// file      : butl/diagnostics.cxx -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

#include <butl/diagnostics>

#include <mutex>
#include <iostream> // cerr

using namespace std;

namespace butl
  ostream* diag_stream = &cerr;

  static mutex diag_mutex;

  diag_lock::diag_lock ()
    diag_mutex.lock ();

  diag_lock::~diag_lock ()
    diag_mutex.unlock ();

  void diag_record::
  flush () const
    if (!empty_)
      if (epilogue_ == nullptr)
        os.put ('\n');

          diag_lock l;
          *diag_stream << os.str ();

        // We can endup flushing the result of several writes. The last one may
        // possibly be incomplete, but that's not a problem as it will also be
        // followed by the flush() call.
        diag_stream->flush ();

        empty_ = true;
        // Clear the epilogue in case it calls us back.
        auto e (epilogue_);
        epilogue_ = nullptr;
        e (*this); // Can throw.
        flush ();  // Call ourselves to write the data in case it returns.

  ~diag_record () noexcept (false)
    // Don't flush the record if this destructor was called as part of the
    // stack unwinding.
#ifdef __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions
    if (uncaught_ == std::uncaught_exceptions ())
      flush ();
    // Fallback implementation. Right now this means we cannot use this
    // mechanism in destructors, which is not a big deal, except for one
    // place: exception_guard. Thus the ugly special check.
    if (!std::uncaught_exception () || exception_unwinding_dtor ())
      flush ();