import int_libs = libformat%lib{format} import imp_libs = libprint%lib{print} lib{hello}: {hxx cxx}{hello} hxx{export} $imp_libs $int_libs # For pre-releases use the complete version to make sure they cannot be used # in place of another pre-release or the final version. # if $version.pre_release lib{hello}: bin.lib.version = @"-$version.project_id" else lib{hello}: bin.lib.version = @"-$version.major.$version.minor" cxx.poptions =+ "-I$src_root" obja{*}: cxx.poptions += -DLIBHELLO_STATIC_BUILD objs{*}: cxx.poptions += -DLIBHELLO_SHARED_BUILD lib{hello}: cxx.export.poptions = "-I$src_root" liba{hello}: cxx.export.poptions += -DLIBHELLO_STATIC libs{hello}: cxx.export.poptions += -DLIBHELLO_SHARED lib{hello}: cxx.export.libs = $int_libs # Install into the hello/ subdirectory of, say, /usr/include/. # install.include = $install.include/hello/