This document describes how libicuuc and libicudata were packaged for build2. In particular, this understanding will be useful when upgrading to a new upstream version. See ../README-DEV for general notes on ICU packaging. Symlink the required upstream directories into libicu/: $ ln -s ../../upstream/icu4c/source/common libicu/uc Compiling against the latest C++ standard ends up with the "invalid conversion from ‘const char8_t*’ to ‘const char*’" errors for libicu/uc/ucasemap.cpp and so we patch it: $ cp libicu/uc/ucasemap.cpp libicu $ patch -p0 /data/out/tmp/icudt65l_dat.c le $ for f in $(find /data/out/tmp/ -name '*.c' ! -name icudt65l_dat.c); do n="$(sed -n -r -e 's%^(coll|curr|brkitr|lang|locales|rbnf|region|unit|zone)_.*$%\1%p' <<< $(basename "$f"))" if [ -z "$n" ]; then n="other" fi cat "$f" >>le/$n.c done Note that we also need to generate libicudata source files for the big-endian byte ordering, transcoding the auto-generated binary data files and converting them to C files afterwards: $ cd /data $ export PATH=/bin:$PATH $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Transcode. # $ for f in $(cd out/build/icudt65l && find -type f); do r="out/build/icudt65b/$f" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$r")" icupkg -tb "out/build/icudt65l/$f" "$r" done # Convert to C files. # $ mkdir out/tmp2 $ pkgdata -O --without-assembly -q -c -s out/build/icudt65b \ -d out/tmp2 -e icudt65 -T out/tmp2 -p icudt65b -m dll -r 65.1 -L icudata \ out/tmp/icudata.lst Now copy the big-endian data files into libicu/data/, similar to the above: $ cd libicu/data/ $ rm -r -f be $ mkdir be $ cp /data/out/tmp2/icudt65b_dat.c be $ for f in $(find /data/out/tmp2/ -name '*.c' ! -name icudt65b_dat.c); do n="$(sed -n -r -e 's%^(coll|curr|brkitr|lang|locales|rbnf|region|unit|zone)_.*$%\1%p' <<< $(basename "$f"))" if [ -z "$n" ]; then n="other" fi cat "$f" >>be/$n.c done Note that currently we don't support EBCDIC charset-based platforms that are not very common these days. Thought, we can support them if requested (see the -te option description in `icupkg --help` for details). Manually create libicu/data/config.h and libicu/data/*.c files including the corresponding type-based data files (le/coll.c, etc) depending on the target platform byte ordering.