# file : libcmark-gfm-extensions/buildfile # license : FreeBSD License; see accompanying COPYING file import int_libs = libcmark-gfm%lib{cmark-gfm} lib{cmark-gfm-extensions}: {h c}{**} $int_libs # Build options. # obja{*}: c.poptions += -DCMARK_GFM_EXTENSIONS_STATIC_BUILD objs{*}: c.poptions += -DCMARK_GFM_EXTENSIONS_SHARED_BUILD if ($c.target.class != 'windows') c.coptions += -fvisibility=hidden else c.poptions += -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS c.poptions =+ "-I$src_base" "-I$src_base/extensions" switch $c.class { case 'gcc' { c.coptions += -pedantic # Disable warnings that pop up with -Wextra. Upstream doesn't seem to care # about these and it is not easy to disable specific warnings in a way # that works across compilers/version (some -Wno-* options are only # recognized in newer versions). # c.coptions += -Wno-extra } case 'msvc' { # Disable warnings that pop up with /W3. # c.coptions += /wd4311 } } # Export options. # lib{cmark-gfm-extensions}: { cc.export.poptions = "-I$src_base" "-I$src_base/extensions" cc.export.libs = $int_libs } liba{cmark-gfm-extensions}: cc.export.poptions += -DCMARK_GFM_EXTENSIONS_STATIC libs{cmark-gfm-extensions}: cc.export.poptions += -DCMARK_GFM_EXTENSIONS_SHARED # See bootstrap.build for details. # if $version.snapshot lib{cmark-gfm-extensions}: bin.lib.version = @"-$version.project_id" else lib{cmark-gfm-extensions}: bin.lib.version = @"-$abi_version" # Install the bare minimum of headers. # h{*}: install = false for h: extensions/cmark-gfm-core-extensions.h cmark-gfm-extensions_export.h h{$h}@./$path.directory($h): install = include/