This document describes how libpkgconf was packaged for build2. In particular, this understanding will be useful when upgrading to a new upstream version. See ../README-DEV for general notes on pkgconf packaging. Symlink the required upstream files and provide our own implementation for auto-generated config.h: $ ln -s ../upstream/{AUTHORS,COPYING} ./ $ ln -s ../../upstream/libpkgconf/config.h.meson libpkgconf/config.h.meson.orig $ cd libpkgconf && ln -s ../../upstream/libpkgconf/*.{c,h} ./ Use libpkgconf/config.h.meson.orig for creating libpkgconf/, defining/undefining macros introduced with #mesondefine. Re-creating libpkgconf/ from scratch every time we upgrade to a new upstream version would be a real pain. Instead we can only (un)define the newly introduced macros, comparing the already defined and currently used macro sets: $ for m in `cat libpkgconf/config.h.meson.orig | \ sed -n 's/.*#\s*mesondefine\s\{1,\}\([_a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,\}\)\(\s.*\)\{0,1\}$/\1/p' | sort -u`; do if grep -q -e "\b$m\b" `find -L . -name '*.h' -a ! -name config.h -o -name '*.c'`; then echo "$m" fi done >used-macros $ cat libpkgconf/ | sed -n 's/#\s*\(define\|undef\)\s\{1,\}\([_a-zA-Z0-9]\{1,\}\)\(\s.*\)\{0,1\}$/\2/p' | sort -u >defined-macros $ diff defined-macros used-macros We also extend the upstream package functionality allowing to prevent merging of "special" fragments, such as `-framework `, into a single fragment. $ mv libpkgconf.h libpkgconf.h.orig $ cp libpkgconf.h.orig libpkgconf.h $ mv fragment.c fragment.c.orig $ cp fragment.c.orig fragment.c $ git apply dont-merge-fragments.patch Note that the patch is produces by the following command: $ git diff >dont-merge-fragments.patch