path: root/bpkg-rep/publish.in
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bpkg-rep/publish.in')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/bpkg-rep/publish.in b/bpkg-rep/publish.in
deleted file mode 100644
index a7b3d1a..0000000
--- a/bpkg-rep/publish.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# file : bpkg-rep/publish.in
-# license : MIT; see accompanying LICENSE file
-# Update (bpkg-rep-create(1)) and publish (rsync(1)) an archive-based
-# repository.
-# Pull a pre-cloned (read-only) git repository with the contents of an
-# archive-based bpkg repository. Bail out if nothing changed from the the
-# previous run. Otherwise, regenerate the repository meta-data by running
-# bpkg-rep-create(1) on each section of the repository and, optionally,
-# synchronize it to one or more destinations with rsync.
-# The repository contents are expected to be in the <dir>/1/ subdirectory. The
-# script saves the last successfully published commit in the <dir>.publish
-# file.
-# --destination|-d <host>:<dir>
-# Remote host and directory to rsync the repository to. Note that the
-# directory should include the 1/ component and any sub-directories that may
-# follow. In other words, the rsync command will be in the form:
-# rsync ... <dir>/1/ <host>:<dir>/
-# See below for the actual rsync command including a brief explanation of
-# options passed.
-# Repeat this option to specify multiple destinations. In this case, the
-# destinations are synced in the order specified with the first failure
-# terminating the process (so if you have a "primary" destination and a
-# "mirror", you probably want to specify the former first).
-# --timeout <seconds>
-# Git and rsync operation timeout. Specifically, the operation will be
-# aborted if there is no network activity for the specified time. Default is
-# 60 seconds. Note that currently the git timeout is only supported for the
-# http(s) transport.
-# --lock-timeout <seconds>
-# The repository lock timeout. Fail if another instance of the script does
-# not release the repository in the specified time. The default is 0 (do
-# not wait).
-# Note that you will most likely want to specify a non-zero timeout for cron
-# jobs that may potentially overlap.
-# --log-dir <dir>
-# Directory to create the temporary log files in. If unspecified, the stderr
-# is not redirected and no log is created by default.
-# The log is dumped to stderr in case of an error or at the end of execution
-# unless in the quiet mode and is then deleted.
-# --quiet
-# Run quiet. Specifically, don't dump the log to stderr on exit with zero
-# status.
-# --config <path>
-# The configuration file containing a bash fragment. Repeat this option to
-# specify multiple configurations that will be sourced in the order
-# specified.
-# --bpkg <path>
-# The package manager program to be used for the repository update. This
-# should be the path to the bpkg executable.
-usage="usage: $0 [<options>] <dir> [<rep-create-options>] [-- <rsync-options>]"
-trap "{ exit 1; }" ERR
-set -o errtrace # Trap ERR in functions.
-@import bpkg-rep/utility@
-# The script own options.
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
- --destination|-d)
- shift
- destinations+=("${1%/}")
- shift || true
- ;;
- --timeout)
- shift
- timeout="$1"
- shift || true
- ;;
- --lock-timeout)
- shift
- lock_timeout="$1"
- shift || true
- ;;
- --log-dir)
- shift
- log_dir="${1%/}"
- shift || true
- ;;
- --quiet)
- shift
- quiet=true
- ;;
- --config)
- shift
- configurations+=("$1")
- shift || true
- ;;
- --bpkg)
- shift
- bpkg="$1"
- shift || true
- ;;
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- break
- ;;
- esac
-# The repository directory.
-shift || true
-# bpkg-rep-create options.
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
- --)
- shift
- break
- ;;
- *)
- rep_create_options+=("$1")
- shift
- ;;
- esac
-# rsync options.
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- rsync_options+=("$1")
- shift
-# Validate options and arguments.
-if [ -z "$repo_dir" ]; then
- error "$usage"
-if [ ! -d "$repo_dir" ]; then
- error "'$repo_dir' does not exist or is not a directory"
-# If the log directory is specified then redirect stderr to the log file and
-# setup the trap that dumps it on exit, if required.
-if [ -n "$log_dir" ]; then
- if [ ! -d "$log_dir" ]; then
- error "'$log_dir' does not exist or is not a directory"
- fi
- # Create the log file.
- #
- log="$(mktemp "$log_dir/$(basename "$repo_dir").XXXXXXXXXX")"
- # Save the stderr file descriptor so we can dump the log into it on exit, if
- # required. Then redirect it to the log file.
- #
- exec {stderr}>&2
- exec 2>>"$log"
- function exit_trap ()
- {
- local status="$?"
- # Dump the log to stderr if exiting with non-zero status or verbose.
- #
- if [ $status -ne 0 -o ! "$quiet" ]; then
- # Keep the log if failed to dump for any reason.
- #
- if ! cat "$log" >&$stderr; then
- return
- fi
- fi
- rm -f "$log"
- }
- trap exit_trap EXIT
-# Source the configurations.
-for c in "${configurations[@]}"; do
- source "$c" >&2
-# Make sure the commit file is present.
-touch "$published_commit"
-# Open the reading file descriptor and lock the repository. Fail if unable to
-# lock before timeout.
-exec {cfd}<"$published_commit"
-if ! flock -w "$lock_timeout" "$cfd"; then
- info "another instance is already running"
- exit 2
-# Pull the repository.
-# Git doesn't support the connection timeout option. The options we use are
-# just an approximation of the former, that, in particular, don't cover the
-# connection establishing. To work around this problem, before running a git
-# command that assumes the remote repository communication we manually check
-# connectivity with the remote repository.
-if ! remote_url="$(git -C "$repo_dir" config --get remote.origin.url)"; then
- error "'$repo_dir' is not a git repository"
-run check_git_connectivity "$remote_url" "$timeout"
-# Fail if no network activity happens during the time specified.
-run git -c http.lowSpeedLimit=1 -c "http.lowSpeedTime=$timeout" \
--C "$repo_dir" pull -v >&2
-# Match the HEAD commit id to the one stored in the file. If it matches, then
-# nothing changed in the repository from the previous run and we can silently
-# bail out.
-commit="$(git -C "$repo_dir" rev-parse HEAD)"
-pc="$(cat <&"$cfd")"
-if [ "$commit" == "$pc" ]; then
- quiet=true
- exit 0
-# If bpkg path is not specified, then use the bpkg program from the script
-# directory, if present. Otherwise, use the 'bpkg' path.
-if [ -z "$bpkg" ]; then
- bpkg="$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/bpkg"
- if [ ! -x "$bpkg" ]; then
- bpkg=bpkg
- fi
-# Find repository sections.
-manifests="$(find "$repo_dir/$repo_ver" -type f -name repositories.manifest)"
-# Update the repository sections.
-while read f; do
- run "$bpkg" rep-create "${rep_create_options[@]}" "$(dirname "$f")"
-done <<<"$manifests"
-# rsync (over ssh) the repository to the destinations.
-# Approximate the data transfer timeout via the ServerAlive* ssh options,
-# rounding the timeout up to the nearest multiple of ten.
-# Note: must not contain spaces/use quoting (see rsync -e option).
-n=$(($timeout > 0 ? ($timeout + 9) / 10 : 1))
-ssh_options=(-o ConnectTimeout=$timeout \
- -o ServerAliveInterval=10 \
- -o ServerAliveCountMax=$n)
-for d in "${destinations[@]}"; do
- # -r (recursive)
- # -l (copy symlinks as symlinks)
- # -t (preserve timestamps)
- # -O (omit dir timestamps)
- #
- # -c (use checksum)
- # -e (remote shell command)
- #
- # --chmod=ugo=rwX (give new files the destination-default permissions)
- # --safe-links (ignore symlinks pointing outside the tree)
- # --delay-updates (first upload all files on the side then move)
- # --prune-empty-dirs (remove empty dirs)
- # --delete-after (delete entries after the transfer)
- #
- # We also exclude hidden files (start with dot).
- #
- run rsync -v -rltO -c --chmod=ugo=rwX --safe-links --delay-updates \
---exclude '.*' --prune-empty-dirs --delete-after -e "ssh ${ssh_options[*]}" \
-"${rsync_options[@]}" "$repo_dir/$repo_ver/" "$d/" >&2
-echo "$commit" >"$published_commit"