// file      : butl/utility -*- C++ -*-
// copyright : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Code Synthesis Ltd
// license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file


#include <string>
#include <cstddef>    // size_t
#include <utility>    // forward()
#include <cstring>    // strcmp(), strlen()
//#include <functional> // hash

namespace butl
  // Convert ASCII character/string case. If there is no upper/lower case
  // counterpart, leave the character unchanged. The POSIX locale (also known
  // as C locale) must be the current application locale. Otherwise the
  // behavior is undefined.
  // Note that the POSIX locale specifies behaviour on data consisting
  // entirely of characters from the portable character set (subset of ASCII
  // including 103 non-negative characters and English alphabet letters in
  // particular) and the control character set (more about them at
  // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009696899/basedefs/xbd_chap06.html).
  // Also note that according to the POSIX locale definition the case
  // conversion can be applied only to [A-Z] and [a-z] character ranges being
  // translated to each other (more about that at
  // http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/basedefs/xbd_chap07.html#tag_07_02)
  char ucase (char);
  std::string ucase (const char*, std::size_t = std::string::npos);
  std::string ucase (const std::string&);
  std::string& ucase (std::string&);
  void ucase (char*, std::size_t);

  char lcase (char);
  std::string lcase (const char*, std::size_t = std::string::npos);
  std::string lcase (const std::string&);
  std::string& lcase (std::string&);
  void lcase (char*, std::size_t);

  // Compare ASCII characters/strings ignoring case. Behave as if characters
  // had been converted to the lower case and then byte-compared. Return a
  // negative, zero or positive value if the left hand side is less, equal or
  // greater than the right hand side, respectivelly. The POSIX locale (also
  // known as C locale) must be the current application locale. Otherwise the
  // behavior is undefined.
  // The optional size argument specifies the maximum number of characters
  // to compare.
  int casecmp (char, char);

  int casecmp (const std::string&, const std::string&,
               std::size_t = std::string::npos);

  int casecmp (const std::string&, const char*,
               std::size_t = std::string::npos);

  int casecmp (const char*, const char*, std::size_t = std::string::npos);

  // Case-insensitive key comparators (i.e., to be used in sets, maps, etc).
  struct case_compare_string
    bool operator() (const std::string& x, const std::string& y) const
      return casecmp (x, y) < 0;

  struct case_compare_c_string
    bool operator() (const char* x, const char* y) const
      return casecmp (x, y) < 0;

  alpha (char);

  digit (char);

  alnum (char);

  // Key comparators (i.e., to be used in sets, maps, etc).
  struct compare_c_string
    bool operator() (const char* x, const char* y) const noexcept
      return std::strcmp (x, y) < 0;

  struct compare_pointer_target
    template <typename P>
    bool operator() (const P& x, const P& y) const {return *x < *y;}

  //struct hash_pointer_target
  //  template <typename P>
  //  std::size_t operator() (const P& x) const {return std::hash (*x);}

  // Combine one or more hash values.
  inline std::size_t
  combine_hash (std::size_t s, std::size_t h)
    // Magic formula from boost::hash_combine().
    return s ^ (h + 0x9e3779b9 + (s << 6) + (s >> 2));

  template <typename... S>
  inline std::size_t
  combine_hash (std::size_t s, std::size_t h, S... hs)
    return combine_hash (combine_hash (s, h), hs...);

  // Support for reverse iteration using range-based for-loop:
  // for (... : reverse_iterate (x)) ...
  template <typename T>
  class reverse_range
    T x_;

    reverse_range (T&& x): x_ (std::forward<T> (x)) {}

    auto begin () const -> decltype (this->x_.rbegin ()) {return x_.rbegin ();}
    auto end () const -> decltype (this->x_.rend ()) {return x_.rend ();}

  template <typename T>
  inline reverse_range<T>
  reverse_iterate (T&& x) {return reverse_range<T> (std::forward<T> (x));}

#include <butl/utility.ixx>

#endif // BUTL_UTILITY