path: root/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
diff options
authorFrancois Kritzinger <francois@codesynthesis.com>2024-12-10 16:19:52 +0200
committerFrancois Kritzinger <francois@codesynthesis.com>2024-12-10 16:32:40 +0200
commitd716c64e4501a741ac40b0c2fd0303534a7d7f05 (patch)
tree076dfa192c65a84b2272579a40fb8a564f74e583 /mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
parentc7cb981910fd97128ca5e3f7aa77355a18a56738 (diff)
Handle built notification
Diffstat (limited to 'mod/mod-ci-github.cxx')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
index defb74f..7c56851 100644
--- a/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
+++ b/mod/mod-ci-github.cxx
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@
#include <libbutl/json/parser.hxx>
+#include <web/xhtml/serialization.hxx>
+#include <web/server/mime-url-encoding.hxx> // mime_url_encode()
#include <mod/jwt.hxx>
#include <mod/hmac.hxx>
+#include <mod/build.hxx> // build_log_url()
#include <mod/module-options.hxx>
#include <mod/mod-ci-github-gq.hxx>
@@ -226,6 +230,35 @@ namespace brep
fail << "unable to compute request HMAC: " << e;
+ // Process the `warning` webhook request query parameter.
+ //
+ bool warning_success;
+ {
+ const name_values& rps (rq.parameters (1024, true /* url_only */));
+ auto i (find_if (rps.begin (), rps.end (),
+ [] (auto&& rp) {return rp.name == "warning";}));
+ if (i == rps.end ())
+ throw invalid_request (400,
+ "missing 'warning' webhook query parameter");
+ if (!i->value)
+ throw invalid_request (
+ 400, "missing 'warning' webhook query parameter value");
+ const string& v (*i->value);
+ if (v == "success") warning_success = true;
+ else if (v == "failure") warning_success = false;
+ else
+ {
+ throw invalid_request (
+ 400,
+ "invalid 'warning' webhook query parameter value: '" + v + '\'');
+ }
+ }
// There is a webhook event (specified in the x-github-event header) and
// each event contains a bunch of actions (specified in the JSON request
// body).
@@ -236,6 +269,11 @@ namespace brep
// is that we want be "notified" of new actions at which point we can decide
// whether to ignore them or to handle.
+ // @@ There is also check_run even (re-requested by user, either
+ // individual check run or all the failed check runs).
+ //
+ // @@ There is also the pull_request event. Probably need to handle.
+ //
if (event == "check_suite")
gh_check_suite_event cs;
@@ -257,14 +295,16 @@ namespace brep
if (cs.action == "requested")
- return handle_check_suite_request (move (cs));
+ return handle_check_suite_request (move (cs), warning_success);
else if (cs.action == "rerequested")
// Someone manually requested to re-run the check runs in this check
// suite. Treat as a new request.
- return handle_check_suite_request (move (cs));
+ // @@ This is probably broken.
+ //
+ return handle_check_suite_request (move (cs), warning_success);
else if (cs.action == "completed")
@@ -272,9 +312,8 @@ namespace brep
// completed and a conclusion is available". Looks like this one we
// ignore?
- // @@ TODO What if our bookkeeping says otherwise? See conclusion
- // field which includes timedout. Need to come back to this once
- // have the "happy path" implemented.
+ // What if our bookkeeping says otherwise? But then we can't even
+ // access the service data easily here. @@ TODO: maybe/later.
return true;
@@ -305,7 +344,7 @@ namespace brep
bool ci_github::
- handle_check_suite_request (gh_check_suite_event cs)
+ handle_check_suite_request (gh_check_suite_event cs, bool warning_success)
@@ -331,25 +370,28 @@ namespace brep
- string sd (service_data (move (iat->token),
+ string sd (service_data (warning_success,
+ move (iat->token),
move (cs.repository.node_id),
move (cs.check_suite.head_sha))
.json ());
+ // @@ What happens if we call this functions with an already existing
+ // node_id (e.g., replay attack).
+ //
optional<start_result> r (
- start (error,
- warn,
- verb_ ? &trace : nullptr,
- tenant_service (move (cs.check_suite.node_id),
- "ci-github",
- move (sd)),
- move (rl),
- vector<package> {},
- nullopt, // client_ip
- nullopt // user_agent
- ));
+ start (error,
+ warn,
+ verb_ ? &trace : nullptr,
+ tenant_service (move (cs.check_suite.node_id),
+ "ci-github",
+ move (sd)),
+ move (rl),
+ vector<package> {},
+ nullopt, /* client_ip */
+ nullopt /* user_agent */));
if (!r)
fail << "unable to submit CI request";
@@ -411,8 +453,8 @@ namespace brep
// building Skip if there is no check run in service data or it's
// not in the queued state, otherwise update.
- // built Update if there is check run in service data and its
- // state is not built, otherwise create new.
+ // built Update if there is check run in service data unless its
+ // state is built, otherwise create new.
// The rationale for this semantics is as follows: the building
// notification is a "nice to have" and can be skipped if things are not
@@ -747,10 +789,304 @@ namespace brep
function<optional<string> (const tenant_service&)> ci_github::
- build_built (const tenant_service&, const build&,
- const diag_epilogue& /* log_writer */) const noexcept
+ build_built (const tenant_service& ts,
+ const build& b,
+ const diag_epilogue& log_writer) const noexcept
+ {
+ NOTIFICATION_DIAG (log_writer);
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ check_run cr; // Updated check run.
+ {
+ string bid (gh_check_run_name (b)); // Full Build ID.
+ if (check_run* scr = sd.find_check_run (bid))
+ {
+ if (scr->state != build_state::building)
+ {
+ warn << "check run " << bid << ": out of order built notification; "
+ << "existing state: " << scr->state_string ();
+ }
+ // Do nothing if already built (e.g., rebuild).
+ //
+ if (scr->state == build_state::built)
+ return nullptr;
+ cr = move (*scr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ warn << "check run " << bid << ": out of order built notification; "
+ << "no check run state in service data";
+ cr.build_id = move (bid);
+ cr.name = cr.build_id;
+ }
+ cr.state_synced = false;
+ }
+ // Get a new installation access token if the current one has expired.
+ //
+ const gh_installation_access_token* iat (nullptr);
+ optional<gh_installation_access_token> new_iat;
+ if (system_clock::now () > sd.installation_access.expires_at)
+ {
+ if (optional<string> jwt = generate_jwt (trace, error))
+ {
+ new_iat = obtain_installation_access_token (sd.installation_id,
+ move (*jwt),
+ error);
+ if (new_iat)
+ iat = &*new_iat;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ iat = &sd.installation_access;
+ // Note: we treat the failure to obtain the installation access token the
+ // same as the failure to notify GitHub (state is updated but not marked
+ // synced).
+ //
+ if (iat != nullptr)
+ {
+ // Return the colored circle corresponding to a result_status.
+ //
+ auto circle = [] (result_status rs) -> string
+ {
+ switch (rs)
+ {
+ case result_status::success: return "\U0001F7E2"; // Green circle.
+ case result_status::warning: return "\U0001F7E0"; // Orange circle.
+ case result_status::error:
+ case result_status::abort:
+ case result_status::abnormal: return "\U0001F534"; // Red circle.
+ // Valid values we should never encounter.
+ //
+ case result_status::skip:
+ case result_status::interrupt:
+ throw invalid_argument ("unexpected result_status value: " +
+ to_string (rs));
+ }
+ return ""; // Should never reach.
+ };
+ // Prepare the check run's summary field (the build information in an
+ // XHTML table).
+ //
+ string sm; // Summary.
+ {
+ using namespace web::xhtml;
+ ostringstream os;
+ xml::serializer s (os, "check_run_summary");
+ // This hack is required to disable XML element name prefixes (which
+ // GitHub does not like). Note that this adds an xmlns declaration for
+ // the XHTML namespace which for now GitHub appears to ignore. If that
+ // ever becomes a problem, then we should redo this with raw XML
+ // serializer calls.
+ //
+ struct table: element
+ {
+ table (): element ("table") {}
+ void
+ start (xml::serializer& s) const override
+ {
+ s.start_element (xmlns, name);
+ s.namespace_decl (xmlns, "");
+ }
+ } TABLE;
+ // Serialize a result row (colored circle, result text, log URL) for
+ // an operation and result_status.
+ //
+ auto tr_result = [this, circle, &b] (xml::serializer& s,
+ const string& op,
+ result_status rs)
+ {
+ // The log URL.
+ //
+ string lu (build_log_url (options_->host (),
+ options_->root (),
+ b,
+ op != "result" ? &op : nullptr));
+ s << TR
+ << TD << EM << op << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD
+ << circle (rs) << ' '
+ << CODE << to_string (rs) << ~CODE
+ << " (" << A << HREF << lu << ~HREF << "log" << ~A << ')'
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ };
+ // Serialize the summary to an XHTML table.
+ //
+ s << TABLE
+ << TBODY;
+ tr_result (s, "result", *b.status);
+ s << TR
+ << TD << EM << "package" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD << CODE << b.package_name << ~CODE << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << TR
+ << TD << EM << "version" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD << CODE << b.package_version << ~CODE << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << TR
+ << TD << EM << "toolchain" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD
+ << CODE
+ << b.toolchain_name << '-' << b.toolchain_version.string ()
+ << ~CODE
+ << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << TR
+ << TD << EM << "target" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD << CODE << b.target.string () << ~CODE << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << TR
+ << TD << EM << "target config" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD << CODE << b.target_config_name << ~CODE << ~TD
+ << ~TR
+ << TR
+ << TD << EM << "package config" << ~EM << ~TD
+ << TD << CODE << b.package_config_name << ~CODE << ~TD
+ << ~TR;
+ for (const operation_result& r: b.results)
+ tr_result (s, r.operation, r.status);
+ s << ~TBODY
+ << ~TABLE;
+ sm = os.str ();
+ }
+ gq_built_result br (gh_to_conclusion (*b.status, sd.warning_success),
+ circle (*b.status) + ' ' +
+ ucase (to_string (*b.status)),
+ move (sm));
+ if (cr.node_id)
+ {
+ // Update existing check run to built.
+ //
+ if (gq_update_check_run (error,
+ cr,
+ iat->token,
+ sd.repository_node_id,
+ *cr.node_id,
+ details_url (b),
+ build_state::built,
+ move (br)))
+ {
+ assert (cr.state == build_state::built);
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "updated check_run { " << cr << " }";});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Create new check run.
+ //
+ // Note that we don't have build hints so will be creating this check
+ // run with the full build ID as name. In the unlikely event that an
+ // out of order build_queued() were to run before we've saved this
+ // check run to the service data it will create another check run with
+ // the shortened name which will never get to the built state.
+ //
+ if (gq_create_check_run (error,
+ cr,
+ iat->token,
+ sd.repository_node_id,
+ sd.head_sha,
+ details_url (b),
+ build_state::built,
+ move (br)))
+ {
+ assert (cr.state == build_state::built);
+ l3 ([&]{trace << "created check_run { " << cr << " }";});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [iat = move (new_iat),
+ cr = move (cr),
+ error = move (error),
+ warn = move (warn)] (const tenant_service& ts) -> optional<string>
+ {
+ // NOTE: this lambda may be called repeatedly (e.g., due to transaction
+ // being aborted) and so should not move out of its captures.
+ service_data sd;
+ try
+ {
+ sd = service_data (*ts.data);
+ }
+ catch (const invalid_argument& e)
+ {
+ error << "failed to parse service data: " << e;
+ return nullopt;
+ }
+ if (iat)
+ sd.installation_access = *iat;
+ if (check_run* scr = sd.find_check_run (cr.build_id))
+ {
+ // This will most commonly generate a duplicate warning (see above).
+ // We could save the old state and only warn if it differs but let's
+ // not complicate things for now.
+ //
+#if 0
+ if (scr->state != build_state::building)
+ {
+ warn << "check run " << cr.build_id << ": out of order built "
+ << "notification service data update; existing state: "
+ << scr->state_string ();
+ }
+ *scr = cr;
+ }
+ else
+ sd.check_runs.push_back (cr);
+ return sd.json ();
+ };
+ }
+ string ci_github::
+ details_url (const build& b) const
- return nullptr;
+ return options_->host () +
+ "/@" + b.tenant +
+ "?builds=" + mime_url_encode (b.package_name.string ()) +
+ "&pv=" + b.package_version.string () +
+ "&tg=" + mime_url_encode (b.target.string ()) +
+ "&tc=" + mime_url_encode (b.target_config_name) +
+ "&pc=" + mime_url_encode (b.package_config_name) +
+ "&th=" + mime_url_encode (b.toolchain_version.string ());
optional<string> ci_github::