# file      : tests/builtin/test.testscript
# license   : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file

test.arguments = "test"

: file
  : exists
  touch a;
  $* -f a

  : not-exists
  $* -f a == 1

  : not-file
  $* -f . == 1

: dir
  : exists
  $* -d .

  : not-exists
  $* -d a == 1

  : not-dir
  touch a;
  $* -d a == 1

: options
  : unknown
  $* -u 2>"test: unknown option '-u'" == 2

  : none
  $* 2>"test: either -f|--file or -d|--directory must be specified" == 2

  : both-file-dir
  $* -fd 2>"test: both -f|--file and -d|--directory specified" == 2

: args
  : none
  $* -f 2>"test: missing path" == 2

  : unexpected
  $* -f a b 2>"test: unexpected argument 'b'" == 2

  : empty-path
  $* -d '' 2>"test: invalid path ''" == 2

: cwd
: When cross-testing we cannot guarantee that host absolute paths are
: recognized by the target process.
if ($test.target == $build.host)
  test.options += -d $~/a;
  mkdir -p a/b;

  $* -d b