// file      : libbuild2/parser.hxx -*- C++ -*-
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <exception> // uncaught_exception[s]()

#include <libbutl/ft/exception.hxx> // uncaught_exceptions

#include <libbuild2/types.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/forward.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/utility.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/file.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/lexer.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/token.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/variable.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/buildspec.hxx>
#include <libbuild2/diagnostics.hxx>

#include <libbuild2/export.hxx>

namespace build2
  struct attribute
    string        name;
    build2::value value;

  operator<< (ostream&, const attribute&);

  struct attributes: small_vector<attribute, 1>
    location loc; // Start location.

    attributes (location l = {}): loc (move (l)) {}

  class LIBBUILD2_SYMEXPORT parser
    using stage = load_stage;

    parser (context& c, stage s = stage::rest)
      : fail ("error", &path_), info ("info", &path_),
        ctx (&c),
        stage_ (s) {}

    // Pattern expansion mode.
    enum class pattern_mode
      ignore,   // Treat as literals.
      preserve, // Preserve as name pattern.
      expand,   // Expand to non-pattern names.
      detect    // Implementation detail mode (see code for more information).

    // Issue diagnostics and throw failed in case of an error.
    parse_buildfile (istream&,
                     const path_name&,
                     scope* root,
                     scope& base,
                     target* = nullptr,
                     prerequisite* = nullptr,
                     bool enter_buildfile = true);

    parse_buildfile (lexer&,
                     scope* root,
                     scope& base,
                     target* = nullptr,
                     prerequisite* = nullptr,
                     bool enter_buildfile = true);

    parse_export_stub (istream& is, const path_name& name,
                       const scope& rs, scope& gs, scope& ts);

    parse_buildspec (istream&, const path_name&);

    parse_variable (lexer&, scope&, const variable&, token_type kind);

    pair<value, token>
    parse_variable_value (lexer&, scope&, const dir_path*, const variable&);

    // Parse an evaluation context (`(...)`).
    parse_eval (lexer&, scope& rs, scope& bs, pattern_mode);

    // The above functions may be called again on the same parser instance
    // after a reset.
    reset ();

    // Special, context-less mode that can only be used to parse literal
    // names.
    static const string name_separators;

    parser (context* c)
      : fail ("error", &path_), info ("info", &path_),
        ctx (c),
        stage_ (stage::rest) {}

    parse_names (lexer&,
                 const dir_path* base,
                 pattern_mode pmode,
                 const char* what = "name",
                 const string* separators = &name_separators);

    // Ad hoc parsing results for some cases.
    // Note that these are not touched by reset().
    // export directive result.
    names export_value;

    // config directive result.
    struct config_report
      project_name                 module;    // Reporting module name.
      vector<pair<lookup, string>> values;    // Config value and format.
      bool                         new_value; // One of values is new.
    small_vector<config_report, 1> config_reports;

    // Misc utilities.
    // Return the value type corresponding to the type name or NULL if the
    // type name is unknown. Pass project's root scope if known.
    static const value_type*
    find_value_type (const scope* rs, const string& name);

    // Recursive descent parser.
    using pattern_type = name::pattern_type;

    // If one is true then parse a single (logical) line (logical means it
    // can actually be several lines, e.g., an if-block). Return false if
    // nothing has been parsed (i.e., we are still on the same token).
    // Note that after this function returns, the token is the first token of
    // the next line (or eos).
    parse_clause (token&, token_type&, bool one = false);

    parse_clause_block (token& t, token_type& tt, bool, const string&);

    parse_variable_block (token&, token_type&,
                          optional<pattern_type> = {},
                          const target_type*  = nullptr,
                          string = {},
                          const location& = {});

    parse_recipe (token&, token_type&,
                  const token&,
                  small_vector<shared_ptr<adhoc_rule>, 1>&,
                  const target_type* = nullptr,
                  const string& = {});

    // Group target names inside < ... >.
    struct group_names_loc
      bool expl = false;   // True -- explicit group, fase -- ad hoc.
      location group_loc;  // Group/primary target location.
      location member_loc; // Members location.
      names ns;

    using group_names = small_vector<group_names_loc, 1>;

    enter_explicit_members (group_names_loc&&, bool);

    enter_adhoc_members (group_names_loc&&, bool);

    small_vector<pair<reference_wrapper<target>,          // Target.
                      vector<reference_wrapper<target>>>, // Ad hoc members.
    enter_targets (names&&, const location&,
                   const attributes&);

    apply_target_attributes (target&, const attributes&);

    parse_dependency (token&, token_type&,
                      names&&, const location&,
                      names&&, const location&,
                      const attributes&);

    parse_assert (token&, token_type&);

    parse_print (token&, token_type&);

    parse_diag (token&, token_type&);

    parse_dump (token&, token_type&);

    parse_source (token&, token_type&);

    parse_include (token&, token_type&);

    parse_run (token&, token_type&);

    parse_config (token&, token_type&);

    parse_config_environment (token&, token_type&);

    parse_import (token&, token_type&);

    parse_export (token&, token_type&);

    parse_using (token&, token_type&);

    parse_define (token&, token_type&);

    parse_if_else (token&, token_type&);

    parse_if_else (token&, token_type&,
                   const function<void (
                     token&, token_type&, bool, const string&)>&,
                   const function<void (
                     token&, token_type&, const string&)>&);

    parse_switch (token&, token_type&);

    parse_switch (token&, token_type&,
                  const function<void (
                    token&, token_type&, bool, const string&)>&,
                  const function<void (
                    token&, token_type&, const string&)>&);

    parse_for (token&, token_type&);

    parse_variable (token&, token_type&, const variable&, token_type);

    parse_type_pattern_variable (
      token&, token_type&,
      pattern_type, const target_type&, string, const location&,
      const variable&, token_type, const location&);

    const variable&
    parse_variable_name (string&&, const location&);

    const variable&
    parse_variable_name (names&&, const location&);

    // Note: calls attributes_push() that the caller must pop.
    // If mode is false, assume the appropriate mode has already been switched
    // to (value, `@` as pair separator, with attributes recognition). This
    // can be useful, for example, if need to call peek().
    parse_variable_value (token&, token_type&, bool mode = true);

    apply_variable_attributes (const variable&);

    apply_value_attributes (const variable*, // Optional.
                            value& lhs,
                            value&& rhs,
                            token_type assign_kind);

    // Return the value pack (values can be NULL/typed). Note that for an
    // empty eval context ('()' potentially with whitespaces in between) the
    // result is an empty pack, not a pack of one empty.
    parse_eval (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode);

    parse_eval_comma (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    parse_eval_ternary (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    parse_eval_or (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    parse_eval_and (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    parse_eval_comp (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    parse_eval_value (token&, token_type&, pattern_mode, bool = false);

    // Compare two values in a type-aware manner. If one value is typed while
    // the other is not, convert the untyped one to the other's type.
    compare_values (token_type, value&, value&, const location&) const;

    // Attributes stack. We can have nested attributes, for example:
    // x = [bool] ([uint64] $x == [uint64] $y)
    // In this example we only apply the value attributes after evaluating
    // the context, which has its own attributes.

    // Push a new entry into the attributes_ stack. If the next token is `[`
    // then parse the attribute sequence until ']' storing the result in the
    // new stack entry. Then, if next_token is true, get the next token and,
    // if standalone is false, verify it is not newline/eos (i.e., there is
    // something after it). If the next token is read and it is a word or a
    // "word-producing" token (`$` for variable expansions/function calls, `(`
    // for eval contexts, and `{` for name generation), then verify that it is
    // separated to reduce the possibility of confusing it with a wildcard
    // pattern. Consider:
    // ./: [abc]-foo.txt
    // Return the indication of whether we have seen any attributes (note that
    // the `[]` empty list does not count) and the location of `[`.
    // Note that during pre-parsing nothing is pushed into the stack.
    pair<bool, location>
    attributes_push (token&, token_type&,
                     bool standalone = false,
                     bool next_token = true);

    attributes_pop ()
      assert (!pre_parse_);
      attributes r (move (attributes_.back ()));
      attributes_.pop_back ();
      return r;

    attributes_top () {return attributes_.back ();}

    // Source a buildfile as a stream optionally performing the default target
    // processing. If the specified path name has a real path, then also enter
    // it as a buildfile.
    // If default_target is nullopt, then disable the default target semantics
    // as when loading boostrap.build or root.build. If it is false, then
    // continue with the existing default_target value. If it is true, then
    // start with a new default_value and call process_default_target() at
    // the end.
    source_buildfile (istream&,
                      const path_name&,
                      const location&,
                      optional<bool> default_target);

    // The what argument is used in diagnostics (e.g., "expected <what>
    // instead of ...".
    // The separators argument specifies the special characters to recognize
    // inside the name. These can be the directory separators and the '%'
    // project separator. Note that even if it is NULL, the result may still
    // contain non-simple names due to variable expansions.
    parse_names (token& t, token_type& tt,
                 pattern_mode pmode,
                 const char* what = "name",
                 const string* separators = &name_separators)
      return parse_names (t, tt, pmode, false /* chunk */, what, separators);

    // If chunk is true, then parse the smallest but complete, name-wise,
    // chunk of input. Note that in this case you may still end up with
    // multiple names, for example, {foo bar} or $foo. In the pre-parse mode
    // always return empty list of names.
    parse_names (token& t, token_type& tt,
                 pattern_mode pmode,
                 bool chunk,
                 const char* what = "name",
                 const string* separators = &name_separators)
      names ns;
      parse_names (t, tt, ns, pmode, chunk, what, separators);
      return ns;

    // Return true if this token starts a name. Or, to put it another way,
    // calling parse_names() on this token won't fail with the "expected name
    // instead of <this-token>" error. Only consider '(' if the second
    // argument is true.
    start_names (token_type&, bool lparen = true);

    // As above but return the result as a value, which can be typed and NULL.
    parse_value (token& t, token_type& tt,
                 pattern_mode pmode,
                 const char* what = "name",
                 const string* separators = &name_separators,
                 bool chunk = false)
      names ns;
      auto r (parse_names (t, tt, ns, pmode, chunk, what, separators));

      value v (r.type); // Potentially typed NULL value.

      // This should not fail since we are typing the result of reversal from
      // the typed value.
      if (r.not_null)
        v.assign (move (ns), nullptr);

      return v;

    // As above but also handle value attributes.
    parse_value_with_attributes (token&, token_type&,
                                 const char* what = "name",
                                 const string* separators = &name_separators,
                                 bool chunk = false);

    // Append names and return the indication if the parsed value is not NULL
    // and whether it is typed (and whether it is a pattern if pattern_mode is
    // detect).
    // You may have noticed that what we return here is essentially a value
    // and doing it this way (i.e., reversing it to untyped names and
    // returning its type so that it can potentially be "typed back") is kind
    // of backwards. The reason we are doing it this way is because in many
    // places we expect things untyped and if we were to always return a
    // (potentially typed) value, then we would have to reverse it in all
    // those places. Still it may make sense to look into redesigning the
    // whole thing one day.
    // Currently the only way for the result to be NULL or to have type is if
    // it is the result of a sole, unquoted variable expansion, function call,
    // or context evaluation. In these cases value is set to true.
    // In the pre-parse mode no names are appended and the result is always
    // {true, nullptr, nullopt}.
    struct parse_names_result
      bool value;
      bool not_null;
      const value_type* type;
      optional<const target_type*> pattern;

    parse_names (token&, token_type&,
                 bool chunk = false,
                 const char* what = "name",
                 const string* separators = &name_separators,
                 size_t pairn = 0,
                 const optional<project_name>& prj = nullopt,
                 const dir_path* dir = nullptr,
                 const string* type = nullptr,
                 bool cross = true,
                 bool curly = false);

    parse_names_trailer (token&, token_type&,
                         const char* what,
                         const string* separators,
                         size_t pairn,
                         const optional<project_name>& prj,
                         const dir_path* dir,
                         const string* type,
                         bool cross);

    expand_name_pattern (const location&,
                         const char* what,
                         size_t pairn,
                         const dir_path* dir,
                         const string* type,
                         const target_type*);

    splice_names (const location&,
                  const names_view&,
                  const char* what,
                  size_t pairn,
                  const optional<project_name>& prj,
                  const dir_path* dir,
                  const string* type);

    // Skip until newline or eos.
    skip_line (token&, token_type&);

    // Skip until block-closing } or eos, taking into account nested blocks.
    skip_block (token&, token_type&);

    // Return true if the name token can be considered a directive keyword.
    keyword (const token&);

    // Buildspec.
    parse_buildspec_clause (token&, token_type&, size_t = 0);

    // Customization hooks.
    // If qual is not empty, then first element's pair member indicates the
    // kind of qualification:
    // '\0' -- target
    // '@'  -- out-qualified target
    // '/'  -- scope
    // Note that this function is called even during pre-parse with the result
    // unused. In this case a valid name will only be provided for variables
    // with literal names (for example, $x, $(x)). For computed variables (for
    // example, $($x ?  X : Y)) it will be empty (along with qual, which can
    // only be non-empty for a computed variable).
    // Note also that this function is (currently) not called by some lookup-
    // like functions ($defined(), $config.origin()). But we should be careful
    // if/when extending this and audit all the existing use-cases.
    virtual lookup
    lookup_variable (names&& qual, string&& name, const location&);

    // This function is only called during pre-parse and is the continuation
    // of the similar logic in lookup_variable() above (including the fact
    // that the name is empty for computed function names).
    virtual void
    lookup_function (string&& name, const location&);

    // Utilities.
    class enter_scope;
    class enter_target;
    class enter_prerequisite;

    // Switch to a new current scope. Note that this function might also have
    // to switch to a new root scope if the new current scope is in another
    // project. So both must be saved and restored. In case of a new root, it
    // also switches to the new project's environment.
    switch_scope (const dir_path& out_base);

    process_default_target (token&, const buildfile*);

    // Enter buildfile or buildfile-file like file (e.g., a recipe file) as a
    // target.
    template <typename T>
    const T&
    enter_buildfile (const path&, optional<dir_path> out = nullopt);

    // Lexer.
    get_location (const token& t) const
      return build2::get_location (t, *path_);

    next (token&, token_type&);

    next_with_attributes (token& t, token_type& tt)
      enable_attributes ();
      return next (t, tt);

    // If the current token is newline, then get the next token. Otherwise,
    // fail unless the current token is eos (i.e., optional newline at the end
    // of stream). Use the after token in diagnostics as the token after which
    // the newline was expected.
    next_after_newline (token&, token_type&, const token& after);

    // As above but the after argument is a single-character token. If it is
    // \0, then it is ignored.
    next_after_newline (token&, token_type&, char after = '\0');

    // As above but the after argument is assumed to be a name rather than
    // a token (printed as is rather than quoted).
    next_after_newline (token&, token_type&, const char* after);

    // Be careful with peeking and switching the lexer mode. See keyword()
    // for more information.
    peek ();

    peek (lexer_mode m, char ps = '\0')
      // The idea is that if we already have something peeked, then it should
      // be in the same mode. We also don't re-set the mode since it may have
      // expired after the first token.
      if (peeked_)
        assert (peek_.mode == m);
        return peek_.token.type;

      mode (m, ps);
      return peek ();

    const token&
    peeked () const
      assert (peeked_);
      return peek_.token;

    mode (lexer_mode m, char ps = '\0', uintptr_t d = 0)
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        lexer_->mode (m, ps, nullopt, d);
        // As a sanity check, make sure the mode matches the next token. Note
        // that we don't check the attributes flags, the pair separator, or
        // the mode data since they can be overridden by the lexer's mode()
        // implementation.
        assert (replay_i_ != replay_data_.size () &&
                replay_data_[replay_i_].mode == m);

    // In the replay mode return the lexing mode of the token returned by the
    // subsequent next() or peek() call.
    mode () const
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        return lexer_->mode ();
        assert (!peeked_ || replay_i_ != 0);

        size_t i (!peeked_ ? replay_i_ : replay_i_ - 1);
        assert (i != replay_data_.size ());

        return replay_data_[i].mode;

    mode_data () const
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        return lexer_->mode_data ();
        assert (replay_i_ != replay_data_.size ());
        return replay_data_[replay_i_].mode_data;

    enable_attributes ()
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        lexer_->enable_lsbrace ();

    enable_subscript ()
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        lexer_->enable_lsbrace (true /* unseparated */);

    expire_mode ()
      if (replay_ != replay::play)
        lexer_->expire_mode ();

    // Token saving and replaying. Note that it can only be used in certain
    // contexts. Specifically, the code that parses a replay must not interact
    // with the lexer directly (e.g., the keyword() test). Replays also cannot
    // nest. For now we don't enforce any of this.
    // Note also that the peeked token is not part of the replay until it is
    // "got". In particular, this means that we cannot peek past the replay
    // sequence (since we will get the peeked token as the first token of
    // the replay).
    replay_save ()
      assert (replay_ == replay::stop);
      replay_ = replay::save;

    replay_pop ()
      assert (replay_ == replay::save);

      assert (!peeked_ && !replay_data_.empty ());

      replay_data_.pop_back ();

    replay_play ()
      assert ((replay_ == replay::save && !replay_data_.empty ()) ||
              (replay_ == replay::play && replay_i_ == replay_data_.size ()));

      assert (!peeked_);

      if (replay_ == replay::save)
        replay_path_ = path_; // Save old path.

      replay_i_ = 0;
      replay_ = replay::play;

    replay_skip ()
      assert (replay_ == replay::play);

      assert (!peeked_);

      replay_i_ = replay_data_.size () - 1;

    replay_stop (bool verify = true)
      if (verify)
        assert (!peeked_);

      if (replay_ == replay::play)
        path_ = replay_path_; // Restore old path.

      replay_data_.clear ();
      replay_ = replay::stop;

    struct replay_guard
      replay_guard (parser& p, bool start = true)
          : p_ (start ? &p : nullptr)
        if (p_ != nullptr)
          p_->replay_save ();

      play ()
        if (p_ != nullptr)
          p_->replay_play ();

      ~replay_guard ()
        if (p_ != nullptr)
          p_->replay_stop (!uncaught_exception ());

      // C++17 deprecated uncaught_exception() so use uncaught_exceptions() if
      // available.
      static bool
      uncaught_exception ()
#ifdef __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions
        return std::uncaught_exceptions () != 0;
        return std::uncaught_exception ();

      parser* p_;

    // Stop saving and get the data.
    replay_data ()
      assert (replay_ == replay::save);

      replay_tokens r (move (replay_data_));
      replay_data_.clear ();
      replay_ = replay::stop;
      return r;

    // Set the data and start playing.
    replay_data (replay_tokens&& d)
      assert (replay_ == replay::stop);

      replay_path_ = path_; // Save old path.

      replay_data_ = move (d);
      replay_i_ = 0;
      replay_ = replay::play;

    // Implementation details, don't call directly.
    lexer_next ()
      // Get these first since the mode may expire.
      lexer_mode m (lexer_->mode ());
      uintptr_t d (lexer_->mode_data ());

      return replay_token {lexer_->next (), path_, m, d};

    const replay_token&
    replay_next ()
      assert (replay_i_ != replay_data_.size ());
      const replay_token& rt (replay_data_[replay_i_++]);

      // Update the path. Note that theoretically it is possible that peeking
      // at the next token will "change" the path of the current token. The
      // workaround would be to call get_location() before peeking.
      path_ = rt.file;

      return rt;

    // Diagnostics.
    const fail_mark fail;
    const basic_mark info;

    // Parser state.
    // NOTE: remember to update reset() if adding anything here.
    context* ctx;
    stage stage_;

    bool pre_parse_ = false;

    const path_name* path_; // Current path name.
    lexer*           lexer_;

    prerequisite* prerequisite_ = nullptr; // Current prerequisite, if any.
    target*       target_       = nullptr; // Current target, if any.
    scope*        scope_        = nullptr; // Current base scope (out_base).
    scope*        root_         = nullptr; // Current root scope (out_root).

    const dir_path* pbase_ = nullptr; // Current pattern base directory.

    small_vector<attributes, 2> attributes_;

    // Innermost if/switch (but excluding recipes).
    // Note also that this is cleared/restored when crossing the include
    // (but not source) boundary.
    optional<location> condition_;

    target* default_target_ = nullptr;

    replay_token peek_;
    bool peeked_ = false;

    enum class replay {stop, save, play} replay_ = replay::stop;
    replay_tokens replay_data_;
    size_t replay_i_;              // Position of the next token during replay.
    const path_name* replay_path_; // Path before replay began (to be restored).