prerequisite_target; for (const posthoc_target& p: ctx.current_posthoc_targets) { action a (p.action); // May not be the same as argument action. const target& t (p.target); auto df = make_diag_frame ( [a, &t](const diag_record& dr) { if (verb != 0) dr << info << "while " << diag_doing (t.ctx, a) << " post hoc prerequisites of " << t; }); #if 0 for (const posthoc_prerequisite_target& pt: p.prerequisite_targets) { if (pt.target != nullptr) { target_state s ( execute_direct_sync (a, *pt.target, false /* fail */)); if (s == target_state::failed) { posthoc_fail = true; if (!ctx.keep_going) break; } } } #else // Note: similar logic/reasoning to below except we use direct // execution. // atomic_count tc (0); wait_guard wg (ctx, tc); for (const posthoc_prerequisite_target& pt: p.prerequisite_targets) { if (pt.target != nullptr) { target_state s ( execute_direct_async (a, *pt.target, 0, tc, false /*fail*/)); if (s == target_state::failed) { posthoc_fail = true; if (!ctx.keep_going) break; } } } wg.wait (); // Process the result. // for (const posthoc_prerequisite_target& pt: p.prerequisite_targets) { if (pt.target != nullptr) { // Similar to below, no need to wait. // target_state s (pt.target->executed_state (a, false /* fail */)); if (s == target_state::failed) { // Note: no need to keep going. // posthoc_fail = true; break; } } } #endif if (posthoc_fail && !ctx.keep_going) break; } }; // Reverse the order of targets if the execution mode is 'last'. // if (ctx.current_mode == execution_mode::last) reverse (ts.begin (), ts.end ()); phase_lock pl (ctx, run_phase::execute); // Never switched. bool fail (false); { // Tune the scheduler. // using tune_guard = scheduler::tune_guard; tune_guard sched_tune; switch (ctx.current_inner_oif->concurrency) { case 0: sched_tune = tune_guard (*ctx.sched, 1); break; // Run serially. case 1: break; // Run as is. default: assert (false); // Not supported. } // Set the dry-run flag. // ctx.dry_run = ctx.dry_run_option; // Setup progress reporting if requested. // struct monitor_data { size_t init; size_t incr; string what; } md; // Note: must outlive monitor_guard. scheduler::monitor_guard mg; if (prog && show_progress (1 /* max_verb */)) { md.init = ctx.target_count.load (memory_order_relaxed); md.incr = md.init > 100 ? md.init / 100 : 1; // 1%. if (md.init != md.incr) { md.what = "% of targets " + diag_did (ctx, a); mg = ctx.sched->monitor ( ctx.target_count, md.incr, [&md, &ctx] (size_t, size_t c) -> size_t { size_t p ((md.init - c) * 100 / md.init); size_t s (ctx.skip_count.load (memory_order_relaxed)); diag_progress_lock pl; diag_progress = ' '; diag_progress += to_string (p); diag_progress += md.what; if (s != 0) { diag_progress += " ("; diag_progress += to_string (s); diag_progress += " skipped)"; } return md.incr; }); } } // In the 'last' execution mode run post hoc first. // if (ctx.current_mode == execution_mode::last) { if (!ctx.current_posthoc_targets.empty ()) execute_posthoc (); } // Similar logic to execute_members(): first start asynchronous // execution of all the top-level targets. // if (!posthoc_fail || ctx.keep_going) { atomic_count task_count (0); wait_guard wg (ctx, task_count); for (const action_target& at: ts) { const target& t (at.as ()); l5 ([&]{trace << diag_doing (a, t);}); target_state s (execute_async (a, t, 0, task_count, false)); // Bail out if the target has failed and we weren't instructed to // keep going. // if (s == target_state::failed) { fail = true; if (!ctx.keep_going) break; } } wg.wait (); } if (ctx.current_mode == execution_mode::first) { if (!ctx.current_posthoc_targets.empty () && (!fail || ctx.keep_going)) execute_posthoc (); } // We are now running serially. // // Clear the dry-run flag. // ctx.dry_run = false; // Clear the progress if present. // if (mg) { diag_progress_lock pl; diag_progress.clear (); } // Restore original scheduler settings. } // Print skip count if not zero. Note that we print it regardless of the // diag level since this is essentially a "summary" of all the commands // that we did not (and, in fact, used to originally) print. However, we // do suppress it if no progress was requested: conceptually, it feels // like part of the progress report and real usage suggests this as well // (e.g., when building modules/recipes in a nested context). // if (prog && verb != 0) { if (size_t s = ctx.skip_count.load (memory_order_relaxed)) { text << "skipped " << diag_doing (ctx, a) << ' ' << s << " targets"; } } // Re-examine all the targets and print diagnostics. // for (action_target& at: ts) { const target& t (at.as ()); // Similar to match we cannot attribute post hoc failures to specific // targets so it seems the best we can do is just fail them all. // if (!posthoc_fail) { // Note that here we call executed_state() directly instead of // execute_complete() since we know there is no need to wait. // at.state = t.executed_state (a, false /* fail */); } else at.state = /*t.state[a].state =*/ target_state::failed; switch (at.state) { case target_state::unknown: { // We bailed before executing it (leave state in action_target as // unknown). // if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1) info << "not " << diag_did (a, t); break; } case target_state::unchanged: { // Nothing had to be done. // if (verb != 0 && diag >= 2) info << diag_done (a, t); break; } case target_state::changed: { // Something has been done. // break; } case target_state::failed: { // Things didn't go well for this target. // if (verb != 0 && diag >= 1) info << "failed to " << diag_do (a, t); fail = true; break; } default: assert (false); } } if (fail) throw failed (); #ifndef NDEBUG size_t base (ctx.count_base ()); // For now we disable these checks if we've performed any group member // resolutions that required a match (with apply()) but not execute. // if (ctx.target_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != 0 && ctx.resolve_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != 0) { // These counts are only tracked for the inner operation. // action ia (a.outer () ? a.inner_action () : a); // While it may seem that just decrementing the counters for every // target with the resolve_counted flag set should be enough, this will // miss any prerequisites that this target has matched but did not // execute, which may affect both task_count and dependency_count. Note // that this applies recursively and we effectively need to pretend to // execute this target and all its prerequisites, recursively without // actually executing any of their recepies. // // That last bit means we must be able to interpret the populated // prerequisite_targets generically, which is a requirement we place on // rules that resolve groups in apply (see target::group_members() for // details). It so happens that our own adhoc_buildscript_rule doesn't // follow this rule (see execute_update_prerequisites()) so we detect // and handle this with a hack. // // @@ Hm, but there is no guarantee that this holds recursively since // prerequisites may not be see-through groups. For this to work we // would have to impose this restriction globally. Which we could // probably do, just need to audit things carefully (especially // cc::link_rule). But we already sort of rely on that for dump! Maybe // should just require it everywhere and fix adhoc_buildscript_rule. // // @@ There are special recipes that don't populate prerequisite_targets // like group_recipe! Are we banning any user-defined such recipes? // Need to actually look if we have anything else like this. There // is also inner_recipe, though doesn't apply here (only for outer). // // @@ TMP: do and enable after the 0.16.0 release. // // Note: recursive lambda. // #if 0 auto pretend_execute = [base, ia] (target& t, const auto& pretend_execute) -> void { context& ctx (t.ctx); // Note: tries to emulate the execute_impl() functions semantics. // auto execute_impl = [base, ia, &ctx, &pretend_execute] (target& t) { target::opstate& s (t.state[ia]); size_t gd (ctx.dependency_count.fetch_sub (1, memory_order_relaxed)); size_t td (s.dependents.fetch_sub (1, memory_order_release)); assert (td != 0 && gd != 0); // Execute unless already executed. // if (s.task_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != base + target::offset_executed) pretend_execute (t, pretend_execute); }; target::opstate& s (t.state[ia]); if (s.state != target_state::unchanged) // Noop recipe. { if (s.recipe_group_action) { execute_impl (const_cast (*t.group)); } else { // @@ Special hack for adhoc_buildscript_rule (remember to drop // include above if getting rid of). // bool adhoc ( ia == perform_update_id && s.rule != nullptr && dynamic_cast ( &s.rule->second.get ()) != nullptr); for (const prerequisite_target& p: t.prerequisite_targets[ia]) { const target* pt; if (adhoc) pt = (p.target != nullptr ? p.target : p.adhoc () ? reinterpret_cast (p.data) : nullptr); else pt = p.target; if (pt != nullptr) execute_impl (const_cast (*pt)); } ctx.target_count.fetch_sub (1, memory_order_relaxed); if (s.resolve_counted) { s.resolve_counted = false; ctx.resolve_count.fetch_sub (1, memory_order_relaxed); } } s.state = target_state::changed; } s.task_count.store (base + target::offset_executed, memory_order_relaxed); }; #endif for (const auto& pt: ctx.targets) { target& t (*pt); target::opstate& s (t.state[ia]); // We are only interested in the targets that have been matched for // this operation and are in the applied state. // if (s.task_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != base + target::offset_applied) continue; if (s.resolve_counted) { #if 0 pretend_execute (t, pretend_execute); if (ctx.resolve_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0) break; #else return; // Skip all the below checks. #endif } } } // We should have executed every target that we have matched, provided we // haven't failed (in which case we could have bailed out early). // assert (ctx.target_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0); assert (ctx.resolve_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0); // Sanity check. if (ctx.dependency_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) != 0) { auto dependents = [base] (action a, const target& t) { const target::opstate& s (t.state[a]); // Only consider targets that have been matched for this operation // (since matching is what causes the dependents count reset). // size_t c (s.task_count.load (memory_order_relaxed)); return (c >= base + target::offset_applied ? s.dependents.load (memory_order_relaxed) : 0); }; diag_record dr; dr << info << "detected unexecuted matched targets:"; for (const auto& pt: ctx.targets) { const target& t (*pt); if (size_t n = dependents (a, t)) dr << text << t << ' ' << n; if (a.outer ()) { if (size_t n = dependents (a.inner_action (), t)) dr << text << t << ' ' << n; } } } assert (ctx.dependency_count.load (memory_order_relaxed) == 0); #endif } const meta_operation_info mo_perform { perform_id, "perform", "", "", "", "", true, // bootstrap_outer nullptr, // meta-operation pre nullptr, // operation pre &perform_load, &perform_search, &perform_match, &perform_execute, nullptr, // operation post nullptr, // meta-operation post nullptr // include }; // info // // Note: similar approach to forward() in configure. // struct info_params { bool json = false; bool subprojects = true; }; // Note: should not fail if mo is NULL (see info_subprojects() below). // static info_params info_parse_params (const values& params, const char* mo = nullptr, const location& l = location ()) { info_params r; if (params.size () == 1) { for (const name& n: cast (params[0])) { if (n.simple ()) { if (n.value == "json") { r.json = true; continue; } if (n.value == "no_subprojects") { r.subprojects = false; continue; } // Fall through. } if (mo != nullptr) fail (l) << "unexpected parameter '" << n << "' for " << "meta-operation " << mo; } } else if (!params.empty ()) { if (mo != nullptr) fail (l) << "unexpected parameters for meta-operation " << mo; } return r; } bool info_subprojects (const values& params) { return info_parse_params (params).subprojects; } static void info_pre (context&, const values& params, const location& l) { info_parse_params (params, "info", l); // Validate. } static operation_id info_operation_pre (context&, const values&, operation_id o) { if (o != default_id) fail << "explicit operation specified for meta-operation info"; return o; } void info_load (const values&, scope& rs, const path&, const dir_path& out_base, const dir_path& src_base, const location& l) { // For info we don't want to go any further than bootstrap so that it can // be used in pretty much any situation (unresolved imports, etc). We do // need to setup root as base though. if (rs.out_path () != out_base || rs.src_path () != src_base) fail (l) << "meta-operation info target must be project root directory"; setup_base (rs.ctx.scopes.rw (rs).insert_out (out_base), out_base, src_base); } void info_search (const values&, const scope& rs, const scope&, const path&, const target_key& tk, const location& l, action_targets& ts) { // Collect all the projects we need to print information about. // We've already verified the target is in the project root. Now verify // it is dir{}. // if (!tk.type->is_a ()) fail (l) << "meta-operation info target must be project root directory"; ts.push_back (&rs); } static void info_execute_lines (action_targets& ts, bool subp) { for (size_t i (0); i != ts.size (); ++i) { // Separate projects with blank lines. // if (i != 0) cout << endl; const scope& rs (ts[i].as ()); context& ctx (rs.ctx); // Print [meta_]operation names. Due to the way our aliasing works, we // have to go through the [meta_]operation_table. // auto print_ops = [] (const auto& ov, const auto& ot) { // This is a sparse vector with NULL holes. id 0 is invalid while 1 is // the noop meta-operation and the default operation; we omit printing // both. // for (uint8_t id (2); id < ov.size (); ++id) { if (ov[id] != nullptr) cout << ' ' << ot[id]; } }; // Print bootstrapped modules. // auto print_mods = [&rs] () { for (const module_state& ms: rs.root_extra->loaded_modules) cout << ' ' << ms.name; }; // Print a potentially empty/null instance. // auto print_empty = [] (const auto& x) { if (!x.empty ()) cout << ' ' << x; }; auto print_null = [] (const auto* p) { if (p != nullptr && !p->empty ()) cout << ' ' << *p; }; // Print a potentially null/empty directory path without trailing slash. // auto print_dir = [] (const dir_path& d) { if (!d.empty ()) cout << ' ' << d.string (); }; auto print_pdir = [&print_dir] (const dir_path* d) { if (d != nullptr) print_dir (*d); }; // This could be a simple project that doesn't set project name. // cout << "project:" ; print_empty (project (rs)); cout << endl << "version:" ; print_empty (cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_version])); cout << endl << "summary:" ; print_empty (cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_project_summary])); cout << endl << "url:" ; print_empty (cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_project_url])); cout << endl << "src_root:" ; print_dir (cast (rs[ctx.var_src_root])); cout << endl << "out_root:" ; print_dir (cast (rs[ctx.var_out_root])); cout << endl << "amalgamation:" ; print_pdir (*rs.root_extra->amalgamation); cout << endl; if (subp) { cout << "subprojects:" ; print_null (*rs.root_extra->subprojects); cout << endl; } cout << "operations:" ; print_ops (rs.root_extra->operations, ctx.operation_table); cout << endl << "meta-operations:"; print_ops (rs.root_extra->meta_operations, ctx.meta_operation_table); cout << endl << "modules:" ; print_mods (); cout << endl; } } #ifndef BUILD2_BOOTSTRAP static void info_execute_json (action_targets& ts, bool subp) { json::stream_serializer s (cout); s.begin_array (); for (size_t i (0); i != ts.size (); ++i) { const scope& rs (ts[i].as ()); context& ctx (rs.ctx); s.begin_object (); // Print a potentially empty string. // auto print_string = [&s] (const char* n, const string& v, bool check = false) { if (!v.empty ()) s.member (n, v, check); }; // Print a potentially null/empty directory path without trailing slash. // auto print_dir = [&s] (const char* n, const dir_path& v) { if (!v.empty ()) s.member (n, v.string ()); }; auto print_pdir = [&print_dir] (const char* n, const dir_path* v) { if (v != nullptr) print_dir (n, *v); }; // Print [meta_]operation names (see info_lines() for details). // auto print_ops = [&s] (const char* name, const auto& ov, const auto& ot, const auto& printer) { s.member_name (name, false /* check */); s.begin_array (); for (uint8_t id (2); id < ov.size (); ++id) { if (ov[id] != nullptr) printer (ot[id]); } s.end_array (); }; // Note that we won't check some values for being valid UTF-8, since // their characters belong to even stricter character sets and/or are // read from buildfile which is already verified to be valid UTF-8. // print_string ("project", project (rs).string ()); print_string ("version", cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_version])); print_string ("summary", cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_project_summary])); print_string ("url", cast_empty (rs[ctx.var_project_url])); print_dir ("src_root", cast (rs[ctx.var_src_root])); print_dir ("out_root", cast (rs[ctx.var_out_root])); print_pdir ("amalgamation", *rs.root_extra->amalgamation); // Print subprojects. // if (subp) { const subprojects* sps (*rs.root_extra->subprojects); if (sps != nullptr && !sps->empty ()) { s.member_name ("subprojects", false /* check */); s.begin_array (); for (const auto& sp: *sps) { s.begin_object (); print_dir ("path", sp.second); // See find_subprojects() for details. // const string& n (sp.first.string ()); if (!path::traits_type::is_separator (n.back ())) print_string ("name", n); s.end_object (); } s.end_array (); } } print_ops ("operations", rs.root_extra->operations, ctx.operation_table, [&s] (const string& v) {s.value (v, false /* check */);}); print_ops ("meta-operations", rs.root_extra->meta_operations, ctx.meta_operation_table, [&s] (const meta_operation_data& v) { s.value (v.name, false /* check */); }); // Print modules. // if (!rs.root_extra->loaded_modules.empty ()) { s.member_name ("modules", false /* check */); s.begin_array (); for (const module_state& ms: rs.root_extra->loaded_modules) s.value (ms.name, false /* check */); s.end_array (); } s.end_object (); } s.end_array (); cout << endl; } #else static void info_execute_json (action_targets&, bool) { } #endif //BUILD2_BOOTSTRAP static void info_execute (const values& params, action, action_targets& ts, uint16_t, bool) { info_params ip (info_parse_params (params)); // Note that both outputs will not be "ideal" if the user does something // like `b info(foo/) info(bar/)` instead of `b info(foo/ bar/)`. Oh, // well. // if (ip.json) info_execute_json (ts, ip.subprojects); else info_execute_lines (ts, ip.subprojects); } const meta_operation_info mo_info { info_id, "info", "", "", "", "", false, // bootstrap_outer &info_pre, // meta-operation pre &info_operation_pre, &info_load, &info_search, nullptr, // match &info_execute, nullptr, // operation post nullptr, // meta-operation post nullptr // include }; // operations // const operation_info op_default { default_id, 0, "", "", "", "", "", execution_mode::first, 1 /* concurrency */, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; #ifndef _MSC_VER constexpr #else // VC doesn't "see" this can be const-initialized so we have to hack around // to ensure correct initialization order. // #pragma warning(disable: 4073) #pragma init_seg(lib) const #endif operation_info op_update { update_id, 0, "update", "update", "updating", "updated", "is up to date", execution_mode::first, 1 /* concurrency */, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; const operation_info op_clean { clean_id, 0, "clean", "clean", "cleaning", "cleaned", "is clean", execution_mode::last, 1 /* concurrency */, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; }