// file : libbutl/b.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include #include // ios::failure #include #include // move() #include #include #include // next_word(), eof(), etc #include #include #include // operator<<(ostream, process_path) #include using namespace std; namespace butl { b_error:: b_error (const string& d, optional e) : runtime_error (d), exit (move (e)) { } [[noreturn]] static inline void bad_value (const string& d) { throw runtime_error ("invalid " + d); } void b_info (std::vector& r, const vector& projects, b_info_flags fl, uint16_t verb, const function& cmd_callback, const path& program, const dir_path& search_fallback, const vector& ops) { // Bail out if the project list is empty. // if (projects.empty ()) return; // Reserve enough space in the result and save its original size. // size_t rn (r.size ()); { size_t n (rn + projects.size ()); if (r.capacity () < n) r.reserve (n); } try { process_path pp ( process::path_search (program, true /* init */, search_fallback)); process pr; try { fdpipe pipe (fdopen_pipe ()); // Text mode seems appropriate. small_vector vops; // Let's suppress warnings the `b info` command may issue, unless the // verbosity level is 2 (-v) or higher. For example: // // warning: configured src_root prj/ does not match forwarded prj/prj/ // if (verb >= 2) { vops.push_back ("--verbose"); vops.push_back (std::to_string (verb)); } else vops.push_back ("-q"); string spec ("info("); for (size_t i (0); i != projects.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) spec += ' '; spec += '\'' + projects[i].representation () + '\''; } if ((fl & b_info_flags::subprojects) == b_info_flags::none) spec += ",no_subprojects"; spec += ')'; pr = process_start_callback ( cmd_callback ? cmd_callback : [] (const char* const*, size_t) {}, 0 /* stdin */, pipe, 2 /* stderr */, pp, vops, ((fl & b_info_flags::ext_mods) == b_info_flags::none ? "--no-external-modules" : nullptr), "-s", ops, spec); pipe.out.close (); ifdstream is (move (pipe.in), fdstream_mode::skip, ifdstream::badbit); auto parse_name = [] (string&& s, const char* what) { try { return project_name (move (s)); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { bad_value (string (what) + " name '" + s + "': " + e.what ()); } }; auto parse_dir = [] (string&& s, const char* what) { try { return dir_path (move (s)); } catch (const invalid_path& e) { bad_value ( string (what) + " directory '" + e.path + "': " + e.what ()); } }; b_project_info pi; auto add_project = [&r, &pi] () { // Parse version string to standard version if the project loaded // the version module. // const auto& ms (pi.modules); if (find (ms.begin (), ms.end (), "version") != ms.end ()) { try { pi.version = standard_version (pi.version_string, standard_version::allow_stub); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { bad_value ("version '" + pi.version_string + "': " + e.what ()); } } // Add the project info and prepare for the next project info // parsing. // r.push_back (move (pi)); pi = b_project_info (); }; for (string l; !eof (getline (is, l)); ) { if (l.empty ()) { add_project (); } else if (l.compare (0, 9, "project: ") == 0) { string v (l, 9); if (!v.empty ()) pi.project = parse_name (move (v), "project"); } else if (l.compare (0, 9, "version: ") == 0) { pi.version_string = string (l, 9); } else if (l.compare (0, 9, "summary: ") == 0) { pi.summary = string (l, 9); } else if (l.compare (0, 5, "url: ") == 0) { string v (l, 5); if (!v.empty ()) try { pi.url = url (v); } catch (const invalid_argument& e) { bad_value ("url '" + v + "': " + e.what ()); } } else if (l.compare (0, 10, "src_root: ") == 0) { pi.src_root = parse_dir (string (l, 10), "src_root"); } else if (l.compare (0, 10, "out_root: ") == 0) { pi.out_root = parse_dir (string (l, 10), "out_root"); } else if (l.compare (0, 14, "amalgamation: ") == 0) { string v (l, 14); if (!v.empty ()) pi.amalgamation = parse_dir (move (v), "amalgamation"); } else if (l.compare (0, 13, "subprojects: ") == 0) { string v (l, 13); for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (v, b, e); ) { string s (v, b, e - b); size_t p (s.find ('@')); if (p == string::npos) bad_value ("subproject '" + s + "': missing '@'"); project_name sn; if (p != 0) sn = parse_name (string (s, 0, p), "subproject"); pi.subprojects.push_back ( b_project_info::subproject {move (sn), parse_dir (string (s, p + 1), "subproject")}); } } else if (l.compare (0, 12, "operations: ") == 0) { string v (l, 12); for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (v, b, e); ) pi.operations.push_back (string (v, b, e - b)); } else if (l.compare (0, 17, "meta-operations: ") == 0) { string v (l, 17); for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (v, b, e); ) pi.meta_operations.push_back (string (v, b, e - b)); } else if (l.compare (0, 9, "modules: ") == 0) { string v (l, 9); for (size_t b (0), e (0); next_word (v, b, e); ) pi.modules.push_back (string (v, b, e - b)); } } is.close (); // Detect errors. if (pr.wait ()) { add_project (); // Add the remaining project info. if (r.size () - rn == projects.size ()) return; ostringstream os; os << "invalid " << pp << " output: expected information for " << projects.size () << " projects instead of " << r.size () - rn; throw b_error (os.str (), move (pr.exit)); } } // Note that ios::failure inherits from std::runtime_error, so this // catch-clause must go last. // catch (const ios::failure& e) { // Note: using ostream to get sanitized representation. // if (pr.wait ()) { ostringstream os; os << "error reading " << pp << " output: " << e; throw b_error (os.str (), move (pr.exit)); } else if (!pr.exit) // Pipe opening failed before the process started. { ostringstream os; os << "unable to open pipe: " << e; throw b_error (os.str ()); } // Fall through. } catch (const runtime_error& e) { // Re-throw as b_error if the process exited normally with zero code. // if (pr.wait ()) throw b_error (e.what (), move (pr.exit)); // Fall through. } // We should only get here if the child exited with an error status. // assert (!pr.wait ()); throw b_error ( string ("process ") + pp.recall_string () + ' ' + to_string (*pr.exit), move (pr.exit)); } catch (const process_error& e) { ostringstream os; os << "unable to execute " << program << ": " << e; throw b_error (os.str ()); } } }