path: root/release.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 307 deletions
diff --git a/release.txt b/release.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 350bbaf..0000000
--- a/release.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-@@ Need to sync hello/* projects with latest bdep-new output (and re-tag)
-@@ No upgrade testing
-- Add new bot machines/configurations/options from stage to queue to public
- @@ See paper in Build OS filder.
- @@ Might have to be done at release if things are incompatible. Maybe
- better/cleaner to always do this at release.
-- Replace 0.7.0 and 0.7 in this document with the new version.
-- Remove etc/ and private/ from modules in etc/git/modules to reduce
- noise during stat. Also, review for any new modules.
-- Review '@@' items [private/ excluded, update with new modules, at least
- look for @@ TMP; also check the review script for any new modules]:
- etc/review | less -R
-- Identify packages that will be released (see etc/stage). They should all be
- staged and built successfully, including submodule-updated build2-toolchain
- and baseutils/mingw. Review stageing/0/ and staging/1/ for anything stray.
-- Update and test local builds:
- b test: build2/ bpkg/ bdep/ brep/ bbot/ libbutl/ libbpkg/ libbbot/
- b msvc-linux/
-- Stage hello projects and test:
- cd hello
- ./foreach-git pull
- ./foreach-git stat
- ./stage
- cd ..
- etc/intro -s `pwd`/hello/repository/1/
- etc/intro -s
- - Make sure all the bot builds are successful (drop build db).
-- Test bootstrap build2-toolchain using scripts/batch files (bot builds
- are using makefile). Need to test, build-*.bat. Now test via
- automated install files: see private/install/testing.txt for details.
-- Update NEWS files in all project that will have non-pre-release version.
-- Review documentation for (1) sample output changes and (2) still being
- relevant/making sense:
- - Testscript manual (for 1, see hello/hello-testscript).
- - Install guide for (for 1 & 2).
- - Introduction for (for 1 & 2). Use intro script to get output:
- ./intro2-tldr 2>&1 | tee intro2-tldr.out
- ./intro2-tour 2>&1 | tee intro2-tour.out
-- Change to final versions for all packages being released, some by hand,
- some with version scripts (see etc/stage for list + msvc-linux).
- - Close schema versions. Review schema changlog difference from previous
- release (tag) for any data migration that may be required (would also
- need to test this).
- - Push and update all submodules in buil2-toolchain
- - Regenerate all odb & docs (in both packages and inside build2-toolchain)
- - Bootstrap then update and test local
- cd build2
- b clean
- git cout build2/version.hxx build2/b-options.?xx
- ./ g++-6
- cd ..
- b-boot '{clean update}(libbutl/ build2/)'
- b clean: bpkg/ bdep/ brep/ bbot/ libbpkg/ libbbot/ msvc-linux/
- Then the local test step above.
- - Cleanup staging repo:
- rm -r staging/0/*
- rm -r staging/repository/1/*/
- - Restage with -b:
- etc/stage -b
- - Check /0/ and /1/ for anything stray
- - restage hello (libstd-modules)
-- Upgrade brep on (queue and main repo) using stage
-- Queue packages:
- - Change BUILD2_REPO in build2-toolchain build scripts to queue
- - Change build.version.stage in build2/build2/context.cxx to false.
- - Cleanup queue repo:
- rm -rf*
- rm -rf*/
- - Queue
- etc/stage -q -b
- - check /0/ and /1/ for anything stray
- @@ Add extra packages (cli, libcutl, mysql/mariadb).
- - Make sure bot builds are successful
-- Upgrade brep on (hello) using queue
-- Publish and test hello
- cd hello
- ./foreach-git stat
- ./stage -p
- cd ..
- etc/intro -s
- - Drop build database (package versions do not change)
- - Make sure bot builds are successful
-- Publish and test toolchain
- - Change BUILD2_REPO in build2-toolchain build script to public
- - Regenerate build2-toolchain package in
- etc/stage -p
- @@ Remove *-queue install scripts.
- - Move packages (manually for now):
- - old/replaced/FTB packages either to legacy or delete
- - from queue to appropriate repositories (don't override existing)
- - Regenerate the repository
- cd
- git -C repository add .
- git -C repository status # Review changes.
- ./update
- - Disable the queue toolchain on bbots (moved packages from queue/),
- delete distribution
- echo disabled | ssh tee >/dev/null \
- /var/www/
- ssh rm -r /var/www/*/
- - Publish everything to
- etc/publish
- - Make sure bot builds are successful, drop hello build database again.
- @@ First test automated install scripts.
-- Release
- - Update submodules (style/) in private/.
- - Write release notes, use placeholder for announcement URL (or guess).
- Add link from the doc page.
- - Any new FAQ entries or any other updates (main page, etc)? Any new
- documentation to link from the doc page?
- - Update download page.
- cat `ls -1 *.sha256`
- - Update install page.
- cat toolchain.sha256
- - Regenerate documentation (./ for all hosts.
- - Test locally, publish, test production
- cd private/
- ./publish --dry-run
- ./publish
- - Write and send the announcement to mailing lists.
- cat `ls -1 *.sha256`
- - Remember upgrade instructions.
- - Add reply-to: header for users@ announcement.
- - Patch/verify the announcement URL in release notes, re-publish.
- - Announce on reddit and other places (see doc/ann/).
- - Commit and tag private/ and style/
- git tag -a 0.7.0 -m "Tag version 0.7.0" && git push --follow-tags
-- Tag & Commit hello
- cd hello
- ./foreach-git stat
- - commit hello/repository/ (see commit history for procedure)
- git tag -a build2-0.7.0 -m "Tag for build2 version 0.7.0" && git push --follow-tags
-- Tag & Commit
- - commit & push (see commit history for procedure;
- commit big chunks first, then reorder with rebase).
- - Tag and push all released packages, some by hand, some with tag scripts
- (see etc/stage for list but also packages added ad hoc with etc/stage-pkg).
- @@ Use vX.Y.Z tag for packages that are bpkg/bdep-ready (i.e., have
- suitable repositories.manifest if required).
- cd <proj>
- # X.Y.Z
- v="$(sed -n -re 's/version: ([^ ]+)/\1/p' manifest)"; echo $v; read; \
- git tag -a $v -m "Tag version $v" && git push --follow-tags
- # vX.Y.Z
- v="$(sed -n -re 's/version: ([^ ]+)/\1/p' manifest)"; echo v$v; read; \
- git tag -a v$v -m "Tag version $v" && git push --follow-tags
- For build2 projects, review tag_modules in etc/git/modules, then:
- ./ 0.7.0
- ./
-- Increment versions and open master for business
- - Change to next development versions for all released packages, some by
- hand, some with version scripts (see etc/stage for list + msvc-linux).
- cd <proj>
- ~ edit manifest
- v="$(sed -n -re 's/version: ([^ ]+)/\1/p' manifest)"; echo $v; read; \
- git ci -a -m "Bump version to $v, master is open for business" && git push
- - In build2-toolchain, update all submodules (including libodb*, etc),
- change BUILD2_REPO to staging.
- - Regenerate odb & cli docs everywhere (packages and build2-toolchain).
- New sequence:
- ~ rebuild ODB compiler
- @@ bdep sync -fura
- @@ b hxx{version} # first lib*, then projects, then
- - Update/test local (see early steps of this list).
- - Make symlinks for new version in baseutils (for both baseutils and mingw,
- the idea is that we will start with those and maybe upgrade during
- development).
- - Restage
- rm -r staging/0/*
- rm -r staging/repository/1/*/
- etc/stage -b
- - Make sure bbot builds of the new development snapshot are successful.
-- Commit etc/
- - Restore changes to etc/git/modules
- - Change all '+ ' back to '- '.
- - Commit and tag
- git tag -a 0.7.0 -m "Tag version 0.7.0" && git push --follow-tags
-- Snapshot buildos subvolumes as buildos-0.7.0
- btrfs subvolume snapshot buildos-3 buildos-3-0.7.0
- btrfs subvolume snapshot buildos-6 buildos-6-0.7.0