: not-directive : $* <>EOO x = x ".include" foo.test .include'' foo.test EOI .include foo.test .include foo.test EOO : not-separated : touch foo.test; $* <>>foo.test; $* <>EOO .include foo.test EOI cmd EOO : multiple : cat <"cmd foo" >>>foo.test; cat <"cmd bar" >>>bar.test; $* <>EOO .include foo.test bar.test EOI cmd foo cmd bar EOO : once : cat <"cmd" >>>foo.test; $* <>EOO .include foo.test x .include --once foo.test .include --once bar/../foo.test y .include ../once/foo.test EOI cmd x y cmd EOO : group-id : cat <>>foo.test; { x = b } EOI $* -s -i <>EOO x = a .include foo.test EOI { { # 2-foo-1 } } EOO : test-id : cat <>>foo.test; cmd EOI $* -s -i <>EOO x = a .include foo.test EOI { { # 2-foo-1 cmd } } EOO : var-expansion : cat <>>foo-$(build.version).test; cmd EOI $* <>EOO .include foo-\$\(build.version\).test EOI cmd EOO : after-semi : $* <>EOE != 0 cmd; .include foo.test EOI testscript:2:1: error: directive after ';' EOE : semi-after : $* <>EOE != 0 .include foo.test; cmd EOI testscript:1:18: error: ';' after directive EOE : invalid-path : $* <>EOE != 0 .include "" EOI testscript:1:1: error: invalid testscript include path '' EOE : unable-open : : Note that the error message is platform specific. : $* <- != 0 .include foo.test EOI