This document describes how curl was packaged for build2. In particular, this understanding will be useful when upgrading to a new upstream version. See ../README-DEV for general notes on curl packaging. Symlink the required upstream directories into curl/: $ ln -s ../../upstream/{src,lib} curl $ ln -s lib/{strtoofft,nonblock,warnless,curl_ctype,dynbuf,version_win32,curl_multibyte}.c curl $ ln -s ../../libcurl/libcurl/curl_config.h curl $ cp curl/src/tool_hugehelp.c.cvs curl/tool_hugehelp.c Edit tool_hugehelp.c to make hugehelp() be empty. Patch curl to use CA certificate bundle provided by the libca-certificates-curl package by default: $ cp curl/src/tool_main.c curl $ patch -p0