// file : doc/release.cli // copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Code Synthesis Ltd // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file "\title=Release Process" // NOTES // // - Maximum
 line is 70 characters.

"\h1|Table of Contents|"


Review the state and services list (currently on paper) for any new additions.
Consider how/when they are updated/tested during the release process.


The staging repository is completely independent which means it must contain
all the \c{build2} dependencies (plus a few extra packages for testing; see
the \c{etc/stage} script for the complete list). This in turn means that if
any of these dependencies are in the unreleased state, then they should go
through the applicable steps in this section (e.g., updating of \c{NEWS}, etc)
and then be queued and published (effectively released) as part of the
\c{build2} release. Generally, however, we should strive to not unnecessarily
bundle the release of dependencies with the release of \c{build2} to keep
the process as streamlined as possible.

\N|When unbundling the release of a dependency we need to remove its
distribution from \c{etc/stage} and add the pre-distributed packages
(for example, from \c{public}) to \c{staging/repository/1/}.|



\li|Current \c{stage} build is clean.||

\h#copy|Update copyright if new year|

  Use the \c{git/copyright} script. See the script header for instructions.

\h#etc|Update \c{etc/git/modules}|

  Review for any new modules. Remove \c{etc/} and \c{private/} from
  \c{modules} to reduce noise during stat.

\h#review|Review \c{@@}|

  Review \c{@@} notes:

  etc/review | less -R

  At least look for \c{@@\ TMP}

  etc/review.sh | grep TMP

\h#review-db|Review database schema changes|

  Review database schema changelog differences in \c{bpkg}, \c{bdep}, and
  \c{brep} compared to the previous release (tag) for any schema/data
  migration that may be required (if something is missing, then it would also
  have to be tested).

\h#news|Update \c{NEWS} files|

  Update in all projects (including dependencies) that will have a release

  See \c{etc/stage} for the complete list.

\h#packaging|Release \c{packaging/} dependencies|

  Release dependencies that have the snapshot version as described in

  \N|Maybe this should be done during queuing? Why do we release (but not
     publish) these now and other dependencies later?|

\h#dependencies|Finalize all other dependencies|

  Make sure all other unreleased dependencies listed in \c{etc/stage} are
  ready to be released. Effectively, the only remaining step should be to
  change the version.

  Do this in the dependency order and finish each off with:

  git pull && bdep sync -fura && bdep test -ar

\h#upgrade-dep|Upgrade dependencies|

  Upgrade all dependencies in the \c{build2} toolchain build:


\h#hello|Update \c{hello/} projects|

  These projects should closely track the output of \c{bdep-new(1)}. The
  recommended procedure is to generate a new project with the same name and
  then review/resolve the differences with \c{diff\ -ru}.

  Every change in these projects must be accompanied by a revision increment
  and a re-tag. This should be managed with \c{bdep-release(1)}:

  # make changes
  git add .
  bdep release --revision --show-push
  # review commit
  git push ...

  Once done, run the \c{intro} scripts and review any changes in the output
  (this information will be helpful on the next step):

  cd etc

  ./intro2-tldr 2>&1 | tee intro2-tldr.out
  diff -u intro2-tldr.orig intro2-tldr.out  # Or use gitk.
  mv intro2-tldr.out intro2-tldr.orig

  ./intro2-tour 2>&1 | tee intro2-tour.out
  diff -u intro2-tour.orig intro2-tour.out  # Or use gitk.
  mv intro2-tour.out intro2-tour.orig

\h#doc|Review documentation|

  Review the following documentation for (1) sample output changes and (2)
  still being relevant/making sense.

  \N|Ideally this should be done during development but it's easy to forget.
     Also, check if there is any new documentation that has been added that is
     not on the below list.|


    \li|Install guide: 1 & 2.|

    \li|Toolchain introduction: 1 & 2 (use \c{intro} script output).|

    \li|Introduction in the build system manual: 1 (uses \c{bdep-new(1)}

    \li|Testscript manual: 1.||

\h#submod|Update all submodules|

  Make sure all working trees are clean. Review \c{sub_modules} in
  \c{etc/git/modules} for any missing new modules, then:

  \N|\c{etc/} and \c{private/} need to be committed manually.|

  ./commit.sh # If changes.

  cd build2-toolchain

  git submodule update --remote --checkout
  git submodule foreach git submodule update --init --recursive

  git status  # There should only be 'new commits'; see README-GIT

  git commit -a -m \"Update submodules\"
  git push

\h#stage-machines|Update \c{stage} \c{buildtab}s and build machines|

  Review \c{stage} \c{buildtab} for any configurations to drop (for example,
  an intermediate version of a compiler).

  Based on these changes update \c{stage} CI \c{buildtab}, which is a subset
  of the \c{stage} configurations (and is a base for the \c{queue}/\c{public}

  Review deployed machines against the updated \c{stage} \c{buildtab} and
  remove those that are no longer used:

  cd private/buildos/

  ./ls-machines -c stage -c devel


  Also review deployed machines against the latest available versions and
  upgrade those that are not the latest:

  cd private/buildos/

  ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\"
  ./ls-machines -c stage -c devel

  ~/work/build2/buildos/upload-machine  .../new-ver .../old-ver


  Confirm \c{stage} and \c{devel} \c{buildos} images, hardware-specific
  configurations are the same.

  Review \c{staging/0/} and \c{staging/repository/1/} for anything stray.

  Restage with \c{baseutils}/\c{mingw} regeneration:

  etc/stage -b

  Upgrade \c{brep} on \c{stage} and sync latest \c{buildtab}s.

  Verify \c{stage} build is clean, nothing is unbuilt.

\h#install-stage|Test install scripts|

  Test \l{https://stage.build2.org/0/ \c{stage} install scripts}, including
  upgrading, as described in \c{private/install/testing.txt}.

  Also test \c{bootstrap-mingw.bat} and \c{bootstrap.sh} (preferably on
  something less mainstream like FreeBSD) since not exercised as part of




\li|Final \c{stage} build is clean.|

\li|Build with the \c{queue} toolchain is inactive.||

\h#queue-repo|Review \c{queue} repository|

  Pull, review, and clean the \c{queue} \c{git} repository for any stale
  packages or anything (ownership, etc) that may conflict with packages being

  Also clean toolchain distribution:

  rm -rf cppget.org/queue/0/*

\h#version-release|Change to release version|

  Change to the release version in all the packages being released and tag
  (see \c{etc/stage} for the list). Use \c{bdep-release(1)} unless a custom
  versioning/tagging scripts are used:

  bdep release --no-open --show-push [--alpha|--beta]
  # review commit
  git push ...

  Do this in the dependency order and finish each off with:

  bdep sync -fura && bdep update

  For the \c{build2} packages (commit but don't push after each step if


    \li|Close schema versions in \c{bpkg}, \c{bdep}, and \c{brep}.|

    \li|Change \c{BUILD2_STAGE} in \c{build2/build2/config.hxx.in} to \c{false}.|

    \li|If necessary, update minimum \c{build2} and \c{bpkg} version
        requirements in projects generated by \c{bdep-new}.|

    \li|Change version by updating (including with new modules) and then

       git -C build2-toolchain commit --amend # \"Change version to X.Y.Z\"


    \li|Tag by executing \c{tag.sh\ }.|

    \li|Regenerate documentation in each package.|

    \li|Upgrade all dependencies in configure-only mode by executing
    \c{etc/upgrade\ -c}.|

    \li|Trigger regeneration of version files (might require several runs
        to \"close off\"):

        BDEP_SYNC=0 b --match-only ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7-asan/

        If using GCC prior to 8 then might also need explicit version target

        BDEP_SYNC=0 b ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7-asan/.../hxx{version}


    \li|Regenerate ODB in relevant packages passing upgraded configuration
        path explicitly (\c{bdep} is not runnable):

       ./odb.sh ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7-asan/


    \li|Finish upgrading all dependencies by executing in the upgraded

       BDEP_SYNC=0 b ~/work/build2/builds/gcc7-asan/


  Verify key tests pass (in particular, the \c{bdep} tests will now be running
  against \c{public} services):

  b test: build2/ bpkg/ bdep/

  \N|We could have queued after this step before preparing
     \c{build2-toolchain}. However, splitting this seems to only increase
     complexity without any major benefits (it's not hard to update submodules
     and regenerated \c{build2-toolchain} if there are any issues with
     packages). Plus we can start testing install scripts, etc.|

  Next push the above changes and update all submodules in


  cd build2-toolchain

  git submodule update --remote --checkout

  git status  # There should only be 'new commits'; see README-GIT

  git commit -a -m \"Update submodules\"

  As well as (commit after each step if required):


    \li|Regenerate documentation in each package inside as well as in
        \c{build2-toolchain} itself.|

    \li|Update ODB by copying relevant files from the previous step (trust
        me, this is the easy way). Make sure all \c{*-odb.*} are copied!|

    \li|Change \c{BUILD2_REPO} in \c{build2-toolchain} build scripts to

  Finally, push the changes:

  git push


   Prepare packages and the toolchain distribution:

   etc/stage -q -b

   Sort non-alpha packages from \c{cppget.org/queue/1/alpha/} into appropriate
   sections (we could probably automate this similar to \c{bdep-release(1)}).
   Also check if any of them are already in \c{public}.

   Note also that we assume all the packages already have the corresponding
   ownership information either in \c{queue} or \c{public}. However, if any
   new packages were added, then that will have to be added as well.

   Commit and push queue repository:

   cd cppget.org/queue/
   git add .
   git ci -m \"Queue build2 toolchain X.Y.Z\"
   git push

\h#build-public|Verify queued packages build with \c{public}|

   This makes sure that the new version can be built with the old toolchain.

   While all the packages should build (except perhaps \c{libhello} which,
   being based on the latest \c{bdep-new(1)} output, may use new features),
   some tests may fail. In particular, we will be running \c{bpkg} tests using
   a previous version of the build system and \c{bdep} tests also using a
   previous version of \c{bpkg}. None of that is or will be supported. So
   for now we manually review all the failed builds for anything suspicious
   and in the future we may skip tests if the tool versions mismatch.

\h#install-queue|Test install scripts|

  Test \l{https://download.build2.org/queue/ \c{queue} install scripts}. Here
  we just smoke-test each script on its \"primary\" platform and make sure
  \c{queue} URLs/repositories are used.

\h#upgrade-brep-bpub|Upgrade \c{brep} and \c{bpub} on \c{cppget.org}|

  Upgrade \c{brep} and \c{bpub} using the queued toolchain according
  to \c{private/brep-bpub-upgrade.txt}.

  After upgrade, drop all package builds for \c{public} and \c{queue} and
  verify there are no regressions. This makes sure that the \c{brep} services
  in the new version are usable with the old toolchain. If there are issues,
  they have to be fixed by publishing/queuing revisions.

  \N|The \c{bdep} tests that exercise CI and publishing services do it in the
  simulation mode. To properly test that these services are compatible with
  the old version of the toolchain we would need to CI/publish a real test
  package manually.|

\h#start-queue|Start \c{queue} builds|

  Update \c{queue} \c{buildtab} based on the \c{stage} CI \c{buildtab}
  (normally just a copy sans the sanitized toolchain configurations).

  \N|Note that the \c{queue} \c{buildtab} is shared between \c{public} and
     \c{queue} builds. As a result, after this update, \c{public} build hosts
     may not have some of the new (or renamed) build machines.|

  Adjust \c{stage} and \c{devel} build host configurations to enable the
  \c{queue} toolchain. Shift most instances from \c{stage} to \c{queue}
  in the hardware class-specific configurations. Regenerate affected
  configurations and reboot build hosts:

  cd private/buildos/

  ./gen-config stage 
  ./gen-config devel 

  ./po-hosts -r -c stage -c devel

  Verify both \c{queue} and \c{public} builds with the queued toolchain,
  fixing any breakages with revisions, moving to legacy, and/or queuing
  replacements. We can only proceed further once we have a \"resolution\"
  for every (newly) broken package.

\h#stop-queue|Stop \c{queue} builds|

  Adjust \c{stage} and \c{devel} build host configurations to disable the
  \c{queue} toolchain (comment out). Regenerate affected configurations and
  reboot build hosts as on the previous step.




\li|A \"resolution\" is queued or published for every (newly) broken package.||

\h#public-machines|Update \c{public} \c{buildtab}s and build machines|

  Poweroff the old set of \c{public} build hosts:

  ./po-hosts -c public

  Update \c{public} \c{buildtab}s based on the \c{queue} \c{buildtab}
  (normally just a copy).

  Adjust build host configurations (hardware classes, etc) and add/remove
  new/old build hosts.

  Replace the \c{public} \c{buildos} image on \c{build-cache} with the
  one for \c{stage}.

  Comment out the \c{public} toolchain in the build host configuration
  (effectively making it a no-toolchain configuration) and power on the new
  set of \c{public} build hosts.

  Review deployed machines against the updated \c{public} \c{buildtab} and
  remove those that are no longer used:

  cd private/buildos/

  ./ls-machines -c public


  Also review deployed machines against the latest available versions and
  upgrade those that are not the latest:

  cd private/buildos/

  ./ls-machines -l \"/btrfs/$(whoami)/machines/default/\"
  ./ls-machines -c public

  ~/work/build2/buildos/upload-machine  .../new-ver .../old-ver

  Uncomment the \c{public} toolchain in the build host configuration. The
  only remaining step is to reboot (not yet):

  ./po-hosts -r -c public

\h#pub-dist|Publish distribution|

  Change \c{BUILD2_REPO} in \c{build2-toolchain} build scripts to \c{public}
  and publish the distribution (this also cleans/disables the \c{queue}

  etc/stage -p

\h#pub-pkg|Publish packages|

  Move packages (manually for now) from the \c{queue} to \c{public} \c{git}
  repository, including ownership information. Move old/replaced/FTB
  packages either to legacy or delete.

  Commit everything (see the commit log for procedure @@ this needs
  automation) and push (which should trigger auto-publish). Note: commit and
  push both \c{queue} and \c{public} \c{git} repositories.

  Note that once published, the existing install instructions/download
  links are no longer usable, so do not linger.

\h#start-public|Start \c{public} builds|

  Reboot \c{public} build hosts. They should next bootstrap and proceed
  with building all packages.

\h#install-public|Test install scripts|

  Test \l{https://download.build2.org/ \c{public} install scripts}. Here
  we just smoke-test each script on its \"primary\" platform and make sure
  \c{public} URLs/repositories are used.

\h#web|Update web|


  \li|Write release notes, use placeholder for announcement URL (or guess).
      Add link from the \c{doc.cli}. Add blog entry.|

  \li|Add any new FAQ entries or any other updates (main page, etc). Any new
      documentation to link from the Doc page?|

  \li|Update the Download page.

      cat `ls -1 cppget.org/public/0/X.Y.Z/*.sha256`


  \li|Update the Install page.

      cat cppget.org/public/0/toolchain.sha256


  \li|Regenerate documentation in \c{private/} for all hosts:

      cd private/

      cd /www/


  \li|Test locally, publish, and test remote:

      cd private/
      ./publish --dry-run




  \li|Write and send the announcement to the mailing lists.

      cat `ls -1 cppget.org/public/0/X.Y.Z/*.sha256`

      Add \c{reply-to:} header for \c{users@} announcement.|

  \li|Patch (or verify) the announcement URL in release notes, re-publish.|

  \li|Announce on reddit, slack, and other relevant places.||

\h#tag|Commit, tag, and push the rest.|

   Tag \c{build2-toolchain}:

   cd build2-toolchain
   git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m \"Tag version X.Y.Z\"
   git push --follow-tags

   Add \c{etc/} and \c{private/} back to \c{modules} in \c{etc/git/modules}
   (essentially reverse \l{#etc Update \c{etc/git/modules}}).

   Finalize changes, commit, tag, and push \c{style/}, \c{etc/}, and

   Snapshot \c{buildos} subvolumes:

   btrfs subvolume snapshot buildos-3 buildos-3-X.Y.Z
   btrfs subvolume snapshot buildos-6 buildos-6-X.Y.Z


\h#version-snapshot|Change to snapshot version|

  Change to the snapshot version in all the released packages. Use
  \c{bdep-release(1)} unless a custom versioning script is used:

  bdep release --open --show-push [--open-*]
  # review commit
  git push ...

  Essentially, the same steps as in \l{#version-release Change to
  release version} (but no tagging).

\h#stage-machines-reopen|Update \c{stage} \c{buildtab}s and build machines|

  Essentially, the same steps as in \l{#public-machines Update \c{public}
  \c{buildtab}s and build machines} but for stage. Some differences:

  Clean \c{buildtab}s (both \c{stage} and CI) by removing no longer relevant
  configurations, moving some to \c{legacy}, etc.

  More generally, this is the time to do sweeping changes such as renaming
  machines/configurations, adjusting classes, etc. This is also the time to
  rebalance machines across available hosts.


  Make symlinks for the new version in \c{private/baseutils} (for both
  \c{baseutils} and \c{mingw}; the idea is that we will start with those and
  maybe upgrade later).

  Then cleanup and restage:

  rm -r staging/0/*
  rm -r staging/repository/1/*/

  etc/stage -b

\h#start-stage|Start \c{stage} builds|

  Reboot \c{stage} build hosts. They should next bootstrap and proceed with
  building all the staged packages. Make sure all the builds of the new
  development snapshot are successful and there is nothing unbuilt.

\h#commit-reopen|Commit and push \c{etc/} and \c{private/}.|

  Commit and push changes to \c{etc/} and \c{private/}.


\h#upgrade-baseutils|Upgrade \c{baseutils}|

  Check for abnormalities in new package sizes. Restage:

  rm -r staging/0/*

  etc/stage -b

  Remember to update the GCC version in the stage \c{buildtab}s for the
  configuration that uses \c{mingw} package.

\h#upgrade-buildos|Upgrade \c{buildos}|

  See \c{bootstrap.txt} for the procedure. Start with the \c{devel}
  configuration and upgrade \c{stage} after testing.

\h#upgrade-build-machines|Upgrade build machines|

  Check every major compiler and OS if a new version is available.

\h#upgrade-packages|Upgrade packages|

  Consider upgrading to new upstream versions in \c{packaging/}.
