#! /usr/bin/env bash # Bootstrap build2 Build OS. # # Assumptions/expectations: # # - Bootstrapping for the host CPU (currently x86_64 or aarch64). # # - Host debootstrap/debian-archive-keyring matching release. # # - /btrfs/ is a btrfs directory where the current user can create # snapshots. # # - sudo is passwordless (used to run debootstrap, systemd-nspawn, etc). # # - This script is executed from the buildos/ source directory. # # Options: # # --stage # Jump straigh to stage by clonning the previous stage snapshot. # Stages are: # # 1 - bootstrap phase 1 # 2 - bootstrap phase 2 # 3 - kernel build (and package patching, if necessary) # 4 - setup # 5 - create footfs # 6 - create kernel image and initrd # # --arch-variant # Architecture variant, for example, m1 for aarch64-m1. # # --kernel-source # Pre-configured Linux kernel source .tar.* archive. If unspecified, Debian # source/configuration will be used. # usage="usage: $0" owd="$(pwd)" trap "{ cd '$owd'; exit 1; }" ERR set -o errtrace # Trap in functions. function info () { echo "$*" 1>&2; } function error () { info "$*"; exit 1; } id="$(id -un)" btrfs=/btrfs root="$btrfs/$id/buildos" arch="$(uname -m)" case "$arch" in x86_64) debian_arch=amd64 ;; aarch64) debian_arch=arm64 ;; *) error "unsupported architecture: $arch" ;; esac # Source distribution and packages. Base packages are installed on stage 1 via # debootstrap. Extra packages are added on stage 4 via apt-get install. The # idea is to be able to add extra packages without upgrading the base system. # When we do upgrade the base system we normally move the extras to base. # # Notes: # # - some packages (such as CPU microcode updates) are in non-free. # - systemd-container seems to be required by host systemd-nspawn. # - must explicitly select between dbus and dbus-broker # - not installing linux-image-* since building custom below # release="testing" components="main,contrib,non-free" mirror="http://http.us.debian.org/debian/" #mirror="https://http.us.debian.org/debian/" base_pkgs="locales,klibc-utils,sudo" base_pkgs+=",udev,dbus,systemd-timesyncd,systemd-container" base_pkgs+=",kmod,linux-base,firmware-linux-free,irqbalance" base_pkgs+=",pciutils,usbutils,dmidecode" base_pkgs+=",hdparm,btrfs-progs" base_pkgs+=",lm-sensors,smartmontools,linux-cpupower" base_pkgs+=",psmisc" base_pkgs+=",net-tools,iproute2,iptables,isc-dhcp-client" base_pkgs+=",ifupdown,bridge-utils,dnsmasq,postfix" base_pkgs+=",iputils-ping,wget,curl,ca-certificates" base_pkgs+=",openssh-client,openssh-server" base_pkgs+=",tftp-hpa,tftpd-hpa" base_pkgs+=",zstd,xz-utils" base_pkgs+=",less,nano,time" base_pkgs+=",g++,make" base_pkgs+=",qemu-utils,socat" case "$arch" in x86_64) base_pkgs+=",cpuid" base_pkgs+=",intel-microcode" #,amd64-microcode base_pkgs+=",qemu-system-x86" ;; aarch64) base_pkgs+=",qemu-system-arm" ;; esac extra_pkgs="" # Options. # stage=1 stage_max=6 arch_variant= kernel_source= while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --stage) shift stage="$1" shift ;; --arch-variant) shift arch_variant="$1" shift ;; --kernel-source) shift kernel_source="$1" shift ;; -*) error "unknown option: $1" ;; *) break ;; esac done if [ "$stage" -lt "1" -o "$stage" -gt "$stage_max" ]; then error "invalid stage number $stage" fi arch_with_variant="$arch" if [ -n "$arch_variant" ]; then arch_with_variant="$arch_with_variant-$arch_variant" fi # Extract version. # version="$(sed -n -re 's/^version: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*$/\1/p' ./manifest)" version_id="$(sed -n -re 's/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\.[0-9]+$/\1/p' <<<"$version")" if [ -z "$version" -o -z "$version_id" ]; then error "unable to extract version from manifest" fi # Btrfs subvolume manipulation. # function subvol_delete () # { # The subvol show (just as list) needs root. # if sudo btrfs subvol show "$1" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then btrfs property set -ts "$1" ro false btrfs subvol delete "$1" fi } function subvol_create () # { btrfs subvol create "$@" } function subvol_snapshot () # [-r] { btrfs subvol snapshot "$@" } # Clean up the working subvolume and all the snapshots starting from the # requested stage. Also, if stage is not 1, then restore the working subvolume # from the previous stage snapshot. # subvol_delete "$root" for i in $(seq "$stage" "$stage_max"); do subvol_delete "$root-$i" done if [ "$stage" -gt "1" ]; then i="$(($stage - 1))" info "restoring working subvolume from stage $i snapshot" subvol_snapshot "$root-$i" "$root" fi # Spawn a systemd namespace container (systemd-nspawn) # function nspawn () # { local r="$1" shift # systemd-nspawn appears to carry over the root directory owner into the # container which then causes other issues (Debian bug#950684). # # @@ Looking around didn't reveal any way (e.g., an option) to fix this. # Perhaps newer systemd-nspawn does the right thing automatically? # ug="$(stat --format="%G:%U" "$r")" sudo chown root:root "$r" sudo systemd-nspawn --register=no -D "$r" "$@" sudo chown "$ug" "$r" # systemd-nspawn may create the /var/lib/{machines,portables} subvolumes # which prevents the deletion of the containing submodule. So we clean'em # up. # for s in /var/lib/machines /var/lib/portables; do if sudo btrfs subvol show "$r$s" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then sudo btrfs subvol delete "$r$s" fi done } # (Over)write or append to a file in the installation root, for example: # # write <<<'localhost' /etc/hostname # function write () # [] { local r="$2" if [ -z "$r" ]; then r="$root" fi sudo tee "$r$1" >/dev/null } function append () # [] { local r="$2" if [ -z "$r" ]; then r="$root" fi sudo tee -a "$r$1" >/dev/null } # Stage 1: debootstrap, phase 1. # if [ "$stage" -eq "1" ]; then subvol_create "$root" sudo debootstrap \ --foreign \ --arch="$debian_arch" \ --merged-usr \ --variant=minbase \ --components="$components" \ --include="$base_pkgs" \ "$release" "$root" "$mirror" # Post-phase 1 fixups. # # Set the initial hostname to 'localhost'. This value is detected and # overriden by /sbin/dhclient-script if the DHCP server sends host-name. # write <<<'localhost' /etc/hostname # Set timezone to UTC (picked up by tzdata package during stage 2). # write <<<'Etc/UTC' /etc/timezone subvol_snapshot -r "$root" "$root-1" fi # Stage 2: debootstrap, phase 2. # if [ "$stage" -le "2" ]; then # Create a bootstrap script that will finish the bootstrap from within the # installation via systemd-nspawn. # sudo mkdir "$root/bootstrap" write <&2 bash exit 1 fi rm -f /etc/localtime cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime chattr +i /etc/localtime # Change /etc/os-release, /etc/issue, /etc/motd. # cat </etc/os-release NAME="Build OS" VERSION="$version" ID=buildos ID_LIKE=debian PRETTY_NAME="Build OS $version (Based on Debian)" VERSION_ID="$version_id" HOME_URL="https://build2.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://lists.build2.org/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://lists.build2.org/" EOF1 cat </etc/issue Build OS $version (Based on Debian) \n \l EOF1 cat </etc/motd Welcome to Build OS $version (https://build2.org)! EOF1 # Make root login passwordless (we disable SSH root login in init). # passwd -d root # Enable IPv4 forwarding (used for private bridge NAT). # sed -i -e 's/^# *\(net.ipv4.ip_forward\).*/\1=1/' /etc/sysctl.conf # Setup locale. We only support en_US.UTF-8. # sed -i -e 's/^# *\(en_US.UTF-8\)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen locale-gen --purge cat </etc/default/locale LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LANGUAGE="en_US:en" EOF1 EOF sudo chmod u+x "$root/bootstrap/bootstrap" # Notes: # # - Failed to create directory .../sys/fs/selinux: Read-only file system is # harmless and fixed upstream (systemd issue#3748). # nspawn "$root" /bootstrap/bootstrap subvol_snapshot -r "$root" "$root-2" fi # Stage 3: kernel build. # if [ "$stage" -le "3" ]; then # Create the setup service that will be used by both this stage and the # setup stage below. Note that we will do actual building (which requires # installing extra packages) in a snapshot on the side. # sudo mkdir -p "$root/bootstrap" # Note that when started via systemd-nspawn, we get /dev/console, not # /dev/tty0. # write <linux/.config else tar xf $kernel_source mv \$(sed -re 's/(.+)\.tar\..+/\1/' <<<$kernel_source) linux endif cd linux # Adjust configuration. # if [ -z "$kernel_source" ]; then # Note that SECURITY_LOCKDOWN_LSM forces MODULE_SIG ('select' in Kconfig). # # Generally, if you disable an option but it still appears enabled after # the kernel build, search for 'select XXX' in Kconfig* and also disable # any found symbols. # scripts/config --disable KCSAN scripts/config --disable SECURITY_LOCKDOWN_LSM scripts/config --disable MODULE_SIG scripts/config --set-str BUILD_SALT '' scripts/config --set-str SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS '' scripts/config --enable INIT_STACK_NONE scripts/config --disable INIT_STACK_ALL_PATTERN scripts/config --disable INIT_STACK_ALL_ZERO scripts/config --enable DEBUG_INFO_NONE scripts/config --disable DEBUG_INFO_DWARF_TOOLCHAIN_DEFAULT # aarch64/5.19 additions: # scripts/config --disable KCOV scripts/config --disable SHADOW_CALL_STACK scripts/config --disable VIDEO_ADV7511 # Disable sound subsystem/drivers. # sed -i -re '/^CONFIG_SND_.+/d' .config sed -i -re '/^CONFIG_SOUND_.+/d' .config scripts/config --disable CONFIG_SOUND scripts/config --disable CONFIG_SND # Disable GPU subsystem/drivers. # # NOTE: this seems to have killed the high-resolution console. # sed -i -re '/^CONFIG_DRM_.+/d' .config scripts/config --disable CONFIG_DRM # Disable wireless network drivers. # scripts/config --disable CONFIG_WLAN fi # Adjust kernel command line size limit. # sed -i -re 's/^(#define COMMAND_LINE_SIZE).+\$/\1 4096/' arch/x86/include/asm/setup.h sed -i -re 's/^(#define COMMAND_LINE_SIZE).+\$/\1 4096/' arch/arm64/include/uapi/asm/setup.h # Change certain network diagnostics from pr_info() to pr_debug() (otherwise # to drowns out any useful diagnostics). # patch net/core/dev.c <br, "port %u(%s) entered %s state\n", + br_debug(p->br, "port %u(%s) entered %s state\n", EOP patch net/ipv6/addrconf.c </etc/sudoers.d/build echo "Defaults:build !syslog" >>/etc/sudoers.d/build chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/build # Clean up package cache and fetched repository information. # apt-get clean rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists # Strip GCC executables (Debian bug #998841). Fixed but let's keep the command # around in case it pops up again. # #strip \$(find /usr/lib/gcc -type f -executable) # Clean up /bootstrap. # rm /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/buildos-setup.service rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/buildos-setup.service rm -r /bootstrap # Shutdown. # systemctl poweroff EOF sudo chmod u+x "$root/bootstrap/setup" nspawn "$root" --boot subvol_snapshot -r "$root" "$root-4" fi # Stage 5: generate rootfs. # if [ "$stage" -le "5" ]; then # Note that there is also initramfs image that is embedded into kernel. In # Debian it contains just /dev/console and /root/. # # Quite a few files/directories are only accessible by root (e.g., /root) so # we run under sudo. # # Note also that without --check=crc32 the kernel will not be able to # decompress things. # root_dirs="build dev etc mnt root usr var" root_links="bin sbin lib lib32 lib64" info "generating buildos-rootfs.cpio.xz..." cd "$root" sudo find $root_dirs $root_links -print0 | \ sudo cpio --null -o -H newc | \ xz -9 --check=crc32 >"$owd/buildos-rootfs.cpio.xz" cd "$owd" subvol_snapshot -r "$root" "$root-5" fi # Stage 6: generate initrd. # if [ "$stage" -le "6" ]; then # Generate buildid and store it in /etc/os-release and in buildos-buildid. # These are used by the monitor to detect when it's time to reboot. # # Note that /etc/os-release is a symlink to /usr/lib/os-release. # buildid="$(uuidgen)" sudo tee -a "$root/etc/os-release" >/dev/null <<<"BUILD_ID=\"$buildid\"" # Install init and buildos monitor. # sudo install -m 755 ./init "$root/" sudo install -m 755 ./buildos "$root/usr/sbin/" sudo install -m 644 ./buildos.service "$root/usr/lib/systemd/system/" sudo ln -sf "$root/usr/lib/systemd/system/buildos.service" \ "$root/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/buildos.service" # Patch in the arch variant. # sudo sed -i -e "s/^arch_variant=.*/arch_variant=$arch_variant/" \ "$root/usr/sbin/buildos" info "generating buildos-init.cpio.xz..." cd "$root" sudo cpio -o -H newc <"$owd/buildos-init.cpio.xz" usr/lib/os-release init usr/sbin/buildos usr/lib/systemd/system/buildos.service etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/buildos.service EOF cd "$owd" cat buildos-rootfs.cpio.xz \ buildos-init.cpio.xz >"buildos-initrd-$arch_with_variant" # Copy the kernel image next to the initramfs for convenience. # cp "$root/vmlinuz" "buildos-image-$arch_with_variant" echo "$buildid" >"buildos-buildid-$arch_with_variant" subvol_snapshot -r "$root" "$root-6" fi