// file : tests/manifest-parser/driver.cxx -*- C++ -*- // license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file #include <vector> #include <string> #include <utility> // pair, move() #include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <libbutl/optional.hxx> #include <libbutl/manifest-parser.hxx> #undef NDEBUG #include <cassert> using namespace std; namespace butl { using butl::optional; using butl::nullopt; using pairs = vector<pair<string, string>>; static optional<pairs> to_pairs (optional<vector<manifest_name_value>>&&); static bool equal (const optional<pairs>& actual, const optional<pairs>& expected); static pairs parse (const char* m, manifest_parser::filter_function f = {}); // Test manifest as it is represented in the stream, including format // version and end-of-manifest values. // static bool test (const char* manifest, const pairs& expected, manifest_parser::filter_function = {}); static bool fail (const char* manifest); // Test manifest as it is returned by parse_manifest(), without the special // format version and end-of-manifest values. // static bool test_parse (const char* manifest, const optional<pairs>& expected); static bool fail_parse (const char* manifest); int main () { // Whitespaces and comments. // assert (test (" \t", {{"",""}})); assert (test (" \t\n \n\n", {{"",""}})); assert (test ("# one\n #two", {{"",""}})); // Test encountering eos at various points. // assert (test ("", {{"",""}})); assert (test (" ", {{"",""}})); assert (test ("\n", {{"",""}})); assert (fail ("a")); assert (test (":1\na:", {{"","1"},{"a", ""},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Invalid manifests. // assert (fail ("a:")); // format version pair expected assert (fail (":")); // format version value expected assert (fail (":9")); // unsupported format version assert (fail ("a")); // ':' expected after name assert (fail ("a b")); // ':' expected after name assert (fail ("a\tb")); // ':' expected after name assert (fail ("a\nb")); // ':' expected after name assert (fail (":1\na:b\n:9")); // unsupported format version // Empty manifest. // assert (test (":1", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (" \t :1", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (" \t : 1", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (" \t : 1 ", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\n", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1 \n", {{"","1"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Single manifest. // assert (test (":1\na:x", {{"","1"},{"a", "x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\n", {{"","1"},{"a","x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\nb:y", {{"","1"},{"a","x"},{"b","y"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\n\tb : y\n #comment", {{"","1"},{"a","x"},{"b","y"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Multiple manifests. // assert (test (":1\na:x\n:\nb:y", {{"","1"},{"a", "x"},{"",""}, {"","1"},{"b", "y"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\n:1\nb:y", {{"","1"},{"a", "x"},{"",""}, {"","1"},{"b", "y"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\n:\nb:y\n:\nc:z\n", {{"","1"},{"a", "x"},{"",""}, {"","1"},{"b", "y"},{"",""}, {"","1"},{"c", "z"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Name parsing. // assert (test (":1\nabc:", {{"","1"},{"abc",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\nabc :", {{"","1"},{"abc",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\nabc\t:", {{"","1"},{"abc",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Simple value parsing. // assert (test (":1\na: \t xyz \t ", {{"","1"},{"a","xyz"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Simple value escaping. // assert (test (":1\na:x\\", {{"","1"},{"a","x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\\\ny", {{"","1"},{"a","xy"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\\\\\nb:", {{"","1"},{"a","x\\"},{"b",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\\\\\\\nb:", {{"","1"},{"a","x\\\\"},{"b",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Simple value literal newline. // assert (test (":1\na:x\\\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a","x\n"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\\\n\\\ny", {{"","1"},{"a","x\ny"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:x\\\n\\\ny\\\n\\\nz", {{"","1"},{"a","x\ny\nz"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Multi-line value parsing. // assert (test (":1\na:\\", {{"","1"},{"a", ""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n", {{"","1"},{"a", ""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\x", {{"","1"},{"a", "\\x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a", ""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n\\\n", {{"","1"},{"a", ""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n\\x\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a", "\\x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\nx\ny", {{"","1"},{"a", "x\ny"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n \n#\t\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a", " \n#\t"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\n\n\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a", "\n"},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Multi-line value escaping. // assert (test (":1\na:\\\nx\\", {{"","1"},{"a","x"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\nx\\\ny\n\\", {{"","1"},{"a","xy"},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\nx\\\\\n\\\nb:", {{"","1"},{"a","x\\"},{"b",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); assert (test (":1\na:\\\nx\\\\\\\n\\\nb:", {{"","1"},{"a","x\\\\"},{"b",""},{"",""},{"",""}})); // Manifest value splitting (into the value/comment pair). // // Single-line. // { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ( "\\value\\\\\\; text ; comment text")); assert (p.first == "\\value\\; text" && p.second == "comment text"); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("value\\")); assert (p.first == "value\\" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("; comment")); assert (p.first == "" && p.second == "comment"); } // Multi-line. // { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("value\n;")); assert (p.first == "value" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("value\ntext\n")); assert (p.first == "value\ntext\n" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("value\ntext\n;")); assert (p.first == "value\ntext" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("value\ntext\n;\n")); assert (p.first == "value\ntext" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("\n\\\nvalue\ntext\n" ";\n" "\n\n comment\ntext")); assert (p.first == "\n\\\nvalue\ntext" && p.second == "\n\n comment\ntext"); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ("\n;\ncomment")); assert (p.first == "" && p.second == "comment"); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment (";\ncomment")); assert (p.first == "" && p.second == "comment"); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment (";\n")); assert (p.first == "" && p.second == ""); } { auto p (manifest_parser::split_comment ( "\\;\n\\\\;\n\\\\\\;\n\\\\\\\\;\n\\\\\\\\\\;")); assert (p.first == ";\n\\;\n\\;\n\\\\;\n\\\\;" && p.second == ""); } // UTF-8. // assert (test (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0", {{"","1"}, {"\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0", "\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0"}, {"",""}, {"",""}})); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0")); assert (fail (":1\r\r\xB0#\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\r\xD0#\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0")); assert (fail (":1\n#\xD0\xB0\n\xD0\xB0y\xD0\xB0:\xD0\xB0z\xD0\xB0\r\xD0")); // Test parsing failure for manifest with multi-byte UTF-8 sequences // (the column is properly reported, etc). // try { parse (":1\na\xD0\xB0\xD0\xB0\xFE"); assert (false); } catch (const manifest_parsing& e) { assert (e.line == 2 && e.column == 4 && e.description == "invalid manifest name: " "invalid UTF-8 sequence first byte (0xFE)"); } // Filtering. // assert (test (":1\na: abc\nb: bca\nc: cab", {{"","1"},{"a","abc"},{"c","cab"},{"",""},{"",""}}, [] (manifest_name_value& nv) {return nv.name != "b";})); assert (test (":1\na: abc\nb: bca", {{"","1"},{"ax","abc."},{"bx","bca."},{"",""},{"",""}}, [] (manifest_name_value& nv) { if (!nv.name.empty ()) { nv.name += 'x'; nv.value += '.'; } return true; })); // Test parse_manifest(). // test_parse ("", nullopt); test_parse (":1", pairs ()); test_parse (":1\na: abc\nb: cde", pairs ({{"a", "abc"}, {"b", "cde"}})); fail_parse ("# abc"); fail_parse ("a: abc"); // Parse the manifest list. // { istringstream is (":1\na: abc\nb: bcd\n:\nx: xyz"); is.exceptions (istream::failbit | istream::badbit); manifest_parser p (is, ""); equal (to_pairs (try_parse_manifest (p)), pairs ({{"a", "abc"}, {"b", "bcd"}})); equal (to_pairs (try_parse_manifest (p)), pairs ({{"x", "xyz"}})); equal (to_pairs (try_parse_manifest (p)), nullopt); } return 0; } static ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const pairs& ps) { os << '{'; bool f (true); for (const auto& p: ps) os << (f ? (f = false, "") : ",") << '{' << p.first << ',' << p.second << '}'; os << '}'; return os; } static ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const optional<pairs>& ps) { return ps ? (os << *ps) : (os << "[null]"); } static bool equal (const optional<pairs>& a, const optional<pairs>& e) { if (a != e) { cerr << "actual: " << a << endl << "expect: " << e << endl; return false; } return true; } static optional<pairs> to_pairs (optional<vector<manifest_name_value>>&& nvs) { if (!nvs) return nullopt; pairs r; for (manifest_name_value& nv: *nvs) r.emplace_back (move (nv.name), move (nv.value)); return r; } static pairs parse (const char* m, manifest_parser::filter_function f) { istringstream is (m); is.exceptions (istream::failbit | istream::badbit); manifest_parser p (is, "", move (f)); pairs r; for (bool eom (true), eos (false); !eos; ) { manifest_name_value nv (p.next ()); if (nv.empty ()) // End pair. { eos = eom; eom = true; } else eom = false; r.emplace_back (move (nv.name), move (nv.value)); } return r; } static bool test (const char* m, const pairs& e, manifest_parser::filter_function f) { return equal (parse (m, move (f)), e); } static bool fail (const char* m) { try { pairs r (parse (m)); cerr << "nofail: " << r << endl; return false; } catch (const manifest_parsing&) { //cerr << e << endl; } return true; } static bool test_parse (const char* m, const optional<pairs>& e) { istringstream is (m); is.exceptions (istream::failbit | istream::badbit); manifest_parser p (is, ""); return equal (to_pairs (try_parse_manifest (p)), e); } static bool fail_parse (const char* m) { try { istringstream is (m); is.exceptions (istream::failbit | istream::badbit); manifest_parser p (is, ""); optional<pairs> r (to_pairs (parse_manifest (p))); cerr << "nofail: " << r << endl; return false; } catch (const manifest_parsing&) { //cerr << e << endl; } return true; } } int main () { return butl::main (); }