# file : libpq/buildfile # copyright : Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Code Synthesis Ltd # license : PostgreSQL Licenes; see accompanying COPYRIGHT file # Headers other than these are not installed so treat them as files. # # @@ Make it postgresql/{postgres_ext.h pg_config_ext.h} when name pattern can # be represented with a reversible name. # # @@ TODO: we should be able to redo it with install=true/false # h = version.h libpq-fe.h libpq-events.h \ postgresql/postgres_ext.h postgresql/pg_config_ext.h lib{pq}: c{*} h{$h} file{**.h -{$h}} file{win32/libpqdll.def} \ file{pg_service.conf.sample} tclass = $c.target.class if ($tclass == "windows") lib{pq}: win32/c{*} else lib{pq}: win32/file{*.c} if ($tclass != "bsd" && $tclass != "macos") lib{pq}: non-bsd/c{*} else lib{pq}: non-bsd/file{*.c} # See bootstrap.build for details. # if $version.pre_release lib{pq}: bin.lib.version = @"-$version.project_id" else lib{pq}: bin.lib.version = @"-$abi_version" # The version file is an internal one (it is only included from # postgresql/pg_config.h) so we don't distribute nor install it (see below). # h{version}: in{version} $src_root/file{manifest} c.poptions += -DFRONTEND -DUNSAFE_STAT_OK -DSO_MAJOR_VERSION=$abi_major if ($tclass != "windows") # Note that the original package uses -pthread compiler/linker option. It is # currently unsupported by build2, so we use -D_REENTRANT and -lpthread # preprocessor/linker options instead. We also omit -D_THREAD_SAFE (synonym # for -D_REENTRANT) and Solaris-specific -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS. # # @@ Maybe makes sense to support -pthread in build2, adding -lpthread # to pkg-config's Libs.private and to cc.export.libs? # c.poptions += -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE else # Note that the original package defines the WIN32 macro for VC only, relying # on the fact that MinGW GCC defines it by default. However, the macro # disappears from the default ones if to compile with -std=c9x (as we do). So # we define it for both VC and MinGW GCC. # # It's tempting to move this definition to libpq/postgresql/pg_config.h. # However this header is not included into all files that use the macro, for # example, libpq/win32/open.c. # c.poptions += -DWIN32 port_dir = ($tclass == "windows" ? "win32" : \ $tclass == "macos" ? "darwin" : \ $tclass) # Note that we add "-I$src_root" for the headers auto-generating machinery to # work properly. # c.poptions =+ "-I$out_root" "-I$src_root" "-I$src_base" \ "-I$src_base/postgresql/port/$port_dir" \ "-I$src_base/postgresql" if ($tclass == "windows") obj{*}: c.poptions =+ "-I$src_base/win32" if ($c.class == 'msvc') { c.poptions =+ "-I$src_base/postgresql/port/win32_msvc" # Disable warnings that pop up with /W3. # c.poptions += -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE c.coptions += /wd4018 /wd4244 /wd4267 } elif ($c.class == 'gcc') { # Omit -fexcess-precision=standard as -std=9x implies it. # c.coptions += -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv # Disable warnings that pop up with -W -Wall. # c.coptions += -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers \ -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-command-line-argument } # Define SYSCONFDIR macro. This path is used as a last resort for the # pg_service.conf file search (see libpq/fe-connect.c for details). # # The whole idea feels utterly broken (hello cross-compilation) so we will # just do bare minimum and wait and see. # # @@ We should probably allow to configure this macros via configuration # variable config.libpq.sysconfdir. # if ($tclass == "windows") { # win32.mak from the original package does this. # sysconfdir = "" } else { # For the original package if the resulted sysconfdir path doesn't contain # the 'postgres' or 'pgsql' substring then the '/postgresql' suffix is # automatically appended (see the original INSTALL file for details). Note # that the same rule is applied for the datadir and docdir paths. Also if # the root directory is /usr, then the resulting sysconfdir path is # /etc/postgresql (rather than /usr/etc/postgresql). # # Let's do the same for the sysconfdir to increase the chance that libpq # will find the configuration file. Note that we don't install anything at # this path and don't amend the install.data and install.doc path variables. # We also use the same default path as the original package. # if ($install.root != [null]) { root = $install.resolve($install.root) sysconfdir = ($root != /usr ? $root/etc : /etc) if! $regex.match("$sysconfdir", '.*(pgsql|postgresql).*') sysconfdir = $sysconfdir/postgresql } else sysconfdir = /usr/local/pgsql/etc } # If we ever enable National Language Support (ENABLE_NLS macro) then we will # need to define the LOCALEDIR macro as well. It refers to the locale data # directory and should be $install.data/locale by default. We will also need # to install this directory (see configure script --enable-nls options and the # src/interfaces/libpq/po directory in the original package for details). # obj{fe-connect}: c.poptions += -DSYSCONFDIR="\"$sysconfdir\"" if ($tclass != "windows") { c.libs += -lpthread } else { def = $src_base/win32/libpqdll.def if ($c.target.system == "mingw32") { c.libs += -lsecur32 -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 libs{pq}: c.libs =+ $def } else { c.libs += secur32.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib libs{pq}: c.libs =+ "/DEF:$def" } # The original package also adds the resource file to the library. The file # contains only the version information. First, libpq.rc is produced from # libpq.rc.in with the following command: # # sed -e 's/\(VERSION.*\),0 *$/\1,'`date '+%y%j' | \ # sed 's/^0*//'`'/' libpq.rc.in >libpq.rc # # Then libpq.rc is compiled with: # # windres -i libpq.rc -o libpqrc.o # # Afterwards libpqrc.o is linked to the library. # # @@ Currently we don't have support for the first two steps. } lib{pq}: cc.export.poptions = "-I$src_base" "-I$src_base/postgresql" # Internal header (see above). # h{version}: install = false file{pg_service.conf.sample}@./: install = data/