path: root/msvc-common
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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/msvc-common b/msvc-common
index 096b17f..479ec3f 100755
--- a/msvc-common
+++ b/msvc-common
@@ -33,107 +33,18 @@ function split_translate () # <length> <option-path>
# The <diag> argument should be 1 or 2. It indicates whether the diagnostics
# is sent to stdout (1) or stderr (2).
-# Note that if <exe> returns non-zero exit status, then this function calls
-# exit, not return. It also clears the ERR trap and overrides the EXIT trap.
-# All this pretty much means it should be the last statement in a call.
function msvc_exec () # <diag> <exe> <arg>...
- local diag=$1
- shift
- local exe="$1"
+ local diag="$1"
- # Assemble the arguments in an array to store in case they contain spaces.
- #
- local args=()
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- args=("${args[@]}" "$1")
- shift
- done
- # Translate absolute Windows paths back to POSIX. The hard part here is to
- # determing the end of the path. For example, the error location has the
- # 'X:\...\foo(10):' form. However, we cannot assume that '(' ends the path;
- # remember 'Program Files (x86)'.
- #
- # To sidestep this whole mess we are going to use this trick: instead of
- # translating the whole path we will only translate its directory part, that
- # is the longest part that still ends with the directory separator. We will
- # also still recognize ':' and ''' as path terminators as well as space if
- # it is the first character in the component.
- #
- # We also pass the path through realpath in order to get the actual path
- # rather than Wine's dosdevices links.
- #
- # First delimit paths that we need to translate with NUL characters.
- #
- local s1="s#[A-Za-z]:[\\/]([^ ':][^':]*[\\/])*#\x00&\x00#g"
- # Next translate the paths (note the -z sed option). The last xargs call
- # does two things: it removes the newline added by realpath and adds the
- # trailing slash removed by realpath.
- #
- # Substitution useful for debugging: #/bin/echo -n '&'#
- #
- local s2="s#^[A-Za-z]:[\\/]([^ ':][^':]*[\\/])*#winepath -u0 '&' | \
-xargs -0 realpath -z | xargs -0 -I{} /bin/echo -n {}/#e"
- # Finally, get rid of the NUL characters. While at it, also kill Windows
- # CR (0x0d).
- #
- local s3="s#\x00##g;s#\x0d##g"
- # For testing/debugging:
- #
- #cat input | sed -re "$s1" | sed -z -re "$s2" | sed -re "$s3"
# Suppress Wine noise.
export WINEDEBUG=fixme-all
- # Create a temporary named pipe.
- #
- local pipe
- pipe="$(mktemp -u)"
- mkfifo $pipe
- trap "{ rm $pipe; }" EXIT
- if [ $diag -eq 1 ]; then
- wine "$exe" "${args[@]}" 2>&1 1>$pipe &
- sed -re "$s1" $pipe | sed -z -re "$s2" | sed -re "$s3"
- else
- # For some reason Wine is really slow when we redirect stdout to
- # /dev/null. A lot slower than redirecting it to a file. This is observed
- # with Wine 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9. As an admittedly bizarre workaround we are
- # going to channel the output via a fifo. Yes, it does help, a lot.
- #
- local opipe
- opipe="$(mktemp -u)"
- mkfifo $opipe
- trap "{ rm $pipe $opipe; }" EXIT
- cat $opipe &
- local pid=$!
- wine "$exe" "${args[@]}" 2>$pipe >$opipe &
- sed -re "$s1" $pipe | sed -z -re "$s2" | sed -re "$s3" 1>&2
- # Wait for cat. If it fails then the ERR trap will terminate us.
- #
- wait $pid
- fi
- # Wait for the wine process and exit with its exit status if it's not
- # zero. Don't you just hate bash sometimes? I sure do.
+ # Filter diagnostics output replacing absolute Windows paths with their
+ # POSIX mapping. If <diag> is 1 then both stdout and stderr output are read
+ # and filtered.
- trap - ERR
- wait $!
- local r=$?
- if [ $r -ne 0 ]; then
- exit $r
- fi
+ "$(dirname $(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}))/msvc-filter" "$diag" wine "$@"